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Fertilizer-induced N2O emissions were responsible for 22-31% of the total GHG emissions, and the N2O-N emission factor was identified as 0.7%. Also, power use for irrigation contributed a non-negligible 17% to the emissions on a national level, yet with large regional variations. In addition, fruit production in North, Northeast, Central, and East, and South China have relatively lower GHGIs than in Northwest and Southwest China. The estimated total GHG emissions from the Chinese fruit production were 102 Tg CO2e, with the contribution of SOC change to a decrease by 11% for the year 2018. Our results highlight an urgency to lower fruit production-related carbon emissions by extending optimized N fertilization and irrigation modes in China's orchard system.The analytical technique DGT (Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films) is able to gain access to a wealth of information by carefully interpreting accumulation data from passive samplers with different configurations (i.e. different thicknesses of its constituent layers). A set of DGT devices were simultaneously deployed in solutions of Ni and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) of different concentrations to measure the availability of Ni in these solutions. Accumulations indicate that the availability of Ni depends on both the thickness of the resin and the thickness of the diffusive gel. In both cases, the lability degree increases as the thickness increases. SF1670 in vitro As the formation of successive complexes (such as Ni(NTA)2) proceeds, the availability of the metal decreases, which is quantitatively explained by reducing the formulation to a case with only one complex, but with an effective dissociation rate constant that decreases as the concentration of NTA increases. Simple analytical expressions are reported to quantify the lability degree in the different DGT configurations. These results indicate that a set of different DGT devices can characterize the availability of a cation in a natural sample with uptake processes at different spatial or time scales. Alternatively, and from a more fundamental point of view, information on speciation, mobilities and labilities of the species present in natural samples can be obtained with a set of DGT configurations.With the increasing demand for food, it is increasingly important to maintain soil fertility with the application of fertilizers to supply the nutritional needs of plants. However, the nutrients applied to the soil can suffer significant losses, impacting the environment, and increasing production costs. Using alternative sources, such as microalgae biomass (MB) generated in the treatment of wastewater, in the production of organomineral fertilizers is a way to recover nutrients from the sewage, in addition to contributing to the improvement in soil fertility and favoring crop growth, which can guarantee agricultural sustainability. In the present study, MB was grown in the effluent 00from the food industry and, subsequently, a pelleted organomineral fertilizer (POF) was produced consisting of the combination of MB and synthetic fertilizer (urea), in different proportions. The performance of the proposed fertilizer was analyzed for losses due to ammonia volatilization (N-NH3) over time, for nitrogen assimilation capacity (N) by corn plants (Zea mays L.), and its structure was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. The study concluded that the highest accumulated volatilization of N-NH3 was in the proportion of 40% of MB and the maximum content of N is reached in the proportion of 24.55% of MB. From the proportion of 25% of MB, there is no increase in N absorbed by plants, at the same time that the volatilization of N-NH3 grows with the increase in MB. The most important factors for obtaining these results were the interaction between MB and urea in the produced organomineral fertilizer tablet, where an increasingly thicker physical barrier was formed with the increase in the proportion of MB; in addition to the POF pH, in which the increase in MB proportions directly favored the pH increase.Current studies simply focus on the toxicity of nano-plastics, while the correlation between their toxicity and bio-distribution, as well as intestinal microorganisms is still blank. Therefore, we systematically evaluated the toxicity based on the accumulation characteristics of nano-plastics in C. elegans. Meanwhile, for the first time, human fecal microbiota was transplanted into the gut of C. elegans and found that nano-plastics can through the intestinal barrier to the whole body after oral intake and can't be drastically excreted until die, thus causing toxic effects; while human fecal microbiota transplantation can significantly improve the living state via activating PMK-1/SKN-1 pathway to promote the production of intracellular glutathione, and exogenous glutathione addition can also markedly protect nematodes against nano-plastics induced toxicity. Our results not only provide a fully understand between the accumulation characteristic and health risk of nano-plastics, but also take C. elegans and intestinal flora into the field of toxicity evolution of nanomaterials.Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are expected to play an essential role in achieving the aviation industries' goal of carbon-neutral growth. However, producing biomass-based SAFs may induce changes in global land use and the associated carbon stock. The induced land use change (ILUC) emissions, as a part of the full life-cycle emissions for SAF pathways, will affect whether and to what extent SAFs reduce emissions compared with petroleum-based jet fuels. Here, we estimate the ILUC emission intensity for seventeen SAF pathways considered by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), covering five ASTM-certified technologies, nine biomass-based feedstocks, and four geographical regions. We introduce the SAF pathways into a well-established computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, GTAP-BIO, and its coupled emission accounting model, AEZ-EF, to study economy-wide implications of SAF production and estimate ILUC emissions intensity for each pathway. The estimated SAF ILUC emission intensities, using a 25-year amortization period, range from -58.5 g CO2e MJ-1 for the USA miscanthus alcohol (isobutanol)-to-jet (ATJ) pathway to 34.6 g CO2e MJ-1 for the Malaysia & Indonesia palm oil Hydrotreated Esters of Fatty Acids (HEFA) pathway. Notably, the vegetable oil pathways tend to have higher ILUC emission intensities due to their linkage to palm expansion and peatland oxidation in Southeast Asia. The cellulosic pathways studied provide negative ILUC emissions, mainly driven by the high carbon sequestrations in crop biomass and soil. Using the core life-cycle emissions established by ICAO, we show that fifteen of the assessed pathways have a lower full life-cycle emission intensity than petroleum-based jet fuels (89 g CO2e MJ-1), offering promising options to reduce aviation emissions.Temperature is generally considered to be the primary factor controlling the nitrogen removal rate (NR) in nitrate (NO3-)-rich submerged sediments. link2 Temperature stimulates both sediment oxygen (O2) respiration, to create anaerobic conditions, and microbial photosynthetic activity, to provide the organic carbon required for denitrification and expand the uppermost aerobic layer, i.e., the O2 penetration depth (OPD). The OPD serves as a diffusion barrier for NO3- to the underlying anaerobic layer for denitrification. The complex effects of O2 and temperature on the NR are unclear under field conditions with a wide range of temperatures and O2 suppliers. This study aimed to determine the combined effects of O2 and temperature on the NR in an NO3--rich, riparian ex-paddy wetland ("yatsu" environment) under long-term bare soil conditions. We used three years of field monitoring with occasional O2 microprofile measurements from undisturbed submerged soil cores. We observed vertical supersaturated O2 concentration plateaus up to 4.2 mm depth, which confirmed the presence of underground O2 producers, i.e., photosynthetic microorganisms forming habitat in the soil, and very large OPDs of up to 42.9 mm. A multiple regression analysis showed that temperature and dissolved O2 concentration in the flooded water were the key positive and negative influences, respectively, on the NR (332 kg N ha-1 year-1 on average), in association with the total N input. Microbial photosynthesis appeared to remain active regardless of the season, providing O2 to increase OPD and partly suppress the NR; however, photosynthesis has increased the soil C content and appears to have positively contributed to a sustained NR during the 20 years of bare soil conditions. Our results suggest that temporal no vegetation-shade (bare soil) conditions with periodic weed cutting is recommended to effectively remove N from the watershed, while maintaining high temperatures and soil organic C in yatsu environments.The frequency and severity of drought are expected to increase due to climate change; therefore, selection of tree species for afforestation should consider drought resistance of the species for maximum survival and conservation of natural habitats. In this study, three soil moisture regimes control (100% precipitation), mild drought (40% reduction in precipitation), and severe drought (80% reduction in precipitation) were applied to six gymnosperm and five angiosperm species for two consecutive years. We quantified the drought resistance index based on the root collar diameter and assessed the correlation between species drought resistance and other morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits by regression analysis. The prolonged drought stress altered the morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits, but the responses were species-specific. The species with high drought resistance had high leaf mass per area (LMA), photosynthetic rate (Pn), and midday leaf water potential (ΨMD), and low carbon isotopic discrimination (δ13C), flavonoid and polyphenol content, superoxide dismutase and DPPH radical scavenging activity. The highly drought-resistant species had a relatively less decrease in leaf size, Pn, and predawn leaf water potential (ΨPD), and less increase in δ13C, abscisic acid and sucrose content, and LMA compared to the control. The interannual variation in drought resistance (∆Rd) was positively correlated with the species hydroscopic slope (isohydric and anisohydric). Korean pine was highly resistant, sawtooth oak, hinoki cypress, East Asian white birch, East Asian ash, and mono maple were highly susceptible, and Korean red pine, Japanese larch, Sargent cherry, needle fir, and black pine were moderate in drought resistance under long-term drought. These findings will help species selection for afforestation programs and establishment of sustainable forests, especially of drought-tolerant species, under increased frequency and intensity of spring and summer droughts.Investigating the farmland quality around electronic waste (E-waste) dismantling site and taking positive measures to ensure local food safety are urgent. link3 Eleven types of vegetables (n = 184) and their corresponding soils were collected from vegetable fields in a city with famous historical e-waste activities in China. Nemerow integrated pollution indices analysis revealed that local vegetable fields suffered from heavy metal pollution to a certain extent, especially with regards to Cd, Cu, and Zn. The human health risk models provided by USEPA have been used to evaluate the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks associated with the consumption of vegetables by local residents. Results indicated that both adults and children were suffering potential health risks. And the consumption of lettuce and sweet potato caused the greatest health risk, whereas cabbage and cowpea were relatively safe. The bioaccumulation factors (BAF) of heavy metals in various vegetables were calculated, and different vegetables showed huge variance in metal accumulation.

Autoři článku: Puggaardnordentoft9240 (Jamison Hildebrandt)