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A pilot scale chlorine contact tank (CCT) with flexible baffling was installed at an operational water treatment plant (WTP), taking a direct feed from the outlet of the rapid gravity filters (RGF). For the first time, disinfection efficacy was established by direct microbial monitoring in a continuous reactor using flow cytometry (FCM). Disinfection variables of dose, time, and hydraulic efficiency (short circuiting and dispersion) were explored following characterisation of the reactor's residence time distributions (RTD) by tracer testing. FCM enabled distinction to be made between changes in disinfection reactor design where standard culture-based methods could not. The product of chlorine concentration (C) and residence time (t) correlated well with inactivation of microbes, organisms, with the highest cell reductions (N/N0) reaching less then 0.025 at Ctx¯ of 20 mg.min/L and above. The influence of reactor geometry on disinfection was best shown from the Ct10. This identified that the initial level of microbial inactivation was higher in unbaffled reactors for low Ct10 values, although the highest levels of inactivation of 0.015 could only be achieved in the baffled reactors, because these conditions enabled the highest Ct10 values to be achieved. Increased levels of disinfection were closely associated with increased formation of the trihalomethane disinfection by-products. The results highlight the importance of well-designed and operated CCT. The improved resolution afforded by FCM provides a tool that can dynamically quantify disinfection processes, enabling options for much better process control.

As stimulant use increases across the United States, emergency medical services (EMS) are crucial touchpoints in the health care system. To better measure the prevalence of stimulant use, misuse, and EMS incidents related to stimulant intoxication, definitions for stimulant-related incidents (SRIs) are needed.

We used the Massachusetts Ambulance Trip Record Information System (MATRIS) from 2013 to 2020 to develop definitions of stimulant-related incidents. EMS runs reported to MATRIS were categorized based on stimulant-related words and symptoms. The three tiers were "any stimulant use" (class 1), "problematic stimulant use" (class 2), and "acute stimulant-related incidents" (class 3). A group of four reviewers studied over 650 cases in eight rounds to refine the search terms, achieving definitions with a correct characterization of over 80% of cases that the code selected.

SRI definitions were applied against all EMS runs within Massachusetts between 2013 and 2020 (n=6,584,836 runs). Of these, 43,538 (0.7%) met the class 1 definition, 38,669 (0.6%) met the class 2 definition, and 19,157 (0.3%) met the class 3 definition. Incidents at all tiers of severity increased over time and were more likely to occur among younger adults and males. Race and ethnicity data indicated that Hispanic/Latinx and Black non-Hispanic/non-Latinx residents formed a disproportionately large percentage of SRIs relative to their total percentage of EMS runs.

The prevalence of all three tiers of SRIs are increasing in Massachusetts, and this protocol provides a source of administrative data on stimulant use that complements sources such as hospital, treatment-based, and/or prescribing records.

The prevalence of all three tiers of SRIs are increasing in Massachusetts, and this protocol provides a source of administrative data on stimulant use that complements sources such as hospital, treatment-based, and/or prescribing records.Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance for white matter (WM) tract segmentation based on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). The training of the CNN-based segmentation model generally requires a large number of manual delineations of WM tracts, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Although it is possible to carefully curate abundant training data for a set of WM tracts of interest, there can also be novel WM tracts-i.e., WM tracts that are not included in the existing annotated WM tracts-that are specific to a new scientific problem, and it is desired that the novel WM tracts can be segmented without repeating the laborious collection of a large number of manual delineations for these tracts. One possible solution to the problem is to transfer the knowledge learned for segmenting existing WM tracts to the segmentation of novel WM tracts with a fine-tuning strategy, where a CNN pretrained for segmenting existing WM tracts is fine-tuned with only a few ann dMRI scans from public and private datasets under various experimental settings, and the results indicate that our method improves the performance of few-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts.We propose a differentiable volumetric mesh voxelization technique based on deformation of a shape-model, and demonstrate that it can be used to predict left-ventricular anatomies directly from magnetic resonance image slice data. The predicted anatomies are volumetric meshes suitable for direct inclusion in biophysical simulations. The proposed method can leverage existing (pixel-based) segmentation networks, and does not require any ground truth paired image and mesh training data. We demonstrate that this approach produces accurate predictions from few slices, and can combine information from images acquired in different views (e.g. fusing shape information from short axis and long axis slices). We demonstrate that the proposed method is several times faster than a state-of-the-art registration based method. Additionally, we show that our method can correct for slice misalignment, and is robust to incomplete and inaccurate input data. We further demonstrate that by fitting a mesh to every frame of 4D data we can determine ejection fraction, stroke volume and strain.

Corticosteroid resistance (CR) is a serious disadvantage in treating many chronic inflammatory conditions. Eosinophils are the main inflammation cells in allergic reactions. Environmental pollution, such as PM2.5, is associated with the pathogenesis of allergic disorders. The objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism by which the exposure to PM2.5 confers eosinophil CR status.

Patients with allergic rhinitis were recruited and assigned to corticosteroid sensitive (CS) and CR groups. Eosinophils were purified from nasal lavage fluids collected from patients with allergic rhinitis. A murine AR mouse model was developed with dust mite allergens and PM2.5 as the sensitization reagents.

CR status was detected in about 60% eosinophil collected in patients with AR. Upon exposure to eosinophil activators, CS eosinophils released a large quantity of mediators, which was suppressed by the presence of steroids in the culture. CR eosinophils demonstrated resistance to steroidal therapy. RAS activation l CR in eosinophils. Sos1 inhibition restored sensitivity to steroids in CR eosinophils, which effectively reduced experimental allergic rhinitis.Aging is associated with auditory nerve (AN) functional deficits and decreased inhibition in the central auditory system, amplifying central responses in a process referred to here as central gain. Although central gain increases response amplitudes, central gain may not restore disrupted response timing. In this translational study, we measured responses putatively generated by the AN and auditory midbrain in younger and older mice and humans. We hypothesized that older mice and humans exhibit increased central gain without an improvement in inter-trial synchrony in the midbrain. Our data demonstrated greater age-related deficits in AN response amplitudes than auditory midbrain response amplitudes, as shown by significant interactions between inferred neural generator and age group, indicating increased central gain in auditory midbrain. CTx-648 cell line However, synchrony decreases with age in both the AN and midbrain responses. These results reveal age-related increases in central gain without concomitant improvements in synchrony, consistent with those predictions based on decreases in inhibition. Persistent decreases in synchrony may contribute to auditory processing deficits in older mice and humans.Studies of healthy brain aging traditionally report diffusivity patterns associated with white matter degeneration using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which assumes that diffusion measured at typical b-values (approximately 1000 s/mm2) is Gaussian. Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is an extension of DTI that measures non-Gaussian diffusion (kurtosis) to better capture microenvironmental processes by incorporating additional data at a higher b-value. In this study, using diffusion data (b-values of 1000 and 2000 s/mm2) from 700 UK Biobank participants aged 46-80, we investigate (1) the extent of novel information gained from adding diffusional kurtosis to diffusivity observations in aging, and (2) how conventional DTI metrics in aging compare with diffusivity metrics derived from DKI, which are corrected for kurtosis. We establish a pattern of lower kurtosis alongside higher diffusivity among older adults, with kurtosis generally being more sensitive to age than diffusivity. We also find discrepancies between diffusivity metrics derived from DTI and DKI, emphasizing the importance of accounting for non-Gaussian diffusion when interpreting age-related diffusivity patterns.Differences in peak vertical ground reaction forces (dFzpeak) between contralateral forelimbs and hindlimbs are considered the gold standard for quantifying weight-bearing lameness. However, measuring kinematics for the same purpose is more common and practical. Vertical movement asymmetries (VMA) of the horse's upper body have previously been correlated to fore- and hindlimb lameness. But the combined response of head, withers and pelvis VMA to fore- and hindlimb dFzpeak has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Deriving the kinetic responses from kinematics would help the interpretation and understanding of quantified weight-bearing lameness. In this retrospective study, 103 horses with a wide range of fore- and hindlimb dFzpeak had been trotted on a force-measuring treadmill synchronized with an optical motion capture system. VMA of the head, withers and pelvis as well as dFzpeak were extracted. Multiple linear mixed models and linear regressions of kinematic variables were used to model the dFzpeak. It was hypothesised that all included VMA would have a significant influence on the dFzpeak outcome variables. The results showed a complex relationship between VMA and dFzpeak where both amplitude and timing of the VMA were of importance. On average, the contribution percentage of VMA to fore/hind dFzpeak were 66/34% for head, 76/24% for withers and 33/67% for pelvis. The linear regressions for the fore/hindlimb models achieved mean measurement root mean squared errors of 0.83%/0.82% dFzpeak. These results might help determine the clinical relevance of upper body VMA and distinguish between primary fore, hind, ipsilateral and diagonal weight-bearing lameness.2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME) is often used as an antioxidant to optimize culture systems for in vitro oocyte maturation in livestock. However, the relationship between 2-ME and autophagy has not yet been elucidated. In this study, we hypothesized that 2-ME can promote porcine oocyte maturation in vitro by maintaining autophagy homeostasis. To test this hypothesis, we explored the effects of 2-ME on the maturation of porcine oocytes exposed to an autophagy activator (rapamycin) or an autophagy inhibitor (3-methyladenine, i.e., 3-MA) in vitro. Rapamycin-induced autophagy over-activation significantly increased autophagy- and apoptosis-related gene expression, oxidative stress, apoptosis rates, abnormal mitochondrial redistribution, and significantly decreased oocyte first polar body extrusion (PBE) rates, spindle/chromosome integrity and developmental competence. 3-MA-mediated autophagy inhibition exerted similar effects on all these parameters except the expression of genes that promote autophagy and inhibit apoptosis.

Autoři článku: Strongadamsen8252 (Kristoffersen Fisher)