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o remarkable bladder histopathological findings had less favorable treatment outcomes compared to those who did.

The emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria drives the search for alternative antimicrobial therapies. Bacteriocins represent a potential alternative to antibiotic treatment. In contrast to antibiotics, bacteriocins are peptides or proteins that have relatively narrow spectra of antibacterial activities and are produced by a wide range of bacterial species. Bacteriocins of

are historically classified as microcins and colicins, and, until now, more than 30 different bacteriocin types have been identified and characterized.

We performed bibliographical searches of online databases to review the literature regarding bacteriocins produced by

with respect to their occurrence, bacteriocin role in bacterial colonization and pathogenicity, and application of their antimicrobial effect.

The potential use of bacteriocins for applications in human and animal medicine and the food industry includes (i) the use of bacteriocin-producing probiotic strains, (ii) recombinant production in plants and application in food, and (iii) application of purified bacteriocins.

The potential use of bacteriocins for applications in human and animal medicine and the food industry includes (i) the use of bacteriocin-producing probiotic strains, (ii) recombinant production in plants and application in food, and (iii) application of purified bacteriocins.

Eczema, allergic rhinitis, and asthma are traditionally considered atopic (or allergic) diseases. They are complex, multifactorial, and are caused by a variety of different mechanisms, which result in multiple heterogeneous clinical phenotypes. Atopic march is usually interpreted as the sequential development of symptoms from eczema in infancy, to asthma, and then allergic rhinitis.

The authors reviewed the evidence on the multimorbidity of eczema, asthma, and rhinitis, and the implication of results of data-driven analyses on the concept framework of atopic march. A literature search was conducted in the PubMed and Web of Science for peer-reviewed articles published until July 2020. Application of Bayesian machine learning framework to rich phenotypic data from birth cohorts demonstrated that the postulated linear progression of symptoms (atopic march) does not capture the heterogeneity of allergic phenotypes.

Eczema, wheeze, and rhinitis co-exist more often than would be expected by chance, but theie for peer-reviewed articles published until July 2020. Application of Bayesian machine learning framework to rich phenotypic data from birth cohorts demonstrated that the postulated linear progression of symptoms (atopic march) does not capture the heterogeneity of allergic phenotypes. Expert opinion Eczema, wheeze, and rhinitis co-exist more often than would be expected by chance, but their relationship can be best understood in a multimorbidity framework, rather than through atopic march sequence. The observation of their co-occurrence does not imply any specific relationship between them, and certainly not a progressive or causal one. It is unlikely that a sngle mechanism such as allergic sensitization underpins different multimorbidity manifestations.

Previously, many studies investigated the association between CYP19 rs2414096(G > A) and susceptibility to develop PCOS. However, results had been inconsistent. Therefore, our systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to identify the association between CYP19 rs2414096 and PCOS risk.

A systematic literature search was done from database PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Cochrane Library up to July 15 2020 and statistical analysis was performed by RevMan5.3.

A total of seven studies comprised of 1414 PCOS cases and 1276 controls were included in the current meta-analysis. The pooled analysis showed that overall, there is a significant association between CYP19 rs2414096(G > A) and risk of PCOS (OR = 0.74, 95% CI= 0.62-0.88,

 = .0008). In dominant model, GG + AG vs GG and recessive genetic model AA vs AG + GG found a significant association (OR = 1.60,95% CI = 1.10-2.31,

 = .01; OR = 0.65,95% CI = 0.45-0.93,

 = .02) respectively which indicates that GG phenotype might be risk factoiation was found with Indian population. Conclusion Present meta-analysis studies indicate that CYP19 rs2414096 is associated with PCOS risk and important in pathogenesis of PCOS for many populations but for Indian population more studies are required as Indian population comprises of various subpopulations genetically isolated since long.Background High job demands and low job resources may cause job strain and eventually result in burnout. However, previous research has generally ignored the roles of time and self-regulation. Objectives This theoretical article synthesizes the literature to propose a multilevel model that delineates how acute job strain translates into enduring and severe job burnout. Methods We integrate self-regulation perspectives in job demands-resources (JD-R) theory to propose that short-term job strain and eventually enduring burnout is the result of consistently high job demands and low job resources - combined with failed self-regulation. Results The model shows that when employees are confronted with increased job strain, they are more likely to use maladaptive self-regulation strategies, such as coping inflexibility and self-undermining. In addition, when job strain increases, employees are less likely to use adaptive self-regulation strategies, such as job stress recovery and job crafting. It follows that when the job becomes more stressful, stable resources become more important. Organizational resources such as human resource practices and healthy leadership may help employees to regulate their short-term fatigue and avoid enduring burnout. selleck compound Furthermore, key personal resources like emotional intelligence and proactive personality may help employees to recognize and regulate their fatigue in an effective way. Conclusion The proposed model of burnout expands JD-R theory and offers important practical implications for the prevention and reduction of burnout.

Autoři článku: Mchughkaae8768 (Cassidy Forsyth)