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In Japan, the general medicine category includes various specialties "family physician," "hospitalist," and "hospital family physician." These specialties can be illustrated from two perspectives for an easy understanding of their characteristics.Introduction Foreign body (FB) ingestion either accidental or intentional is a common clinical scenario encountered by general surgeons. This article reports a single surgeon's experience of endoscopic retrieval of foreign bodies from the upper gastrointestinal (UGI) tract. Methods A retrospective analysis of data of all the patients who underwent endoscopic management for foreign body removal by a single surgeon in a tertiary care hospital in southern India between 2015 and 2020 was conducted. Patient variables in terms of age, sex, type of foreign body, its location in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the time between ingestion and presentation, the time between presentation and endoscopy, treatment outcomes were reviewed. Results A total of 97 patients were studied. The age range of the patients studied was one month to 71 years. Males were predominant (n=64, 65.97%). The most common retrieved foreign body were coins (n=31, 31.9%). The most common site of foreign body lodgment was the esophagus (n=75, 77.31%), with the upper third esophagus (n=38; 39.37%) being the predominant site. HexamethoniumDibromide The success rate of endoscopic retrieval in our study was 97%. No procedure-related complications were encountered in any patient. Endoscopic management failed in two patients who ultimately required surgical intervention. Conclusion Endoscopic retrieval of foreign bodies in the UGI tract is a safe and effective modality. Early endoscopy in such patients avoids surgical intervention and reduces morbidity.

Refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or hesitancy is a global threat. Hence, reducing vaccine hesitancy is the next challenge for policymakers and the healthcare system. However, people trust healthcare professionals more than any other source of information. Accordingly, planning for an effective process and competent healthcare professional to elicit and address the patient's concerns is an imperative measure. This quality improvement project aimed to improve physicians' COVID-19 vaccine advice to reduce vaccine hesitancy.

The study used judgmental sampling and involved 665 hesitant patients over 19 weeks. The team utilized the Plan-Do-Study-Act method to implement COVID-19 vaccine physicians' reminders and upgrades physicians' communication skills to conduct an effective tailored communication that addresses the patient's concerns toward COVID-19 vaccines. The team used pre-post design to evaluate the impact of counseling on the hesitancy rate of patients before and after the intervention over time.e the COVID-19 vaccine counseling rate and introducing tailored communication would reduce the hesitancy rate. Nevertheless, the study was constrained by a lack of information on the impact of social media and national measures on patients' decisions. Additional studies with more emphasis on other patients' behavior determinants are necessary.Introduction Few studies have highlighted the correlation between shoulder dislocation and keratoconus (KC). This study aimed to examine the association between KC and shoulder dislocation using patients with KC and matched controls. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted at Jordan University Hospital. We included patients diagnosed with KC from Jordan University Hospital's Ophthalmology Department between 2015 and 2018. link2 We also included age- and sex-matched controls recruited randomly from fitness centers and shopping malls. All participants had complete ophthalmic and orthopedic assessments. KC was diagnosed by clinical examination followed by Pentacam (Scheimpflug Images, Oculyzer, WaveLight, Alcon, USA) confirmation. Results A total of 238 patients, with a mean age of 29.53 (±11.20) years, were included in this study. They were 144 (60.5%) men and 94 (39.5%) women. Moreover, 120 (50.4%) had KC while 118 (49.6%) did not have KC. Only 11 (4.6%) patients had previous shoulder dislocation. We did not find a significant difference in the frequency of shoulder dislocation between patients with and without KC (p = 0.512). Conclusion This study provides further evidence on the lack of association between shoulder dislocation and KC, an association that was presumed due to shared collagen characteristics.Primary liver cancer is a challenging global health concern with an estimated more than a million persons to be affected annually by the year 2025. The commonest type is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which has been increasing in incidence the world over, mostly due to chronic viral hepatitis B infection. In the last decade, paradigm changes in the etiology, understanding of molecular biology, and pathogenesis, including the role of gut microbiota; medical and surgical treatments, and outcome trends are notable. The application of omics-based technology has helped us unlock the molecular and immune landscape of HCC, through which novel targets for drug treatment such as immune-checkpoint inhibitors have been identified. Novel tools for the surveillance and diagnosis of HCC include protein-, genomics-, and composite algorithm-based clinical/biomarker panels. Magnetic resonance imaging-based novel techniques have improved HCC diagnosis through ancillary features that enhance classical criteria while positron emission tomography has shown value in prognostication. Identification of the role of gut microbiota in the causation and progression of HCC has opened areas for novel therapeutic research. A select group of patients still benefit from modified surgical and early interventional radiology treatments. Improvements in radiotherapy protocols, identification of parameters of futility among radiological interventions, and the emergence of novel first-line systemic therapies that include a combination of antiangiogenic and immune-checkpoint inhibitors have seen a paradigm change in progression-free and overall survival. The current review is aimed at providing exhaustive updates on the etiology, molecular biology, biomarker diagnosis, imaging, and recommended treatment options in patients with HCC.Background and objective The annual incidence of suicide by hanging in Australia and New Zealand has increased in the past decade, and a significant number of these individuals are becoming organ donors. The rates of organ donation following deaths from hanging is unknown and the characteristics of this cohort of donors have not been described in the literature. In light of this, we aimed to examine the trends in organ donation from individuals who had died from hanging, based on the solid organ donor data from the Australia and New Zealand Organ Donation (ANZOD) Registry. Methods We conducted a retrospective study that analyzed the ANZOD Registry donor data (2006-2015) to describe the characteristics of solid organ donors who had died by hanging (post-hanging group); these characteristics were compared to those of individuals who died by all other causes (non-hanging group). Results During the study period, the number and proportion of donors who died by suicide from hanging increased. Of the 4,024 consentedde care to patients and to families of individuals in this challenging group, where organ donation potential is high. Further investigations are required to determine which aspects of healthcare influence the donation rates in individuals who have died by hanging and the outcomes related to transplanted organs.Histoid leprosy is a type of multibacillary leprosy that has unique clinical and histological characteristics. Some consider it to be an entity of its own, whereas others view it as a variant of lepromatous leprosy. Histoid leprosy can either occur 'de-novo', or secondarily in patients who relapse after dapsone monotherapy or in the presence of dapsone resistance. Here is a case that presented with clinical features of histoid leprosy but also with classic histologic features of lepromatous leprosy, deeming it very distinctive and unusual.Keratocysts, which are benign cystic lesions that usually arise in the jawbones, particularly the mandible, can rarely occur in the skin and soft tissues. Odontogenic keratocysts, which are keratocysts in the jaw, are considered hallmarks of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS). In contrast, cutaneous keratocysts (CKCs), which can occur in association with NBCCS, are rare. To date, only a few studies have reported CKCs arising independently of NBCCS. Herein, we report a rare case of CKC in the scalp of a 49-year-old female patient without the clinical features of NBCCS, intending to increase awareness of this rare presentation among pathologists who encounter cutaneous cystic lesions in daily practice.Chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) is a common pathology that typically affects the elderly. It is believed to occur due to injury to the dural border cells, which creates an inflammation/proliferation reaction. Ineffective repair leads to the formation of a new external layer of cells and fragile capillaries, which damage easily and can worsen the condition. Conventionally, asymptomatic cSDH is managed by observation, and symptomatic cases are treated by surgical evacuation. Unfortunately, recurrence rates of the SDH following surgical evacuation can be high. One treatment option for SDH involves embolization of the middle meningeal artery (MMA). The MMA provides blood supply to the dura mater and feeds the membrane capillaries covering the SDH. MMA embolization blocks the blood flow to this system and can promote hematoma resolution. In this paper, we review the existing literature on MMA embolization and discuss the underlying pathophysiology of cSDH.Polycystic liver disease is a rare clinical condition that causes portal hypertension. It constitutes a group of disorders with liver lesions resulting from abnormal development of the embryological ductal system. Isolated polycystic disease with the absence of polycystic kidney disease is considered a rare condition. We present the case of a 46-year-old man who presented with epigastric pain and episodes of hematemesis. Abdominal examination revealed enlarged liver. He underwent a computed tomography scan that revealed innumerable cystic liver lesions with the presence of ascites. Further investigations confirmed abnormal liver functions and portal hypertension. Physicians need to consider this diagnosis in the appropriate clinical settings. Extensive involvement of the liver may lead to persistent severe symptoms requiring liver transplantation.

The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic generated by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The primary infection site is mucosal surfaces, mainly the lungs and the intestine, where epithelial cells can be infected. COVID-19 has spread throughout the world, causing millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of confirmed infections. link3 Despite the global spread of SARS-CoV-2, there are extreme differences between countries in mortality rates and confirmed infections.

Pearson correlations and a t-test were performed on data from 137 countries in order to test the correlation between number of deaths from diarrheal diseases (pre-COVID-19 pandemic data) as a marker for countries' sanitation level, and the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths per million.

It was found that countries' prevalence of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths per million are statistically correlated with their sanitation level.

The hypothesis proposed in this article is that the low mortality rates from COVID-19 in countries where the level of sanitation is low are due to fecal-oral infection of the population by SARS-CoV-2, rather than infection of the respiratory system.

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