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Spliced alignments are a key step in the construction of high-quality homology-based annotations of protein sequences. The exon/intron structure, which is computed as part of spliced alignment procedures, often conveys important information for the distinguishing paralogous members of gene families. Here we present an exon-centric pipeline for spliced alignment that is intended in particular for applications that involve exon-by-exon comparisons of coding sequences. We show that the simple, blat-based approach has advantages over established tools in particular for genes with very large introns and applications to fragmented genome assemblies.The Health and Retirement Study is an amazing resource for those studying aging in the United States, and a fantastic model for other countries who have created similar longitudinal studies. The raw amount of information, from data on income, wealth, and use of health services to employment, retirement, and family connections on to the collection of clinical biomarkers can be both empowering and overwhelming to a researcher. Luckily through the process of engagement with the research community and constant improvement, these reams of data are not only consistently growing in a thoughtful and focused direction, they are also explained and summarized to increase the ease of use for all. One of the very useful areas of the HRS is the Contextual Data File (CDF), which is the focus of this review. The CDF provides access to easy-to-use helpful community-level data in a secure environment that has allowed researchers to answer questions that would have otherwise been difficult or impossible to tackle. The current Cof Public Health 98 2065-71), or even what do we gain from introducing contextual data to a survey analysis (Wilkinson, L. R., K. F. Ferraro, and B. R. Kemp. 2017. "Contextualization of Survey Data What Do We Gain and Does it Matter?" Research in Human Development 14 (3) 234-52)? My review focuses on the potential to expand contextual data in a few of these areas. From new data sets developed and released by the U.S. Census Bureau, to improved measurements of climate and environmental risk, there are numerous new data sources that would be a boon to the research community if they were joined together with the HRS. The following section begins by breaking down the opportunity provided by community or place-based data before moving on to specific recommendations for new data that could be included in the HRS contextual data file.A recent report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) highlights rising rates of working-age mortality in the United States, portending troubling population health trends for this group as they age. The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is an invaluable resource for researchers studying health and aging dynamics among Americans ages 50 and above and has strong potential to be used by researchers to provide insights about the drivers of rising U.S. selleckchem mortality rates. This paper assesses the strengths and limitations of HRS data for identifying drivers of rising mortality rates in the U.S. and provides recommendations to enhance the utility of the HRS in this regard. Among our many recommendations, we encourage the HRS to prioritize the following link cause of death information to respondents; reduce the age of eligibility for inclusion in the sample; increase the rural sample size; enhance the existing HRS Contextual Data Resource by incorporating longitudinal measures of structural determinants of health; develop additional data linkages to capture residential settings and characteristics across the life course; and add measures that capture drug use, gun ownership, and social media use.Objective To investigate the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic among the general population of the United Arab Emirates.Methods An online survey of a convenience sample was conducted between October 2020 and January 2021. The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) was used to assess symptoms of OCD. The rate of OCD symptoms in those who had positive COVID-19 test results was compared with those who had no previous COVID-19 diagnosis.Results The total number of participants was 702, including 371 males and 325 females (6 skipped the question regarding sex). Most participants reported no previous psychiatric history (84.3%). Previous psychiatric diagnoses were reported by 15.7% of participants (n = 110) and included generalized anxiety (27.3%), phobia (1.8%), depression (19.1%), bipolar mood disorder (1.8%), OCD (6.3%), and panic attacks (8.2%). There were 39 (5.6%) participants who had past psychiatric history but were unsure of the exact diagnosis. Presence of history of OCD for the total sample was reported by 7 (1%) participants. A family history of OCD was reported by 34 (4.8%) participants. A total of 218 (31.1%) participants scored mild, moderate, severe, or extreme OCD symptoms. Clinically significant OCD symptoms were reported by 75 participants (10.7% of the total sample). The mean (SD) score of the Y-BOCS was 6.63 (7.13) for the COVID-positive group and 4.9 (6.34) for the COVID-negative group, which was statistically significant (P = .0008).Conclusions The study findings indicate an increased prevalence of OCD during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is significantly higher among people with positive COVID-19 infection compared to those with negative COVID-19 test results.Objective To explore important themes in patient experiences with migraine and to understand the relationship of these themes with external factors such as the health care system and societal influences.Methods This qualitative study was part of a larger online survey (conducted for a period of 2 months from March 1, 2013, to April 30, 2013) that recruited participants with migraine through nonprobability-based sampling techniques. Respondents were asked an open-ended question to describe their experience with migraine. A codebook was developed based on existing literature and new categories that emerged from the responses. Deductive and inductive content analysis was conducted followed by axial coding of the themes based on the codebook.Results The open-ended question resulted in 154 eligible responses. The final codebook contained 28 categories. The categories were combined into 6 distinct themes. The 6 themes included quality of life and health status, disease condition, societal response to disease, health care and medications, support, and patient response to disease. The most frequently occurring categories were pain and quality of life (QoL) (work functioning). The least frequent themes were cognitive symptoms, QoL economic functioning, and caregiver burden. Axial coding of the themes showed that QoL was the central theme. Aspects of the disease condition and negative societal responses were found to substantially affect QoL, leading to caregiver burden and absence/presence of social support.Conclusions The findings demonstrate that pain and QoL are central to patient experience with migraine. Attention should be paid to improve the treatment and social support provided to patients and reduce stigma and invalidation.Initiation of vitellogenesis by blood feeding is essential for egg maturation in ticks. Nutrients derived from the blood meal are utilized by female ticks to synthesize the yolk protein precursor vitellogenin (Vg). Engorged Ornithodoros moubata ticks can synthesize Vg whether mated or virgin, thus O. moubata is an excellent model for studying the relative roles of blood feeding and mating in tick vitellogenesis. Injection of rapamycin into engorged O. moubata resulted in a reduction of ovarian growth and yolk accumulation in the oocytes of mated females. OmVg expression in the midgut and fat body and protein concentrations in the hemolymph significantly decreased in mated ticks after injection with rapamycin, indicating that inhibition of the nutrient-sensing target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway disrupts egg maturation at the levels of Vg expression and synthesis. These results suggest that the TOR-signaling pathway induces vitellogenesis in response to nutritional stimulation after a blood meal in O. moubata and is functionally independent of the mating-induced pathway.Evidence-based policy toolboxes are essential for decision makers to effectively invest in and scale up maternal-child health and nutrition programs, and breastfeeding is no exception. This special issue focuses on the experiences implementing the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly (BBF) toolbox in England, Scotland, and Wales. BBF is an initiative that includes a toolbox for decision making based on the Complex Adaptive System-based Breastfeeding Gear Model. The BBF initiative experience in Great Britain presented in this special issue illustrates how versatile BBF is as it can be readily adapted to the specific application context. In this instance one country, England was trained by the Yale School of Public Health team that developed BBF. England, in turn, trained and assisted Scotland and Wales with the implementation and oversight of BBF in those countries. The positive experience implementing BBF in Great Britain is fully consistent with findings related to this initiative in other countries with contrasting economic, social, political and health care systems; including Germany, Ghana, Mexico, Myanmar, and Samoa. In all instances BBF has led to breastfeeding policy improvements with strong implications for enabling breastfeeding environments including maternity benefits, workforce development, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and behavior change communication campaigns. In conclusion, BBF is a powerful tool to help guide the effective scaling up of evidence-based programmes to advance breastfeeding protection, promotion and support globally.The Brazilian Early Childhood Friendly Municipal Index (IMAPI) is a population-based approach to monitor the nurturing care environment for early childhood development (ECD) using routine information system data. It is unknown whether IMAPI can be applied to document metropolitan urban territorial differences in nurturing care environments. We used Brasilia, Brazil's capital with a large metropolitan population of 2,881,854 inhabitants divided into 31 districts, as a case study to examine whether disaggregation of nurturing care data can inform a more equitable prioritization for ECD in metropolitan areas. IMAPI scores were estimated at the municipal level (IMAPI-M, 31 indicators) and at the district level (IMAPI-D, 29 indicators). We developed a quantitative prioritization process for indicators in each IMAPI analysis, and those selected were jointly mapped in the socioecological model for the role of indicators in relation to the enabling environment for nurturing care. Out of 28 common nurturing care indicators across IMAPI analysis, only four were prioritized in both analyses one from the Adequate nutrition, two from the Opportunities for early learning, and one from the Responsive caregiving domains. These four indicators were mapped as enabling policies, supportive services, and caregivers' capabilities (socioecological model) and Effort, Coverage, and Quality (indicator's role). In conclusion, the different levels of nurturing care data disaggregation in the IMAPI can better inform decision-making than each one individually, especially in metropolitan areas where municipalities and districts within metropolitan areas have relative decision-making autonomy.

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