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No differences in neonatal outcomes between the two groups were observed.

History of caesarean delivery is associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes but not with neonatal outcomes with placenta previa.

History of caesarean delivery is associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes but not with neonatal outcomes with placenta previa.Perceiving numerosity, i.e. the set size of a group of items, is an evolutionarily preserved ability found in humans and animals. A useful method to infer the neural underpinnings of a given perceptual property is sensory adaptation. Like other primary perceptual attributes, numerosity is susceptible to adaptation. Recently, we have shown numerosity-selective neural populations with a topographic organization in the human brain. Here, we investigated whether numerosity adaptation can affect the numerosity selectivity of these populations using ultra-high field (7 Tesla) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants viewed stimuli of changing numerosity (1 to 7 dots), which allowed the mapping of numerosity selectivity. We interleaved a low or high numerosity adapter stimulus with these mapping stimuli, repeatedly presenting 1 or 20 dots respectively to adapt the numerosity-selective neural populations. We analyzed the responses using custom-build population receptive field neural models of numerosity encoding and compared estimated numerosity preferences between adaptation conditions. We replicated our previous studies where we found several topographic maps of numerosity-selective responses. We found that overall, numerosity adaptation altered the preferred numerosities within the numerosity maps, resulting in predominantly attractive biases towards the numerosity of the adapter. The differential biases could be explained by the difference between the unadapted preferred numerosity and the numerosity of the adapter, with attractive biases being observed with higher difference. The results could link perceptual numerosity adaptation effects to changes in neural numerosity selectivity.

The human sense of smell is highly individual and characterized by a strong variability in the perception and evaluation of olfactory stimuli, depending on cultural imprint and current physiological conditions. Since this individual perspective has often been neglected in fMRI studies on olfactory hedonic coding, this study focuses on the neuronal activity and connectivity patterns resulting from subject-specific olfactory stimulation.

Thirty-one normosmic participants took part in a fMRI block designed paradigm consisting of three olfactory stimulation sessions. The most pleasant and unpleasant odors were individually specified during a pre-test for each participant and validated in the main experiment. Mean activation and functional connectivity analysis focusing on the right and left piriform cortex were performed for the predefined olfactory regions-of-interest (ROIs) and compared between the three olfactory conditions.

Individual unpleasant olfactory stimulation as compared to pleasant or neutral dring goal-directed action.Human visual cortex contains three scene-selective regions in the lateral, medial and ventral cortex, termed the occipital place area (OPA), medial place area (MPA) and parahippocampal place area (PPA). Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), all three regions respond more strongly when viewing visual scenes compared with isolated objects or faces. To determine how these regions are functionally and causally connected, we applied transcranial magnetic stimulation to OPA and measured fMRI responses before and after stimulation, using a theta-burst paradigm (TBS). To test for stimulus category-selectivity, we presented a range of visual categories (scenes, buildings, objects, faces). To test for specificity of any effects to TBS of OPA we employed two control conditions Sham, with no TBS stimulation, and an active TBS-control with TBS to a proximal face-selective cortical region (occipital face area, or OFA). We predicted that TBS to OPA (but not OFA) would lead to decreased responses to scenes and to accurately assess functional and causal connectivity between specific brain regions.Information from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is useful for diagnosis and treatment management of human neurological patients. MRI monitoring might also prove useful for non-human animals involved in neuroscience research provided that MRI is available and feasible and that there are no MRI contra-indications precluding scanning. However, MRI monitoring is not established in macaques and a resource is urgently needed that could grow with scientific community contributions. Here we show the utility and potential benefits of MRI-based monitoring in a few diverse cases with macaque monkeys. We also establish a PRIMatE MRI Monitoring (PRIME-MRM) resource within the PRIMatE Data Exchange (PRIME-DE) and quantitatively compare the cases to normative information drawn from MRI data from typical macaques in PRIME-DE. In the cases, the monkeys presented with no or mild/moderate clinical signs, were well otherwise and MRI scanning did not present a significant increase in welfare impact. Therefore, they were identified as suitable candidates for clinical investigation, MRI-based monitoring and treatment. For each case, we show MRI quantification of internal controls in relation to treatment steps and comparisons with normative data in typical monkeys drawn from PRIME-DE. We found that MRI assists in precise and early diagnosis of cerebral events and can be useful for visualising, treating and quantifying treatment response. Selleckchem Selisistat The scientific community could now grow the PRIME-MRM resource with other cases and larger samples to further assess and increase the evidence base on the benefits of MRI monitoring of primates, complementing the animals' clinical monitoring and treatment regime.Our senses are continuously bombarded with more information than our brain can process up to the level of awareness. The present study aimed to enhance understanding on how attentional selection shapes conscious access under conditions of rapidly changing input. Using an attention task, EEG, and multivariate decoding of individual target- and distractor-defining features, we specifically examined dynamic changes in the representation of targets and distractors as a function of conscious access and the task-relevance (target or distractor) of the preceding item in the RSVP stream. At the behavioral level, replicating previous work and suggestive of a flexible gating mechanism, we found a significant impairment in conscious access to targets (T2) that were preceded by a target (T1) followed by one or two distractors (i.e., the attentional blink), but striking facilitation of conscious access to targets shown directly after another target (i.e., lag-1 sparing and blink reversal). At the neural level, conscious access to T2 was associated with enhanced early- and late-stage T1 representations and enhanced late-stage D1 representations, and interestingly, could be predicted based on the pattern of EEG activation well before T1 was presented. Yet, across task conditions, we did not find convincing evidence for the notion that conscious access is affected by rapid top-down selection-related modulations of the strength of early sensory representations induced by the preceding visual event. These results cannot easily be explained by existing accounts of how attentional selection shapes conscious access under rapidly changing input conditions, and have important implications for theories of the attentional blink and consciousness more generally.The inference of cortical sulcal labels often focuses on deep (primary and secondary) sulcal regions, whereas shallow (tertiary) sulcal regions are largely overlooked in the literature due to the scarcity of manual/well-defined annotations and their large neuroanatomical variability. In this paper, we present an automated framework for regional labeling of both primary/secondary and tertiary sulci of the dorsal portion of lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) using spherical convolutional neural networks. We propose two core components that enhance the inference of sulcal labels to overcome such large neuroanatomical variability (1) surface data augmentation and (2) context-aware training. (1) To take into account neuroanatomical variability, we synthesize training data from the proposed feature space that embeds intermediate deformation trajectories of spherical data in a rigid to non-rigid fashion, which bridges an augmentation gap in conventional rotation data augmentation. (2) Moreover, we design a two-stage tSphericalLabeling).The functional architecture of the resting brain, as measured with the blood oxygenation level-dependent functional connectivity (BOLD-FC), is slightly modified during task performance. In previous work, we reported behaviorally relevant BOLD-FC modulations between visual and dorsal attention regions when subjects performed a visuospatial attention task as compared to central fixation (Spadone et al., 2015). Here we use magnetoencephalography (MEG) in the same group of subjects to identify the electrophysiological correlates of the BOLD-FC modulation found in our previous work. While BOLD-FC topography, separately at rest and during visual attention, corresponded to neuromagnetic Band-Limited Power (BLP) correlation in the alpha and beta bands (8-30 Hz), BOLD-FC modulations evoked by performing the visual attention task (Spadone et al. 2015) did not match any specific oscillatory band BLP modulation. Conversely, following the application of an orthogonal spatial decomposition that identifies common inter-subject co-variations, we found that attention-rest BOLD-FC modulations were recapitulated by multi-spectral BLP-FC components. Notably, individual variability of alpha connectivity between Frontal Eye Fields and visual occipital regions, jointly with decreased interaction in the Visual network, correlated with visual discrimination accuracy. In summary, task-rest BOLD connectivity modulations match multi-spectral MEG BLP connectivity.Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is increasingly used to quantify and map the spatial distribution of blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakage in neurodegenerative disease, including cerebral small vessel disease and dementia. However, the subtle nature of leakage and resulting small signal changes make quantification challenging. While simplified one-dimensional simulations have probed the impact of noise, scanner drift, and model assumptions, the impact of spatio-temporal effects such as gross motion, k-space sampling and motion artefacts on parametric leakage maps has been overlooked. Moreover, evidence on which to base the design of imaging protocols is lacking due to practical difficulties and the lack of a reference method. To address these problems, we present an open-source computational model of the DCE-MRI acquisition process for generating four dimensional Digital Reference Objects (DROs), using a high-resolution brain atlas and incorporating realistic patient motion, extra-cerebral signals, noise and k-space sampling. Simulations using the DROs demonstrated a dominant influence of spatio-temporal effects on both the visual appearance of parameter maps and on measured tissue leakage rates. The computational model permits greater understanding of the sensitivity and limitations of subtle BBB leakage measurement and provides a non-invasive means of testing and optimising imaging protocols for future studies.

Autoři článku: Raymondotte0062 (Bunn Noer)