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The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) and chromosomal abnormalities. The study included 5211 women having attended our unit for fetal anatomic screening and fetal echocardiography from August 2016 until February 2019. After diagnosing ARSA, prenatal invasive testing was discussed with the patients. ARSA affected fetus was determined in 57 cases; of these, there were 38 cases of isolated ARSA and 19 cases of non-isolated ARSA but associated with soft markers and fetal anomalies. Nineteen patients underwent amniocentesis; Down syndrome was determined in two women, both of them from the non-isolated ARSA group, with fetal hydrops, atrioventricular septal defect and esophageal atresia. Fifteen of 38 patients who declined prenatal diagnostic testing, accepted karyotype analysis after delivery and none of these 15 cases had chromosomal abnormalities. Identification of ARSA should be followed by detailed ultrasound examination to ensure that there are no accompanying soft markers and/or structural defects. Isolated ARSA may not be an indication for karyotype analysis or 22q11.2 microdeletions. Non-ARSA implies a strong predictor of aneuploidy, and when additional findings are detected, invasive testing should be offered to the parents. The association between isolated ARSA and genetic disease should be evaluated in large powered prospective studies.The main goal of this study was to compare the results of computer aided detection (CAD) analysis in screening mammography with the results independently obtained by two radiologists for the same samples and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of CAD for breast lesions. A total of 436 mammograms were analyzed with CAD. For each screening mammogram, the changes in breast tissue recognized by CAD were compared to the interpretations of two radiologists. The sensitivity and specificity of CAD for breast lesions were calculated using contingency table. The sensitivity of CAD for all lesions was 54% and specificity 16%. CAD sensitivity for suspicious lesions only was 86%. CAD sensitivity for microcalcifications was 100% and specificity 45%. CAD mainly 'mistook' glandular parenchyma, connective tissue and blood vessels for breast lesions, and blood vessel calcifications and axillary folds for microcalcifications. In this study, we confirmed CAD as an excellent tool for recognizing microcalcifications with 100% sensitivity. However, it should not be used as a stand-alone tool in breast screening mammography due to the high rate of false-positive results.The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of combined intravitreal bevacizumab and triamcinolone in the treatment of macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion. A prospective randomized trial was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology, Osijek University Hospital Centre in Osijek including 51 patients divided into three groups depending on the drug received. The first group received 1.25 mg intravitreal bevacizumab, the second group received 1 mg intravitreal triamcinolone, and the third group received a combination of 1.25 mg bevacizumab and 1 mg intravitreal triamcinolone on the same day. Changes in the central macular thickness, intraocular pressure and visual acuity were monitored during the follow up period. The retinal perfusion status was evaluated by fluorescein angiography. The group that received combined treatment had better outcome in terms of reduction of macular thickness. There was no statistically significant intraocular pressure elevation among the three treatment groups or within each group of patients. A positive trend regarding visual improvement was observed in the group receiving combined treatment in spite of the lowest initial visual acuity, highest value of macular thickness and longest mean duration of symptoms. In conclusion, combined treatment with bevacizumab and triamcinolone for the treatment of retinal vein occlusion is more potent, safe, efficient and cost-effective. It can also be recommended because fewer injections are needed in patients undergoing treatment for macular edema.Introduction of foreign cargo into the targeted living cell with high transfection efficiency and high cell viability is an important mean for many biological and biomedical research purpose. Here, we have demonstrated a newly developed Titanium oxide micro-flower structure (TMS) for intracellular delivery. The TMS were formed on titanium (Ti) substrate using an electrochemical anodization process. The TMS consists of branches of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes, which play an important role in efficient cargo delivery. Tezacaftor Due to nanosecond pulse laser exposure, Ti substrate heat-up, generating cavitation bubbles. These bubbles can rapidly grow, coalesce, and collapse to induce explosion resulting in very strong fluid flow through the TiO2 nanotubes and disrupt the cell plasma membrane promoting the delivery of biomolecules into cells. Using this platform, we successfully deliver dyes with 93% efficiency and nearly 98% cell viability into HCT cells, and this technique is potentially applicable for cellular therapy and diagnostics.Narcissism can manifest in a grandiose form - admiration-seeking, exhibitionism, and dominance - or a vulnerable form - anxiety, withdrawal, and hypersensitivity. While grandiose narcissism is conceptually in line with an independent self-construal, as prevalent in Western countries, the vulnerable form can be assumed to relate more to an interdependent self-construal, as prevalent in Eastern countries. We studied both forms of narcissism in Germany and Japan (Ns = 258, 280), which differ fundamentally in their independent and interdependent self-construal, yet are similar regarding global developmental standards. We tested whether (1) mean differences in both narcissism forms would conform to the predominant self-construal, (2) self-construal would explain variance in narcissism beyond broad personality traits, and (3) there would be stronger mental health tradeoffs for culturally incongruent forms of narcissism. Our results largely confirm these expectations for vulnerable narcissism, which is (1) more prevalent in Japan than Germany, (2) related to self-construal beyond broad traits, and, (3) more strongly related to mental health problems in Germany than Japan.

Autoři článku: Mathisgaarde5658 (Hildebrandt Timmermann)