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The aim The aim of this research was the study of low dose roundup, a well-known herbicide, chronic poisoning on the state of the vegetative nervous system in albino rats.

Materials and methods The state of vegetative nervous system was assessed by the method of variation pulsometry The two-week chronic roundup poisoning at a dose of 40 mcg/kg having been simulated on 30 albino rats.

Results The chronic roundup poisoning was accompanied by impaired state of vegetative nervous system that revealed itself in the growing indices of variation pulsometry tension index - 1.6 times (P<0.001), index of regulatory system activity - 1.52 times (P<0.001), vegetative balance index - 2.36 times (P<0.001), rhythm vegetative index - 1.39 times (P<0.001). Moderate regulatory system stress, requiring extra functional reserves to provide adaptation to environment, was observed. Such condition occurs in the process of adaptation to adverse environmental factors with impairing adaptive self-regulation mechanisms.

Conclusions Internal two-week use of the roundup on albino rats in a dose of 40 mcg/kg is accompanied by functional disorders of vegetative nervous system, which reveal themselves in the growing values of variation pulsometry. The results obtained were indicative of prevailing vegetative system sympathetic division as compared with parasympathetic one, as well as of disordered regulation of vegetative nervous system tone.

Conclusions Internal two-week use of the roundup on albino rats in a dose of 40 mcg/kg is accompanied by functional disorders of vegetative nervous system, which reveal themselves in the growing values of variation pulsometry. The results obtained were indicative of prevailing vegetative system sympathetic division as compared with parasympathetic one, as well as of disordered regulation of vegetative nervous system tone.

The aim To obtain the first estimates of the current incidence, and risk factors for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) after laparoscopic hysterectomy, and antimicrobial resistance of responsible pathogens in Ukraine.

Materials and methods We performed a multicenter prospective cohort study was patient-based on surveillance data for SSIs were according to CDC/NHSN methodology. This study included women's undergoing a laparoscopic hysterectomy in 8 hospitals from different regions of Ukraine from January 2018 to December 2020.

Results A total of 1184 women underwent a laparoscopic hysterectomy and 14.9% SSI were identified within 30 days of the operation. Majority of SSI were deep/organ-space. The deep/organ-space SSI incidence rate was 9.2% in total laparoscopic hysterectomy, 15.2% in laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy, and 17% in laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy. The predominant SSI types were Pelvic abscess or cellulitis (19.1%), Salpingitis (16%), Oophoritis (15.3%), Adnexa utery (14.5%), ed by pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics.

The aim To analyze the frequency of complications of echinococcal cysts of the liver, the causes of recurrence and the results of surgical treatment of patients with echinococcal liver disease.

Materials and methods The results of surgical treatment of 79 patients who were hospitalized from January 2011 to JANUARY 2022 with liver echinococcosis and its complications were analyzed. Among them there were 11 men (13,9%) and 68 women (86,1%), with average age 47,5 ± 2,3 years. Complications of echinococcal cysts developed in 17 (21,5%) patients.

Results The choice of surgical intervention method was determined individually, taking into account the location of echinococcal cysts, their size, depth, proximity of important anatomical structures. 53 (67,1%) patients underwent total or subtotal pericystectomy, 8 (10,1%) patients underwent liver segment resection, 5 (6,3%) patients underwent cyst dissection with removal and treatment its cavity, PAIR method was applied in 1 (1,3%) patient. Echinococcectomy was peurrence of the disease. The efficiency of laparoscopic echinococcectomy has been demonstrated.

The aim To investigate the clinical and pathogenetic peculiarities of formation and course of CCP and the relationship between clinical, hemodynamic and neurohumoral factors of comorbidity development in COPD combined with arterial hypertension (AH).

Materials and methods The object of the study were 484 patients with COPD. Among them, 350 patients with CCP as a result of cardiac insufficiency/severe congestive heart failure (COPD III-IV) out of aggravation, combined with AH II stage (non-symptomatic organ damage) and 1 - 3 grades, including 55 patients (43 men, 12 women) with compensated CCP (average age 43.7 ± 3.4 years), and 295 patients (212 men and 83 women) with decompensated CCP and chronic heart failure (CHF), average age 63.2 ± 8.9 years.

Results It was found that the development and progression of the left and right CHF in patients with CCP combined with AH occurs due to the disorders of the central hemodynamic, progression of pulmonary hypertension, bronchial obstruction syndrome, neurohumoraal apoptosis, increase in the intrathoracic pressure, and deposition of blood in the extrathoracic tissues, which result in pulmonary and systemic hypertension, metabolic and hemodynamic remodelling and heart dysfunction.

The aim To study the violations of bone density indices in patients with kidney calculi.

Materials and methods 175 children with different types of kidney calculi were examined and treated in Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Children's Consultative Polyclinics and Hospital, from 2016 to 2019 inclusively. Comprehensive metabolic panel involved by means of generally accepted biochemical methods. Sonography of the urinary tract was carried out. Voiding cystourethrography and excretory urography were performed. Bone mineral density was evaluated by means of ultrasonic densitometry. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out according to standard methods of variation statistics.

Results In patients with kidney calculi, oxaluria and oxalate-calcium nephropathy (60.0% and 30.0%, p <0.05) occurred most frequently. Signs of syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia - postural malformation (50.0%), thoracic kyphosis (25.0%), and stigmas of dysembryogenesis (25.0%) were noticed. In the majority of children with oxalate-calcium nephropathy, levels of the bone alkaline and acid phosphatase isoenzymes in a blood serum were significantly high, indicating severity of the resorption and disorders in development of the bone tissue. click here In these children, decreased fraction of ionized calcium, hypomagniemia and hypophosphatemia were observed.

Conclusions Children with oxalate-calcium nephropathy are in group of risk for osteopenic syndrome.

Conclusions Children with oxalate-calcium nephropathy are in group of risk for osteopenic syndrome.

The aim The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of osteotropic drugs in the treatment of destructive forms of apical periodontitis.

Materials and methods The study was conducted at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Lviv, Ukraine. As a result of the research, 185 patients with destructive forms of apical periodontitis (DFAP) were examined and treated. To characterize the effectiveness of treatment using criteria based on the provisions of the European Society of Endodontology. Thermometric studies of the oral mucosa were performed according to the method of L.Ye. Smolyanko and A.V. Lysovogo.

Results After 3 months, 145 treated patients (78.38%) out of the total number of subjects belonged to the 3rd category ("failure"). At the same time, this category included the largest share of patients of groups I and II of the study - 95.67% and 95.56%, respectively. In 70.21% of patients of group III, with transferred outside the apex PRP, and in 53.19% of persons of group IV, with the use of the composition «PRP + mp3 OsteoBiol» there were no clinical signs of DFAP. It was noted that 22 (46.81%) and 14 (29.79%) patients groups III and IV had no clinical signs of DFAP and radiologically determined a decrease in the focus of bone destruction of the periapical area, which allowed them to be classified as 2 - category of success - «incomplete recovery».

Conclusions The results of the research convincingly testify to the effectiveness of our proposed therapy for the treatment of dystrophic forms of apical periodontitis.

Conclusions The results of the research convincingly testify to the effectiveness of our proposed therapy for the treatment of dystrophic forms of apical periodontitis.

The aim The aim of this work was to study the effect of thyroid hormones on motor-secretory dysfunction in patients with GERD with concomitant AIT.

Materials and methods The study involved three groups of patients with isolated GERD, GERD with AIT at the stage of hypothyroidism and GERD with AIT at the stage of hyperthyroidism. The control group consisted of 15 practically healthy individuals. GERD and AIT were diagnosed on the basis of ICD-10. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound examination of the motor-evacuation function of the esophagus and stomach. Quality of life of patients was assessed by using the GIQLI questionnaire.

Results The most expressed complaints and low quality of life are observed among patients with combined pathology. The results of pH-metry indicate more severe course of GERD among patients with concomitant AIT. The most pronounced decrease in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and increased regurgitation were observed in the second groGERD formation.

The aim To evaluate the efficacy of the drug VitD children with H.pylori-associated duodenal ulcer.

Materials and methods Two treatment groups of children with DU were formed I - 60 children with H. pylori-associated DU, who received the optimal scheme of anti- Helicobacter therapy (AHBT) for Chernivtsi region; II - 62 children with H. pylori-associated DU who received a modified treatment regimen AGBT + VitD at a dose of 2000 IU / day for 1 month. The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated taking into account the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) of the adverse event and Number Needed to Treat (NNT).

Results All children with DU and a positive H. pylori infection test showed changes in serum VitD levels 81.9% deficiency and 18.1% insufficiency. Successful eradication was achieved in 77.1% of children, in particular in the first group 73.3%, in the second - 82.2%. Predictors of successful eradication are the duration of infection, H. pylori CagA (+), VitD level. When using the VitD treatment regimen in children with DU associated with CagA (+) strain H.pylori, RRR was observed 2.29 times (χ2 = 6.34, pφ<0.05) with NNT 1.59.

Conclusions Due to the reduced level of serum VitD in children with H. pylori-associated DU, it is advisable to include in the treatment regimen the adjuvant component of AHBT in the form of VitD. Predictors of effective eradication of H. pylori are CagA (+) strain of H. pylori, duration of infection and VitD level.

Conclusions Due to the reduced level of serum VitD in children with H. pylori-associated DU, it is advisable to include in the treatment regimen the adjuvant component of AHBT in the form of VitD. Predictors of effective eradication of H. pylori are CagA (+) strain of H. pylori, duration of infection and VitD level.

Autoři článku: Smedbragg0641 (Stampe Meyer)