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Despite the diffuse inflammatory pattern derived from OLP, NBI improved the diagnostic accuracy and the capability to detect high-grade dysplasia/carcinoma.

4 Laryngoscope, 2020.

4 Laryngoscope, 2020.

Measure the quality of life among families with children with tracheostomies.

We performed a prospective cross-sectional analysis of families with children with tracheostomies utilizing the PedQL Family Impact Module-a validated quality of life assessment. We determined if scores were impacted by demographics using regression analysis. We also compared the tracheostomy sample's scores to a previously published cohort of children with severe cerebral palsy and birth defects that required home nursing or nursing home placement using the student's t-test. We determined the effect size of the difference between the two groups using the Cohen's d test.

Ninety-eight families are included in the study. The average (SD) age of tracheostomy placement was 1.6 (3.5) years. The population was 60% (59/98) male and 39% (38/98) Hispanic. The principal reason for tracheostomy was due to respiratory failure (76 out of 98; 78%). The mean (SD) total Family Impact score was 76 (19). The lowest domain score was daily activity problems, mean (SD) = 67 (30) followed by worry (mean = 69, SD = 24). The lowest question score was, "I worry about my child's future," mean (SD) = 52 (37). When compared to the comparison group of medically fragile children, the scores were statistically similar except for communication totals where tracheostomy patients reported superior scores (78.3 vs. 62.9, 95% CI, -26 to -4.8, P = .005, Cohen's d = -0.66).

The presence of a tracheostomy is associated with QOL scores like other medically fragile children.

4 Laryngoscope, 2020.

4 Laryngoscope, 2020.Dopamine (DA) has important roles in learning, memory, and motivational processes and is highly susceptible to oxidation. In addition to dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients frequently exhibit decreased motivation, anhedonia, and sleep disorders, suggesting deficits in dopaminergic neurotransmission. Vitamin C (ascorbate, ASC) is a critical antioxidant in the brain and is often depleted in AD patients as a result of disease-related oxidative stress and dietary deficiencies. To probe the effects of ASC deficiency and AD pathology on the DAergic system, gulo-/- mice, which like humans depend on dietary ASC to maintain adequate tissue levels, were crossed with APP/PSEN1 mice and provided sufficient or depleted ASC supplementation from weaning until 12 months of age. Ex vivo fast-scan cyclic voltammetry showed that chronic ASC depletion and APP/PSEN1 genotype both independently decreased dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens, a hub for motivational behavior and reward, while DA clearance was similar across all groups. In striatal tissue containing nucleus accumbens, low ASC treatment led to decreased levels of DA and its metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyohenyl-acetic acid (DOPAC), 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), and homovanillic acid (HVA). Decreased enzyme activity observed through lower pTH/TH ratio was driven by a cumulative effect of ASC depletion and APP/PSEN1 genotype. Together the data show that deficits in dopaminergic neurotransmission resulting from age and disease status are magnified in conditions of low ASC which decrease DA availability during synaptic transmission. Such deficits may contribute to the non-cognitive behavioral changes observed in AD including decreased motivation, anhedonia, and sleep disorders.

The bioelectrical impedance (BI) phase angle (PA), analyzed directly through BI analysis (BIA), is determined by tissue cellularity, representing a direct measure of cellular stability and, for this reason, has been studied and considered as an indicator of prognosis and nutrition status in adults and children.

We aimed to determine if PA can be an indicator of mortality and prognosis in newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Transversal study conducted at a public NICU in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. All newborns, preterm and term, were considered eligible for the study if admission to the NICU occurred by the first hour of life. The Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology II, as well as the Perinatal Extension version, were developed to assess the risk of mortality for all newborns, measured within 12hours of admission. BIA measurements were conducted using the tetrapolar BioScan Maltron 916, with single-frequency (50 kHz) tetrapolar BI. PA was calculated as the arc tangent (Xc/R) x 18PA in the first 48hours in premature newborns, and that when the decrease is more pronounced, may be indicative of mortality. The difference in PA values between these newborns is probably a significant variable for mortality and prognosis and not a cutoff value.

The absolute value of PA during the first 24 hours of life was not a good marker for severity or mortality. However, the decrease of PA between different moments of evaluation was a good marker of severity. The decrease of PA in the first 48 hours in premature newborns, and that when the decrease is more pronounced, may be indicative of mortality. The difference in PA values between these newborns is probably a significant variable for mortality and prognosis and not a cutoff value.

Although similar factors play a role in both PTA and anemia in patients with CKD, additional risk factors exist in the pathogenesis of PTA. The present study aimed at comparing anemia and inflammation-related parameters between RTx recipients and CKD patients and elucidating the risk factors of PTA.

This single-centered, cross-sectional study consisted of 68 participants 48 were in the RTx group and 20 were in the CKD group. The CKD patients were comparable to the RTx recipients in terms of age, gender, and eGFR. Serum levels of EPO, hepcidin, and IL-6 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The ratio of EPO/Hb was calculated to estimate endogenous EPO resistance.

The prevalence of anemia was 46% in the RTx group and 30% in the CKD group (P=.23). RTx recipients had significantly lower Hb (P=.04), higher EPO (P<.001), and ferritin levels (P=.001), and higher EPO/Hb ratios (P<.001); however, CKD patients showed a higher frequency of absolute iron deficiency (P=.008). AG-120 order Neither hepcidin nor IL-6 levels differed between the two groups.

Autoři článku: Bjerringgertsen0768 (Greenwood Nymann)