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Kids Double Bunk Bed

The double bunk beds are great for siblings who share a room. Be aware that the child sleeping on the upper level is older than six years old and that you do not allow horseplay or jumping on beds.

Check that the mattress foundation doesn't have any large gaps, that could let children to pass through.


Bunk beds can be a safe space for children to sleep if they're properly installed and the parents follow certain safety guidelines. The first thing to consider is to make sure that the bunk bed is placed in an appropriate corner, so that it doesn't shake as children climb up and down the ladder.

It is also crucial to teach children not to play around or on the bunk bed and take away any toys that could be dangers to tripping. Children should also be instructed to use the ladder to get into and out of the bunk bed.

Children should not be allowed to sleep on the top bunk unless they're older than six years old. The reason is that children younger than six may not have the maturity or coordination required to safely navigate the ladder. It is also important to ensure that the guardrails are secured on the top bunk and there aren't any gaps that children could slip through to get trapped under the bed.

The foundation area of the lower and upper bunks should be made of solid wood and not slats. Slat-based systems can collapse when weighed down and can cause serious injuries. It is also a good idea to strengthen the bunk with cross-ties to prevent it from shifting due to the weight of the children.

It is a good idea, when a child is sleeping alone on the bottom bunk, to attach a safety rail. This will prevent the child from falling over the edge of the bunk if they roll out during the night.

A simple measure to protect yourself is to ensure that the bunk bed does not rest directly on top of the ceiling fan. This will prevent the risk of injuries and accidents occurring when the fan is running. In addition the bunk bed must be positioned away from windows, since this reduces the danger of children attempting to reach them from the top of the bunk bed.


As children get older and move from a crib to a single-sized bed they may like to be part of the bigger kid's room. Bunk beds are a great method to accomplish this. They come in various designs and colors that will match any design. They also save space, so that kids have more room to store their toys or play. Bunk beds come in different sizes for kids of all age groups. These beds can also be fitted with stairs or ladders to make it easier for children to get into and out of their beds.

A bunk bed is a fantastic way to make a kids room stand out and affect the design of the room. Belton Furniture's twin over twin bunk beds, for instance, are modeled after houses and offer an imaginative take on traditional bunks. The sturdy frame was designed with safety in mind and has been tested to hold up to 400 pounds. The guard rails and attached ladder add to the treehouse-inspired look and a desk on the bottom level is a great place to do homework and crafting.

The right bunk bed can add style, function and fun to your child's room, whether you are designing it for a teenager or a little one. If you're thinking of the possibility of a bunk bed for your children, start by making an outline of who will be sleeping in the space. Do you need to accommodate children only or is the space meant for siblings? Do you require an additional bed to accommodate guests or sleepovers? Knowing who will be sleeping in the bunks will help you narrow down your options. You can then find the ideal double bunk bed for your home.

When looking for bunk beds, it is important to take into consideration the height of the bed. A bunk bed can be a great option for smaller rooms with low ceilings, as it helps to visually expand the space. For this southwestern-inspired room designed by Studio Lifestyle, the bunks were encased in custom joinery to create a lofted effect. The room is brightened by the cactus wallpaper as well as colorful accents.


A loft bed or bunk bed is not only an ideal way to free up space in a children's bedroom but also an attractive design element. There are a variety of options to fit the needs of every family and budget. Some have built-in storage drawers or shelves to increase efficiency and organization.

There are some key factors to take into consideration when choosing a double bunk bed for your kids. You should select a frame that is constructed of solid wood or steel and is durable and sturdy. It should fit a standard twin mattress and include guard rails for safety. kids bunkbed is an option that can be added to allow access to the top bunk. Stairs are a better option for older children who might have difficulty climbing the ladder. best kids bunkbeds can be safer and they are often multi-functional. They can also function as a storage unit or as a seat.

Some double bunk beds come with a full-size mattress at the bottom. This offers additional sleeping space for guests, and removes the need to purchase a separate guest mattress. Many models can also be easily converted into two twin beds when your child grows out of the bunk or if you want to make use of the room for other reasons.

It is important to consider the requirements of your children, their style, and the size of your bedroom when selecting a bunk or loft bed. There are a myriad of styles of lofts and bunks you can select from, including the twin over full arrangement that is ideal for siblings sharing rooms or parents who need to conserve space in small bedrooms. A futon bunk is another popular option. It has a sleeping area on top with a futon on the bottom, which can be used as a sofa or a place to relax.

The colors and finishes of loft beds or bunk beds are also varied. You can choose a color that perfectly complements the decor of your child's bedroom or complements other furniture in the room. There are a variety of options for customization like the addition of a personalized name plate or shelves for storage and reading.


Bunk beds are a great way to maximize floor space in kids' rooms, and the right option can last for years when they turn into teens. They also provide the opportunity to add additional storage, play and seating options to improve the functionality of their rooms. Slumberland Furniture offers a broad variety of options, such as a classic twin-over-full bunk bed as well as a loft bed that includes the option of a trundle. All are constructed to last.

When shopping for bunk or loft beds, be sure to make precise measurements of the space to ensure that the chosen style and size can be used without obstructions to doors, windows or other furniture. If possible, consult with a sales associate or the NFM phone sales team to learn about assembly and customization options for the particular product you choose.

You can purchase bunk beds and loft beds in most stores or as part our bedroom sets. They are shipped flat packed for easy shipping, with no-contact doorstep delivery available for free in the local areas. You can also choose the option of full-service, white glove delivery for a minimal cost.

Autoři článku: Danielmcgee1953 (Rollins Foss)