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the purpose of targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) surgery is to provide more electromyography information for prosthetic control by reconstructing the deconstructed structure between the distal nerve and the stump muscle. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) of denervated muscles or proximal nerve stump after peripheral nerve surgery can effectively promote nerve regeneration and muscle function recovery. This pilot divided SD adult male rats into normal control group, denervation group, TMR group, and FES group according to whether they received TMR surgery and whether they received FES after surgery. The results showed that low-frequency electrical stimulation treatment could effectively promote transplanted nerve regeneration and significantly enhances motor function of target muscles.Clinical Relevance-This experiment successfully established TMR rat models, and explored the recovery of injured neuromuscular function by using electrodes implanted intramuscularly and analyzing myoelectric signals, and the use of low-frequency electrical stimulation treatment had a positive effect on the regeneration of the transplanted nerve.Different neural signal blocking technologies provide potential therapy for various diseases caused by pathological or involuntary neural activities. In this paper, a novel neural signal blocking concept based on spike-trapping principle is introduced. The blocking system was designed and implemented. In the system, a compound action potential was induced by a proximal stimulus, and a blocking signal was generated after a neural signal was detected, which was applied to the distal end of the nerve to block the nerve conduction. The reliability of the system was verified on bullfrog sciatic nerve gastrocnemius muscle specimens. The optimal blocking signal parameters, the relationship between nerve diameter and blocking threshold voltage, and the nerve safety of blocking signals were explored. The experimental results show that the system is possible to block a pathological or involuntary neural signal automatically. The average voltage of block threshold and the minimum pulse width are -1.66 V and 120 ms, respectively. The blocking threshold decreases as the diameter of the nerve increases. The blocking signals at the threshold level are safe for the stimulated nerve.The dynamics of the adjustment of center of pressure (CoP) has been utilized to understand motor control in human pathologies characterized by impairments in postural balance. The control mechanisms that maintain balance can be investigated via the analysis of muscle recruitment using electromyography (EMG) signals. #link# In this work, we combined these two techniques to investigate balance control during upright standing in transfemoral unilateral amputees wearing a prosthesis. The dynamics of the CoP adjustments and EMG-EMG coherence between four muscles of the trunk and lower limb of 5 unilateral transfemoral amputees and 5 age-matched able-bodied participants were quantified during 30 s of quiet standing using the entropic half-life (EnHL) method. Two visual conditions, eyes open and eyes closed, were tested. Overall, the group of amputees presented lower EnHL values (higher dynamics) in their CoP adjustments than controls, especially in their intact limb. The EnHL values of the EMG-EMG coherence time series in the amputee group were lower than the control group for almost all muscle pairs under both visual conditions. Different correlations between the EnHL values of the CoP data and the EMG-EMG coherence data were observed in the amputee and control groups. These preliminary results suggest the onset of distinct neuromuscular adaptations following a unilateral amputation.Clinical Relevance - Understanding neuromuscular adaptation mechanisms after an amputation may serve to design better rehabilitation treatments and novel prosthetic devices with sensory feedback.With the massive growth of the aging population worldwide, of utmost importance is reducing falls. Critical to reducing fall risk is one's ability to weight incoming sensory information towards maintaining balance. The purpose of this research was to investigate if simple, targeted sensory training on aging individuals (50 - 80 years old), including twelve healthy and eight individuals with chronic stroke, could improve their balance. Repeated sensory training targeted visual (via eyesopen/closed) and somatosensory inputs (via light touch to the fingertip as well as hard, soft foam, and hard foam support surfaces to the feet) during standing and dynamic base-ofsupport (BOS) exercises. Study participants underwent six weeks of training. Prior to and post training, standing balance was assessed via a simple, clinical measure the balance error scoring system (BESS). Following several weeks of training, participants showed significant improvements in BESS errors healthy participants for small BOS with limited somatosensory information (i.e., tandem and single-leg standing on foam) and participants with stroke in all conditions.Clinical Relevance- This research study demonstrated that simple, accessible exercises, can positively impact balance in the aging population, a pressing need.Completing motor tasks that require contact is dependent on an ability to regulate the relationship between limb motions and interaction forces with the environment. This can be achieved by exploiting the mechanical properties of a limb or through active regulation of joint torques through changes in muscle activation. Leveraging the mechanical properties of a joint might simplify neural control when they are matched to the functional requirements of a task. The purpose of this study was to determine if humans change their control strategy, relying on limb mechanics rather than regulated muscle activation, when feasible. This was accomplished by measuring ankle impedance and muscle activation strategies in three tasks requiring joint torques to oppose movement, assist movement, or remain constant during movement. We found that subjects produced more torque due to impedance and less torque due to muscle activation in the torque-oppose task, the only task that could feasibly be completed through impedance modulation. link2 These results demonstrate that people do leverage the mechanical properties of a joint to complete certain task, lessening the need for precisely timed muscle contractions.Porcine model constitutes a potential translational model to study traumatic spinal cord injuries (TSCI) considering its recent use in numerous studies. Recovery of the animal is currently monitored through a qualitative evaluation of the gait. Adding a quantitative evaluation might help to better assess the functional recovery of the animal. In this study, a new controlled method involving the use of an electro-magnetic actuator was used on a pig to induce a TSCI. link3 Chronic monitoring was done using a quantitative analysis of the gait. Results show both, the injury of the pig and its functional recovery. This large animal model will help to provide a better understanding of injury and recovery mechanisms and thus could constitute a strong preclinical model for future therapeutic studies.Clinical Relevance- Methodology and results from this study would provide a better insight on the functional recovery after traumatic spinal cord injuries.Ultrasound (US) imaging of muscle has been introduced as a promising sensing modality for assistive device control. Ten able-bodied subjects completed level, incline and decline walking on a treadmill in a motion capture laboratory while wearing reflective markers on upper- and lower-body. A wearable US transducer was affixed to subjects' anterior thigh, and time-intensity features were extracted from transverse US images of the knee extensor muscles. These features were used to train and test Gaussian process regression models for continuous estimation of knee flexion/extension angular velocity. Four regression models were evaluated (1) subject-dependent/task-specific, (2) subject-dependent/pooled-tasks, (3) subject-independent/task-specific, and (4) subject-independent/pooled-tasks. Subject-independent models were "tuned" with up to six strides of the test subject's data to boost performance. A two-factor analysis of variance test was used to assess the effect of each approach on root mean square error (RMSf ambulation.Wearable sensors, such as inertial measurement units (IMU), provide the ability to quantify gait parameters outside of traditional gait laboratory settings. Walking speed has been shown to be associated with morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the ability of a clinician to easily and inexpensively measure gait speed within their clinic or patients' home setting can improve patient management and care. This study highlights multiple methods used to estimate patient walking speeds based only on IMU data and minimal anthropometric data, and identifies the algorithm appearing to be the most robust; one relying on identifying swing phases of gait first.Clinical relevance- Providing a clinician with a simple, inexpensive and reliable protocol for measuring patients' gait speed and other parameters could offer prevention and individualized care.Muscle synergistic contraction to produce force has been recognized as an important neurophysiological mechanism in neuromuscular system. Despite a range of approaches, such as nonnegative matrix factorization or principal component analysis that have been widely used, limitations still exist in analysis of dynamic coordination of multiple muscles. In addition, it is still less studied about the potential difference of muscle dynamic coordination at different force levels during grip and pinch within the same framework. With this aim, this study analyzed the dynamic coordination of multiple upper-limb muscles at low, medium and high force levels during pinch and grip with multiplex recurrence network (MRN). Twenty-four healthy subjects participated in the experiment. Subjects were instructed to grip an apparatus to match the target force as stably as they could for 10 s. Surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals were recorded from 8 upper-limb muscles and analyzed by the MRN. learn more -This study provides a novel analytical tool for muscle coordination during force production, which may facilitate the evaluation of neuromuscular function or serve as indicators for neuromuscular disorders.Most wearable human-machine interfaces concerning hand movements only focus on classifying a limited number of hand gestures. With the introduction of deep learning, surface electromyography based hand gesture classification systems improved drastically. Therefore, it is worth investigating whether the classification can be replaced by a movement regression of all the different movable hand parts. As recurrent neural networks based approaches have proven their abilities of solving the classification problem we also choose them for the regression problem. Experiments were conducted with multiple different network architectures on several databases. Furthermore, due to the lack of a reliable measure to compare different gesture regression approaches we propose an interpretable and reproducible new error measure that can even handle noisy ground truth data. The results reveal the general possibility of regressing detailed hand movements. Even with the relatively simple networks the hand gestures can be regressed quite accurately.

Autoři článku: Gillschofield3834 (Halsey Bishop)