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Exposome research is focused on all the exposures individuals experience during their lifetime and how it shapes their health and development of disease. The chemical and biological aspects of the exposome are readily available in data formats. In comparison there is a lack of data frameworks available for physical factors (e.g. Linrodostat ic50 noise, lighting, electromagnetic fields) and their biological relationships which would allow a greater understanding of the contribution of the physical environment on disease development and burden. We present the construction of a prototype that captures knowledge on physical factors and their interactions with genes and diseases derived from the biomedical literature to reflect the physical exposome.Wrist-worn photoplethysmography (PPG) heart rate monitoring devices are increasingly used in clinical applications despite the potential for data missingness and inaccuracy. This paper provides an analysis of the intermittency of experimental wearable data recordings. Devices recorded heart rate with gaps of 5 or more minutes 41.6% of the time and 15 or more minutes 3.8% of the time.A scoping review was prepared in the first study phase of the REsPonSe project. The objective was to gain an overview of existing literature and available evidence on the subject of service robotics in nursing care. The systematic literature search took place using the following databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, Web of Science and IEEE Xplore. The titles and abstracts of 2.761 references were screened based on the inclusion criteria. A total of 31 articles were identified as relevant for the study.This scoping review gives an overview of current research activities in the field of very early mobilization with robotic devices of intensive care patients. It presents the effect of very early, robot-assisted mobilization on intensive care patients based on their outcomes.A crucial factor for successful cybersecurity education is how information is communicated to learners. Case-based learning of common cybersecurity issues has been shown to improve human behaviour for prevention. However, some delivery methods prevent realistic critical appraisal and reflection of awareness. Conversational agents can scaffold healthcare workers' understanding and promote deterrence strategies. The challenges of repurposing material to create a case-based agent were explored, and the ASPIRE process was modified. Heuristic evaluation from 10 experts in innovative educational technology resulted in the desired outcomes of usability, however Natural Language Understanding improvements were needed. Discussion of best practice when repurposing into conversational agents suggested modification of the ASPIRE process is feasible for future use.In a more and more demanding sector, healthcare leaders are in need of relevant and up-to-date competencies. The paper describes the iComPAss-project that aimed to increase the quality of a Master's programme for healthcare leaders, making sure that the competencies students are taught and should develop during their studies are aligned with what is relevant for their current and future practices. A method for identifying needed competencies in the field of practice was developed and used. This led to an understanding of the need for increased collaboration between the Master's programme, the field of practice, and working life.The European Commission published in 2019 the Recommendation on the European Electronic Health Record exchange format (EHRxF) to support citizens and healthcare providers in securely accessing and sharing EHRs. The European EHRxF is expected to contribute to the digital transformation of health and care in the digital single market empowering citizens and building a healthier society. This paper presents areas of work that need to be resolved for the European EHRxF to advance shared decision-making for patients and citizen-centered science.Using an online survey, we examined the relationships between the perceived usefulness, sensitivity, and anonymity of personal health data and people's willingness to share it with researchers. An analysis of 112 responses showed that people's willingness and perceptions are related to the type of the data, their trust in the data's anonymity, and their personal sociodemographic characteristics. In general, we found that people do not completely trust that their identities remain anonymous when sharing data anonymously with researchers. We also found that they are more willing to share personal health data with researchers if they perceive it as useful for public health research, not sensitive, and if they trust that their identity will remain anonymous after sharing it. We also found that people's age, gender, occupation, and region of residence may be related to their perceptions regarding the sharing of personal health data.Multiple challenges await third-party digital health services when trying to enter the health market. Prominent examples of such services are clinical decision support systems provided as external software. Uncertainty about their challenges, technical as well as legal, pose serious hurdles for many innovations to be adopted early on. There are many options and trade-offs to provide digital healthcare solutions as a third-party service. This paper discusses them by referring to a pharmacogenetic decision support service. By providing best-practices, scenario descriptions and templates designed for third-party services with respect to legal and technical issues, obstacles and uncertainties can be reduced, which will have an impact on better diagnoses and treatments in the healthcare system.COVID-19 pandemic is a global problem that raised the perception of stress to a completely new level, unseen so far in peace conditions. To reduce the level of stress and deal with its accumulated consequences, people enforce different strategies and coping mechanisms. In the vast amount of information available, imposed by the media, and often filled with falsehoods and catastrophizing related topics, it can be very challenging to distinguish the truth from falsehoods. The existence of an adequate level of digital literacy and e-Health literacy can help society to deal with that problem. Digital and e-Health literacy enables society to search for information efficiently, while remaining critical and open-minded, and use the newly adopted knowledge to improve our mental health. The aim of the paper was to present the frequency of news searches and trusting the COVID-19 related information in the group of medical professionals in Croatia. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire, containing psychological questionnaires and relevant questions about everyday functioning. Based on the results that show a significant correlation between the frequency of information search and the lack of trust in the search results, we discuss the importance of digital and e-Health literacy, primarily within medical professionals.This study merges multiple COVID-19 data sources from news articles and social media to propose an integrated infodemic surveillance system (IISS) that implements infodemiology for a well-tailored epidemic management policy. IISS is an à-la-carte infodemic surveillance solution that enables users to gauge the epidemic related consensus, which compiles epidemic-related data from multiple sources and equipped with various methodological toolkits - topic modeling, Word2Vec, and social network analysis. IISS can provide reliable empirical evidence for proper policymaking. We demonstrate the heuristic utilities of IISS using empirical data from the first wave of COVID-19 in South Korea. Measuring discourse congruence allows us to gauge the distance between the discourse corpus from different sources, which can highlight consensus and conflicts in epidemic discourse. Furthermore, IISS detects discrepancies between social concerns and main actors.Diversity, inclusion and interdisciplinary collaboration are drivers for healthcare innovation and adoption of new, technology-mediated services. The importance of diversity has been highlighted by the United Nations' in SDG5 "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls", to drive adoption of social and digital innovation. Women play an instrumental role in health care and are in position to bring about significant changes to support ongoing digitalization and transformation. At the same time, women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). To some extent, the same holds for health care informatics. This paper sums up input to strategies for peer mentoring to ensure diversity in health informatics, to target systemic inequalities and build sustainable, intergenerational communities, improve digital health literacy and build capacity in digital health without losing the human touch.The COVID-19 pandemic has brought along a massive increase in app development. However, most of these apps are not using interoperable data. The COMPASS project of the German COVID-19 Research Network of University Medicine ("Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM)") tackles this issue, by offering open-source technology, best practice catalogues, and suggestions for designing interoperable pandemic health applications (https// Therefore, COMPASS conceived a framework that includes automated conformity checks as well as reference implementations for more efficient and pandemic-tailored app developments. It further aims to motivate and support developers to use interoperable standards.Human rights monitoring for people with disabilities is in urgent need for disability data that is shared and available for local and international disability stakeholders (e.g., advocacy groups). Our aim is to use a Wikibase for editing, integrating, storing structured disability related data and to develop a Natural Language Processing (NLP) enabled multilingual search engine to tap into the wikibase data. In this paper, we explain the project first phase.Lexical simplification (LS) can decrease the communication gap between medical experts and laypeople by replacing medical terms with layperson counterparts. In this paper, we present 1) a rule-based approach to LS using a consumer health vocabulary, and 2) an unsupervised approach using BERT to generate word candidates. Human evaluation shows that the unsupervised model performed better for simplicity and grammaticality, while the rule-based method was better at meaning preservation.The 4th industrial revolution of informatics and data is an important factor of modern health care provision. The WHO, the EU and other governmental authorities have recognised the new needs. The health care professionals face this change in daily work. The higher education community has responded on time with a wide range of relevant programs. In order to achieve the best results for health care related educational programs an evaluation procedure is needed. In this work a brief part of the evaluation of a Health Informatics program is presented.Catalogues of learning objectives for Biomedical and Health Informatics are relevant prerequisites for systematic and effective qualification. Catalogue management needs to integrate different catalogues and support collaborative revisioning. The Health Informatics Learning Objectives Navigator (HI-LONa) offers an open, interoperable platform based on Semantic Web Technology. At present HI-LONa contains 983 learning objectives of three relevant catalogues. HI-LONa successfully supported a multiprofessional consensus process.

Autoři článku: Thistedbjerre4231 (Riber Navarro)