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Increased human water use combined with climate change have aggravated water scarcity from the regional to global scales. However, the lack of spatially detailed datasets limits our understanding of the historical water use trend and its key drivers. Here, we present a survey-based reconstruction of China's sectoral water use in 341 prefectures during 1965 to 2013. The data indicate that water use has doubled during the entire study period, yet with a widespread slowdown of the growth rates from 10.66 km3⋅y-2 before 1975 to 6.23 km3⋅y-2 in 1975 to 1992, and further down to 3.59 km3⋅y-2 afterward. These decelerations were attributed to reduced water use intensities of irrigation and industry, which partly offset the increase driven by pronounced socioeconomic development (i.e., economic growth, population growth, and structural transitions) by 55% in 1975 to 1992 and 83% after 1992. Adoptions for highly efficient irrigation and industrial water recycling technologies explained most of the observed reduction of water use intensities across China. These findings challenge conventional views about an acceleration in water use in China and highlight the opposing roles of different drivers for water use projections.Human infection by Zika virus (ZIKV) during pregnancy can lead to vertical transmission and fetal aberrations, including microcephaly. Prophylactic administration of antibodies can diminish or prevent ZIKV infection in animal models, but whether passive immunization can protect nonhuman primates and their fetuses during pregnancy has not been determined. Z004 and Z021 are neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to domain III of the envelope (EDIII) of ZIKV. Together the two antibodies protect nonpregnant macaques against infection even after Fc modifications to prevent antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in vitro and extend their half-lives. Here we report on prophylactic coadministration of the Fc-modified antibodies to pregnant rhesus macaques challenged three times with ZIKV during first and second trimester. The two antibodies did not entirely eliminate maternal viremia but limited vertical transmission, protecting the fetus from neurologic damage. Thus, maternal passive immunization with two antibodies to EDIII can shield primate fetuses from the harmful effects of ZIKV. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.Most people easily learn to recognize new faces and places, and with more extensive practice they can become experts at visual tasks as complex as radiological diagnosis and action video games. Such perceptual plasticity has been thoroughly studied in the context of training paradigms that require constant fixation. In contrast, when observers learn under more natural conditions, they make frequent saccadic eye movements. Here we show that such eye movements can play an important role in visual learning. Observers performed a task in which they executed a saccade while discriminating the motion of a cued visual stimulus. Additional stimuli, presented simultaneously with the cued one, permitted an assessment of the perceptual integration of information across visual space. Consistent with previous results on perisaccadic remapping [M. Szinte, D. Jonikaitis, M. Rolfs, P. Cavanagh, H. Deubel, J. Neurophysiol. 116, 1592-1602 (2016)], most observers preferentially integrated information from locations representing the presaccadic and postsaccadic retinal positions of the cue. With extensive training on the saccade task, these observers gradually acquired the ability to perform similar motion integration without making eye movements. Importantly, the newly acquired pattern of spatial integration was determined by the metrics of the saccades made during training. These results suggest that oculomotor influences on visual processing, long thought to subserve the function of perceptual stability, also play a role in visual plasticity.A significant fraction of the glycerophospholipids in the human body is composed of plasmalogens, particularly in the brain, cardiac, and immune cell membranes. A decline in these lipids has been observed in such diseases as Alzheimer's and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Plasmalogens contain a characteristic 1-O-alk-1'-enyl ether (vinyl ether) double bond that confers special biophysical, biochemical, and chemical properties to these lipids. However, the genetics of their biosynthesis is not fully understood, since no gene has been identified that encodes plasmanylethanolamine desaturase (E.C., the enzyme introducing the crucial alk-1'-enyl ether double bond. The present work identifies this gene as transmembrane protein 189 (TMEM189). Inactivation of the TMEM189 gene in human HAP1 cells led to a total loss of plasmanylethanolamine desaturase activity, strongly decreased plasmalogen levels, and accumulation of plasmanylethanolamine substrates and resulted in an inability of these cells to form labeled plasmalogens from labeled alkylglycerols. Transient expression of TMEM189 protein, but not of other selected desaturases, recovered this deficit. PHA-767491 TMEM189 proteins contain a conserved protein motif (pfam10520) with eight conserved histidines that is shared by an alternative type of plant desaturase but not by other mammalian proteins. Each of these histidines is essential for plasmanylethanolamine desaturase activity. Mice homozygous for an inactivated Tmem189 gene lacked plasmanylethanolamine desaturase activity and had dramatically lowered plasmalogen levels in their tissues. These results assign the TMEM189 gene to plasmanylethanolamine desaturase and suggest that the previously characterized phenotype of Tmem189-deficient mice may be caused by a lack of plasmalogens. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has spread rapidly throughout the planet. It is believed to have originated in the Wuhan province of China, but this highly contagious respiratory virus has spread to over 140 countries on 6 continents as of mid-March 2020 according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Worldwide, there have been over 164,000 cases identified and over 6,500 deaths attributed to the viral infection. As of March 15, 2020, there are over 3,700 confirmed cases and 68 deaths ascribed to Covid-19 (the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2) in the United States [https//].The formation of translationally inactive 70S dimers (called 100S ribosomes) by hibernation-promoting factor (HPF) is a widespread survival strategy among bacteria. Ribosome dimerization is thought to be reversible, with the dissociation of the 100S complexes enabling ribosome recycling for participation in new rounds of translation. The precise pathway of 100S ribosome recycling has been unclear. We previously found that the heat-shock GTPase HflX in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is a minor disassembly factor. Cells lacking hflX do not accumulate 100S ribosomes unless they are subjected to heat exposure, suggesting the existence of an alternative pathway during nonstressed conditions. Here, we provide biochemical and genetic evidence that two essential translation factors, ribosome-recycling factor (RRF) and GTPase elongation factor G (EF-G), synergistically split 100S ribosomes in a GTP-dependent but tRNA translocation-independent manner. We found that although HflX and the RRF/EF-G pair are functionally interchangeable, HflX is expressed at low levels and is dispensable under normal growth conditions. The bacterial RRF/EF-G pair was previously known to target only the post-termination 70S complexes; our results reveal a new role in the reversal of ribosome hibernation that is intimately linked to bacterial pathogenesis, persister formation, stress responses, and ribosome integrity. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.Major depression is a prevalent affective disorder characterized by recurrent low mood. It presumably results from stress-induced deteriorations of molecular networks and synaptic functions in brain reward circuits of genetically susceptible individuals through epigenetic processes. Epigenetic regulator microRNA-15b inhibits neuronal progenitor proliferation and is upregulated in the medial prefrontal cortex of mice that demonstrate depression-like behavior, indicating the contribution of microRNA-15 to major depression. Using a mouse model of major depression induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS), here we examined the effects of microRNA-15b on synapses and synaptic proteins in the nucleus accumbens of these mice. The application of a microRNA-15b antagomir into the nucleus accumbens significantly reduced the incidence of CUMS-induced depression and reversed the attenuations of excitatory synapse and syntaxin-binding protein 3 (STXBP3A) /vesicle-associated protein 1 (VAMP1) expression. In contrast, the injection of a microRNA-15b analog into the nucleus accumbens induced depression-like behavior as well as attenuated excitatory synapses and STXBP3A/VAMP1 expression similarly to the downregulation of these processes induced by the CUMS. We conclude that microRNA-15b-5p may play a critical role in chronic stress-induced depression by decreasing synaptic proteins, innervations and activities in the nucleus accumbens. We propose that the treatment of anti-microRNA-15b-5p may convert stress-induced depression into resilience. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.Site-specific arrest of RNA polymerases (RNAPs) is fundamental to several technologies that assess RNA structure and function. Current in vitro transcription "roadblocking" approaches inhibit transcription elongation by blocking RNAP with a protein bound to the DNA template. One limitation of protein-mediated transcription roadblocking is that it requires the inclusion of a protein factor that is extrinsic to the minimal in vitro transcription reaction. In this work, we developed a chemical approach for halting transcription by Escherichia coli RNAP. We first established a sequence-independent method for the site-specific incorporation of chemical lesions into double-stranded DNA templates by sequential PCR and translesion synthesis. We then show that interrupting the transcribed DNA strand with either an internal desthiobiotin-triethylene glycol modification or 1,N6-etheno-2'-deoxyadenosine base efficiently and stably halts Escherichia coli RNAP transcription. By encoding an intrinsic stall site within the template DNA, our chemical transcription roadblocking approach enables the display of nascent RNA molecules from RNAP in a minimal in vitro transcription reaction. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.The arrangement of functionally related genes in operons is a fundamental element of how genetic information is organized in prokaryotes. This organization ensures coordinated gene expression by co-transcription. However, often alternative genetic responses to specific stress conditions demand the discoordination of operon expression. During cold temperature stress, accumulation of the gene encoding the sole Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp (DEAD)-box RNA helicase in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, crhR (slr0083), increases 15-fold. Here, we show that crhR is expressed from a dicistronic operon with the methylthiotransferase rimO/miaB (slr0082) gene, followed by rapid processing of the operon transcript into two monocistronic mRNAs. This cleavage event is required for and results in destabilization of the rimO transcript. Results from secondary structure modeling and analysis of RNase E cleavage of the rimO-crhR transcript in vitro suggested that CrhR plays a role in enhancing the rate of the processing in an auto-regulatory manner.

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