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The relative messenger RNA expression ratios of cat, sod1, and gpx were up-regulated significantly in the 1- and 10-mg/L groups and then declined in the 100-mg/L group. Therefore, it can be concluded that nitrite exposure activates the antioxidant defense mechanism of Grass Carp hemocytes and that the balance of oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis will be undermined by higher nitrite doses or longer exposure periods.The contribution of B cells in COVID-19 pathogenesis, beyond the production of specific antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, is still not well understood. Since one of their most relevant functional roles includes their immune-suppressive mechanisms, we decided to evaluate one of the most recognized human B regulatory subpopulations the IL-10+ B10 cells, during COVID-19 onset. After stimulation of PBMCs for IL-10 induction, we employed multiparametric flow cytometry to determine B10 frequencies in severe and critical COVID-19 patients and then correlated those with clinical and laboratory parameters. Compared with healthy individuals, we detected a significant reduction in the B10 subset in both patient groups, which correlates with some inflammatory parameters that define the disease severity. This evidence suggests an aberrant role of B10 cells in immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 that needs to be further explained.Testicular oocytes in wild adult bass (Micropterus spp.) are considered a potential indication of exposure to estrogenic compounds in municipal, agricultural, or industrial wastewater. However, our ability to interpret links between testicular oocyte occurrence in wild fish species and environmental pollutants is limited by our understanding of normal and abnormal gonadal development. We previously reported low-to-moderate testicular oocyte prevalence (7%-38%) among adult male bass collected from Minnesota waters with no known sources of estrogenic compounds. In the present study, two experiments were conducted in which smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) fry were exposed to control water or 17-α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) during gonadal differentiation, then reared in clean water for an additional period. Histological samples were evaluated at several time points during the exposure and grow-out periods, and the sequence and timing of gonadal development in the presence of estrogen were compared with that of control fish. Testicular oocytes were not observed in any control or EE2-exposed fish. Among groups exposed to 1.2 or 5.1 ng/L EE2 in Experiment 1 or 3.0 ng/L EE2 in Experiment 2, ovaries were observed in 100% of fish up to 90 days after exposure ceased, and approximately half of those ovaries had abnormal characteristics, suggesting that they likely developed in sex-reversed males. Groups exposed to 0.1, 0.4, or 1.0 ng/L in Experiment 2 developed histologically normal ovaries and testes in proportions not significantly different from 11. These findings suggest that, while presumably able to cause sex reversal, juvenile exposure to EE2 may not be a unique cause of testicular oocytes in wild bass, although the long-term outcomes of exposure are unknown. Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;411416-1428. © 2022 SETAC. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.PI3K pathway plays a crucial role in dendritic cells (DCs) functions, as it regulates different cellular processes, such as maturation and cytokines production. However, the specific role of PI3K p110δ isoform in human DCs has not been thoroughly addressed. In this study, we analyze the effects of seletalisib, a potent and specific inhibitor of PI3K p110δ, on phenotype and antigen-presenting functions of monocyte-derived DCs undergone maturation via LPS. Seletalisib treatment reduced membrane HLA-DR as well as CD83 and CD40 costimulatory molecules, whereas CD80 and CD86 expression was only partially affected. Additionally, DCs cultures showed reduced TNF-α, IL-10, and IL-12 and increased IL-23 secretion levels. This resulted in a reduced capacity of DCs to prime allogeneic T cells, with a strong decrease of Th1 differentiation. On the other hand, PI3K p110δ inhibitor seletalisib increased CXCR4 and CCR7 expression and augmented the DCs migration toward CCL19 and CXCL12 ligands. At molecular level, inhibition of PI3K p110δ isoform by seletalisib significantly down-regulated the phosphorylation of AKT and other downstream signaling molecules, such as ribosomal protein S6, 4E-BP1, and NF-κB p65. In contrast, seletalisib did not affect p38 MAP kinase phosphorylation or TLR-associated adapter molecule TIRAP in DCs. Our results indicate that PI3K p110δ can serve as an important regulatory signal for DCs, and selective inhibition of PI3K p110δ isoform by seletalisib could be used for the prevention of exaggerated and harmful immune responses occurring in pathologic conditions, such as autoimmune disorders.The International Workshop for Ex-Situ Marine Teleost Nutrition and Health, hosted by Disney's Animals, Science and Environment in conjunction with the Comparative Nutrition Society, brought together over 50 animal experts and scientists representing 20 institutions to review current science and identify challenges of marine teleost nutrition and health. Invited speakers presented critical information and current research topics for areas of emphasis and expertise. Subject matter experts identified knowledge gaps and primary areas of focus to guide the scientific community's research efforts to improve the care of ex situ marine teleosts. The clinical medicine working group highlighted standardized approaches to ante- and postmortem sample collection, diet biosecurity and supplementation, advanced diagnostic methods, and expanded training in fish nutrition. Nutrition identified the creation of a husbandry and feeding management manual, comprehensive feeding program review and design, and specialty feeder/life stage nutrition as areas of focus, while animal husbandry focused on body condition scoring, feed delivery techniques, and behavioral husbandry topics. The physiology and chemistry and water quality working groups discussed components of the aquatic environment and their effects on fish health, including organic matter constituents, microbial diversity, disinfection, and managing microbiota. Finally, we reviewed how epidemiological approaches and considerations can improve our evaluation of aquarium teleost nutrition and health. The goals outlined by each working group and supporting literature discussion are detailed in this communication and represent our goals for the next 3 to 5 years, with the ultimate objective of the workshop being the production of a husbandry manual for marine teleost nutrition and health. Any scientists who feel that their experience, research, or interests align with these goals are invited to participate by contacting the authors.Activated carbon-based amendments have been demonstrated as a means of sequestering sediment-associated organic compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In a 2012 effort, an activated carbon amendment was placed at a 0.5-acre amendment area adjacent to and underneath Pier 7 at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility, Bremerton, Washington, USA to reduce PCB availability. Multiple postplacement monitoring events over a 3-year period showed an 80%-90% reduction in PCBs, stability of activated carbon, and no significant negative impacts to the benthic community. To further evaluate the long-term performance, a follow-on to the approximately 7-year (82-month) postplacement monitoring event was conducted in 2019. The results of in situ porewater and bioaccumulation evaluations were consistent with previous observations, indicating overall PCB availability reductions of approximately 80%-90% from preamendment conditions. Multiple measurement approaches for quantifying activatem 2022;411568-1574. © 2022 SETAC.Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are contaminants of concern due to their widespread occurrence in the environment, persistence, and potential to elicit a range of negative health effects. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are regularly detected in surface waters, but their effects on many aquatic organisms are still poorly understood. Species with thyroid-dependent development, like amphibians, can be especially susceptible to PFAS effects on thyroid hormone regulation. We examined sublethal effects of aquatic exposure to four commonly detected PFAS on larval northern leopard frogs (Rana [Lithobates] pipiens), American toads (Anaxyrus americanus), and eastern tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum). Animals were exposed for 30 days (frogs and salamanders) or until metamorphosis (toads) to 10, 100, or 1000 μg/L of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), or 62 fluorotelomer sulfonate (62 FTS). We determined that chronic exposure to common PFAS can negatively affect amphibian body condition and development at concentrations as low as 10 µg/L. These effects were highly species dependent, with species having prolonged larval development (frogs and salamanders) being more sensitive to PFAS than more rapidly developing species (toads). Our results demonstrate that some species could experience sublethal effects at sites with surface waters highly affected by PFAS. Our results also indicate that evaluating PFAS toxicity using a single species may not be sufficient for accurate amphibian risk assessment. Future studies are needed to determine whether these differences in susceptibility can be predicted from species' life histories and whether more commonly occurring environmental levels of PFAS could affect amphibians. Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;411407-1415. BLU-945 supplier © 2022 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.Missing data are often overcome using imputation, which leverages the entire dataset to replace missing values with informed placeholders. This method can be modified for censored data by also incorporating partial information from censored values. One such modification proposed by Atem et al. (2017, 2019a, 2019b) is conditional mean imputation where censored covariates are replaced by their conditional means given other fully observed information. These methods are robust to additional parametric assumptions on the censored covariate and utilize all available data, which is appealing. However, in implementing these methods, we discovered that these three articles provide nonequivalent formulas and, in fact, none is the correct formula for the conditional mean. Herein, we derive the correct form of the conditional mean and discuss the bias incurred when using the incorrect formulas. Furthermore, we note that even the correct formula can perform poorly for log hazard ratios far from 0 $\mathbf 0$ . We also provide user-friendly R software, the imputeCensoRd package, to enable future researchers to tackle censored covariates correctly.

To improve image quality and accelerate the acquisition of 3D MR fingerprinting (MRF).

Building on the multi-axis spiral-projection MRF technique, a subspace reconstruction with locally low-rank constraint and a modified spiral-projection spatiotemporal encoding scheme called tiny golden-angle shuffling were implemented for rapid whole-brain high-resolution quantitative mapping. Reconstruction parameters such as the locally low-rank regularization parameter and the subspace rank were tuned using retrospective in vivo data and simulated examinations. B

inhomogeneity correction using multifrequency interpolation was incorporated into the subspace reconstruction to further improve the image quality by mitigating blurring caused by off-resonance effect.

The proposed MRF acquisition and reconstruction framework yields high-quality 1-mm isotropic whole-brain quantitative maps in 2 min at better quality compared with 6-min acquisitions of prior approaches. The proposed method was validated to not induce bias in T

and T


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