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Nonresonant second harmonic generation (SHG) phase and amplitude measurements obtained from the silica-water interface at varying pH values and an ionic strength of 0.5 M point to the existence of a nonlinear susceptibility term, which we call χX(3), that is associated with a 90° phase shift. Including this contribution in a model for the total effective second-order nonlinear susceptibility produces reasonable point estimates for interfacial potentials and second-order nonlinear susceptibilities when χX(3) ≈ 1.5χwater(3). A model without this term and containing only traditional χ(2) and χ(3) terms cannot recapitulate the experimental data. The new model also provides a demonstrated utility for distinguishing apparent differences in the second-order nonlinear susceptibility when the electrolyte is NaCl versus MgSO4, pointing to the possibility of using heterodyne-detected SHG to investigate ion specificity in interfacial processes.DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification involving the transfer of a methyl group to cytosine residues of a DNA molecule. Altered DNA methylation of certain genes is associated with several diseases including cancer. Nanomaterials, such as graphene oxide (GO), offer great potential as sensing elements for methylated DNA (mDNA) detection due to their distinct properties. Understanding molecular interactions between mDNA and GO can make provision for developing a universal cancer screening test. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density functional theory (DFT) calculation have been employed for investigating their detailed macro- and microscale interactions. Based upon the MD simulation, different adsorption levels of methylated and unmethylated DNAs on GO were represented by a contacting surface area (CSA), which depends on surrounding conditions (in water or a MgCl2 solution). In water, the CSAs of the methylated and unmethylated single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) were ≈13 and ≈5 nm2, respectively, representing more preferable adsorption on GO for the methylated ssDNA. In the presence of divalent ions (Mg2+), the CSAs of both methylated and unmethylated DNA molecules were ≈8 nm2, suggesting that there was no significant difference in adsorption in a saline solution. To reveal the electrical property of GO covered by either methylated or unmethylated DNA, its electronic structure was investigated by the DFT calculation. The energy gaps of pristine graphene (pG) and GO adsorbed by 5-methylcytosine (5mC) were 1.6 and 12.9 meV, respectively, while cytosine adsorption resulted in lower energy gaps (1.2 meV for pG and 9.5 meV for GO). When comparing methylated DNA-covered GO with that covered with unmethylated DNA, remarkable differences in electrical conductivity, which were caused by the electronic structure of GO, were observed. These findings will provide a new route for an efficient detection method of DNA methylation, which can further be used to develop a universal cancer test.Maytenus ilicifolia or "Espinheira-Santa" is a renowned Brazilian medicinal plant usually used against intestinal and stomach ulcers. Other species with similar thorny leaves have raised great confusion in order to discern the authentic M. ilicifolia. Misidentifications can lead to product adulteration of authentic M. ilicifolia with other species, which can be found on the Brazilian market. The intake of misclassified herbal products potentially could be fatal, demanding faster reliable fingerprinting-based classification methods. In this study, the use of 1H HR-MAS NMR metabolomics fingerprinting and principal component analysis (PCA) allowed an evaluation of the authenticity for both collected and commercial M. ilicifolia samples, from the content of the flavanol, (-)-epicatechin (2), by observing variations in metabolic patterns. Plant specimen types from cultivated and natural habitats were analyzed by considering seasonal and topological differences. The interand intraplant topological metabolic profiles were found to be affected by seasonal and/or ecological trends such as sunlight, shade, rain, and the presence of pathogens. Moreover, several commercial samples, labeled as M. ilicifolia, were evaluated, but most of these products were of an inadequate quality.Understanding the interaction between living cells and a tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) gate electrode is important for controlling cell adhesion and functions when developing a cultured-cell-gate field-effect transistor biosensor. In this study, we evaluate the cell adhesion characteristics of the Ta2O5 membrane without or with a polydopamine (pDA) coating for chondrocytes, which is expected as a treatment for improving biocompatibility. As a result, the native and pDA-modified Ta2O5 membranes are shown to have the appropriate surface tension (35-40 dyn/cm) for the adhesion of chondrocytes owing to the contribution of surface tension to not only the nonspecific adsorption of serum proteins as the scaffold of chondrocytes but also the maintenance of the conformation of serum proteins. In particular, the serum proteins adhere more efficiently to the native Ta2O5 membrane than to the pDA-modified ones owing to the relatively smaller surface tension of the native Ta2O5 membrane; as a result, the proliferation and production of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen and proteoglycans by chondrocytes are clearly enhanced on the native Ta2O5 membrane. Thus, the native Ta2O5 membrane shows superior performance for the chondrocyte culture on it compared with the pDA-modified ones.This work introduces a technology that combines fluorescence anisotropy decay with microscale-volume viscometry to investigate the compaction and dynamics of ribosome-bound nascent proteins. Protein folding in the cell, especially when nascent chains emerge from the ribosomal tunnel, is poorly understood. Previous investigations based on fluorescence anisotropy decay determined that a portion of the ribosome-bound nascent protein apomyoglobin (apoMb) forms a compact structure. This work, however, could not assess the size of the compact region. The combination of fluorescence anisotropy with microscale-volume viscometry, presented here, enables identifying the size of compact nascent-chain subdomains using a single fluorophore label. Our results demonstrate that the compact region of nascent apoMb contains 57-83 amino acids and lacks residues corresponding to the two native C-terminal helices. These amino acids are necessary for fully burying the nonpolar residues in the native structure, yet they are not available for folding before ribosome release. Therefore, apoMb requires a significant degree of post-translational folding for the generation of its native structure. In summary, the combination of fluorescence anisotropy decay and microscale-volume viscometry is a powerful approach to determine the size of independently tumbling compact regions of biomolecules. This technology is of general applicability to compact macromolecules linked to larger frameworks.Herein, a dual nickel/ruthenium strategy is developed for photoinduced decarboxylative cross-coupling between α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acids and cycloketone oxime esters. The reaction mechanism is distinct from previous photoinduced decarboxylation of α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acids. This reaction might proceed through a nickelacyclopropane intermediate. The C(sp2)-C(sp3) bond constructed by the aforementioned reaction provides an efficient approach to obtaining various cyanoalkyl alkenes, which are synthetically valuable organic skeletons in organic and medicinal chemistry, under mild reaction conditions. The protocol tolerates many critical functional groups and provides a route for the modification of complex organic molecules.Controlling droplet deposition with a minute amount of polymer additives is of profound practical importance in a wild range of applications. Previous work ascribed the relevant mechanisms to extensional viscosity, normal stress, wetting properties, etc., but the mechanism remains controversial. In this paper, we employ molecular dynamics simulations systematically for the first time to investigate the origin of rebound suppression for dilute polymer solution droplets on a flat superhydrophobic substrate. The results demonstrate that polymer-substrate interactions and impact velocities dominate the antirebound phenomenon. For low impact velocities, the dynamic characteristics of droplets are insensitive to polymer additives. However, large impact velocities will enhance the stretch behavior of polymer chains and make the chains closer to the substrate, increasing the probability of polymer molecules contacting the bottom substrate. With the cooperation of strong polymer-substrate interactions, polymer molecules can be absorbed easily by the bottom substrate, resisting the retraction process and leading to the onset of the antirebound behavior.The primary event occurring during the E-to-Z photoisomerization reaction of retinal protonated Schiff base (rPSB) is single-to-double bond inversion. In this work we examine the nuclear dynamics that occurs when the initial excited state is a superposition of the S1 and S2 electronic excited states that might be created in a laser experiment. Estradiol cell line The nuclear dynamics is dominated by double bond inversion that is parallel to the derivative coupling vector of S1 and S2. Thus, the molecule behaves as if it were at a conical intersection even if the states are nondegenerate.The Navier slip condition describes the motion of a liquid relative to a neighboring solid surface, with its characteristic Navier slip length being a constitutive property of the solid-liquid interface. Measurement of this slip length is complicated by its small magnitude, expected to be in the nanometer range based on molecular simulations. Here, we report an experimental technique that interrogates the Navier slip length on individual nanoparticles immersed in liquid with subnanometer precision. Proof-of-principle experiments on individual, citrate-stabilized, gold nanoparticles in water give a constant slip length of 2.7 ± 0.6 nm (95% C.I.), independent of particle size. Achieving this feature of size independence is central to any measurement of this constitutive property, which is facilitated through the use of individual particles of varying radii. This demonstration motivates studies that can now validate the wealth of existing molecular simulation data on slip.Obtaining accurate and reproducible free energies from molecular simulations is somewhat tricky due to incomplete knowledge of crucial slow degrees of freedom leading to hidden barriers that can stymie sampling. Employing a sufficiently large number of collective variables (CV) and ensuring ergodic sampling in orthogonal CV space, perhaps via tempering methods, can reduce these issues to some extent. For complex systems with high-dimensional free energy landscapes, both these approaches become computationally expensive. For high-dimensional landscapes, efficient exploration can be enabled by using temperature-accelerated MD (TAMD) and identification and characterization of minimum free energy pathways connecting minima can be found by using the string method (SM). Both TAMD and SM use mean-force estimates from finite MD simulations and are thus susceptible to sampling restrictions from hidden variables. A recent development in parallel tempering methods, "generalized replica exchange solute tempering" (gREST), can enhance sampling at a reasonable computational cost with its flexibility to target very specific "solutes" which can include arbitrary independent variables.

Autoři článku: Mirandabullock1009 (Whittaker Pitts)