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BACKGROUND Increasing utilization of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) has driven a greater push for outpatient treatment and cost containment in the setting of bundled payments. The purpose of this study is to evaluate utilization trends of inpatient vs outpatient UKA, index episode and 90-day reimbursement, and any differences in medical or surgical complications. METHODS The PearlDiver database was employed to identify all inpatient and outpatient UKAs performed between 2007 and 2016 with 2-year follow-up. Patients were matched by age, gender, and Elixhauser Comorbidity Index. We tracked index procedure and global period reimbursement, 90-day medical and surgical complications, and 2-year surgical complications. RESULTS The reimbursement and utilization cohort included 3181 outpatient and 5490 inpatient UKAs. Outpatient UKA and overall utilization of UKA increased over the study period. Mean index reimbursement of inpatient UKA was $2486.16 higher per procedure (P .05) when compared to inpatient UKA. CONCLUSION Outpatient UKA utilization is increasing and is associated with decreased reimbursement compared to inpatient UKA without increased risk of major medical complications, although it is associated with increased risk of wound complication and need for operative debridement at 90 days. BACKGROUND There is an annually rising number of performed total hip arthroplasty (THA) surgeries in Denmark and this is expected to become even more common. However, there are still risks of adverse events, which become the basis for compensation claims. In Denmark, there are no studies available concerning filed claims after THA. The aims of this study are to determine the incidence of claims related to THAs in Denmark, the reasons to claim, which claims lead to compensation, the amount of compensation, and trends over time. METHODS In this observational study, we analyzed all closed claims between 2005 and 2017 from the Danish Patient Compensation Association (DPCA). With the intention to contribute to prevention, we have identified the number and outcome of claims. RESULTS There were 2924 cases (ie, 2.5% of all THAs performed in this period). The approval rate was 54%. The number of claims filed was stagnant over time, except for a spike of metal-on-metal (MoM) prosthesis cases. The total payout was USD 29,591,045, and 87% of this was due to nerve damage (USD 9,106,118), infection (USD 6,046,948), MoM prosthesis (USD 4,624,353), insufficient or incorrect treatment (USD 472,500), and fracture (USD 2,088,110). CONCLUSION In total, 2.5% of all THAs performed between 2005 and 2017 lead to a claim submission at the DPCA. One of 2 claims were approved. The majority of payouts were due to nerve damage, infection, MoM prosthesis, insufficient or incorrect treatment, and fracture. Although DPCA manages claims for patients, the data can also provide beneficial feedback to arthroplasty surgeons with the aim of improving patient care. BACKGROUND Pretransplant anti-HLA antibodies are a risk factor for graft rejection and loss, and its percentage estimate is known as panel-reactive antibody (PRA). Our objective was to evaluate the influence of PRA on the survival of renal grafts from living donors over a period of 10 years. METHODS Retrospective analysis was completed in all living donor transplants with PRA class I and class II from October 2008 to December 2018 with follow-up until June 2019. The methods used for the PRA were flow cytometry and Luminex. Graft survival (not censored) was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier (log-rank) and Cox regression. P 20% any class are associated with lower graft survival. PRA must be considered to determine immunologic risk and to choose an immunosuppressive regimen in kidney transplantation. Measurement of immunosuppressive drug concentrations cyclosporine A (CyA), tacrolimus (TAC), sirolimus (SIR), and everolimus (EVE) in blood is an important application of therapeutic drug monitoring. These immunosuppressive agents are used in combined regimens and nowadays the liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry is the best option for simultaneous analysis of these drugs in one short run. We developed an liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry methodology in-house to measure the combination of immunosuppressants in a single blood sample from transplant patients in Brazil. We analyzed 235 combinations of 4 immunosuppressive drugs in patient blood to validate this study. The measuring ranges were 9 to 1000 ng/mL for CyA and 2 to 50 ng/mL for TAC, SIR, and EVE. Accuracy of the method was between 83.87% and 126.6% (coefficient of determination [r2] > 0.995). Validation of variation was ≤15% for lower limit of quantification. In our analysis 20% of patients treated with EVE showed concentration range of 6 to 6.9 ng/mL, 28% of patients treated with SIR showed a concentration range of 4 to 4.9 ng/mL to TAC, 22% of patients showed concentration range of 5 to 5.9 ng/mL, and finally 50% of patients treated with CyA showed concentration range of 20 to 30 ng/mL. Our routine laboratory was able to implement this new methodology in-house to measure simultaneous CyA, TAC, SIR, and EVE in a single blood sample from transplant patients with a sensibility and rapid quantification analysis. INTRODUCTION Organ availability is limited in the face of the growing number of candidates. Using organs from individuals with an infection at the time of transplantation emerged as a possible but controversial solution. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective analysis of patients submitted to kidney transplantation in Hospital Garcia de Orta (Almada, Portugal) from January 2008 to March 2019, comparing outcomes between recipients of organs from donors with an active infection and noninfected donors in the referred interval. RESULTS An active infection in the donor was identified in 55 cases (28.4%) from a total of 194 transplants. The most frequent site of infection was the lung (n = 30), followed by the urinary tract (n = 13); 9 donors (16.4%) had documented bacteremia. None of the identified microorganisms were multidrug-resistant. All recipients from an infected donor received adequate antibiotic prophylaxis (mean duration of 11.1 ± 3.0 days). No significant differences between groups were found regarding patients' demographics, cold ischemia time, duration of hospital stay, delayed graft function, rejection episodes, noninfectious complications, or patient and graft survival. Basiliximab was the preferred induction agent in both groups but was used in a larger proportion of recipients in the infected donor group (87.0% vs 60.6%; P = .001). The rate of infectious complications was significantly lower in the infected donor group (14.5% vs 42.4%; P = .001), and none of the previously isolated agents in the donor was found in the recipient. CONCLUSION Kidney transplant using infected donors can be performed safely, without worse organ-specific or recipient outcomes, if certain conditions are considered. BACKGROUND Recent radiologic advances have made endovascular treatment a very successful option for arterial complications after liver transplant. This article presents our experience of using endovascular treatments during the first week after liver transplant. METHODS This study is a retrospective, single-center analysis. Liver transplants performed between 2010 and 2018 were analyzed. All patients underwent Doppler ultrasonography on days 1 and 7. Endovascular therapy was indicated in hepatic artery thrombosis diagnosed early after transplant and in stenosis when hepatic narrowing was > 70%. Patients were treated with subcutaneous anticoagulant therapy and with antiplatelet agents after endovascular therapy. RESULTS Seven patients (1.1%) were included in the study. Stenosis was the reason in 5 patients while 2 patients had symptoms of thrombosis. The first 2 patients were initially treated with angioplasty; both had restenosis and were treated with angioplasty and stent placement, respectively. The 5 most recent patients received stenting as a primary treatment. Two of these patients developed a new stenosis. No patient developed any hepatic artery complication related to the procedure, and only 1 patient experienced a postprocedure complication (femoral artery pseudoaneurysm), which was managed conservatively. No patient required retransplant. After a median follow-up of 48 months (range, 35-85 months) 1 patient had died, and the rest were alive and asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS Although there is scant experience of the use of endovascular therapy very shortly after liver transplant, recent advances in interventional radiology have made the technique feasible and safe, and it achieves a high success rate. BACKGROUND C1INH-deficiency hereditary angioedema (HAE) is characterized by recurrent episodes of potentially severe oedema. Icatibant for SC injection will soon be approved for use in children and it is necessary to train parents in recognising severe episodes of AOH and in the technique for injection of icatibant. Simulation in healthcare (SH) is a set of educational methods for improving skills in a safe environment. We wished to assess the feasibility of a therapeutic training session (TTS) involving scripted scenarios for the parents of children with HAE. PATIENTS AND METHODS The TTS session included pre- and post-training testing on AOH, two scenarios (calling emergency services for lingual AO; gastrointestinal AO) involving actors and a volunteer parent, a workshop for learning the SC injection technique, and a satisfaction questionnaire. Selleck Napabucasin We analysed the answers on the questionnaire and noted down parents' verbatim observations during debriefing sessions. RESULTS Eight parents from 5 families took part in this session. Parents rated their overall satisfaction as 9.3/10. The parents commented that during the simulations, they felt "in the thick of it" and that they "experienced stress while viewing the scenes", thus attesting to the realism and relevance of the simulated scenarios. DISCUSSION This session met the parents' expectations in terms of being able to cope and having adequate know-how, based on both the simulations and the level of knowledge acquired. The main limitation lay in the parents' difficulty in confronting certain situations reminiscent of traumatic past experiences. TTS shares many common features with SH for the parents of sick children. The place of the latter in TTS must be evaluated. INTRODUCTION Chromoblastomycosis (CBM) is a chronic fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by dematiaceous fungi. CBM lesions are recalcitrant and extremely difficult to eradicate. We report three cases of CBM with difficulties in therapeutic management. OBSERVATION Three men aged 36, 50 and 67 years, all farmers, presented for between three and ten years with hyperkeratotic, scaly plaques with black dots on the right thigh and left leg, respectively. For all patients, mycological examination showed fumagoid cells, all of which were pathognomonic for CBM. PCR identified Fonsecaeanubica in one patient and Cladophialophoracarrionii in two patients. All patients received itraconazole 200mg/day for over 18 months. Two patients required combined therapy with terbinafine for seven months, which improved lesions; however, relapse occurred in one patient during the 5th month of this combined therapy and five months after the end of this treatment in the other. The patient on monotherapy (itraconazole) also presented recurrence of lesions five months after the end of treatment.

Autoři článku: Bachmannpoulsen2954 (Bank Smedegaard)