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Twenty-two marker-trait associations were found to be novel in the current study. These results will be very useful for crop improvement programs using marker-assisted cotton breeding.Spot blotch (SB) of wheat is emerging as a major threat to successful wheat production in warm and humid areas of the world. SB, also called leaf blight, is caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, and is responsible for high yield losses in Eastern Gangetic Plains Zone in India. More recently, SB is extending gradually toward cooler, traditional wheat-growing North-Western part of the country which is a major contributor to the national cereal basket. Deployment of resistant cultivars is considered as the most economical and ecologically sound measure to avoid losses due to this disease. In the present study, 89 backcross introgression lines (DSBILs) derived from Triticum durum (cv. PDW274-susceptible) × Aegilops speltoides (resistant) were evaluated against SB for four consecutive years, 2016-2020. Phenotypic evaluation of these lines showed a continuous variation in disease severity indicating that the resistance to SB is certainly quantitative in nature. Phenotypic data of DSBILs were further used for mapping QTLs using SNPs obtained by genotyping by sequencing. To identify QTLs stable across the environments, Best Linear Unbiased Estimates (BLUEs) and Predictions (BLUPs) were used for mapping QTLs based on stepwise regression-based Likelihood Ratio Test (RSTEP-LRT) for additive effect of markers and single marker analysis (SMA). Five QTLs, Q.Sb.pau-2A, Q.Sb.pau-2B, Q.Sb.pau-3B, Q.Sb.pau-5B, and Q.Sb.pau-6A, linked to SB resistance were mapped across chromosomes 2A, 2B, 3B, 5B, and 6A. Genes found adjacent to the SNP markers linked to these QTLs were literature mined to identify possible candidate genes by studying their role in plant pathogenesis. Further, highly resistant DSBIL (DSBIL-13) was selected to cross with a susceptible hexaploidy cultivar (HD3086) generating BC2F1 population. The QTL Q.Sb.pau-5B, linked to SNP S5B_703858864, was validated on this BC2F1 population and thus, may prove to be a potential diagnostic marker for SB resistance.Heterosis is most frequently manifested as the superior performance of a hybrid than either of the parents, especially under stress conditions. Nitric oxide (NO) is a well-known gaseous signaling molecule that acts as a functional component during plant growth, development, and defense responses. In this study, the Brassica napus L. hybrid (F1, NJ4375 × MB1942) showed significant heterosis under salt stress, during both germination and post-germination periods. These phenotypes in the hybrid were in parallel with the better performance in redox homeostasis, including alleviation of reactive oxygen species accumulation and lipid peroxidation, and ion homeostasis, evaluated as a lower Na/K ratio in the leaves than parental lines. Meanwhile, stimulation of endogenous NO was more pronounced in hybrid plants, compared with parental lines, which might be mediated by nitrate reductase. Proteomic and biochemical analyses further revealed that protein abundance related to several metabolic processes, including chlorophyll biosynthesis, proline metabolism, and tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism pathway, was greatly suppressed by salt stress in the two parental lines than in the hybrid. The above responses in hybrid plants were intensified by a NO-releasing compound, but abolished by a NO scavenger, both of which were matched with the changes in chlorophyll and proline contents. It was deduced that the above metabolic processes might play important roles in heterosis upon salt stress. Taken together, we proposed that heterosis derived from F1 hybridization in salt stress tolerance might be mediated by NO-dependent activation of defense responses and metabolic processes.Intercellular signaling during embryo patterning is not well understood and the role of symplasmic communication has been poorly considered. The correlation between the symplasmic domains and the development of the embryo organs/tissues during zygotic embryogenesis has only been described for a few examples, including Arabidopsis. How this process occurs during the development of somatic embryos (SEs) is still unknown. The aim of these studies was to answer the question do SEs have a restriction in symplasmic transport depending on the developmental stage that is similar to their zygotic counterparts? The studies included an analysis of the GFP distribution pattern as expressed under diverse promoters in zygotic embryos (ZEs) and SEs. The results of the GFP distribution in the ZEs and SEs showed that 1/the symplasmic domains between the embryo organs and tissues in the SEs was similar to those in the ZEs and 2/the restriction in symplasmic transport in the SEs was correlated with the developmental stage and was similar to the one in their zygotic counterparts, however, with the spatio-temporal differences and different PDs SEL value between these two types of embryos.Understanding the roles played by geography and ecology in driving species diversification and in the maintenance of species cohesion is the central objective of evolutionary and ecological studies. The multi-phased orogenesis of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and global climate changes over late-Miocene has profoundly influenced the environments and evolution of organisms in this region and the vast areas of Asia. In this study, we investigate the lineage diversification of Chrysanthemum-group in subtribe Artemisiinae (tribe Anthemideae, Asteraceae) likely under the effects of climate changes during this period. Using DNA sequences of seven low-copy nuclear loci and nrITS and the coalescent analytical methods, a time-calibrated phylogeny of subtribe Artemisiinae was reconstructed with emphasis on Chrysanthemum-group. The monophyletic Chrysanthemum-group was well resolved into two major clades corresponding to Chrysanthemum and Ajania, two genera which can be well identified by capitulum morphology but have been intermingled in previous plastid and ITS trees. Within Chrysanthemum, a later divergence between Ch. indicum-complex and Ch. zawadskii-complex can be recognized. The time frames of these sequential divergences coincide with the late Cenozoic uplift of the Northern QTP and the concomitant climatic heterogeneity between eastern and inland Asia. Reconstruction of historical biogeography suggested the origin of Chrysanthemum-group in Central Asia, followed by eastward migration of Chrysanthemum and in situ diversification of Ajania. Within Chrysanthemum, Ch. indicum-complex and Ch. zawadskii-complex exhibited contemporary distributional division, the former in more southern and the latter in more northern regions. The geographic structure of the three lineages in Chrysanthemum-group have been associated with the niche differentiation, and environmental heterogenization in Asia interior.Rice is the most versatile model for cereals and also an economically relevant food crop; as a result, it is the most suitable species for molecular characterization of Fe homeostasis and biofortification. Recently there have been significant efforts to dissect genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with Fe translocation into rice grains; such information is highly useful for Fe biofortification of cereals but very limited in other species, such as maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Given rice's centrality as a model for Poaceae species, we review the current knowledge on genes playing important roles in Fe transport, accumulation, and distribution in rice grains and QTLs that might explain the variability in Fe concentrations observed in different genotypes. More than 90 Fe QTLs have been identified over the 12 rice chromosomes. From these, 17 were recorded as stable, and 25 harbored Fe-related genes nearby or within the QTL. Among the candidate genes associated with Fe uptake, translocation, and loading into rice grains, we highlight the function of transporters from the YSL and ZIP families; transporters from metal-binding molecules, such as nicotianamine and deoxymugineic acid; vacuolar iron transporters; citrate efflux transporters; and others that were shown to play a role in steps leading to Fe delivery to seeds. Finally, we discuss the application of these QTLs and genes in genomics assisted breeding for fast-tracking Fe biofortification in rice and other cereals in the near future.Leaf chlorophyll content is an important indicator of the growth and photosynthesis of maize under water stress. The promotion of maize physiological growth by (AMF) has been studied. However, studies of the effects of AMF on the leaf chlorophyll content of maize under water stress as observed through spectral information are rare. In this study, a pot experiment was carried out to spectrally estimate the leaf chlorophyll content of maize subjected to different durations (20, 35, and 55 days); degrees of water stress (75%, 55% and 35% water supply) and two inoculation treatments (inoculation with Funneliformis mosseae and no inoculation). Three machine learning algorithms, including the back propagation (BP) method, least square support vector machine (LSSVM) and random forest (RF) method, were used to estimate the leaf chlorophyll content of maize. The results showed that AMF increased the leaf chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize but decreased the intercellular carbon dioxide concentration (Ci) of maize and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) regardless of the water stress duration and degree. The first-order differential spectral data can better reflect the correlation between leaf chlorophyll content and spectrum of inoculated maize when compared with original spectral data. The BP model performed bestin modeling the maize leaf chlorophyll content, yielding the largest R 2-values and smallest root mean square error (RMSE) values, regardless of stress duration. These results provide a reliable basis for the effective monitoring of the leaf chlorophyll content of maize under water stress.The emergence of the carnivory syndrome and traps in plants is one of the most intriguing questions in evolutionary biology. In the present study, we addressed it by comparative transcriptomics analysis of leaves and leaf-derived pitcher traps from a predatory plant Nepenthes ventricosa × Nepenthes alata. Pitchers were collected at three stages of development and a total of 12 transcriptomes were sequenced and assembled de novo. In comparison with leaves, pitchers at all developmental stages were found to be highly enriched with upregulated genes involved in stress response, specification of shoot apical meristem, biosynthesis of sucrose, wax/cutin, anthocyanins, and alkaloids, genes encoding digestive enzymes (proteases and oligosaccharide hydrolases), and flowering-related MADS-box genes. At the same time, photosynthesis-related genes in pitchers were transcriptionally downregulated. read more As the MADS-box genes are thought to be associated with the origin of flower organs from leaves, we suggest that Nepenthes species could have employed a similar pathway involving highly conserved MADS-domain transcription factors to develop a novel structure, pitcher-like trap, for capture and digestion of animal prey during the evolutionary transition to carnivory. The data obtained should clarify the molecular mechanisms of trap initiation and development and may contribute to solving the problem of its emergence in plants.

Autoři článku: Lindahlmcneill4336 (Mcconnell Haastrup)