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In this paper, we propose the convergent beam array to reduce scintillation induced by oceanic turbulence in underwater wireless optical communications (UWOCs) between misaligned transceivers. In the proposed convergent beam array, the propagation directions of beams are slanted inwards and different from each other. First, we present the convergent beam array system and analyze spatial relationships between the transmitter and the individual beam in beam array systems. Then, in order to simulate beams propagation in UWOCs, we review the power spectrum of refractive index fluctuations in oceanic turbulence and analyze the spatial relationship between the misaligned transceivers in view of pointing errors. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed convergent beam array on scintillation reduction by multistep wave optics simulation. Simulation results show that convergent beam array is able to decrease scintillation indices effectively in UWOCs with pointing errors.An approach to measuring the frequency response of high-speed photodiodes (PDs) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated based on employing an ultrashort optical pulse train to sample an envelope-modulated microwave subcarrier. Through up-and-down conversion sampling, a varying frequency component and a fixed low frequency component can be obtained, where the varying frequency component probes the ultra-wideband response information of PD. Through measuring the relative amplitude between the two frequency components, the frequency response of the PD at the any frequency within ultra-wideband frequency range can be calculated by taking the response at the fixed low frequency component as a reference. Thereinto, the frequency response of the electro-optic modulator is cancelled out, and the uneven comb intensity introduced by the ultrashort optical pulse train can be corrected by choosing the specific frequency of the microwave subcarrier. In the proof-of-concept experiment, the self-calibrated frequency response measurement of a commercial PD is demonstrated by employing an optical pulse train with a repetition rate of 9.954 GHz and an electro-optic frequency sweeping up to 4.977 GHz. The frequency measurement range is achieved up to 49.77 GHz, and the frequency resolution reaches 300 kHz in the rough measurement and 10 Hz level in the fine measurement. The consistency between the proposed method and conventional methods proves the ultra-wideband and hyperfine frequency response measurement of PDs.We demonstrate the optical trapping of single dielectric nanoparticles in a microfluidic chamber using a coupled T-shaped copper plasmonic nanoantenna for studying light-matter interaction. The nanoantenna is composed of two identical copper elements separated by a 50 nm gap and each element is designed with two nanoblocks. Our nanoantenna inherits three different advantages compared to previous plasmonic nanoantennas, which are usually made of gold. First, copper is a very promising plasmonic material with its very similar optical properties as gold. Second, copper is comparably cheap, which is compatible with industry-standard fabrication processes and has been widely used in microelectronics. Third, the trapping area of tweezers is expanded due to the intrinsic Fabry-Perot cavity with two parallel surfaces. We present finite element method simulations of the near-field distribution and photothermal effects. And we perform Maxwell stress tensor simulations of optical forces exerted on an individual nanoparticle in the vicinity of the nanoantenna. In addition, we examine how the existence of an oxide layer of cupric oxide and the heat sink substrate influence the optical trapping properties of copper nanoantennas. This work demonstrates that the coupled T-shaped copper nanoantennas are a promising means as optical nanotweezers to trap single nanoparticles in solution, opening up a new route for nanophotonic devices in optical information processing and on-chip biological sensing.Graphene has taken impressive roles in light manipulation and optical engineering. The most attractive advantage of graphene is its tunable conductivity that could be dynamically modulated by various means. In this paper, we show that the spin Hall shift of light is dynamically tunable via changing the Fermi level of the graphene-wrapped spheres. Such tunability is prominent when different modes interfere with each other, such as at the interference of electric and magnetic dipolar modes or at the interference of electric dipolar and electric quadrupole modes. The circular polarization degree in the near field clearly demonstrates the strength of spin-orbit interaction, which is associated with spin Hall shift of light in the far-field. In addition, the spin Hall effect is shown in far-field detection plane and should be observed in experiment. Our results provide insights into how the spin Hall effect could be tuned and add new perspective in designing optical super-resolution imaging techniques.The pulse dynamics of a self-starting Yb-doped fiber Mamyshev oscillator without external seed pulses or additional starting arms is demonstrated experimentally. Multiple dynamic patterns of pulses, including single pulses, bound-state pulses, and harmonic mode-locking pulses, are observed at different pump powers and filter spectral separations. The generation and evolution of bound states have also been simulated by establishing the corresponding theoretical model. This is the first systematic theoretical and experimental study of the formation and evolution of bound states in Yb-doped Mamyshev oscillators. The numerical results are in excellent agreement with experiment results, providing validation of both the measurements and the numerical model.We report an enhanced photon count rate in a digitally implemented time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) system by utilizing a hybrid photodetector (HPD). In our digital TCSPC scheme, the photoelectronic responses from a single photon-sensitive photodetector are digitally analyzed through a high-speed analog-to-digital convertor (ADC). By virtue of the HPD which provides nearly a constant signal gain, the single-photon pulses can be effectively distinguished from pulses of simultaneously detected multiple photons by the pulse heights. Consequently, our digital TCSPC system can selectively collect single-photon signals even in the presence of intense multi-photon detections with its temporal accuracy not to be compromised. In our experiment of fluorescence lifetime measurement, the maximum count rate of single photons nearly reached the theoretical limit given by the Poisson statistics. This demonstrated that the digital TCSPC combined with the HPD provides an ultimate solution for the TCSPC implementation for high photon count rates.This research experimentally demonstrates a switchable, single-wavelength, thulium-doped fiber laser based on the cascading of a multimode-single-mode-multimode (MSM) fiber filter and a two-mode fiber (TMF) filter. When the MSM fiber filter suffers from bending, the blue-shift of the output spectrum can be obtained. A switchable lasing wavelength output is realized by bending the MSM fiber filter to cover different channels of the TMF filter. The output wavelength can be switched from 1982.54 to 1938.81 nm with an optical signal-to-noise ratio of higher than 40 dB. The wavelength interval of the switchable output is an integral multiple of the wavelength interval of the TMF filter. The stability of the output wavelength was tested within 60 min, and the wavelength shift and output power fluctuation were found to be less than 0.01 nm and 0.31 dB, respectively, which demonstrates a stable output performance.As an essential element for quantum information processing and quantum communication, efficient quantum memory based on solid-state platforms is imperative for practical applications but remains a challenge. Here we propose a scheme to realize a highly efficient and controllable storage and routing of single photons based on quantum dots (QDs) with a Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC). We show that the SOC in the QDs can provide a flexible built-up of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) for single-photon propagation, and storage, retrieval, as well as routing of single-photon wavepackets can also be implemented through the EIT. Moreover, we demonstrate that the propagation loss of the single-photon wavepackets in the QDs may be largely suppressed by means of a weak microwave field, by which the storage and routing of the single photons can be made to have high efficiency and fidelity. Our research opens a route for designs of advanced solid-state devices promising for applications in photonic quantum-information processing and transmission based on the QDs with SOC.We propose a preliminary lensless inference camera (LLI camera) specialized for object recognition. The LLI camera performs computationally efficient data preprocessing on the optically encoded pattern through the mask, rather than performing computationally expensive image reconstruction before inference. Therefore, the LLI camera avoids expensive computation and achieves real-time inference. This work proposes a new data preprocessing approach, named local binary patterns map generation, dedicated for optically encoded pattern through the mask. This preprocessing approach greatly improves encoded pattern's robustness to local disturbances in the scene, making the LLI camera's practical application possible. The performance of the LLI camera is analyzed through optical experiments on handwritten digit recognition and gender estimation under conditions with changing illumination and a moving target.A diode laser module emitting 1.4 kW optical in-pulse power near 780 nm optimized for high (≥ 10%) duty-cycle operation in a micro-channel free design is presented. With full collimation, a beam quality with a nearly symmetric M2 of 205 × 295 (vertical × horizontal direction) for a wide range of pulse widths is found.Large-scale passive resonant gyroscopes (PRGs) have been utilized in the measurement of Earth rotation. We report on a scheme of phase-sensitive heterodyne detection in large-scale PRGs. By injecting three separated beams into different longitudinal modes of the ring cavity and self-demodulating the detected signals, the backscattering disturbance and the cavity length fluctuation effect both can be isolated. With the implementation of this new scheme, we can obtain the Earth rotation signal with a Sagnac frequency that is twice of that of the traditional scheme, which enhance the equivalent scale factor of the laser gyroscopes. On the other hand, the quantum noise limit of the instrument can also be further suppressed due to the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio. With this new scheme, the theoretical rotational sensitivity of a 3 m × 3 m large scale PRG can be as low as 10-12 rad/s/Hz. With this rotational sensitivity, the measurement of the length of day or the test of the general relativity can be realized.Proper optimization of a photonic structure for sensing applications is of extreme importance for integrated sensor design. Here we discuss on the definition of suitable parameters to determine the impact of photonic structure designs for evanescent-wave absorption sensors on the achievable resolution and sensitivity. Lixisenatide In particular, we analyze the most widespread quantities used to classify photonic structures in the context of sensing, namely the evanescent-field ratio (or evanescent power factor) and the confinement factor Γ. We show that, somewhat counterintuitively, the confinement factor is the only parameter that can reliably describe the absorption of the evanescent-field in the surrounding medium, and, by quantifying the discrepancy between the two parameters for a set of realistic photonic structures, we demonstrate that using the evanescent-field ratio can lead to a wrong classification of the performance of different structures for absorption sensing. We finally discuss the most convenient simulation strategies to retrieve the confinement factor by FEM simulations.

Autoři článku: Strandbrink8565 (Juarez Birch)