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The piezoelectric strain-controlled antiferromagnetic magnon transport opens an avenue for the exploitation of antiferromagnet-based spin/magnon transistors with ultrahigh energy efficiency.

Consuming live microbes in foods may benefit human health. Live microbe estimates have not previously been associated with individual foods in dietary databases.

We aimed to estimate intake of live microbes in US children (aged 2-18 y) and adults (≥19 y) (n=74,466; 51.2% female).

Using cross-sectional data from the NHANES (2001-2018), experts assigned foods an estimated level of live microbes per gram [low (Lo), <104CFU/g; medium (Med), 104-107 CFU/g; or high (Hi), >107CFU/g]. Probiotic dietary supplements were also assessed. The mean intake of each live microbe category and the percentages of subjects who ate from each live microbe category were determined. Nutrients from foods with live microbes were also determined using the population ratio method. Because the Hi category comprised primarily fermented dairy foods, we also looked at aggregated data for Med or Hi (MedHi), which included an expanded range of live microbe-containing foods, including fruits and vegetables.

Our analysis showed thaobes between the earliest (2001-2002) and latest (2017-2018) survey cycles. Additional research is needed to determine the relations between exposure to live microbes in foods and specific health outcomes or biomarkers.The recent advent of whole slide imaging (WSI) systems has moved digital pathology closer to diagnostic applications and clinical practices. Integrating WSI with machine learning promises the growth of this field in upcoming years. Here we report the design and implementation of a handheld, colour-multiplexed, and AI-powered ptychographic whole slide scanner for digital pathology applications. This handheld scanner is built using low-cost and off-the-shelf components, including red, green, and blue laser diodes for sample illumination, a modified stage for programmable sample positioning, and a synchronized image sensor pair for data acquisition. We smear a monolayer of goat blood cells on the main sensor for high-resolution lensless coded ptychographic imaging. The synchronized secondary sensor acts as a non-contact encoder for precisely tracking the absolute object position for ptychographic reconstruction. For WSI, we introduce a new phase-contrast-based focus metric for post-acquisition autofocusing of both stained and unstained specimens. We show that the scanner can resolve the 388-nm linewidth on the resolution target and acquire gigapixel images with a 14 mm × 11 mm area in ∼70 seconds. The imaging performance is validated with regular stained pathology slides, unstained thyroid smears, and malaria-infected blood smears. The deep neural network developed in this study further enables high-throughput cytometric analysis using the recovered complex amplitude. The reported do-it-yourself scanner offers a portable solution to transform the high-end WSI system into one that can be made widely available at a low cost. The capability of high-throughput quantitative phase imaging may also find applications in rapid on-site evaluations.Micelles as nanocarriers not only offer new opportunities for early diagnosis and treatment of malignant cancers but also encounter numerous barriers in the path of efficient delivery of drugs to diseased areas in the body. To address these issues, we developed a pH/GSH responsive nano-prodrug micelle (NLG919/PGA-Cys-PPA@Gd) with a high drug-loading ratio and controlled drug release performance for MRI-guided tumor photodynamic therapy (PDT) and immune synergistic therapy. Under normal conditions, theranostic nanomicelles remained stable and in a photo-quenched state. Upon accumulation in the tumor site, however, the micelles demonstrated tumor microenvironment (TME) triggered photoactive formed-PPA (a photosensitizer) and NLG919 (an indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) inhibitor) release because the amide bonds of PGA-Cys-PPA and the disulfide linkage of Cys were sensitive to pH and GSH, respectively. More importantly, these micelles could avoid the undesired PPA leakage in blood circulation due to the conjugation between PPA and polymers. Furthermore, the obtained micelles could also enhance the contrast of T1-weighted MRI of tumors by virtue of their high relaxivity (r1 = 29.85 mM-1 s-1). In vitro and in vivo results illustrated that the micelles had good biocompatibility and biosafety. On the basis of the efficient drug delivery strategies in PDT and IDO pathway inhibition, this intelligent dual-drug delivery system could serve as an effective approach for MRI guided combination therapy of cancer.The LipoSEARCH® System is an innovative lipoprotein class analysis method based on gel-permeation high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This system uses a gel permeation column to separate the major lipoprotein subclasses (chylomicron, very low-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein) in serum according to particle size and splits them into two pathways to measure total cholesterol (TC; esterified + unesterified cholesterol) and triglyceride (TG) concentrations simultaneously to obtain chromatograms for each. These chromatograms were analyzed based on the results of the calibration serum by fitting Gaussian curves to profile the 20 lipoprotein subclasses defined in detail. An important assumption of this HPLC system is its simultaneous detection of two pathways to guarantee the accuracy of each analysis. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the development of an internal standard that can guarantee the simultaneous detection of this system by adding a pigment to the serum. We focused on quinone pigments with absorption at 550 nm, which is the wavelength used for the enzymatic assay of TC and TG concentrations in the system. As a result, we succeeded in producing overlapping pigment peaks that appeared after the analytical chromatograms in two pathways. It is also suggested that the pigment solution as an internal standard is stable in freezing storage and has little effect on the analysis. The developed internal standard is expected to contribute to the accuracy assurance of lipoprotein analysis by this dual-detection HPLC system.

An electrocautery-enhanced delivery system with a lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) is available for one-step endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage (EUS-TD). Bipolar electrosurgery has several potential clinical advantages, including reduced collateral thermal damage, enhanced hemostasis, and no requirement for a return electrode plate. In this study, we compared the technical feasibility and safety of a newly developed bipolar electrocautery-enhanced delivery system with a conventional delivery system for EUS-TD using a LAMS in a porcine model.

Ten days before the study, 12 mini pigs underwent common bile duct ligation for EUS-guided gallbladder drainage. Transenteric puncture was performed, followed by placement of a guidewire. In six pigs, a bipolar electrocautery-enhanced delivery system with LAMS (Hot SPAXUS) was inserted over the guidewire and advanced into the gallbladder, without prior dilation of the tract, by applying a bipolar cut current. In the remaining six pigs, a conventional delivery system with LAMS (Cold SPAXUS) was inserted after tract dilatation using a cystotome. The stent was removed after 4 weeks.

In all pigs, the stent was successfully inserted and deployed in the gallbladder without adverse events. The mean procedure time of EUS-TD was significantly lower in the Hot SPAXUS group than that of the Cold SPAXUS group (mean ± standard deviation 188.7 ± 5.2 vs 449.5 ± 97.5s, P=.0019). Stent migration was not observed, and all stents were removed successfully.

Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage using a bipolar electrocautery-enhanced LAMS is feasible for reducing the procedure time while maintaining the high success rate and safety of conventional LAMS.

Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage using a bipolar electrocautery-enhanced LAMS is feasible for reducing the procedure time while maintaining the high success rate and safety of conventional LAMS.Sirtuins are NAD+-dependent protein lysine deacylase and mono-ADP ribosylases present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The sirtuin family comprises seven isoforms in mammals, each possessing different subcellular localization and biological functions. Sirtuins have received increasing attention in the past two decades given their pivotal functions in a variety of biological contexts, including cytodifferentiation, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression, apoptosis, inflammation, metabolism, neurological and cardiovascular physiology and cancer. Consequently, modulation of sirtuin activity has been regarded as a promising therapeutic option for many pathologies. In this review, we provide an up-to-date overview of sirtuin biology and pharmacology. learn more We examine the main features of the most relevant inhibitors and activators, analyzing their structure-activity relationships, applications in biology, and therapeutic potential.Sustainable agriculture in the future will depend on crops that are tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses, require minimal input of water and nutrients and can be cultivated with a minimal carbon footprint. Wild plants that fulfill these requirements abound in nature but are typically low yielding. Thus, replacing current high-yielding crops with less productive but resilient species will require the intractable trade-off of increasing land area under cultivation to produce the same yield. Cultivating more land reduces natural resources, reduces biodiversity and increases our carbon footprint. Sustainable intensification can be achieved by increasing the yield of underutilized or wild plant species that are already resilient, but achieving this goal by conventional breeding programs may be a long-term prospect. De novo domestication of orphan or crop wild relatives using mutagenesis is an alternative and fast approach to achieve resilient crops with high yields. With new precise molecular techniques, it should be possible to reach economically sustainable yields in a much shorter period of time than ever before in the history of agriculture.Femtosecond lasers are capable of precise ablation that produces surgical dissections in vivo. The transverse and axial resolutions of the laser damage inside the bulk are important parameters of ablation. The transverse resolution is routinely quantified; but the axial resolution is more difficult to measure and is less commonly performed. Using a 1040-nm, 400-fs pulsed laser, and a 1.4-NA objective, we performed ablation inside agarose and glass, producing clear, and persistent damage spots. Near the ablation threshold of both media, we found that the axial resolution is similar to the transverse resolution. We also ablated neuron cell bodies and fibers in Caenorhabditis elegans and demonstrate submicrometer resolution in both the transverse and axial directions, consistent with our results in agarose and glass. Using simple yet rigorous methods, we define the resolution of laser ablation in transparent media along all directions.

Autoři článku: Colebitsch3364 (Contreras Parks)