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In collective cell migration, the motion results from forces produced by each cell and transmitted to the neighboring cells and to the substrate. Because inertia is negligible and the migration occurs over long time scales, the cell layer exhibits viscous behavior, where force and motion are connected by an apparent friction that results from the breaking and forming of adhesive bonds at the cell-cell and cell-substrate interfaces. Most theoretical models for collective migration include an apparent friction to connect force and motion, with many models making predictions that depend on the ratio of cell-cell and cell-substrate friction. However, little is known about factors that affect friction, leaving predictions of many theoretical models untested. Here, we considered how substrate stiffness and the number of adhesions affected friction at the cell-substrate interface. The experimental data were interpreted through prior theoretical models, which led to the same conclusion, that increased substrate stiffness increased the number of cell-substrate adhesions and caused increased cell-substrate friction. In turn, the friction affected the collective migration by altering the curvature at the edge of the cell layer. By revealing underlying factors affecting friction and demonstrating how friction perturbs the collective migration, this work provides experimental evidence supporting prior theoretical models and motivates the study of other ways to alter the collective migration by changing friction.The aim of the current study was to evaluate the association between changes in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) over time and risk of incident diabetes mellitus (DM). In total, 3047 subjects without underlying DM were followed up for 14 years from the Anseong-Ansan cohort. NAFLD status was determined biennially using the hepatic steatosis index (HSI), and subjects were clustered into seven groups according to changes in HSI, body mass index (BMI), and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) none, persistent, transient, transient resolved, resolved, incident, and recurrent NAFLD (Groups 1-7, respectively). Predictive abilities were compared between the dynamics of HSI and single time points. Regarding the changes in HSI, the risk of incident DM was highest in Group 2 (hazard ratio [HR] 2.710; P  less then  0.001), followed by Groups 7 (HR 2.062; P  less then  0.001) and 3 (HR 1.559; P = 0.027). The predictive ability for DM was powerful in order of HOMA-IR, HSI and BMI. The dynamics of NAFLD were less predictive of incident DM than single time-point NAFLD. In conclusion, NAFLD is more useful than BMI in predicting incident DM. However, NAFLD status at single time points can better predict incident DM than dynamic changes in HSI.In vitro fertilization is typically associated with high failure rates per transfer, leading to an acute need for the identification of embryos with high developmental potential. Current methods are tailored to specific times after fertilization, often require expert inspection, and have low predictive power. Automatic methods are challenged by ambiguous labels, clinical heterogeneity, and the inability to utilize multiple developmental points. In this work, we propose a novel method that trains a classifier conditioned on the time since fertilization. This classifier is then integrated over time and its output is used to assign soft labels to pairs of samples. The classifier obtained by training on these soft labels presents a significant improvement in accuracy, even as early as 30 h post-fertilization. By integrating the classification scores, the predictive power is further improved. Our results are superior to previously reported methods, including the commercial KIDScore-D3 system, and a group of eight senior professionals, in classifying multiple groups of favorable embryos into groups defined as less favorable based on implantation outcomes, expert decisions based on developmental trajectories, and/or genetic tests.Looking at pictures of loved ones, such as one's romantic partner or good friends, has been shown to alleviate the experience of pain and reduce defensive reactions. However, little is known about such modulatory effects on threat and safety learning and the psychophysiological processes involved. Here, we explored the hypothesis that beloved faces serve as implicit safety cues and attenuate the expression of fear responses and/or accelerate extinction learning in a threatening context. Thirty-two participants viewed pictures of their loved ones (romantic partner, parents, and best friend) as well as of unknown individuals within contextual background colors indicating threat-of-shock or safety. Focusing on the extinction of non-reinforced threat associations (no shocks were given), the experiment was repeated on two more test days while the defensive startle-EMG, SCR, and threat ratings were obtained. Results confirmed pronounced defensive responding to instructed threat-of-shock relative to safety context (e.g., threat-enhanced startle reflex and SCR). Moreover, threat-potentiated startle response slowly declined across test days indicating passive extinction learning in the absence of shocks. Importantly, neither a main effect of face category (loved vs. unknown) nor a significant interaction with threat/safety instructions was observed. Thus, a long-term learning history of beneficial relations (e.g., with supportive parents) did not interfere with verbal threat learning and aversive apprehensions. These findings reflect the effects of worries and apprehensions that persist despite the repeated experience of safety and the pictorial presence of loved ones. How to counter such aversive expectations is key to changing mal-adaptive behaviors (e.g., avoidance or stockpiling), biased risk perceptions, and stereotypes.Despite numerous studies demonstrating the cognitive ability of cephalopods, there is currently no study showing an emotion-like behavior in this group of animals. To examine whether cuttlefish have different internal states, we developed a behavioral paradigm to assess if prior surprised events are able to alter the choice made by cuttlefish. By presenting unexpected food rewards to cuttlefish before the test, we investigated whether the reaction time of choosing between two shrimps, an intuitive response toward the prey without previous learning, at three different levels of discriminative tests (easy, difficult, and ambiguous), are different compared to the one without an unexpected reward. This behavioral paradigm serves to demonstrate whether cuttlefish are aware of ambiguous situations, and their choice outcome and reaction time are dependent of their internal states. The results show that the response latency was significantly shortened in the difficult and ambiguous tests when choosing from two shrimpontext dependent decision making suggests that cuttlefish's foraging strategies are influenced by the previously surprised event and their internal states. It also shows a speed-accuracy tradeoff in difficult and ambiguous situations when foraging for prey. This observation may lead to a future investigation of the presence of emotional state in cephalopods.Soil salinity can severely restrict plant growth. Yet Reaumuria soongorica can tolerate salinity well. However, large-scale proteomic studies of this plant's response to salinity have yet to reported. Here, R. soongorica seedlings (4 months old) were used in an experiment where NaCl solutions simulated levels of soil salinity stress. The fresh weight, root/shoot ratio, leaf relative conductivity, proline content, and total leaf area of R. soongorica under CK (0 mM NaCl), low (200 mM NaCl), and high (500 mM NaCl) salt stress were determined. The results showed that the proline content of leaves was positively correlated with salt concentration. With greater salinity, the plant fresh weight, root/shoot ratio, and total leaf area increased initially but then decreased, and vice-versa for the relative electrical conductivity of leaves. Using iTRAQ proteomic sequencing, 47 177 136 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified in low-salt versus CK, high-salt versus control, and high-salt versus low-salt comparisons, respectively. A total of 72 DEPs were further screened from the comparison groupings, of which 34 DEPs increased and 38 DEPs decreased in abundance. These DEPs are mainly involved in translation, ribosomal structure, and biogenesis. Finally, 21 key DEPs (SCORE value ≥ 60 points) were identified as potential targets for salt tolerance of R. soongolica. By comparing the protein structure of treated versus CK leaves under salt stress, we revealed the key candidate genes underpinning R. soongolica's salt tolerance ability. This works provides fresh insight into its physiological adaptation strategy and molecular regulatory network, and a molecular basis for enhancing its breeding, under salt stress conditions.The mobilization of body reserves during the transition from pregnancy to lactation might predispose dairy cows to develop metabolic disorders such as subclinical ketosis or hyperketonemia. These conditions are not easily identifiable and are frequently related to other diseases that cause economic loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum metabolome differences according to the β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration. Forty-nine Holstein Friesian dairy cows were enrolled between 15 and 30 days in milk. According to their serum BHB concentration, the animals were divided into three groups Group 0 (G0; 12 healthy animals; BHB ≤ 0.50 mmol/L); Group 1 (G1; 19 healthy animals; 0.51 ≤ BHB  less then  1.0 mmol/L); and Group 2 (G2; 18 hyperketonemic animals; BHB ≥ 1.0 mmol/L). Animal data and biochemical parameters were examined with one-way ANOVA, and metabolite significant differences were examined by t-tests. Fifty-seven metabolites were identified in the serum samples. Thirteen metabolites showed significant effects and seemed to be related to the mobilization of body reserves, lipids, amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism, and ruminal fermentation.Covert visual attention is accomplished by a cascade of mechanisms distributed across multiple brain regions. Visual cortex is associated with enhanced representations of relevant stimulus features, whereas the contributions of subcortical circuits are less well understood but have been associated with selection of relevant spatial locations and suppression of distracting stimuli. As a step toward understanding these subcortical circuits, here we identified how neuronal activity in the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (SC) of head-fixed mice is modulated during covert visual attention. We found that spatial cues modulated both firing rate and spike-count correlations. Crucially, the cue-related modulation in firing rate was due to enhancement of activity at the cued spatial location rather than suppression at the uncued location, indicating that SC neurons in our task were modulated by an excitatory or disinhibitory circuit mechanism focused on the relevant location, rather than broad inhibition of irrelevant locations.

Autoři článku: Gertsenbrown7070 (Nymand Coughlin)