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These posts appeared on eight types of accounts, with five of those representing 88% of the data education, health, lifestyle, news, and political. Results are interpreted with constructs from media dependency theory and implications for future research are presented.One of the negative consequences of indirect trauma exposure is secondary traumatic stress (STS). Professionals helping victims of violence may be at the risk of STS symptoms development. Both empathy and cognitive processing of trauma seem to be important in this process. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between empathy, cognitive processing of trauma and symptoms of STS in women working with people who have experienced violence trauma. Selleck STF-31 The mediation role of cognitive coping strategies in the relationship between empathy and STS was also checked. A total of 154 female professionals representing three groups (therapists, social workers, and probation officers) were included in the study. The age of the respondents ranged from 26 to 67 years (M = 43.98, SD = 10.83). Three standard measurement tools were included in the study the modified PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), the Empathic Sensitivity Scale, and the Cognitive Processing of Trauma Scale. Correlational analysis indicated STS to have positive associations (Pearson's correlation coefficients) with all three aspects of empathy, and three of the five cognitive coping strategies (denial, regret, downward comparison). Mediation analysis performed by the bootstrapping method found strategies of regret and downward comparison to act as mediators in the relationship between STS and empathic concern. The same results were obtained for perspective taking. In addition, the regret and denial strategies mediated the relationship between personal distress and STS. Empathy and cognitive trauma processing may play an important role in STS symptoms development. Preventive programs for professionals helping trauma victims should focus on cognitive processing of trauma and empathy.

Given several efforts to improve health care access in California and nationally, we studied whether linguistic and socioeconomic disparities in health care access changed from 2011 to 2019 among Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) people in Los Angeles, California.

We analyzed survey responses from APIA health fair participants (n = 5032) in the Greater Los Angeles area from May 15, 2011, through October 20, 2019. To assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on and shifts in health care access (ie, health insurance status/regular doctor), we used a logistic regression model. Covariates included English proficiency, year, age, sex, ethnicity, income, employment, and education. We also ran an interaction analysis between English proficiency and year.

Health insurance access increased and doctor access remained stable throughout the study period; however, disparities in health insurance status widened by a factor of 1.08 per year between participants with high English proficiency (HEP) and participants with low English proficiency (LEP) (

= .01). People with HEP were 2.02 times more likely to have a regular doctor than people with LEP (

< .001), and this disparity persisted from 2011 to 2019 (

= .58). Participants who were young (

< .001) and male (

= .005) were significantly less likely to have health insurance and a regular doctor (

< .001) than participants who were older and female. Chinese participants were significantly more likely than Thai (

= .002) and Korean (

< .001) participants to be insured but not more likely to have a regular doctor, when controlling for health insurance.

Policy changes targeting language and cultural barriers to care for APIA people with LEP may address the disparities observed.

Policy changes targeting language and cultural barriers to care for APIA people with LEP may address the disparities observed.Do people know how their romantic partner (i.e., the perceiver) views the self's (i.e., the metaperceiver's) emotions, displaying emotion meta-accuracy? Is it relevant to relationship quality? Using a sample of romantic couples (Ncouples = 189), we found evidence for two types of emotion meta-accuracy across three different interactions (a) normative emotion meta-accuracy, knowing perceivers' impressions of metaperceivers' emotions that are in line with how the average person may feel, and (b) distinctive emotion meta-accuracy, knowing perceivers' unique impression of metaperceivers' emotions. Furthermore, across interactions, normative emotion meta-accuracy was positively related to momentary relationship quality for metaperceivers and perceivers and this link was especially strong in the conflict interaction. Distinctive emotion meta-accuracy was negatively related to momentary relationship quality across interactions for perceivers and in the conflict interaction for metaperceivers. Overall, it may be adaptive for metaperceivers to accurately infer perceivers' normative impressions and to remain blissfully unaware of their unique impressions.In Western healthcare systems, increasing numbers of nurse practitioners are practicing in primary care organizations, and their integration onto interprofessional teams can be somewhat bumpy. In this article, we rely on the institutional theory of organizational communication to investigate the situated communication challenges faced by NPs as they integrate onto primary health care teams (RQ1), and how these local challenges manifested institutional features (RQ2). We analyze interview data from NPs, their physician partners, clinical nurses, and a network administrator for NPs at five family medicine clinics in Quebec, Canada. We found three main challenges to IP communication between NPs and physicians, namely a lack of time, the professional necessity of bothering, and talking to - and like - a doctor. We present the solutions that participants found to overcome or workaround these challenges. We also interpreted the institutional features that inflected - or "moored" - the situated communication practices and challenges reported by our participants to better understand how the local experience of IP communication is shaped by broader institutional forces.India witnessed a large surge in COVID-19 cases in April 2021, a second wave of nearly 350,000 daily new infections across the country. As of December 2021, cases have reduced drastically, in part due to greater vaccine coverage across the country. This study reports results on vaccine hesitancy, attitudes, and behaviors from an online survey conducted between February and March 2021 in nine Indian cities (N = 518). We find that vaccine hesitancy negatively predicts willingness to take the vaccine, and beliefs about vaccine effectiveness supersede hesitancy in explaining vaccine uptake. Furthermore, we find that mask-wearing and handwashing beliefs, information sources related to COVID-19, and past COVID-19 infection and testing status are all strongly associated with the hypothetical choice of vaccine. We discuss these findings in the context of behavioral theories as well as outline implications for vaccine-related health communication in India.The purpose of this study was to test a model of factors associated with participating in function focused care. Function focused care is a philosophy of care in which residents are encouraged to engage in functional and physical activities during care interactions. This was a secondary data analysis using data from the Dissemination and Implementation of Function Focused Care for Assisted Living Using the Evidence Integration Triangle (FFC-AL-EIT) study. Residents (n = 550) were recruited from 59 AL settings. The majority were female (n = 380, 69%) and White (n = 536, 97%). Model testing was done. Comorbidities, quality of interactions, environments, profit status, cognitive impairment, depression, and function were associated with function focused care and accounted for 17% of the variance. Next steps should include intervening on changeable factors (e.g., environments) and adding factors to better explain performance of function focused care such as motivation, resilience, and staff satisfaction.Motivation-based message appeals and incidental emotions have the potential to encourage COVID-19 vaccination, especially when the motivation components of the two agree. Risk perception may also interact with self vs. other-oriented message appeals. Results from a 2 (message appeal) × 4 (incidental emotion) online experiment (N = 306) indicate that when exposed to an altruistic message, those who experienced self-transcendent emotions reported higher COVID vaccination intention than those amused or not induced with emotions. This effect, however, was not identified in the egoistic message condition. Risk perception was positively associated with self-vaccination intention but did not interact with message appeals. The main effect of risk perception and interaction effects between incidental emotions and message appeals provide important implications for addressing vaccine hesitancy and increasing vaccine uptake.Autosomal dominant mutations in sarcomere proteins such as the cardiac troponin T (TNNT2) are the main genetic causes of human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy. Allele-specific silencing by RNA interference (ASP-RNAi) holds promise as a therapeutic strategy for downregulating a single mutant allele with minimal suppression of the corresponding wild-type allele. Here, we propose ASP-RNAi as a possible strategy to specifically knockdown mutant alleles coding for R92Q and R173W mutant TNNT2 proteins, identified in hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy, respectively. Different siRNAs were designed and validated by luciferase reporter assay and following analysis in HEK293T cells expressing either the wild-type or mutant TNNT2 alleles. This study is the first exploration of ASP-RNAi on TNNT2-R173W and TNNT2-R92Q mutations in vitro and gives a base for further application of allele silencing as a therapeutic treatment for TNNT2-mutation-associated cardiomyopathies.The INK4-ARF locus includes the CDKN2B and CDKN2A genes and is functionally relevant in the regulation of both cell proliferation and senescence. Studies have reported modifications of DNA methylation in this locus by exposure to environmental contaminants including pesticides; however, until now, specific methylation profiles have not been reported in genetically conserved populations exposed to occupational pesticides. The aim of this study was to determine the methylation profiles of the CDKN2B and CDKN2A genes in a genetically conserved population exposed to pesticides. A cross-sectional and analytical study was carried out in 190 Huichol indigenous persons. Information related to pesticide exposure, diet and other variables were obtained through the use of a structured questionnaire. Blood and urine samples were collected for methylation test and dialkylphosphates (DAP) determination, respectively. DNA methylation was measured by the pyrosequencing of bisulfite-treated DNA and DAP concentrations by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The most frequent metabolite in the population was dimethylthiophosphate. The farmer group presented a higher methylation percentage of CDKN2B than the non-farmer group, but no differences in CDKN2A were observed between groups. A positive correlation between methylation of CpG site 3 of CDKN2B and time working in the field was observed in the farmer group. An association between methylation percentage of CDKN2B and age was also observed in the non-farmer group. These results suggest that pesticide exposure and exposure time in Huichol indigenous individuals could modify the methylation pattern of the CDKN2B gene.

Autoři článku: Rahbeksommer0074 (Gill McFadden)