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The purpose of this project was to design, develop, implement, and manage a sustainable process for pediatric preoperative COVD-19 testing and use the test results to determine the level of personal protective equipment and infection control required for each patient for optimal surgical scheduling and preservation of resources.

This quality improvement project used the Plan-Do-Study-Act methodology. Multiple cycles of re-evaluation refined this process which was standardized across the enterprise.

A process for preoperative testing for all patients undergoing procedures requiring anesthesia was developed and implemented.

A safe, feasible, timely process was developed and piloted to obtain COVID-19 test results to guide individualized interventions. During the pilot, 1,707 patients were screened, and five tested positive for COVID-19, eliminating the need to manage 1702 patients as COVID-19 positive.

To continue to safely re-open, knowledge of the patient's COVID-19 status is imperative to ensure a safe journey through the perioperative area.

To continue to safely re-open, knowledge of the patient's COVID-19 status is imperative to ensure a safe journey through the perioperative area.

Control of human hookworm infection would be greatly aided by the development of an effective vaccine. We aimed to develop a live attenuated human hookworm vaccine.

This was a two-part clinical trial done at Q-Pharm in Brisbane (QLD, Australia) using a live ultraviolet C (UVC)-attenuated Necator americanus larvae vaccine. Part one was an open-label, dose-finding study using 50 L3 larvae suspended in water to a volume of 200 μL, attenuated with UVC exposure of 700 μJ (L3-700) or 1000 μJ (L3-1000). Part two was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, challenge study, in which participants were randomly assigned 21 to the vaccine group or placebo group. Healthy hookworm-naive adults aged 18-65 years with body-mass index 18-35 kg/m

received two doses of either placebo (Tabasco sauce) or vaccine (50 L3-700) on day 1 and day 42, followed by challenge with 30 unattenuated L3 larvae to both groups. All participants received a single oral dose of 400 mg albendazole 4 weeks after each inoculation and a 3-e concentration of N americanus DNA in faeces was not significantly different between the vaccinated group and the placebo group (log

DNA intensity 4·28 [95% CI 3·92 to 4·63] vs 4·88 [4·31 to 5·46]; p=0·14). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from vaccinated participants exhibited significantly greater cytokine production at day 112 than placebo participants for IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2, IL-4, and IL-5 (p<0·05), but not IL-10.

Vaccination with UVC-attenuated N americanus larvae is well tolerated, induces humoral and cellular responses to hookworm antigens, and reduces larval output after challenge with unattenuated larvae. Larger studies are required to confirm protective efficacy.

National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.

National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.Uncommon, or rare, yeast infections are on the rise given increasing numbers of patients who are immunocompromised or seriously ill. The major pathogens include those of the genera Geotrichum, Saprochaete, Magnusiomyces, and Trichosporon (ie, basidiomycetes) and Kodamaea, Malassezia, Pseudozyma (ie, now Moesziomyces or Dirkmeia), Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces, and Sporobolomyces (ie, ascomycetes). A considered approach to the complex, multidisciplinary management of infections that are caused by these pathogens is essential to optimising patient outcomes; however, management guidelines are either region-specific or require updating. In alignment with the One World-One Guideline initiative to incorporate regional differences, experts from diverse geographical regions analysed publications describing the epidemiology and management of the previously mentioned rare yeasts. This guideline summarises the consensus recommendations with regards to the diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients with these rare yeast infections, with the intent of providing practical assistance in clinical decision making. Because there is less clinical experience of patients with rare yeast infections and studies on these patients were not randomised, nor were groups compared, most recommendations are not robust in their validation but represent insights by use of expert opinions and in-vitro susceptibility results. In this Review, we report the key features of the epidemiology, diagnosis, antifungal susceptibility, and treatment outcomes of patients with Geotrichum, Saprochaete, Magnusiomyces, and Trichosporon spp infections.Heat extremes (ie, heatwaves) already have a serious impact on human health, with ageing, poverty, and chronic illnesses as aggravating factors. As the global community seeks to contend with even hotter weather in the future as a consequence of global climate change, there is a pressing need to better understand the most effective prevention and response measures that can be implemented, particularly in low-resource settings. In this Series paper, we describe how a future reliance on air conditioning is unsustainable and further marginalises the communities most vulnerable to the heat. selleck compound We then show that a more holistic understanding of the thermal environment at the landscape and urban, building, and individual scales supports the identification of numerous sustainable opportunities to keep people cooler. We summarise the benefits (eg, effectiveness) and limitations of each identified cooling strategy, and recommend optimal interventions for settings such as aged care homes, slums, workplaces, mass gatherings, refugee camps, and playing sport. The integration of this information into well communicated heat action plans with robust surveillance and monitoring is essential for reducing the adverse health consequences of current and future extreme heat.Hot ambient conditions and associated heat stress can increase mortality and morbidity, as well as increase adverse pregnancy outcomes and negatively affect mental health. High heat stress can also reduce physical work capacity and motor-cognitive performances, with consequences for productivity, and increase the risk of occupational health problems. Almost half of the global population and more than 1 billion workers are exposed to high heat episodes and about a third of all exposed workers have negative health effects. However, excess deaths and many heat-related health risks are preventable, with appropriate heat action plans involving behavioural strategies and biophysical solutions. Extreme heat events are becoming permanent features of summer seasons worldwide, causing many excess deaths. Heat-related morbidity and mortality are projected to increase further as climate change progresses, with greater risk associated with higher degrees of global warming. Particularly in tropical regions, increased warming might mean that physiological limits related to heat tolerance (survival) will be reached regularly and more often in coming decades. Climate change is interacting with other trends, such as population growth and ageing, urbanisation, and socioeconomic development, that can either exacerbate or ameliorate heat-related hazards. Urban temperatures are further enhanced by anthropogenic heat from vehicular transport and heat waste from buildings. Although there is some evidence of adaptation to increasing temperatures in high-income countries, projections of a hotter future suggest that without investment in research and risk management actions, heat-related morbidity and mortality are likely to increase.

Associations between high and low temperatures and increases in mortality and morbidity have been previously reported, yet no comprehensive assessment of disease burden has been done. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the global and regional burden due to non-optimal temperature exposure.

In part 1 of this study, we linked deaths to daily temperature estimates from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. We modelled the cause-specific relative risks for 176 individual causes of death along daily temperature and 23 mean temperature zones using a two-dimensional spline within a Bayesian meta-regression framework. We then calculated the cause-specific and total temperature-attributable burden for the countries for which daily mortality data were available. In part 2, we applied cause-specific relative risks from part 1 to all locations globally. We combined exposure-response curves with daily gridded temperature and calculated the cause-specific burden based on the underlying burden of disease from the Global Burden of Dbutable to non-optimal temperature globally in 2019. The highest heat-attributable burdens were observed in south and southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and North Africa and the Middle East, and the highest cold-attributable burdens in eastern and central Europe, and central Asia.

Acute heat and cold exposure can increase or decrease the risk of mortality for a diverse set of causes of death. Although in most regions cold effects dominate, locations with high prevailing temperatures can exhibit substantial heat effects far exceeding cold-attributable burden. Particularly, a high burden of external causes of death contributed to strong heat impacts, but cardiorespiratory diseases and metabolic diseases could also be substantial contributors. Changes in both exposures and the composition of causes of death drove changes in risk over time. Steady increases in exposure to the risk of high temperature are of increasing concern for health.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Emotional mental imagery is a powerful part of our mental landscape. Given its capacity to depict, process, and generate emotional events, mental imagery could have an important role in psychological therapies. This Series paper explores whether harnessing emotional mental imagery is meaningful to young people; ways in which interventions use emotional mental imagery; contextual and individual factors influencing intervention effectiveness; and mechanisms underpinning imagery techniques. We completed a systematic review of imagery interventions and consulted young people with lived experience (n=10) and leading international experts (n=7). The systematic search identified 86 papers covering a diverse range of imagery interventions. Across the seven categories of techniques reviewed, imagery rescripting for aversive memories, techniques targeting positive imagery, and imagery-enhanced protocols indicated the most potential. The report suggests that harnessing emotional mental imagery in psychological interventions could be a promising approach to reduce anxiety and depression and that mental health science could inform the development of new interventions and help to maximise intervention effectiveness.The use of SSRIs for the treatment of depression and anxiety in young people is increasing. However, the effects of SSRIs in adolescence, a time when there are substantial changes in neural, cognitive, and social functioning, are not well understood. Here, we review evidence from clinical trials about the benefits and risks of SSRIs in young people and consider their mechanisms of action, as shown through human experimental work and animal models. We emphasise key outstanding questions about the effects of SSRIs in youth, identified through gaps in the literature and in consultation with young people with lived experience. It is crucial to characterise the mechanisms underpinning risks and benefits of SSRIs in this age group to progress the field, and to narrow the chasm between the widespread use of SSRIs in youth and the science on which this use is based.

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