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The goal of this study was to complete a systematic review of research on the occurrence the levels of physical activity (PA), forms of intervention and factors associated with this practice among preschool children. Studies published in the period between 2006 and 2016 were investigated, using the PubMed and SPORTDiscus databases. The search terms identified 177 articles, of which 41 met the inclusion criteria. Goals, methodologies and results were analysed. The studies used various cut-off points to establish the desired level of PA, along with different types of interventions. Overall, the problem of low level of PA among preschool children appears to be increasing. Involvement and participation of parents and teachers, guidance from booklets and other information sources, parent instruction and availability of extracurricular activities were considered positive factors that tended to increase children's PA levels, whereas parental obesity was a negative factor. New studies to define sedentary behaviour in preschool children are required to clarify the nature of this problem, along with the establishment of prevention programmes with ecological design aimed at schools, families and other sectors of society.Acknowledging the contributions of the assessment area in supporting the performance of health policies, is to admit it in an ongoing and permanent way in the management context. This requires a set of procedures that go beyond monitoring and evaluation practices, known as performance management. The goal of this study was to analyze the logic of the Health Surveillance (HS) Evaluation Policy of Pernambuco, comparing it with the corresponding Canadian policy. For this purpose, a qualitative study of logical analysis of the program theory was carried out, using as a tool the design of the logical model of performance management and its respective matrix of analysis and judgment with the criteria to be evaluated. In HS, 9 key-informants were interviewed, and documents were analyzed; the Canadian model was analyzed based on a paper written by Lahey (2010). Both policies analyzed by this study are convergent and have the necessary elements for performance management. While the evaluation featured largely in the Canadian model, monitoring was the driving force behind the institutionalization of assessment practices in HS. Some lessons learned in the Canadian model can be recommended, such as the development of an assessment plan, based on the strategic and decision-making level of HS.HIV infection is a predictor of several metabolic and body composition alterations, in addition to malnutrition, anemia, and hypovitaminosis. There are thus specificities of diagnosis and treatment depending on the stage of the disease and the outpatient or hospital environment. The scope of this narrative review was to update the conceptual and theoretical framework regarding the nutritional diagnosis of people living with HIV/AIDS. Current national and international scientific evidence published in scientific articles, recent books, protocols, consensuses, and guidelines were analyzed. The nutritional diagnosis encompasses several clinical aspects and abilities and specific knowledge about HIV/AIDS, such as clinical history and current clinical situation, food consumption, anthropometric data, body composition, and biochemistry, blood pressure and physical examination. The nutritional diagnosis process was demonstrated in order to provide subsidies for the health teams in the identification of parameters that make it possible to establish a plan for nutritional care to promote, prevent and recuperate the alterations detected in people living with HIV/AIDS.Interventions aimed at children and adolescents who have suffered sexual violence should be coordinated across different services and include a range of actors if they are to ensure comprehensive, interdisciplinary and continuous care. Sexual violence against adolescents involves specific issues, such as the risk of pregnancy, abortion, the right to emergency contraception, and the difficulty some people have in discerning between violence and consent. The objective of this study was to identify and analyze national literature on care networks for adolescents who have experienced sexual violence. We conducted an integrative literature review, performing a content analysis of 11 articles focusing on the following five thematic categories concepts of networks, network-based care services, network-based care practices, difficulties in implementing network-based care, and proposals for network-based care. Few of the analyzed articles presented a definition of care networks or described how they work. The findings show that literature focusing specifically on care networks for adolescents who have experienced sexual violence is scarce. Finally, it was noted that few articles discussed the role of the family, health regions and other potentially important actors in care networks.The increase in the input of ultra-processed ingredients in the food of children and adolescents is related to the development of noncommunicable diseases such as dyslipidemia. The scope of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the relationship of consumption of ultra-processed foods in the lipid profile of children and adolescents. A search in the PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane and LILACS databases was carried out to locate cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, with or without intervention, in apparently healthy children and/or adolescents, who had the intake of ultra-processed food as an exposure variable and the lipid profile as an outcome. After screening, 14 studies were included, of which nine demonstrated that ultra-processed food consumption was related to increased LDL-c, total cholesterol, triglycerides and a reduction in HDL-c. Three studies found no relationship and two demonstrated that the increased intake of ready-to-eat cereals was related to the decrease in total cholesterol and LDL-c. There was a high consumption of ultra-processed foods and positive relation with blood lipids among children and adolescents, which calls attention to interventions, such as nutritional education, with a view to reducing the intake of these foods.The article aims to discuss the consequences of social distancing measures on the availability of blood and organization of blood therapy services at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. News published in April 2020 on the websites of the country's state Blood Service Networks were consulted and organized in an Excel spreadsheet, presented in summary charts, and descriptions of results were prepared. A critical situation of blood supply, especially of some blood types, has been observed in many states. This situation is influenced by the circulation of the new coronavirus. The adoption of social distancing measures associated with unchanged transfusion demands for outpatient, urgency and emergency care required the implementation of strategies and actions for the reorganization of the services. Protection measures were incorporated, flows were changed and new routines were established. This study shows the extent to which the epidemiological situation of Covid-19 and the necessary measures for its control influenced the stocks and availability of blood. Changes in the organization of blood therapy services were fundamental in order to ensure protection, mitigate the risks of spreading the virus, and ensure the blood supply to meet the needs of the health system.One of the concerns linked to the COVID-19 pandemic is the capacity of health systems to respond to the demand for care for people with the disease. The objective of this study was to create a COVID-19 response Healthcare Infrastructure Index (HII), calculate the index for each state in Brazil, and determine its spatial distribution within and across regions. The HII was constructed using principal component factor analysis. see more The adequacy of the statistical model was tested using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Bartlett's test of sphericity. The spatial distribution of the HII was analyzed using exploratory spatial data analysis. The data were obtained from DATASUS, the Federal Nursing Council, Ministry of Health, Government Procurement Portal, and the Transparency Portal. The nine states in the country's North and Northeast regions showed the lowest indices, while the five states from the Southeast and South regions showed the highest indices. Low-low clusters were observed in Amazonas and Pará and high-high clusters were found in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Paraná.The Covid-19 pandemic revealed a concrete and immediate threat to food and nutrition security (FNS), especially for vulnerable groups. This study aimed to identify government strategies implemented in Brazil to provide the Human Right to Adequate and Healthy Food in high social vulnerability contexts during the Covid-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was carried out, with analysis of official documents published between March 20 and July 30, 2020, by the Federal Government, Federal District, Brazilian states, and capitals, focusing on measures to ensure availability and physical or financial access to food. Strategies implemented mainly involve food distribution and minimum income assurance. The following were implemented Basic Emergency Income (Federal Government); Food Acquisition Program (PAA), and emergency financial aid (states); emergency food donation programs (states and municipalities). Existing measures were adapted to the pandemic, such as the National School Food Program (PNAE), the National Food Acquisition Program (PAA), and the distribution of food and staple food baskets. While essential, these strategies have limited scope and are insufficient to ensure FNS.The trajectory of the Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva reveals a growing impact and credibility of the publication, which expanded its periodicity and consolidated itself as a benchmark in the discussion, implementation, and memory of Collective Health public policies and trends. Universal access and dissemination in digital media increased its outreach, both in search engines and social networks, bringing scientific knowledge to a broader audience.This paper presents the different stages of the editorial process of Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. Different processing work methods have been overcome over these 25 years, and others have been introduced. Each stage of this construction will be analyzed in-depth to discuss the "making" of an academic publication of such a large scale and complexity. The Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva delves into each issue a theme in the field, addressing its cross-sectionality and complexity. This thematization ranges from 10 to 35 papers. Thirty-five papers are published monthly (thematic and free subjects), mostly in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, fulfilling the most prestigious national and international open-access databases' deadline requirements. In this making, one of the significant issues is funding because the crucial development institutions' support is very scarce.The term "basic care" is restricted to a few countries like Brazil. Since the 1978 Alma-Ata Conference, "primary health care" (PHC) has been used to designate care at the first level. The paper summarizes the experiences of evaluation in primary health care, based on the review of the set of manuscripts published by Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. A bibliographic search was made in the SciELO database in the 1996-2020 period. Several descriptors were selected in the spectrum of evaluation and basic care/primary care. The reviewed studies suggest the existence of two analytical periods over the 25 years of the Journal. The first, characterized by the 1996-2010 studies, had the studies of structure/process/results by Donabedian as its predominant theory. The second, from 2011-2020, was Billings' theories on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) and Starfield's PHC attributes. The main dimensions presented in the studies refer to evaluations with a quantitative approach and are induced by the policies and public consultations of the Ministry of Health, and instruments referenced by it.

Autoři článku: Crowelllam6188 (Long Trujillo)