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Increasing pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from industrial activities is an ecological challenge for plants, which seriously affects their health and productivity. Scrophularia striata is a plant endemic to Iran growing in the province of Ilam, wherein a gas refinery releases toxic agents such as H2S whose detrimental effects on the function and tolerability of medicinal plants in this region have yet to be elucidated. Thus, we initiated a hydroponic study into hormetic effect of sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS) concentrations (0, 3 and 7 mM) as H2S-donor at different time points on oxidative status and phenolic compounds, focusing more on phenylethanoid glycosides (PhGs) in S. striata. Our results indicated that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) increased significantly at 3 mM NaHS after 48 h, while its peak at 7 mM occurred after 24 h. Nitric oxide (NO) level peaked at 3 mM and 7 mM after 24 h. Treatment with NaHS also resulted in a dose-dependent induction of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and tyrosine ammonia-lyase (TAL) enzyme activities, phenolic acids production (cinnamic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid and salicylic acid) and acteoside accumulation, ultimately leading to an increase in antioxidant capacity. Modulation of soluble sugars contents including glucose, mannose and rhamnose/xylose, occurred after the treatment with NaHS, likely increasing plant tolerance due to their biological activity and structural effects. Overall, our results suggest that dose-dependent accumulation of phenolics, notably acteoside, leads to an augmentation in antioxidant system to deal with H2S stress in S. striata.

To evaluate abdominal computed tomography (CT) studies in respect of the prevalence of the left ascending lumbar communicating vein (ALCV) and ALCV aneurysm and to identify possible causes of aneurysm development in the ALCV.

Contrast-enhanced abdominal CT examinations were retrospectively investigated for the prevalence of the ALCV in the adult population. In patients with ALCV, the diameters of the following vessels were measured ALCV, left renal vein (LRV) at two levels, compression ratio of the LRV (CR), left gonadal vein, right and left ascending lumbar veins (ALVs). The aortomesenteric angle was also measured for preaortic LRVs. ALCV aneurysm was noted during the assessment.

Evaluation was made of 500 patients. ALCV was found in 240 patients (48%), more common in patients with retroaortic LRV and circumaortic LRV than in patients with preaortic LRV (p=0.003). The mean diameter of the ALCV was 3.85±2.06mm. ALCV and the left gonadal vein merged to form a common vein draining into the LRV in 23 patients with preaortic LRV (9.6%). Of the patients with ALCV, 19 (8%) had aneurysm. The diameter of the left ALV and CR were significantly greater in patients with aneurysm than in patients without (p=0.001 and 0.032, respectively). Patients with ALCV aneurysm had a significantly narrower aortomesenteric angle (p=0.004).

The results of this study indicated that a narrower aortomesenteric angle and a greater CR might play a role in the development of ALCV aneurysm.

The results of this study indicated that a narrower aortomesenteric angle and a greater CR might play a role in the development of ALCV aneurysm.The environmental accumulation of organophosphates is a serious threat to public health. To detect these xenobiotics, a broad range of sensors has been developed in past decades. However, sensors with high sensitivity and a capability for degrading organophosphates are rare. In this study, "smart" whole-cell biosensors were created by combining synthetic biology approaches with the bacterial quorum sensing (QS) mechanism. The engineered whole-cell biosensor pUC57-QS-DSF-F42 L/E coli DH5α can sense a wide array of phenolic compounds including phenol and p-nitrophenol (p-NP). By optimizing the genetic circuits, the phenol and p-NP detection limits reached 0.1 and 1 μM, respectively. Importantly, by replacing the fluorescence-generated reporter sfGFP with MP-degrading enzyme PoOPHM2, the whole-cell biosensor pUC57-OPH-QS-DSF-F42 L/E coli DH5α actively degraded 10 and 100 μM methyl parathion (MP), a typical organophosphate pesticide, which was artificially added to the cell culture at different time points in five consecutive degrading experiments, demonstrating its MP sensing and degrading capabilities. The universal design of this new biosensor can be used to create more efficient biosensors to detect and degrade various pollutants in the environment for rapid testing and bioremediation.Electronic tattoo has great potential application in mobile health. Fully conformal contact between E-tattoo and skin is critical for reliable monitoring. In this paper, we reported a substrate-free, ultra-conformable PEDOT PSS (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)poly(styrene-sulfonate) E-tattoo achieved by interface energy regulation on skin. The controllable gel/dry electrode mutual transformation property of PEDOT PSS was carefully studied and reported. Then a novel transfer approach was studied to transfer thin, substrate-free PEDOT PSS E-tattoo onto skin. Meanwhile, PEDOT PSS E-tattoo was gelled, then dried directly on skin, regulating its bending energy, contact area, and interface adhesion energy with skin. Through this method, the critical thickness of the after-transformation dry E-tattoo that could form fully conformal contact with skin was increased by 4 times. The electrode-skin interface impedance and ECG measurement performance of the reported E-tattoo were on par with commercial Ag/AgCl gel electrodes, while offering superior comfort and reliability. The substrate-free, ultra-conformable PEDOT PSS E-tattoo could be applied as sensing electrode for reliable monitoring in mobile health.Anisakidae, mainly represented by the species Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova decipiens, are one of the most commonly zoonotic nematodes present in marine fish species. Apart from public health risks directly linked to the parasite itself, little is known on the effects of the migrating nematodes on the hygienic quality of the fish fillet due to bacteria it carries. In the present study, the cultivated bacterial community on and in individual P. decipiens larvae deriving from codfish is reported. Four isolation media were included and evaluated to increase the bacterial diversity isolated, and identification of the bacterial growth was performed by a combination of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-Of-Flight mass spectrometry and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Results revealed that the microbiota of P. decipiens larvae comprises both potential spoilage bacteria and human opportunistic pathogens, and that a combined isolation on the general isolation medium tryptone soy agar and a medium supplemented with artificial seawater resulted in the highest bacterial recovery in terms of diversity and enumeration. Dissimilarity analysis also revealed similar, though unique, bacterial communities between nematodes originating from the same fish suggesting that anisakid microbiota compositions are reflections of the microbial assemblages in the fish host as an individual, and that the gut microbiome is diverse within gadoid fish species originating from the same geographical habitat. Future research should, based on the results in the present study, further elaborate on the comparison of the bacterial communities of both the larva and the codfish from which it was isolated, and, explore the extrapolation potential towards other fish and nematode species. Also, the actual degree of risk beyond the simple presence of the parasite due to carriage of opportunistic bacteria should be examined, as well as the nematode's true effect on spoilage.

Medical treatment for stroke prevention in cryptogenic stroke (CS) patients with patent foramen ovale (PFO) remains inconclusive. We compared the efficacy and safety of dabigatran with aspirin on stroke prevention for patients with recent CS and PFO.

In this prospective cohort study, we randomly assigned patients with PFO who had a cryptogenic stroke, in a 11 ratio, to dabigatran or aspirin group. Patients were followed for 2 years and the primary efficacy outcome was the recurrence of stroke or systemic embolism. The primary safety outcome was occurrence of bleeding complications.

A total of 375 patients were enrolled in the study, 188 assigned to the dabigatran group and 187 to the aspirin group. During the 2-year follow-up, the primary efficacy outcomes occurred in 4 patients in the dabigatran group (annualized rate, 2.0%) and 11 patients in the aspirin group (annualized rate, 5.1%) (hazard ratio, 0.74; 95% confidence interval, 0.51-0.98; P=0.049). TIA/acute ischemic stroke occurred in 3 patients in the dabigatran group and 8 patients in the aspirin group (hazard ratio, 0.72; 95% confidence interval, 0.52-0.95; P=0.039). Bleeding complications occurred in 8 patients in the dabigatran group (annualized rate, 3.9%) and in 7 patients in the aspirin group (annualized rate, 3.5%) (hazard ratio, 1.24; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-1.52; P=0.886).

For cryptogenic stroke with PFO, dabigatran was superior to aspirin for stroke prevention. There is no increased risk of bleeding complication with dabigatran.

For cryptogenic stroke with PFO, dabigatran was superior to aspirin for stroke prevention. There is no increased risk of bleeding complication with dabigatran.

Spinal anesthesia is a safe and effective alternative to general anesthesia in both simple and complex lumbar surgery with numerous reported advantages leading to increased recent utilization. NS 105 One potential barrier to the use of spinal anesthesia in lumbar surgery is the popularity of intraoperative computed tomography (CT) imaging. Intraoperative CT necessitates motionless patients and adds time to procedures, issues that may make surgeons hesitant to use concomitant spinal anesthesia. To date, the use of both techniques simultaneously has not been well described.

We propose that single-level lumbar fusions utilizing intraoperative CT scan acquisition and navigated instrumentation are feasible under single-dose spinal anesthesia without detrimental effect on image quality and navigation accuracy or need for spinal anesthetic re-dosing due to the additional time necessary.

We describe operative characteristics and intra-operative timing for our first five cases of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) completed with intraoperative CT scan acquisition and navigated instrumentation performed under spinal anesthesia.

The five patients ranged in age from 59 to 79 years, with an average body mass index of 27.0kg/m

. The average total operative time for each surgery 109.2min, including approximately 6.3min required for CT scan acquisition. There were no complications and post-operative imaging demonstrated no malpositioned pedicle screws.

Single-level TLIF procedures utilizing intraoperative CT acquisition and navigated instrumentation can be feasibly completed under single-dose spinal anesthesia without need for intraoperative apneic periods and without deleterious effect on instrumentation accuracy.

Single-level TLIF procedures utilizing intraoperative CT acquisition and navigated instrumentation can be feasibly completed under single-dose spinal anesthesia without need for intraoperative apneic periods and without deleterious effect on instrumentation accuracy.

Autoři článku: Stonecrowley7248 (Lang Malloy)