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A new, rare trinor-dolabellane diterpenoid, sangiangol A (1), and one new dolabellane diterpenoid, sangiangol B (2), together with known cembranes and dolabellanes (3-8), were isolated from the ethyl acetate layer of an extract of an Indonesian marine soft coral, Anthelia sp. Compounds 1-8 exhibited moderate cytotoxicity against an NBT-T2 cell line (0.5-10 µg/mL). The structures of the new compounds were determined by analyzing their spectra and a molecular modelling study. A possible biosynthetic pathway for sangiangols A (1) and B (2) is presented. Cytotoxicity requires two epoxide rings or a chlorine atom, as in 4 (stolonidiol) and 5 (clavinflol B).Aberrant fetal growth remains a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality and is associated with a risk of developing non-communicable diseases later in life. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis combining human and animal studies to assess whether prenatal amino acid (AA) supplementation could be a promising approach to promote healthy fetal growth. PubMed, Embase and Cochrane libraries were searched to identify studies orally supplementing the following AA groups during gestation (1) arginine family; (2) branched chain (BCAA); (3) methyl donors. Primary outcome was fetal/birth weight. 22 human and 89 animal studies were included in the systematic review. The arginine family, and especially arginine itself, was studied most. Our meta-analysis showed beneficial effects of arginine and (N-Carbamyl) glutamate (NCG), but not aspartic acid and citrulline on fetal/birth weight. However, no effects were reported when isonitrogenous control diet was included. BCAA and methyl donor supplementation did not affect fetal/birth weight. Arginine family supplementation, in particular arginine and NCG, improves fetal growth in complicated pregnancies. BCAA and methyl donor supplementation do not seem to be as promising to target fetal growth. Well controlled research in complicated pregnancies is needed before ruling out AA supplements or preferring arginine above other AAs.The negative impacts of meat consumption for animals, the environment, and human health are more pressing than ever. Human cathelicidin datasheet Although some evidence points to an ongoing reduction in meat consumption in Europe, consumers are overall unwilling to cut their meat consumption in a substantial way. The present study investigates dietary identities and perceptions of cultured meat in nationally representative samples from Germany (n = 1000) and France (n = 1000). Participants were recruited through an Ipsos panel to answer an online survey, which included questions about their current and intended consumption of conventional meat, as well as questions about their opinions of cultured meat. We find that, whilst rates of vegetarianism were relatively low in France, unrestricted meat-eaters were a minority in Germany, and concern for animal welfare was the most common reason given for meat reduction. Substantial markets for cultured meat exist in both countries, although German consumers are significantly more open to the concept than the French. Strikingly, cultured meat acceptance is significantly higher amongst agricultural and meat workers, indicating that those who are closest to existing meat production methods are most likely to prefer alternatives. We found some evidence that pro-cultured meat messages, which focus on antibiotic resistance and food safety, are significantly more persuasive than those that focus on animals or the environment. Furthermore, consumers project that they would be significantly more likely to consume cultured meat that does not contain genetically modified ingredients. Overall, we find substantially large markets for cultured meat in Germany and France, and identify some potential ways to further increase acceptance in these markets. We conclude by highlighting the most promising markets for cultured meat, and highlighting a lack of antibiotics as a potentially persuasive message about cultured meat.In the 21st century, we face a troubling trilemma of expanding populations, planetary and public wellbeing. Given this, shifts from animal to plant food protein are gaining momentum and are an important part of reducing carbon emissions and consumptive water use. However, as this fast-pace of change sets in and begins to firmly embed itself within food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) and food policies we must raise an important question-is now an opportunistic time to include other novel, nutritious and sustainable proteins within FBGD? The current paper describes how food proteins are typically categorised within FBDG and discusses how these could further evolve. Presently, food proteins tend to fall under the umbrella of being 'animal-derived' or 'plant-based' whilst other valuable proteins i.e., fungal-derived appear to be comparatively overlooked. A PubMed search of systematic reviews and meta-analytical studies published over the last 5 years shows an established body of evidence for animal-derived proteins (although some findings were less favourable), plant-based proteins and an expanding body of science for mycelium/fungal-derived proteins. Given this, along with elevated demands for alternative proteins there appears to be scope to introduce a 'third' protein category when compiling FBDG. This could fall under the potential heading of 'fungal' protein, with scope to include mycelium such as mycoprotein within this, for which the evidence-base is accruing.The design of cargo carriers with high biocompatibility, unique morphological characteristics, and capability of strong bonding of fluorescent dye is highly important for the development of a platform for smart imaging and diagnostics. In this paper, BODIPY-doped silica nanoparticles were prepared through a "one-pot" soft-template method using a sol-gel process. link2 Several sol-gel precursors have been used in sol-gel synthesis in the presence of soft-template to obtain the silica-based materials with the most appropriate morphological features for the immobilization of BODIPY molecules. Obtained silica particles have been shown to be non-cytotoxic and can be effectively internalized into the cervical cancer cell line (HeLa). The described method of synthesis allows us to obtain silica-based carriers with an immobilized fluorescent dye that provide the possibility for real-time imaging and detection of these carriers.The growing incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has promoted investigations of natural molecules that could prevent and treat CVD. link3 Among these, hydroxytyrosol, a polyphenolic compound of olive oil, is well known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-atherogenic effects. Its strong antioxidant properties are due to the scavenging of radicals and the stimulation of synthesis and activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, HO-1, NOS, COX-2, GSH), which also limit the lipid peroxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, a hallmark of atherosclerosis. Lowered inflammation and oxidative stress and an improved lipid profile were also demonstrated in healthy subjects as well as in metabolic syndrome patients after hydroxytyrosol (HT) supplementation. These results might open a new therapeutic scenario through personalized supplementation of HT in CVDs. This review is the first attempt to collect together scientific literature on HT in both in vitro and in vivo models, as well as in human clinical studies, describing its potential biological effects for cardiovascular health.

To determine the prognostic significance of the immunophenotype of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) within a cohort of breast cancer patients with long-term follow-up.

Multiplexed immunofluorescence and automated image analysis were used to assess the expression of CD3, CD8, CD20, CD68, Fox P3, PD-1 and PD-L1 in a clinical trial of local excision and radiotherapy randomised to a cavity boost or not (

= 485, median follow-up 16 years). Kaplan-Meier and Cox multivariate analysis (MVA) methodology were used to ascertain relationships with local recurrence (LR), overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). NanoString BC360 gene expression panel was applied to a subset of luminal patients to identify pathways associated with LR.

LR was predicted by low CD8 in MVA in the whole cohort (HR 2.34, CI 1.4-4.02,

= 0.002) and luminal tumours (HR 2.19, CI 1.23-3.92,

= 0.008) with associations with increased stromal components, decreased Tregs (FoxP3), inflammatory chemokines and SOX2. Poor OS was associated with low CD20 in the whole cohort (HR 1.73, CI 1.2-2.4,

= 0.002) and luminal tumours on MVA and low PD-L1 in triple-negative cancer (HR 3.44, CI 1.5-7,

= 0.003).

Immunophenotype adds further prognostic data to help further stratify risk of LR and OS even in TILs low-luminal tumours.

Immunophenotype adds further prognostic data to help further stratify risk of LR and OS even in TILs low-luminal tumours.Recently, there have been rapid advances in high-resolution remote sensing image retrieval, which plays an important role in remote sensing data management and utilization. For content-based remote sensing image retrieval, low-dimensional, representative and discriminative features are essential to ensure good retrieval accuracy and speed. Dimensionality reduction is one of the important solutions to improve the quality of features in image retrieval, in which LargeVis is an effective algorithm specifically designed for Big Data visualization. Here, an extended LargeVis (E-LargeVis) dimensionality reduction method for high-resolution remote sensing image retrieval is proposed. This can realize the dimensionality reduction of single high-dimensional data by modeling the implicit mapping relationship between LargeVis high-dimensional data and low-dimensional data with support vector regression. An effective high-resolution remote sensing image retrieval method is proposed to obtain stronger representative and discriminative deep features. First, the fully connected layer features are extracted using a channel attention-based ResNet50 as a backbone network. Then, E-LargeVis is used to reduce the dimensionality of the fully connected features to obtain a low-dimensional discriminative representation. Finally, L2 distance is computed for similarity measurement to realize the retrieval of high-resolution remote sensing images. The experimental results on four high-resolution remote sensing image datasets, including UCM, RS19, RSSCN7, and AID, show that for various convolutional neural network architectures, the proposed E-LargeVis can effectively improve retrieval performance, far exceeding other dimensionality reduction methods.Eragrostis curvula presents mainly facultative genotypes that reproduce by diplosporous apomixis, retaining a percentage of sexual pistils that increase under drought and other stressful situations, indicating that some regulators activated by stress could be affecting the apomixis/sexual switch. Water stress experiments were performed in order to associate the increase in sexual embryo sacs with the differential expression of genes in a facultative apomictic cultivar using cytoembryology and RNA sequencing. The percentage of sexual embryo sacs increased from 4 to 24% and 501 out of the 201,011 transcripts were differentially expressed (DE) between control and stressed plants. DE transcripts were compared with previous transcriptomes where apomictic and sexual genotypes were contrasted. The results point as candidates to transcripts related to methylation, ubiquitination, hormone and signal transduction pathways, transcription regulation and cell wall biosynthesis, some acting as a general response to stress and some that are specific to the reproductive mode.

Autoři článku: Rhodesfrank4808 (Freedman Maurer)