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Many self-propelled objects are large enough to exhibit inertial effects but still suffer from environmental fluctuations. The corresponding basic equations of motion are governed by active Langevin dynamics, which involve inertia, friction, and stochastic noise for both the translational and orientational degrees of freedom coupled via the self-propulsion along the particle orientation. In this paper, we generalize the active Langevin model to time-dependent parameters and explicitly discuss the effect of time-dependent inertia for achiral and chiral particles. Realizations of this situation are manifold, ranging from minirockets (which are self-propelled by burning their own mass), to dust particles in plasma (which lose mass by evaporating material), to walkers with expiring activity. Here we present analytical solutions for several dynamical correlation functions, such as mean-square displacement and orientational and velocity autocorrelation functions. If the parameters exhibit a slow power law in time, we obtain anomalous superdiffusion with a nontrivial dynamical exponent. Finally, we constitute the "Langevin rocket" model by including orientational fluctuations in the traditional Tsiolkovsky rocket equation. We calculate the mean reach of the Langevin rocket and discuss different mass ejection strategies to maximize it. Our results can be tested in experiments on macroscopic robotic or living particles or in self-propelled mesoscopic objects moving in media of low viscosity, such as complex plasma.Among various algorithms of multifractal analysis (MFA) for complex networks, the sandbox MFA algorithm behaves with the best computational efficiency. However, the existing sandbox algorithm is still computationally expensive for MFA of large-scale networks with tens of millions of nodes. It is also not clear whether MFA results can be improved by a largely increased size of a theoretical network. To tackle these challenges, a computationally efficient sandbox algorithm (CESA) is presented in this paper for MFA of large-scale networks. Distinct from the existing sandbox algorithm that uses the shortest-path distance matrix to obtain the required information for MFA of networks, our CESA employs the compressed sparse row format of the adjacency matrix and the breadth-first search technique to directly search the neighbor nodes of each layer of center nodes, and then to retrieve the required information. A theoretical analysis reveals that the CESA reduces the time complexity of the existing sandbox algorithm from cubic to quadratic, and also improves the space complexity from quadratic to linear. Then the CESA is demonstrated to be effective, efficient, and feasible through the MFA results of (u,v)-flower model networks from the fifth to the 12th generations. It enables us to study the multifractality of networks of the size of about 11 million nodes with a normal desktop computer. Furthermore, we have also found that increasing the size of (u,v)-flower model network does improve the accuracy of MFA results. Finally, our CESA is applied to a few typical real-world networks of large scale.We consider the problem of the absence of backscattering in the transport of Manakov solitons on a line. The concept of transparent boundary conditions is used for modeling the reflectionless propagation of Manakov vector solitons in a one-dimensional domain. Artificial boundary conditions that ensure the absence of backscattering are derived and their numerical implementation is demonstrated.Reduction of collective dynamics of large heterogeneous populations to low-dimensional mean-field models is an important task of modern theoretical neuroscience. Such models can be derived from microscopic equations, for example with the help of Ott-Antonsen theory. An often used assumption of the Lorentzian distribution of the unit parameters makes the reduction especially efficient. However, the Lorentzian distribution is often implausible as having undefined moments, and the collective behavior of populations with other distributions needs to be studied. Selpercatinib mouse In the present Letter we propose a method which allows efficient reduction for an arbitrary distribution and show how it performs for the Gaussian distribution. We show that a reduced system for several macroscopic complex variables provides an accurate description of a population of thousands of neurons. Using this reduction technique we demonstrate that the population dynamics depends significantly on the form of its parameter distribution. In particular, the dynamics of populations with Lorentzian and Gaussian distributions with the same center and width differ drastically.We determine the asymptotic behavior of the entropy of full coverings of a L×M square lattice by rods of size k×1 and 1×k, in the limit of large k. We show that full coverage is possible only if at least one of L and M is a multiple of k, and that all allowed configurations can be reached from a standard configuration of all rods being parallel, using only basic flip moves that replace a k×k square of parallel horizontal rods by vertical rods, and vice versa. In the limit of large k, we show that the entropy per site S_2(k) tends to Ak^-2lnk, with A=1. We conjecture, based on a perturbative series expansion, that this large-k behavior of entropy per site is superuniversal and continues to hold on all d-dimensional hypercubic lattices, with d≥2.Based on the geometrization of dynamics and self-consistent phonon theory, we develop an analytical approach to derive the Lyapunov time, the reciprocal of the largest Lyapunov exponent, for general nonlinear lattices of coupled oscillators. The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou-like lattices are exemplified by using the method, which agree well with molecular dynamical simulations for the cases of quartic and sextic interactions. A universal scaling behavior of the Lyapunov time with the nonintegrability strength is observed for the quasi-integrable regime. Interestingly, the scaling exponent of the Lyapunov time is the same as the thermalization time, which indicates a proportional relationship between the two timescales. This relation illustrates how the thermalization process is related to the intrinsic chaotic property.

Autoři článku: Rosalesbagge3616 (Frisk Marsh)