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05), and the negative influence of geriatric syndromes on the EQ-5D index was stronger than that of the cumulative comorbidities. Functional status in daily living activities was positively related to HRQOL (P  less then  0.05). Receiving care from children was positively related to EQ-VAS (P  less then  0.05). CONCLUSIONS Besides cumulative comorbidities and geriatric syndromes, in particular nutritional problems and chronic pain exert a substantial negative impact on the HRQOL of elderly people in China, whereas family support is an important protective factor. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; •• ••-••. © 2020 Japan Geriatrics Society.The ongoing interest in colloidal nanocrystal solids for electronic and photonic devices necessitates that their thermal transport properties be well understood because heat dissipation frequently limits performance in these devices. Unfortunately, colloidal nanocrystal solids generally possess very low thermal conductivities. This very low thermal conductivity primarily results from the weak van der Waals interaction between the ligands of adjacent nanocrystals. We overcome this thermal transport bottleneck by crosslinking the ligands, which exchanges a weak van der Waals interaction with a strong covalent bond. We obtain thermal conductivities of up to 1.7 Wm -1 K -1 that exceed prior reported values by a factor of 4. This improvement is significant because the entire range of prior reported values themselves only span a factor of 4 (i.e., 0.1 - 0.4 Wm -1 K -1 ). We complement our thermal conductivity measurements with mechanical nanoindentation measurements that demonstrate ligand crosslinking increases Young's modulus and sound velocity. This increase in sound velocity is a key bridge between mechanical and thermal properties because sound velocity and thermal conductivity are linearly proportional according to kinetic theory. Control experiments with non-crosslinkable ligands as well as transport modeling further confirm ligand crosslinking boosts thermal transport. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.This study aimed to explore the outcomes of active participation in an action research project on building the research capacity of clinical nurses. In this qualitative research study, six registered nurses volunteered to participate in the action research team. None of the nurses reported having any prior research experience. This study was part of a larger three-phase project. The nurses were required to reflect on the data about their medication practice of phase 1, develop and implement a bundle of interventions in phase 2 to improve medication safety, and evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions in phase 3. We report the nurses' participation in Action Research during phase 2. Meeting minutes and six semistructured interviews were thematically analyzed. The results showed that after receiving support to enhance their research skills from the research team, the nurses were empowered to perform and lead clinical nursing research project. Nurses were able to take ownership of the research process and outcomes and were then able to translate their new research knowledge and skills into their clinical practice by building their own research capacity. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.Person-centred care is a relatively new orthodoxy being implemented by modern hospitals across developed nations. Research demonstrating the merits of this style of care for improving patient outcomes, staff morale and organizational efficiency is only just beginning to emerge. In contrast, a significant body of literature exists showing that attainment of person-centred care in the acute care sector particularly, remains largely aspirational, especially for older people with cognitive impairment. In previous articles, we argued that nurses work constantly to reconcile prevailing constructions of time, space, relationships, the body and ethics, to meet expectations that the care they provide is person-centred. In this article, we explore key concepts of neo-liberal thought which forms an important back-story to the articles. Economic concepts, "efficiency" and "freedom" are examined to illustrate how nurses work to reconcile both the repressive and productive effects of economic power. We conclude the article by proposing a new research agenda aimed at building a more nuanced understanding of the messy actualities of nursing practice under the influences of neo-liberalism, that illuminates the compromises and adaptations nurses have had to make in response to economic power. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.OBJECTIVE To review medication-related criteria within validated frailty tools. METHODS Narrative review of validated frailty assessment tools. Frailty tools were identified from recently published reviews; each tool was reviewed to determine whether any medication-related criteria were included and how these criteria contributed to the scoring/assessment of frailty. RESULTS Eight out of 16 validated frailty tools included medication-related criteria. The majority of criteria were a numerical cut-off of number of medications taken; however, the specific cut-off was not consistent. CONCLUSION Inclusion of medication-related criteria in frailty tools is highly variable. Future research is required to determine whether incorporation of medication use into frailty assessment can impact outcomes in terms of frailty prevention and treatment. © 2020 AJA Inc."My motto is 'Continual dropping wears away the stone'. If I could be a piece of lab equipment, I would be a single-crystal X-ray diffractometer …" Find out more about Shilie Pan in his Author Profile. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.BACKGROUND With the increasing incidence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) organisms and high mortality rates associated with these infections, we describe the spectrum of the major drug-resistant pathogens identified in fecal surveillance, and re-visit the use of fecal surveillance in predicting infection with these organisms post-allogeneic stem cell transplant. METHODS Data from allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients with common drug-resistant strains of bacteria in fecal surveillance (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., and Enterococcus spp.) were compared with recipients who did not have the same in fecal surveillance cultures. Baseline characteristics and post-transplant outcomes including similar drug resistance in blood cultures, severe sepsis, and 100-day transplant-related mortality were compared. Depsipeptide research buy Multivariate analysis using logistic regression model was used to determine independent predictors of outcome. RESULTS In 232 transplants, the prevalence of common drug-resistant isolates in fecal surveillanhen  .001) retained significance in predicting 100-day mortality. link2 CONCLUSION Organisms resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins are frequently seen on fecal surveillance in the pre-transplant setting and are associated with a higher incidence of drug-resistant organisms in subsequent blood cultures (not limited to the same drug resistance pattern as seen in fecal surveillance). Drug-resistant organisms in fecal surveillance are associated with poorer outcomes following allogeneic stem cell transplant and may be used as a guide to identify patients at risk of subsequently developing a drug-resistant organism in blood. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd."My first experiment was burning magnesium in oxygen in junior high school … In a spare hour, I like hiking …" Find out more about Song Ye in his Author Profile. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Metal oxides are one of the promising candidates as electrocatalysts for electrical energy storage (EES) systems. Particularly, perovskite and pyrochlore oxides have been intensively investigated as bi-functional electrocatalysts because of their superior catalytic activities during oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. However, the origin of outstanding catalytic activities and structural changes of materials are not clearly revealed, in part due to the difficulty in identification during electrocatalysis. link3 In this Minireview, we present a critical overview of recent progress in understanding catalytic mechanisms of perovskite and pyrochlore oxides, highlighting the innovative in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) analysis for electrochemical tests. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Helical carbazole-based BODIPY analogues were readily synthesized via aza[7]helicenes. The structures of azahelicene-incorporated BF2 dyes were elucidated by x-ray diffraction analysis. DFT calculations revealed that the π-conjugated system expanded from the helicene moiety to the BODIPY framework. The azahelicene-fused boron complexes showed the Cotton effects and the circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) in the visible region. Furthermore, an axially chiral binaphthyl group was attached to the helically chiral dyes, which enhanced the chiroptical properties. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a systemic autoimmune disease in which exocrine organs, primarily the salivary and lacrimal glands, are targets of chronic inflammation, leading to severe dryness of eyes and mouth. Fatigue and arthralgia are also common, and extraglandular manifestations involving the respiratory, nervous and vascular systems occur in a subset of patients. Persistent activation of the type I interferon system, and autoreactive B and T cells with production of disease-associated autoantibodies are central to the pathogenesis. Genetic polymorphisms that associate with an increased risk of SS have been described, though the risk-increase contributed by the respective variant is generally low. It is thus becoming increasingly clear that genetics cannot alone account for the development of SS and that other, presumably exogenous, factors must play a critical role. Relatively few studies have investigated exposure to potential risk factors prior to SS disease onset. Rather, many factors have been studied in prevalent cases. In this review, we summarize current literature on exogenous factors in the pathogenesis of SS including infections, hormones, smoking, solvents and additional compounds. We delineate for which factors there is current evidence of increased disease risk, and for which our present knowledge is confined to suggesting their role in SS pathogenesis. Finally, we outline future perspectives in the continued search for environmental risk factors for SS, a research area of great importance considering the possibilities for preventive measures. © 2020 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine.BACKGROUND School-based pregnancy prevention programs should optimally be offered while students are still engaged in school since early disengagement is strongly associated with risk of a teen birth. METHODS We used linked New York City birth and enrollment data (2005-2013), a sample of 6,809 teen mothers (mean age conception = 16.2 years). We measured preconception disengagement using monthly absences, age 12 until conception, and identified five attendance trajectories using group-based trajectory modeling. RESULTS We identified five attendance trajectories that were heterogeneous with respect to age of onset and rate of increase of absenteeism. In two groups, 80% were chronically absent (CA) [2- less then 4 absences/month] or severely chronically absent (SCA) [4+ absences/month] at age 12, and over 90% by age 13, when they averaged 3.8-5.1 absences/month. Despite heterogeneity, 37% of teen mothers were CA or SCA at age 12, increasing to 56% by age 14. By early high school, age 15, 63% of teen mothers had absenteeism problems; 26% were CA and 37% SCA.

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