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The net isosteric heat of sorption varied between 16.711 and 3.242 kJ/mol within 5-30% (db) of sample moisture content.Aim of this work was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and physical characteristics of citral microencapsulated with dextrin (Dx) by spray drying. The encapsulation was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM), maximizing yield and efficiency, considering as independent variables the citralDx ratio (15 and 120) and the inlet air temperature (120 and 200 °C). Yield and efficiency under optimal conditions were 71.9% and 99.9%, respectively. Antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus of the citral microparticles obtained under optimal conditions and of free citral was evaluated using the disk diffusion methodology. Both compounds showed a broad spectrum inhibitory effect, being Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus the most sensitive microorganisms. The inhibition ratio varied between 55 and 75%, and the antibacterial activity was maintained after microencapsulation. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of free citral were above 0.8 mg/mL. The optimal citral microparticles showed acceptable physicochemical characteristics and broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Polymer and emulsifier used in microencapsulation protected the functional activity of citral, thus suggesting that these microparticles could be used in the design of antimicrobial food systems to extend the shelf life of perishable foods.In the Brazilian context, many plants have been marketed under the name of unconventional food plants (UFPs). However, it is not known whether this label causes some bias in product acceptance. Thus, two case studies were conducted to fill this gap. The research also sought to determine if the type of fair (agroecological vs. common) where the UFP is sold, the familiarity with the term, and the identification of a UFP when used as an ingredient act as moderating variables of this relationship. This paper presents data from two case studies. The first was conducted with jenipapo juice through sensory evaluations at a conventional fair and an agroecological fair in the metropolitan region of Maceió (Northeast Brazil). The product was offered to some attendees without giving them any information, while for other attendees, the presence of a UFP and the underlying concept were mentioned. In this context, the UFP label did not affect the sensory evaluation. In the second case study, taioba cakes were offered to students from a public university in the same city. In this context, the UFP-labelled product was less accepted than the product without the label only for students who had not heard of UFPs. The differences between the two case studies reinforce the need to expand research on this topic to identify in which contexts the UFP label influences sensory evaluations.

Maternal prenatal substance use disorder (SUD) represents a dual risk for child wellbeing due to teratogenic impacts and parenting problems often inherent in SUD. One potential mechanism transferring this risk is altered development of children's emotion regulation (ER). The present study examines how mother's prenatal SUD and early mother-infant interaction quality predict children's ER in middle childhood.

The participants were 52 polysubstance using mothers and 50 non-users and their children. First-year mother-infant interaction quality was assessed with the Emotional Availability (EA) Scales and children's ER with the Children's Emotion Management Scales (CEMS), and its parent version (P-CEMS) at 8-12 years.

Mother's prenatal SUD predicted a low level of children's adaptive ER strategies, whereas early mother-infant interaction problems predicted a high level of emotion dysregulation. The dyadic interaction also mediated the effect of SUD on emotion dysregulation. In the SUD group, more severe substance use predicted high emotion inhibition.

Early mother-infant interaction quality is critical in shaping children's ER, also in middle-childhood. Interventions aimed for mothers with prenatal SUD should integrate parenting components to support the optimal development of multiply vulnerable children.

Early mother-infant interaction quality is critical in shaping children's ER, also in middle-childhood. Interventions aimed for mothers with prenatal SUD should integrate parenting components to support the optimal development of multiply vulnerable children.This study analyzes the content and chemical profile of extractives present in the young phloem of mature trees of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) and stone pine (P. pinea) in three sites in Portugal located in different climatic environments. HTH-01-015 ic50 The cross-sites average of extractives was similar in both pines with 38.5% in P. pinea and 37.7% in P. pinaster phloem. The hydrophilic fraction represented 82% and 70% of P. pinea and P. pinaster total extractives respectively, with large contents of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and tannins, and showed very high oxygen scavenging and reducing ability. Lipophilic extractives were present in higher proportion in P. pinaster phloem than in P. pinea phloem, and showed a large content of resin acids, with the predominance of abietic acid in P. pinaster, and dehydroabietic acid in P. pinea phloems, and of alkanoic acids. P. pinaster and P. pinea have specific defences related to phloem production of resin and phenolic compounds with the ratio phenolic-to-oleoresin compounds higher for P. pinea (4.7 vs 2.3 for P. pinaster) and constant in the three sites. The phytochemical content and composition of the young phloem of P. pinaster and P. pinea showed site differences highlighting the relationship between environment and metabolic production.Lipid-based drug delivery systems are widely used for enhancing the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. However, following oral intake, lipid excipients often undergo gastrointestinal lipolysis, which drastically affects drugs solubility and bioavailability. That's why developing new lipid excipients which are resistant to digestion would be of great interest. We studied here the potential role of the unconventional Chinese star anise whole seedpod oil (CSAO) as an alternative multifunctional lipid excipient. Pancreatic lipase-mediated digestion of the extracted crude oil emulsion was assessed in vitro. Pancreatic lipase, being a strict sn-1,3-regioselective lipase, showed a high (16-fold) olive oil to CSAO activity ratio, which could be attributed to fatty acids composition and triglycerides intramolecular structure. For the sake of comparison, the non-regioselective lipase Novozyme® 435 exhibited higher activity than pancreatic lipase on CSAO emulsion, perhaps due to its ability to release fatty acids from the internal sn-2 position of TAGs. Apart counteracting lipolysis, CSAO oil also showed additional biopharmaceutical benefits including moderate antioxidant and antihypertensive activities. Altogether, these findings highlight for the first time the potential use of star anise unconventional whole seedpod oil as a multifunctional lipid excipient for the development of new lipid formulations.

Mental health symptoms are considered a public health concern by many professionals and are frequently impacted by factors related to occupation, employment opportunities, and economic stressors. This study investigated the relationship between economic stressors and mental health symptoms among Bangladeshi rehabilitation professionals.

We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 420 rehabilitation professionals between July 2020 and October 2020. Economic stressors were measured using Economic Hardship Questionnaire, Financial Threat Scale, and Financial Well-Being Scale. Mental health symptoms were measured using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to find associated factors on mental health problems after adjusting confounders.

Among 420 rehabilitation professionals 62.1% were male, 38.6% were post-graduated and 75% were in practice. The overall prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was 51.0%, 58.6%, and 33.6%, respectivelProper labeling of seafood is important to prevent economic deception and protect public health. The goal of this research was to investigate prepackaged frozen fish for Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) compliance, species labeling, net weights/short weighting, and percent glaze. A total of 111 frozen prepackaged fish fillets were purchased from grocery stores in Southern California (USA). Samples were designated as COOL compliant if they displayed both procurement method and country of origin in accordance with COOL requirements. Species labeling was examined by comparing the species identified with DNA barcoding to the acceptable market names provided in the FDA Seafood List. Net weights and percent glaze were determined by recording the weight of each product before and after deglazing. Of the 111 samples, only 1 was noncompliant with COOL and 10 samples (9%) were short-weighted. The average percent glaze was 5%, with seven samples having >10% glaze. Most fish (95.5%) were correctly labeled with regards to species. Species substitution was discovered in two samples and three samples had unacceptable market names. The results of this study indicate high COOL compliance and minimal species mislabeling in prepackaged frozen fish fillets. However, there is a need for increased focus on short weighting and/or overglazing of frozen fish products.The effect of intellectual capital on financial performance was investigated in this paper for the period 2008 to 2019. A total of 696 observations were generated from data collected from 56 general insurance companies in 12 years. The Value Added Intelligent Coefficient Model was used and data was analysed using both static (two stage least square, fixed and random effect) and dynamic panel regression analysis (two step system generalised method of moments). The findings showed a significant and direct relationship between lagged return on assets, intellectual capital and financial performance of insurers in the South African Development Community. Out of the components of intellectual capital, human capital and structural capital are significantly and directly related with return on assets while capital employed is inversely and insignificantly related with return on assets. The control variables-underwriting risk, insurer size and leverage are all inversely and significantly affecting return on assets. Thus, a U-shape relationship exists between intellectual capital and financial performance in general insurance companies in the South African Development Community. Thus, the policy makers-cum-insurers' managers should maximise their intellectual capital as this creates competitive advantage that leads to financial performance drive and wealth generation. The Model used in this study is an important model decision-makers can use to assimilate intellectual capital in their decision-making procedures. This will inadvertently permit insurers to scale themselves according to the intellectual capital efficiencies and advance in strategies that will boost their company's financial performance.

Autoři článku: Terrellhoumann3893 (Ortega Ogle)