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An unknown pneumonia outbreak has been reported by hospitals in Wuhan, China, in late December 2019. A public health emergency of international concern announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the January 31, 2020. The virus named by the WHO as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The cases reached (266,073 cases) and deaths (11,184 deaths) globally by the end of March 21, 2020, and considered as a pandemic. By a systemic review, articles and case reports revealed 74 pregnant women for the possibility of vertical transmission of the virus from COVID-19-infected mother to infant. Review also showed that there is no difference between pregnant and nonpregnant regarding clinical manifestations. Concerning the vertical transmission, none of the positive mothers had a positive infant with COVID-19 except 1 case report that showed the infant had positive COVID-19 by the throat swab, yet negative cord blood, placenta, and mother's breast milk.Telemedicine and related e-health facilities facilitate care from a distance through electronic information systems. COVID-19 pandemic is establishing telemedicine in the health care delivery system of countries. Telehealth is contributing significantly in health care delivery during the COVID-19 crisis. For mild-to-moderate symptoms of COVID-19 or any illness, telehealth services might represent a better, efficient way to receive initial care and perform triaging. Telemedicine also has a significant role in screening for COVID-19 symptoms and delivering routine needs and follow-up care. The large-scale adoption of telemedicine in public health care delivery is still not visible in low- and middle-income countries like India. Adoption by patients and healthcare professionals is limited and their concerns need to be addressed to ensure its utilization in future of the care continuum. In the current paper, we aim to review recent measures of Telemedicine adopted during the course of pandemic and its impact on public health in lower-middle income countries like India.The clinical manifestation of COVID-19 is diverse, oscillating from mild flu-like symptoms to more severe outcome, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure, and death. Advanced age and comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, and history of cerebrovascular accidents are reported to have worse outcome. Chronic inflammation by cytokine storm and direct insult to pancreatic by COVID-19 might be postulated mechanisms of inducing or deteriorating diabetes. Individualized patient-centric treatment and optimal blood sugar control should be made based on disease severity, presence of comorbid condition, and complications related to diabetes, age, and other risk factors. Recent clinical trials have shown some hope to anti-interleukin antibody as a potential therapeutic option against COVID-19 especially in people with severe illness.

Lockdown effectively can only result in relative freezing of populations that is expected to slow down the disease spread rather than zeroing it. Flattening of epidemic curve Current analysis was carried out to observe a pattern in the rise of CoVID-19 cases along with concurrent announcements of strategies to control the spread of disease.

Data in from of daily number of cases and issued notifications were studied from the official website of Government of India from 30/01/2020 to 03/05/2020. Qualitative assessment with thematic analysis was carried out for notifications issued by the government. The fit to data on cumulative cases was observed with R

and checked for linearity, logarithmic, polynomial, and exponential growth. Daily growth fraction (G

) was calculated based on the difference between current and previous number of cases, thereafter daily doubling time (T

) was estimated.

Daily reported cases were entered and cumulative growth of cases observed with a polynomial increasing pattern (third-order) with better fit (R

0.999). Total 108 notifications were issued, and as compared to phase-0 and 1 (87.0%), few (12.9%) notifications were issued in phase-2 of study period. As compared to phase-0 and 1, rising trend of cumulative cases and T

was high in phase-2.

Across phases of lockdown along with a rising trend of COVID-19 cases, the country has managed to increase the doubling time of cases with an effort to flatten the epidemic curve.

Across phases of lockdown along with a rising trend of COVID-19 cases, the country has managed to increase the doubling time of cases with an effort to flatten the epidemic curve.India was not born on 15th August. India was always there and will remain so as the 'most ancient living civilization in continuity' free in spirit, despite centuries of colonization. Let us celebrate every day as 'India Day' and contribute towards a better future for all citizens. We are not just a nation or country but a civilization - a cultural biodiversity repository from prehistory to modern times!The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of "Micro Biological Survey - MBS Test" in the enumeration of bacterial load in cow raw milk. The MBS test is based on a colorimetric method recently developed and patented by "Roma Tre" University, Italy. The evaluation of the performance of the MBS method was carried out by comparison with plate count at 30°C (gold standard) and flow cytometry. Thirteen independent set of experiments were performed analyzing a total of 104 samples of cow raw milk with the selected methods. Results obtained using the MBS method are comparable with those obtained with the plate count method at 30°C (CFU/mL) and flow cytometry technology; in particular, the results obtained with the MBS method are very close to plate count's at 30°C. On the other hand, there are statistically significant differences between these two methods' and flow cytometry technology's results that could be due to the different experimental conditions.

Despite the formal establishment of the Health Support Pharmacy system, few community pharmacies have transitioned to this new designation in Japan. Moreover, patients' perspectives on the usefulness of health-support pharmacies and community pharmacies have not yet been investigated. In this work, we investigated patients' attitudes, opinions, and awareness as users of member pharmacies of the Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions (Min-Iren), with respect to two essential functions provided by community pharmacies-primary care and health support-to identify modern challenges facing community pharmacies.

Regular visitors to participating Min-Iren community pharmacies were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire. Responses were compared between users of health-support pharmacies and other pharmacy types, as well as between members and non-members of "collaborating organizations" (CO). CO is organizational partners of Min-Iren whose activities support affiliated facilities. Logistic regreomotional activities among community pharmacy users should further reinforce the primary-care and health-support functions of community pharmacies.

CO members, a class of patients with a superior awareness of health promotion, demonstrated a good understanding of the variety of services provided by community pharmacies and tended to positively rate their pharmacy. Moving forward, efforts to raise awareness about the importance of health-promotional activities among community pharmacy users should further reinforce the primary-care and health-support functions of community pharmacies.

Infertility is a problem affecting a large number of couples in the world. One of the causes of infertility can be chromosomal rearrangements such as insertions. In this case report study, the outcome of two intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles of an infertile woman with de novo chromosomal insertion is explained.

A couple with a 10-year history of infertility referred to our infertility clinic. The husband had a daughter in his first previous marriage. The wife had a 7 and a 10 year history of infertility in the first and second marriages, respectively. In the first marriage, she reported a history of 2 failed intra-uterine insemination (IUI) cycles. In the second marriage, she had a history of 1 spontaneous abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy, 4 failed IUI cycles, and 1 failed ICSI cycle. The couple was subjected to ICSI cycles twice and failed due to embryo development arrest. The couple referred for karyotyping. The husband showed a normal male karyotype. check details In comparison, the wife revealed an abnormal female karyotype with two rearrangements chromosome 13 with an interstitial deletion between bands q14.2 and q21.1, and a derivative chromosome 7 containing this segment of chromosome 7 as an insertion onto short arm at the p14 position.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of insertion 46 XX, ins(713)(p14; q14.2q21.1) which is associated with the embryo development arrest following assisted reproductive technique.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of insertion 46 XX, ins(713)(p14; q14.2q21.1) which is associated with the embryo development arrest following assisted reproductive technique.

Sertoli cell only syndrome (SCOS) or germ cell aplasia is characterized by the existence of only sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubule without any germ cells. SCOS is a multifactorial disorder but genetic factors play a major role in pathogenesis of idiopathic SCOS.

Two cases of idiopathic SCOS had been reported with no non-genetic factor in their medical history that could play a role in aetiology of SCOS. Also, two normal fertile males were recruited as controls in this study. For evaluation of genomic imbalance, karyotyping (G-banding), FISH, STS-PCR and SNP microarray were carried out. SNP microarray was carried out in DNA of peripheral blood for cases as well as controls. However, for cases, SNP microarray was conducted in DNA of testicular Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC).

No chromosome abnormality and Yq microdeletion was found in cases as well as in controls. Microarray detected many CNVs and LOH that cover genes with spermatogenesis related function and PAR CNVs in both cases. Differential genomic variations were found in blood and testis for cases. Therefore, the evaluation of pathogenesis of idiopathic SCOS might be dependent on both tissue samples. The evaluation of genomic imbalances at both tissue levels should be done for a large cohort of patients.

No chromosome abnormality and Yq microdeletion was found in cases as well as in controls. Microarray detected many CNVs and LOH that cover genes with spermatogenesis related function and PAR CNVs in both cases. Differential genomic variations were found in blood and testis for cases. Therefore, the evaluation of pathogenesis of idiopathic SCOS might be dependent on both tissue samples. The evaluation of genomic imbalances at both tissue levels should be done for a large cohort of patients.

The present study was designed to assess the association between sexual self-concept and sexual function in infertile women.

A study with a convenience sample of women attending a referral infertility center (Royan Institute) was conducted in Tehran, Iran, in 2017. The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ) and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) were used to collect data. Chi-Square, t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and logistic regression were applied to analyze the data. The significance level was set at p<0.05.

The mean age of participants was 29.7±5.2 years. Overall, 152 women (60.8%) reported that they were experiencing sexual dysfunction. Comparing women with and without sexual dysfunction, there were significant differences between two groups on most measures such as sexual anxiety, sexual motivation, sexual satisfaction, and sexual depression (p<0.05). However, the results obtained from logistic regression indicated that women's and husband's age (OR for women's age=1.26, 95% CI=1.

Autoři článku: Gamblestage5456 (Hatcher Churchill)