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Microbes that can be cultured and degrade petroleum are of particular interest for biotechnology such as bioremediation. This study aims to isolate and identify culturable petroleum-degrading bacteria and fungi from Brunei Darussalam, which has not previously been explored. A total of eight bacterial and nine fungal isolates that could degrade petroleum were obtained from petroleum-contaminated water or soil samples. DNA barcoding using 16S rRNA gene sequence identified five different bacterial genera which were Bacillus, Enterobacter, Micrococcus, Pseudoaltermonas and Pseudomonas. DNA barcoding using rRNA-ITS gene sequence identified nine different fungal taxa which were Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Exophiala, Flavodon, Hypocreales, Nectriaceae, Penicillium, Peniophora and Trichoderma. Biolog provided additional support to the identification of some isolates. This study is the first to report these unique microbes from Brunei Darussalam, which are of ecological and biotechnological value.The oomycete Phytopythium vexans is a causative agent of patch canker, damping-off, and crown, stem, and root rot in many economically important plants. P. vexans HF1 was isolated in China, where it caused brown root rot of ramie, a fiber crop broadly cultivated in Asia. The genome of HF1 was sequenced by a combination of technologies producing short (Illumina HiSeq X) and long (PacBio RS) reads. The genome is 41.73 Mbp long, assembled into 44 contigs. It has a GC content of 58.17% and contains 13,051 predicted coding genes, including 1,461 putative virulence genes and 220 putative antimicrobial resistance genes. This genome sequence provides a resource for determining the molecular mechanisms of disease development in this pathosystem.Vulval irritation and discomfort can be a common presentation to both primary and secondary care. These symptoms can become increasingly prevalent due to physiological changes, which occur to the female genitalia following menopausal transition or due to inflammatory conditions. The correct diagnosis and management can have a huge impact on the patients' quality of life. However, due to the nature of the symptoms, there can be delayed presentation to healthcare professionals. check details This article gives an overview of the most common benign vulval conditions in the post-menopausal woman, their clinical features and the diagnosis and initial management.Bayesian statistics has been widely utilized as an approach that can incorporate prior knowledge into statistical inference. Tolerance intervals (TI) are the most commonly used statistical methods for product quality assurance. There are two main Bayesian approaches for calculating statistical tolerance intervals Hamada and Wolfinger. A simulation-based approach was implemented to compare two-sided Wolfinger, Hamada, and frequentist tolerance intervals which control the probability content at a specified level of confidence. As sample sizes increase, compared to frequentist, Hamada TI become more conservative while Wolfinger TI are more liberal. To address this issue, we propose an empirical weighted Bayesian TI approach that is a compromise between Hamada and Wolfinger approaches. The proposed Bayesian TI result in narrower limits in certain scenarios while ensuring the confidence content coverage remains comparable to frequentist.This study assessed the farm-level economic and environmental impacts from the use of genetically modified (GM) corn in Vietnam (resistant to Lepidopteran pests of corn and tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate). It was largely based on a farmer survey conducted in 2018-19. The GM varieties out-performed conventional varieties in terms of yield by +30.4% (+15.2% if the yield comparison is with only the nearest performing equivalent conventional varieties) and reduced the cost of production by between US $26.47 per ha and US $31.30 per ha. For every extra US $1 spent on GM seed relative to conventional seed, farmers gained between an additional US $6.84 and US $12.55 in extra income. The GM maize technology also reduced insecticide and herbicide use. The average amount of herbicide active ingredient applied to the GM crop area was 26% lower (1.66 kg per ha) than the average value for the conventional corn area (2.26 kg/ai per ha) and in terms of the associated environmental impact of the herbicide use, as measured by the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) indicator, it was lower by 36% than the average value applicable to the conventional corn area. Insecticides were used on a significantly lower GM crop area and, when used, in smaller amounts. The average amount of insecticide applied to the GM corn crop was significantly lower by 78% (0.08 kg/ai per ha) than the average value for the conventional corn area (0.36 kg/ai per ha) and in terms of the associated environmental impact of the insecticide use, as measured by the EIQ indicator, it was also lower by 77% than the average value for conventional corn (14.06 per ha).Optogenetics has become a popular tool to probe the link between neural circuits and behavior, since the technique was first introduced in 2005. Recently, Gong et al. (Gong X, Mendoza-Halliday D, Ting JT, Kaiser T, Sun X, Bastos AM, Wimmer RD, Guo B, Chen Q, Zhou Y, Pruner M, Wu CWH, Park D, Deisseroth K, Barak B, Boyden ES, Miller EK, Halassa MM, Fu Z, Bi G, Desimone R, Feng G. Neuron 107 38-51, 2020) developed an ultra-sensitive step-function opsin capable of activating any region of the mouse brain and cortical areas in macaques with external illumination, thus aiming toward minimally invasive light delivery. In this article, we highlight and discuss the new opsin's potential in nonhuman primate research.Didymella bellidis is a phytopathogenic fungus that causes leaf spot on tea plants (Camellia sinensis), which negatively affects the productivity and quality of tea leaves in Guizhou Province, China. D. bellidis isolate GZYQYQX2B was sequenced using Pacific Biosciences and Illumina technologies, and assembled into a whole genome of 35.5 Mbp. Transcripts of D. bellidis isolate GZYQYQX2B were predicted from the assembled genome and were further validated by RNA sequence data. In total, 10,731 genes were predicted by integrating three approaches, namely ab initio and homology-based gene prediction, as well as transcriptomics data. The whole-genome sequence of D. bellidis will provide a resource for future research on trait-specific genes of the pathogen and host-pathogen interactions.

Autoři článku: Slothacosta6817 (Houmann Ortiz)