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In the future, we will study more effective stabilizer materials and select plants highly rich in mercury, to develop low-cost and high-repair-rate remediation technology. China has also developed a series of policies, regulations, and regulatory documents to manage mercury pollution, such as the Agricultural Land Standard and the Construction Land Standard. Compared with other countries, the screening values for soil mercury in China are relatively low. China has also established control standards for methylmercury in soils of residential and industrial land. In addition, China has issued emission standards and control notices related to the mercury industry. However, there are still shortcomings in soil remediation technology and environmental management systems for mercury pollution in China. In the future, China will formulate standards according to local conditions and improve the responsibility mechanism, financial mechanism, and level of public participation.In this study, we investigated the potentials of nanomaterials to enhance anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process, in terms of nitrogen removal, microbial enrichment, and activity of key enzymes. Graphene nanosheets (GNs) and γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) were selected due to their catalytic functions as conductive material and electron shuttles, respectively. The obtained results revealed that the optimum dosage of GNs (10 mg/L) boosted the nitrogen removal rate (NRR) by 46 ± 3.1% compared to the control, with maximum NH4+-N and NO2--N removal of 86.5 ± 2.7% and 97.1 ± 0.5%, respectively. Moreover, hydrazine dehydrogenase (HDH) enzyme activity was augmented by 1.1-fold when using 10 mg/L GNs. The presence of GNs promoted the anammox granulation via enhancement of hydrophobic interaction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Regarding the use of γ-Fe2O3 NPs, 100 mg/L dose increased NRR by 55 ± 3.8%; however, no contribution to HDH enzyme activity and a decrease in EPS compositions were observed. Given that the abiotic use of γ-Fe2O3 NPs further resulted in high adsorption efficiency (~92%), we conclude that the observed promotion due to γ-Fe2O3 NPs was mainly abiotic. Moreover, the 16S rRNA analysis revealed that the relative abundance of genus C. Jettenia (anammox related bacteria) increased from 11.9% to 12.3% when using 10 mg/L GNs, while declined to 8.3% at 100 mg/L γ-Fe2O3 NPs. Eventually, nanomaterials could stimulate the efficiency of anammox process, and this promotion and associated mechanism depend on their dose and composition.Mangrove forests worldwide are threatened environments considered vulnerable to chronic contamination by hydrophobic contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These ecosystems have a key role in the dynamics of biogenic and anthropogenic carbon storage and provide proper conditions for accumulation. One of most important subtropical mangrove swamps in the South Atlantic is located in the Paranaguá Estuarine System (PES), the largest bay of South Brazil surrounded by well-preserved Atlantic rainforests; however, the PES is under imminent risks of damage, e.g., due to incidental oil spills during port operations. In this scenario, PAHs were assessed for the first time in the mangrove sediments of the PES. The concentrations of 16 priority PAHs (EPA) ( less then DL - 234.3 ng g-1, 36 samples) were higher than those observed in previous studies for bottom sediments and had a similar order of magnitude as those for other human-impacted mangroves but were lower than those of other heavily impacted mangroves. A moderate level of anthropic contamination was observed, and the main probable sources of PAHs were navigation and domestic effluents. Bulk parameters (TOC/TN ratio and δ13C) showed the estuarine land-sea gradient and helped define the preferential sites of PAH deposition due to its correlation with TOC and fine sediments. Marine hydrodynamics and/or dilution processes had a major influence on PAH distribution, resulting in higher concentrations in the inner/sheltered areas of the estuary and lower values in the outer zone of the estuary with higher hydrodynamic energy. The environmental features and anthropogenic forcing of the PES added to the relative absence of a detailed evaluation of the levels of and environmental risks posed by PAHs in other subtropical mangrove ecosystems located in the Southern Hemisphere, reinforcing the importance of the current study.Understanding the roles and regional differences associated with cleaner production (CP) and end-of-pipe treatment (ET) can provide valuable information for the reduction of pollutant emissions. Considering the differences of these impact pathways, this paper proposes a two-stage decomposition method for investigating the contributions of CP and ET to the reduction of pollutant emissions. This two-stage method enhances the accuracy and obtainable detail of the decomposition results. Then, empirical research was conducted by decomposing the changes of China's industrial sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions during 2005-2015. At the national level, CP and ET both decreased Chinese SO2 emissions, and CP has become the dominant approach for SO2 emission reduction in 2010-2015. Moreover, coal pollution intensity and treatment strength are key factors that need to be improved in CP and ET, respectively. At the provincial level, CP exerts a stronger impact on SO2 emission differences among different regions, while ET exerts less impact on SO2 emission differences among different regions. Based on the decomposition results, this paper presents targeted policy implications.The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) not only affected health and economics, but also its effect extended to include other aspects, such as the environment. Using Egypt as a case study, this paper presents the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on air pollution levels by studying nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), particulate matter represented in absorbing aerosol index (AAI), carbon monoxide (CO), and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The paper also highlights the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on other environmental indicators including environmental noise, medical and municipal solid wastes. The paper presents the Egyptian COVID-19 story from its different angles including the development of confirmed COVID-19 cases, containment measures from the government, the impact on the country's economy and the national energy consumption so as to effectively evaluate the effect on both the air pollution levels and the other studied environmental indicators. For the other environmental indicators, a strong link was O2 decreased by 15 and 33% over Cairo and Alexandria governorates, respectively, and that the CO decreased by about 5% over both governorates. In addition, the GHG emissions in Egypt were reduced by at least 4% during the pandemic. In contrast, ozone levels increased by about 2% over Cairo and Alexandria governorates. It can be concluded that the implemented containment measures during COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in both positive and negative environmental impacts. The positive environmental impacts are not sustainable and deterioration on them is expected to occur after the lockdown as it was before the pandemic. Therefore, stricter laws must be enacted to protect the environment in Egypt.Improving air quality is an era task for China to transform its economic development model and enhance its environmental governance capabilities. This article take the Chinese government's Three-year Action Plan to Win the Blue Sky Defense War (abbreviated as the Blue Sky Defense War) as a quasi-natural experiment and use regression discontinuity design (RDD) to evaluate the governance effect of this policy. The study found that the Blue Sky Defense War reduced the monthly average concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 in cities by 14.49 and 23.43, respectively. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the Blue Sky Defence War has a more prominent effect on urban air quality management based on PM10 assessment; Jing-Jin-Ji region and surrounding areas are the key points to ensure the achievement of air management. Consistent and effective environmental governance policies, transparent and timely information disclosure and structural adjustment are all powerful guarantees for the effectiveness of the Blue Sky Defense War. These research conclusions provide new ideas for developing countries to formulate practical environmental pollution control policies.Soil respiration (or CO2 production) is often determined by measuring CO2 efflux; however, there are differences between them in saline-alkali soils of arid land. The purpose of this study is to test a hypothesis that CO2 production exceeds efflux in arid saline-alkali soils under organic and gypsum amendments. We conducted a modeling study that was based on a two-year field experiment with four treatments control, gypsum addition, wheat straw incorporation, and gypsum-straw combination. A diffusion model was forced by soil CO2, temperature and moisture that were continuously recorded at 0, 8 and 15 cm, and calibrated by measured CO2 efflux. We then applied the model to calculate CO2 production and efflux over 2014-2015, and found a strong and similar seasonality in both CO2 production and efflux under all treatments (i.e., highest in summer with one peak in 2014 and two peaks in 2015). Our results showed enhanced CO2 production and efflux over short period following rainfall. CW069 There were significantly exponential relationships between CO2 production/efflux and temperature. While straw incorporation significantly increased CO2 production and efflux, straw incorporation combined with gypsum amendment caused a decrease in CO2 production and efflux. CO2 production exceeded CO2 efflux mainly in the first half year, and annual difference was 33-130 g C m-2, with larger differences under gypsum amendment. Our study implies that a portion of respired CO2 is transformed into other forms and stored in saline-alkaline soils in arid land.Pharmaceutical pollution has emerged as a highly concerned issue due to its adverse effects. Elevated concentrations of pharmaceuticals in water should be regulated to satisfy the requirement for the provision of clean water. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with high specific surface area, controllable porous structure, and facile modification can serve as promising adsorbents for the removal of pharmaceutical contaminants from water. In this review, a selected collection illustrating the reliable strategies and concepts to prepare the MOFs-based materials with superior water stability is described. In addition, recent progress on the adsorptive removal of pharmaceutical pollutant using burgeoning and functional MOFs is also summarized in terms of maximum capacity, equilibrium time, and regenerate ability. Meanwhile, to understand the adsorption mechanism, related interactions including coordination with unsaturated site, pore-filling effect, hydrogen bonding, electrostatic, and π-π stacking are further discussed. Finally, critical perspectives/assessment of future research emphasising on fabricating desirable MOFs and establishing structure-property relationships to facilitate capture performance are identified.

Autoři článku: Juhlfeldman2117 (McQueen Branch)