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Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) is a treatment modality to overcome maxillary constrictions. During the procedure of transverse expansion, unwanted asymmetries can occur. This retrospective study investigates the transverse expansion behavior of the maxilla utilizing a simulation-driven SARME with targeted bone weakening.

Cone beam computer tomographies of 21 patients before (T1) and 4 months after treatment (T2) with simulation-driven SARME combined with a transpalatal distractor (TPD) and targeted bone weakening were superimposed. The movements of the left, right, and frontal segments were evaluated at the modified WALA ridge, mid root level, and at the root tip of all upper teeth. Linear and angular measurements were performed to detect dentoalveolar changes.

Dentoalveolar changes were unavoidable, and buccal tipping of the premolars (6.1° ± 5.0°) was significant (p < 0.05). Transverse expansion in premolar region was higher (6.13 ± 4.63mm) than that in the molar region (4.20 ± 4.64mm). Expansion of left and right segments did not differ significantly (p > 0.05).

Simulation-driven SARME with targeted bone weakening is effective to achieve symmetrical expansion in the transverse plane.

Simulation-driven targeted bone weakening is a novel method for SARME to achieve symmetric expansion. Dental side effects cannot be prohibited.

Simulation-driven targeted bone weakening is a novel method for SARME to achieve symmetric expansion. Dental side effects cannot be prohibited.

To introduce the application of venous nerve conduit in the immediate repair and reconstruction of facial nerve in parotid gland tumor.

Three patients with parotid gland tumor in Sichuan Provincial Cancer Hospital were reviewed. All patients were found that the tumor encased and invaded the facial nerve which was difficult to be separated during the operation when all patients were treated with facial nerve repair and reconstruction with the venous nerve conduit trapping technique.

After 1-year follow-up, all patients recovered well in facial nerve function.

The venous nerve conduit trapping technique is an effective attempt in the immediate repair and reconstruction of facial nerve in parotid gland tumor, but it needs to be further confirmed by multiple studies.

The venous nerve conduit trapping technique is an effective attempt in the immediate repair and reconstruction of facial nerve in parotid gland tumor, but it needs to be further confirmed by multiple studies.

To investigate the clinical utility of q-Powders-a retronasal identification screening test.

A total of 156 subjects (92 females, mean age 54.5years ± 17.3years) completed a3-item q-Powders retronasal identification test and a 16-items Sniffin' Sticks orthonasal identification test. We analyzed whether the q-Powders test could differentiate between subjects with normosmia and subjects with an olfactory disorder.

Our data indicated that subjects with an olfactory disorder scored lower in the q-Powders test than subjects with normosmia. The analyses revealed q-Powders test sensitivity of 84% and atest specificity of 64.9% with a score of 2 points taken as a cutoff for olfactory disorders.

The 3-item q-Powders retronasal test may be used for screening purposes in clinical research.



Limited literature exists on primary external auditory canal (EAC) cholesteatoma (EACC). Here, we focus on the clinical features of this rare disease, especially the invasive patterns of lesion progression, through a large population study and present simple and practical staging.

In all, 276 patients (male 99; female 177; mean age 41.3 ± 21years; ears 301) with primary EACC were retrospectively analyzed. Stage I indicated EACC without bony lesions, stage II indicated invasion confined within EAC, stage III indicated invasion beyond the EAC involving mastoid air cells or tympanic cavity, but within the temporal bone, and stage IV indicated invasion beyond the temporal bone.

In all, 41, 219, 40, and 1 ear with Stage I, II, III, and IV lesions were found, respectively. Common clinical symptoms were hearing loss (237 ears, 78.7%), otalgia (221 ears, 73.4%), and otorrhea (85 ears, 28.2%). The mean air conduction and air-bone gaps were 45.4 ± 17.9dB HL and 24.6 ± 15dB HL, respectively. EACCs were found to invade in all directions of the EAC, with the inferior wall (224 ears, 74.4%) > posterior wall (207 ears, 68.8%) > anterior wall (186 ears, 61.8%) > superior wall (86 ears, 28.6%) invasion; multiwall invasions (207 ears) were common; however, inward invasions into the tympanic cavity were rare.

Primary EACCs occurred mostly in women and often unilaterally invaded multiple bony walls in the lower half of the EAC. The present staging reflects the patterns and severity of lesion progression and may be beneficial in treatment planning.

Primary EACCs occurred mostly in women and often unilaterally invaded multiple bony walls in the lower half of the EAC. The present staging reflects the patterns and severity of lesion progression and may be beneficial in treatment planning.

Suicide rates are generally higher in men than in women. Men's higher suicide mortality is often attributed to public-life adversities, such as unemployment. Building on the theory that men's suicide vulnerability is also related to their private-life behaviors, particularly men's low engagement in family carework, this ecological study explored the association between men's family carework, unemployment, and suicide.

Family-carework data for twenty Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries were obtained from the OECD Family Database. Sex-specific age-standardized suicide rates came from the Global Burden of Disease dataset. The association between men's engagement in family carework and suicide rates by sex was estimated, with OECD's unemployment-benefits index and United-Nations' Human Development-Index (HDI) evaluated as controls. The moderation of men's carework on the unemployment-suicide relationship was also assessed.

Overall and sex-specific suicide rates were lowercide-protective potential of men's family carework. They are consistent with evidence that where gender equality is greater, men's and women's well-being, health, and longevity are greater.

Delay in receiving effective treatment for psychosis adversely impacts outcomes. We investigated the timing of the first help-seeking attempt in individuals with recent onset non-affective psychosis by comparing those who sought help during the prodrome to those who sought help after psychosis onset across sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, overall functioning, and occurrence of aversive events during their pathways to care.

Patients were admitted from February 1st, 2014 to January 31st, 2019 to the Program for Specialized Treatment Early in Psychosis (STEP) in New Haven, CT. Psychosis-onset date was ascertained using the Structured Interview for Psychosis-risk Syndromes. Key dates before and after psychosis onset, along with initiators and aversive events, were collected via semi-structured interview.

Within 168 individuals, 82% had their first help-seeking episode after psychosis onset and did not differ in terms of sociodemographic characteristics from prodrome help seekers. When the first help-seeking episode started before (i.e., during prodrome) vs after psychosis onset it was mostly initiated by patients vs family members (Cramer's V = 0.23, p = 0.031) and led to a faster prescription of an antipsychotic once full-blown psychosis emerged (time to antipsychotic since psychosis onset = 21 vs 56days, p = 0.03). No difference in aversive events before STEP enrollment was detected across groups.

Help seeking during the prodrome is associated with faster initiation of antipsychotic treatment and is more likely to be self-initiated, compared to help seeking after psychosis onset. Early detection efforts that target prodromal samples may improve the length and experience of pathways to care.

Help seeking during the prodrome is associated with faster initiation of antipsychotic treatment and is more likely to be self-initiated, compared to help seeking after psychosis onset. Early detection efforts that target prodromal samples may improve the length and experience of pathways to care.Occupational dermatology has become a vibrant and interesting specialty, particularly in recent years. This includes more than hand eczema (HE). The increasing prevalence of atopic dermatitis (AD) has led to an increase of atopic hand eczema which can be worsened in certain occupations. New systemic therapies have improved the range of treatments for HE. The current guideline on hand eczema includes a variety of topical and systemic therapies. Nevertheless, in daily occupational dermatological practice, there are still chronic cases, especially vesicular hand eczema. They can often not be assigned to a clear cause, which is often a problem for those who are affected. In addition, co-factors such as chronic infectious comorbidities and psychological factors/illnesses must be considered. We present challenges in occupational dermatology by reporting special cases.

There are increased surgical considerations when revising total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in active patients. Few studies have assessed if a semi-constrained [Total Stabilized (TS)] prostheses has similar knee biomechanics to a primary posterior stabilized (PS) prosthesis. Saracatinib Src inhibitor The aim was to compare the gait parameters in patients with PS or TS TKA and normal controls.

32 patients with TKA were prospectively included with either a primary PS (n = 15) or a revision TS (n = 17) prosthesis. Gait analysis was performed at 6months postoperatively for each patient, with an optoelectronic knee assessment device (KneeKG®) assessing the displacement of the tibia relative to the femur during the different gait phases (flexion/extension, anterior/posterior translation, adduction/abduction, internal/external rotation). A control group (n = 12) of healthy knees was compared with the TKA groups.

There were no significant kinematic differences between PS and TS groups. The maximum knee flexion during gait was 53° ± 8.1° in the PS group vs 52° ± 8.7° in the TS group. The antero-posterior translation was similar in both group (2.3 ± 0.5mm vs 2.6 ± 0.9mm, respectively). Peak varus angle during loading and swing phase was slightly higher in the TS group (2.7° ± 0.7° and 5.2° ± 0.9°) than in the PS group (2.9° ± 0.6° and 5.6° ± 1.2°), without significant difference. The ranges in internal/external rotation were similar between PS and TS TKA (3.7° ± 0.5° vs 3.3° ± 0.6°, respectively). Both designs approached closely the normal gait patterns of the control group except in the frontal plane.

Single radius TS TKA has gait parameters similar to single radius PS TKA. Use of a single radius TS TKA in revision TKA is not detrimental to a patient's gait pattern. Both designs approached closely the normal gait patterns of the control group.

Prospective, case-control study; Level III.

Prospective, case-control study; Level III.

Autoři článku: Holgersenrisager8223 (Hoff Nielsen)