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Lateral flow immunoassays (LFIs) can be used to detect intact bacteria or spores; when gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are used as the signal reporters, the detection limits are very low. Spore-based surface display has been widely studied for enzyme immobilization and live-nontoxic oral vaccines. In this study, recombinant spores were used to improve the sensitivity of a LFI. We developed a test kit that combines streptavidin-displayed spores with a LFI assay for rapid protein detection. The recombinant spores served as a signal amplifier and AuNPs were used as the signal reporters. For detection of β-galactosidase, which was used as the model protein, the detection limit was about 10-15 mol, while that of the conventional LFI is about 10-12 mol. In both methods, nanogold was used as the colorimetric signal and could be observed with the naked eye. This method improved LFI sensitivity without sacrificing its advantages. Furthermore, enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was also displayed on the surface of the streptavidin-displayed spores. Without AuNPs, the fluorescent recombinant spores acted as the signal, which could be detected by a fluorescence detector, such as a fluorescence microscope. The detection limit was 10-16 mol under fluorescence microscopy whose magnification was 25-fold. Therefore, in conclusion, in this proof of concept study, the detection limits of both proposed methods were far superior to those of traditional LFI assay.A simple fluorescence detection platform has been established for acetamiprid assay based on DNA three-way junctions (TWJs), which can triple the fluorescence signal without any other amplification. It is designed with three single-stranded DNAs (ssDNA), each of which contains one-third or two-thirds of the G-quadruplex sequence at each end. Upon the addition of acetamiprid, the conformation of the aptamer-containing double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) changes from its original conformation and releases a strand of ssDNA. This ssDNA, with the other two ssDNAs, can assemble into DNA TWJs, and the three pairs of the branched ends of the DNA TWJs are adjacent to each other, allowing them to form three units of G-quadruplexes. Hence, the fluorescence of N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX (NMM) is lighted by the nascent G-quadruplexes. Graphene oxide (GO) is then added to minimize the detection background by absorbing the free NMM and non-target-induced ssDNA. The proposed strategy can assay acetamiprid in a wide linear range of 0-500 nM with a detection limit of 5.73 nM. More importantly, this assay platform demonstrates high potential for acetamiprid assay in food control and environmental monitoring.

Two chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapies have been approved in the United States (USA) in 2017 and Europe (EU) in 2018 axicabtagene ciloleucel and tisagenlecleucel. They contain the patient's own T cells, which are extracted, genetically modified, and reinfused. Alongside the good efficacy results, the assessment of safety profile of these new therapies represents a great challenge. Our aim was to analyze the reports of the adverse drug reactions (ADR) after CAR-T administration as occurred in the real clinical setting.

We performed a retrospective observational study, collecting all the reports in EU (EudraVigilance, EV) and US (FAERS) databases of ADRs regarding axicabtagene ciloleucel and tisagenlecleucel. Both descriptive and statistical analyses were performed, the latter by using Reporting Odds Ratio (ROR).

A total number of 1426 reports of suspected ADRs were retrieved in EudraVigilance and FAERS. Patients' reported age reflected the age range for which the drugs are approved (18-64 years for axicabtagene ciloleucel and patients aged under 25 years for tisagenlecleucel). The most reported event was cytokine release syndrome (CRS), 185 events for tisagenlecleucel and 462 for axicabtagene ciloleucel in FAERS and 137 and 498, respectively, in EudraVigilance. A disproportionality was found comparing axicabtagene ciloleucel with tisagenlecleucel for the above-mentioned event EV ROR 2.47, 95% CI 2.22-2.74, FAERS 1.89, 1.70-2.10.

CRS represents the major problem with the administration of CAR-T therapies. Our analysis has not revealed new ADRs; however, it supports the safety profile of CAR-T with new data from real clinical setting.

CRS represents the major problem with the administration of CAR-T therapies. Our analysis has not revealed new ADRs; however, it supports the safety profile of CAR-T with new data from real clinical setting.

To investigate whether a newly developed dental composite with quaternary ammonium silica dioxide (QASi) nanoparticles incorporated with other fillers into the restorative material demonstrates antibacterial activity by reducing enamel demineralization in an in situ gap model.

Twenty subjects wearing a lower removable partial denture (RPD) with acrylic flanges on both sides of the mouth were recruited into the 4-week in situ study. The gap model consisted of an enamel slab placed next to a composite, separated by a 38-μm space. In the split-mouth design on one side of the RPD, the composite was the Nobio Infinix composite (Nobio Ltd., Kadima, Israel), and the contralateral side used a control composite. Each participant received enamel slabs from one tooth. click here The gap model was recessed into the RPD buccal flange, allowing microbial plaque to accumulate within the gap. After 4 weeks of continuous wearing, decalcification (∆Z mineral loss) of the enamel slabs adjacent to the gap was determined by cross-sectional microhardness testing in the laboratory.

The ∆Z for the antibacterial composite test side was 235±354 (mean±standard deviation [SD]; data reported from 17 participants) and statistically significantly lower compared to ∆Z of the control side (774±556; mean±SD) (paired t-test, P<0.0001; mean of test minus control -539 (SD=392), 95% confidence interval of difference -741, -338).

This in situ clinical study showed that composites with QASi antibacterial particles significantly reduced demineralization in enamel adjacent to a 38-μm gap over a 4-week period in comparison to a conventional composite.

Composites with QASi nanoparticle technology have the potential to reduce the occurrence of secondary caries.

ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT04059250.

ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT04059250.

Autoři článku: Ravndwyer5524 (Arildsen Rosenthal)