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The alpine meadow ecosystem, as the main ecosystem of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has been heavily degraded over the past several decades due to overgrazing and climate change. Although soil microorganisms play key roles in the stability and succession of grassland ecosystems, their response to grassland degradation has not been investigated at spatial scale. Here, we systematically analyzed the spatial turnover rates of soil prokaryotic and fungal communities in degraded and undegraded meadows through distance-decay relationship (DDR) and species area relationship (SAR), as well as the community assembly mechanisms behind them. Although the composition and structure of both fungal and prokaryotic communities showed significant changes between undegraded and degraded meadows, steeper spatial turnover rates were only observed in fungi (Degraded Alpine Meadow β = 0.0142, Undegraded Alpine Meadow β = 0.0077, P less then 0.05). Mantel tests indicated that edaphic variables and vegetation factors showed significant correlations to the β diversity of fungal community only in degraded meadow, suggesting soil and vegetation heterogeneity both contributed to the variation of fungal community in that system. Correspondingly, a novel phylogenetic null model analysis demonstrated that environmental selection was enhanced in the fungal community assembly process during meadow degradation. Interestingly, dispersal limitation was also enhanced for the fungal community in the degraded meadow, and its relative contribution to other assembly process (i.e. selection and drift) showed a significant linear increase with spatial distance, suggesting that dispersal limitation played a greater role as distance increased. Our findings indicated the spatial scaling of the fungal community is altered during meadow degradation by both niche selection and dispersal limitation. This study provides a new perspective for the assessment of soil microbial responses to vegetation changes in alpine areas.Our study evaluates differences in the distribution and ecology of genetic variants within several ecologically important diatom species that are also key for Water Framework Directive monitoring of European rivers Fistulifera saprophila (FSAP), Achnanthidium minutissimum (ADMI), Nitzschia inconspicua (NINC) and Nitzschia soratensis (NSTS). We used DADA2 to infer amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) of a short rbcL barcode in 531 environmental samples from biomonitoring campaigns in Catalonia and France. ASVs within each species showed different distribution patterns. Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis revealed three ecological groupings of ASVs in both ADMI and FSAP. Two of these in each species were separated by opposite responses to calcium and conductivity. Boosted regression trees additionally showed that both variables greatly influenced the occurrence of these groupings. A third grouping in FSAP was characterized by a negative response to total organic carbon and hence was better represented in waters with higher ecological status than the other FSAP ASVs, contrasting with what is generally assumed for the species. In the two Nitzschia species, our analyses confirmed earlier studies NINC preferred higher levels of calcium and conductivity. Our findings suggest that the broad ecological tolerance of some diatom species results from overlapping preferences among genetic variants, which individually show much more restricted preferences and distributions. This work shows the importance of studying the ecological preferences of genetic variants within species complexes, now possible with DNA metabarcoding. The results will help reveal and understand biogeographical distributions and facilitate the development of more accurate biological indexes for biomonitoring programmes.This work provides an evaluation of the emission factors (EFs) of typical garden waste burning (fallen leaves and hedge trimming) in terms of particulate matter (PM), elemental and organic carbon (EC-OC) together with a detailed chemical characterization of 88 particle-bound organic species including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), levoglucosan and its isomers, lignin breakdown products (methoxyphenols), cholesterol, alkanes, polyols and sugars. Furthermore, wood-log based burning experiments have been performed to highlight key indicators or chemical patterns of both, green waste and wood burning (residential heating) sources, that may be used for PM source apportionment purposes. Two residential log wood combustion appliances, wood stove (RWS) and fireplace, under different output conditions (nominal and reduced) and wood log moisture content (mix of beech, oak and hornbeam), have been tested. Open wood burning experiments using wood logs were also performed. Green waste burning EFs obtained were ce, for a clear discrimination of both sources in ambient air.In this study, the occurrence, spatial distribution, potential sources, mass inventory, and ecological risk assessment of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in surface sediments from the lower Yangtze River were investigated based on field and laboratory assays conducted in November 2019. The total concentrations of 13 target PFAAs (∑PFAAs) ranged from 13.83 to 20.33 ng/g dw, and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) were predominant in the surface sediments with average concentrations of 2.89 and 4.07 ng/g dw, respectively. Ulixertinib The ∑PFAAs concentrations in pore-water ranged from 23.30 to 58.81 ng/L, and PFOA and PFOS were predominant with mean concentrations of 6.29 and 5.04 ng/L, respectively. The profiles of PFAAs composition in surface sediments showed limited difference. Results of fugacity model revealed that PFOS was in relative equilibrium, whereas PFOA exhibited a diffusion trend from sediments to water body. Correlation analysis and positive matrix factorization demonstrated that the main sources of ∑PFAAs were electroplating and fast-food packaging, degradation products and textile, mixed sources, and PFOA-based products. The mass inventory of ∑PFAAs was estimated to be 1680.72 kg, and the results of ecological risk assessments based on equilibrium partition and species sensitivity distribution methods suggested that the hazards of PFAAs in sediments to local aquatic organisms are low. However, the evaluation methods and control measures of PFAAs in surface sediments are still limited, requiring further research.Critical assessment of spatio-temporal variations in pollution levels is a crucial step for identifying and prioritizing air pollution hotspots (APH) in urban areas. There is no universally accepted methodology for defining and delineating air pollution hotspot which can be source-specific, pollutant-specific and time-specific. The present research article is an attempt to develop a protocol for identifying APH for any pollutant within a city where-in three criteria-based innovative methodology has been derived. The three criteria are frequency of exceedance (% of days), scale of exceedance and consistency in exceedance (consecutive number of days) to the specified standards that need to be met continuously for at least three years. The suggested methodology has been applied on a three-year database (2018-2021) of 37 continuous ambient air quality stations to identify PM2.5 specific APH. The analysis indicates 11 APH in April, 9 in May, 2 in June and almost the entire city during the October-February months. Given prioritization of implementation of control actions, the identified APH during summer has been further physically examined to map source activity types and their suitability for ambient air quality monitoring stations as per the guidelines. The APH can be the priority areas for the implementation of control actions by urban local bodies. The management of air pollution at these priority areas would be more effective instead of city-scale management practice, which is difficult to implement and monitor.Acetic acid is an organic acid of great importance globally and the demand of this product is currently increasing. The production of this acid has consequently aroused more and more interest over the years, especially for more sustainable processes. From a biological point of view, acetic acid can be produced by acetogenesis using inorganic substrates like CO2 or CO (with acetogenic bacteria) and aerobic fermentation (with acetic acid bacteria or fungi). With the aim of investigating the progress of technological innovation, the methodology applied by this review was an analysis of the international patents with the Espacenet platform, which ensured a worldwide invention overview. Another criterion was the selection of a precise period of time, from 1990 to 2020. A patent review is able to create an overview of the inventions designed for the real scale implementation, providing a whole picture of the state of the art of the technological innovation change. In addition, the most representative works of literature, that consider the influence of operating conditions (T, pH, oxygenation), have been analysed for each process. The present review, with an innovative approach focused on the technological innovation change, highlighted the ongoing interest for acetic acid bioproduction by acetogenic and acetic acid bacteria. The number of patents related to acetic acid bacteria was consistent also in the past years, but recently the interest is moving forward the utilization of genetic engineering (36% of the patents) and new substrates, like agriculture waste (26% of the patens), responding to circular economy principles. On the other hand, the acetic acid production by acetogenic bacteria is most recent, with over the 90% of the patents developed in the last 10 years. In this case the interest is mainly focused on the use of synthesis gas as substrate, that could increase the process sustainability.In this study, real-time measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) was conducted at an urban site in Changzhou, a typical corridor city in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region in China, by Proton-Transfer-Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) during 2019 China International Import Expo (CIIE) episode. An improved method based on Air Quality Index (AQI) value is applied to identify polluted and clean periods. Diurnal pattern of VOC levels revealed elevated photochemical reactivity during polluted periods. Five VOC sources were identified by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model, including secondary formation (22.71 ± 12.33%), biogenic (21.50% ± 11.76%), solvent usage (20.50 ± 10.07%), vehicle exhaust (18.32 ± 8.32%), and industrial process and fuel usage (16.96 ± 13.21%). The mean contribution of vehicular exhaust was 10.84% higher during the nighttime than the daytime under polluted days. The biogenic source contributed more during clean periods, while the secondary formation presented the opposite. Spatial analysis displayed that the VOC concentration was higher in the S and SSE. In terms of the regional transport, short-distance air masses from the northeast and the south within the YRD region led to high VOC levels and biogenic VOC derived from the ocean might affect the entire region. Stringent emission control policies enforced over the YRD for 2019 CIIE provided an excellent opportunity to determine the source-receptor response. As joint control area, the VOC level of Changzhou exhibited a substantial reduction and the VOC amounts emitted by solvent usage showed the biggest decrease (-58%). The findings of this study highlight the superiority of high time-resolved data in identifying the dynamic variation pattern (with the change of time and wind) of VOC levels and emission intensities.

Autoři článku: Mayedwards8932 (Sharma Povlsen)