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The effect of addition of ethane and ethylene (C2) on methane coupling at 1000 °C was investigated. A Fe/SiO2 catalyst was used to determine the contributions of catalytic as well as C2 initiated methane activation. The catalyst load as well as the residence times at 1000 °C downstream of the catalyst bed were varied. C2 addition significantly increases methane conversion rates, similarly for both ethane and ethylene, although ethylene is more effective when operating with long residence times in the post-catalytic volume. Methane activation via C2 addition proceeds dominantly in the gas-phase whereas catalytic C2 activation is negligible. The catalyst has no effect on methane conversion when the feed contains more than 2 vol% C2. Product selectivity distribution as well as total hydrocarbon yield at 10% conversion is not influenced by C2 addition, but is influenced by the amount of catalyst as well as residence time in the post-catalytic volume at high temperature. It is proposed that C2 impurities in natural gas change from a nuisance to an advantage by enhancing methane conversion and simplifying purification of the natural gas feed. A process is proposed in which ethylene is recycled back into the reactor to initiate methane coupling, leading to a process converting methane to aromatics.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1093/nc/niab005.][This corrects the article DOI 10.1093/nc/niab025.].Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) that are released into wastewater are retained by wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and accumulate in sewage sludge. Increasing shares of sludge are incinerated and landfilled, especially in industrialized countries. It is debated whether certain types of NPs can outlive the incineration process and subsequently be released from sewage sludge ash (SSA) landfills. To investigate the release of different types of NPs from SSA, we spiked gold (Au), silver (Ag) and cerium dioxide (CeO2) NPs to a pilot WWTP increasing the Au, Ag and Ce concentrations to 30, 43 and 389 mg kg-1 (dry matter basis) in the digested sludge. The spiked sludge was incinerated in a pilot fluidized bed reactor resulting in SSA with Au, Ag and Ce concentrations of 61, 103 and 854 mg kg-1. In addition, two sludge samples from a full-scale WWTP with Au concentrations of 5 and 16 mg kg-1 were incinerated, resulting in SSA with 9 mg kg-1 and 30 mg kg-1 Au. The spiked Au-NPs remain largely unaltered during the wastewater treatment and incineration process, whereas Ag-NPs and CeO2-NPs undergo transformation. During simulated landfill leaching in columns flushed with 400 to 500 pore volumes of artificial rainwater, Ag and Ce were retained in the ash, whereas about 17% of the spiked Au was released, mainly in particulate form. Lower fractions of mostly particulate Au were released from the ashes (3 and 9%) of unspiked SSA. In conclusion, unaltered Au-NPs significantly leach from landfilled SSA, whereas the incorporation of Ag-NPs and CeO2-NPs as transformed species into the SSA matrix limits the leaching of (nano)particulate and dissolved Ag and Ce compounds.Giant clams are threatened by overexploitation for human consumption, their valuable shells and the aquarium trade. Consequently, these iconic coral reef megafauna are extinct in some former areas of their range and are included in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Now, giant clams are also threatened by rapid environmental change from both a suite of local and regional scale stressors and global change, including climate change, global warming, marine heatwaves and ocean acidification. GW9662 price The interplay between local- to regional-scale and global-scale drivers is likely to cause an array of lethal and sub-lethal effects on giant clams, potentially limiting their depth distribution on coral reefs and decreasing suitable habitat area within natural ranges of species. Global change stressors, pervasive both in unprotected and protected areas, threaten to diminish conservation efforts to date. International efforts urgently need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to avoid lethal and sub-lethal effects of global change on giant clams. Meanwhile, knowledge of giant clam physiological and ecological responses to local-regional and global stressors could play a critical role in conservation strategies of these threatened species through rapid environmental change. Further work on how biological responses translate into habitat requirements as global change progresses, selective breeding for resilience, the capacity for rapid adaptive responses of the giant clam holobiont and valuing tourism potential, including recognizing giant clams as a flagship species for coral reefs, may help improve the prospects of these charismatic megafauna over the coming decades.For many years, fullerene derivatives have been the main n-type material of organic electronics and optoelectronics. Recently, fullerene derivatives functionalized with ethylene glycol (EG) side chains have been showing important properties such as enhanced dielectric constants, facile doping and enhanced self-assembly capabilities. Here, we have prepared field-effect transistors using a series of these fullerene derivatives equipped with EG side chains of different lengths. Transport data show the beneficial effect of increasing the EG side chain. In order to understand the material properties, full structural determination of these fullerene derivatives has been achieved by coupling the X-ray data with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The increase in transport properties is paired with the formation of extended layered structures, efficient molecular packing and an increase in the crystallite alignment. The layer-like structure is composed of conducting layers, containing of closely packed C60 balls approaching the inter-distance of 1 nm, that are separated by well-defined EG layers, where the EG chains are rather splayed with the chain direction almost perpendicular to the layer normal. Such a layered structure appears highly ordered and highly aligned with the C60 planes oriented parallel to the substrate in the thin film configuration. The order inside the thin film increases with the EG chain length, allowing the systems to achieve mobilities as high as 0.053 cm2 V-1 s-1. Our work elucidates the structure of these interesting semiconducting organic molecules and shows that the synergistic use of X-ray structural analysis and MD simulations is a powerful tool to identify the structure of thin organic films for optoelectronic applications.We report the design of a synthetically easy accessible axial chirality-inducing framework for a chromophore of choice. The scaffold consists of two basic para-phenylene-ethynylene backbones separated by laterally placed corner units. Substitution with an inherently achiral chromophore at the 2 and 5 positions of the central phenylene excitonically couples the chromophore associated transition and thereby results in chiroptical properties. Using 6-methoxynaphthalene as a model chromophore, we present the synthesis, structural analysis and spectroscopic investigation of the framework. The chiral framework was synthesized in three straightforward synthetic steps and fully characterized. The obtained racemic compounds were resolved using HPLC and assignment of the absolute configuration was performed using the exciton chirality method, crystallography and DFT calculations. This simple yet potent framework might prove useful to enrich the structural diversity of chiral materials.The fabrication of responsive soft materials that enable the controlled release of microbial induced calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitation (MICP) would be highly desirable for the creation of living materials that can be used, for example, as self-healing construction materials. To obtain a tight control over the mechanical properties of these materials, needed for civil engineering applications, the amount, location, and structure of the forming minerals must be precisely tuned; this requires good control over the dynamic functionality of bacteria. Despite recent advances in the self-healing of concrete cracks and the understanding of the role of synthesis conditions on the CaCO3 polymorphic regulation, the degree of control over the CaCO3 remains insufficient to meet these requirements. We demonstrate that the amount and location of CaCO3 produced within a matrix, can be controlled through the concentration and location of bacteria; these parameters can be precisely tuned if bacteria are encapsulated, as we demonstrate with the soil-dwelling bacterium Sporosarcina pasteurii that is deposited within biocompatible alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) hydrogels. Using a competitive ligand exchange mechanism that relies on the presence of yeast extract, we control the timing of the release of calcium ions that crosslink the alginate or CMC without compromising bacterial viability. With this novel use of hydrogel encapsulation of bacteria for on-demand release of MICP, we achieve control over the amount and structure of CaCO3-based composites and demonstrate that S. pasteurii can be stored for up to 3 months at an accessible storage temperature of 4 °C, which are two important factors that currently limit the applicability of MICP for the reinforcement of construction materials. These composites thus have the potential to sense, respond, and heal without the need for external intervention.While there is tremendous promise to leverage technology for UHC, it will require smart, context-specific policies and programming with ample flexibility to adapt as needs and opportunities change - and with robust safeguards to protect privacy, data security, and equity. The health sector, by its very nature of being data intensive, lends itself to the use of technology for analytics to improve health outcomes, respond to public health crises, and efficiently and equitably allocate resources. The first imperative in considering the use of digital health to expand UHC is to remember that digital health is a means to an end, and only one of the available means. Efforts leveraging digital health to move along that path to universality have taken many forms to increase the number of people reached, to provide enhanced service coverage, and to reduce the financial burdens on individuals in need of health care. Making use of digital health interventions is an evolving process, not a one-time decision point. It is context specific and needs a clear vision to move from pilot interventions to scaled implementation. Technology can be a key tool in achieving UHC but its use has to be strategic, judicious, and cognizant of issues around privacy and patient rights.

Many countries have committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage. This paper summarizes selected health financing themes from five middle-income country case studies with incomplete progress towards UHC.

The paper focuses on key flagship UHC programs in these countries, which exist along other publicly financed health delivery systems, reviewed through the lens of key health financing functions such as revenue raising, pooling and purchasing as well as governance and institutional arrangements.

There is variable progress across countries. Indonesia's Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) reforms have made substantial progress in health services coverage and health financing indicators though challenges remain in its implementation. In contrast, Ghana has seen reduced funding levels for health and achieved less than 50% in the UHC service coverage index. In India, despite Ayushman Bharat (PM-JAY) reforms having provided important innovations in purchasing and public-private mix, out of pocket spending remains high and the public health financing level low.

Autoři článku: Carneyavila3635 (Winters Krarup)