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Moreover, it became a forum for trainees to provide updates on individual service workflows and volumes, ongoing projects and research, as well as literature reviews on coronavirus disease 2019-related topics. From our program's experience, redeploying pathology trainees within our department during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic resulted in optimization of patient care while ensuring trainee safety, and importantly, helped to maintain continuous high-quality education through active involvement in unique learning opportunities.The following fictional case is intended as a learning tool within the Pathology Competencies for Medical Education (PCME), a set of national standards for teaching pathology. #link# These are divided into three basic competencies Disease Mechanisms and Processes, Organ System Pathology, and Diagnostic Medicine and Therapeutic Pathology. For additional information, and a full list of learning objectives for all three competencies, see http//journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2374289517715040.1.Senile plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, are composed by Amyloid-Beta (Aβ). Aβ 25-35 toxicity is caused mainly by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is reversed by albumin preventing Aβ internalization. In addition, key cellular processes and basic cell functions require of endocytosis, particularly relevant in neurons. link2 To understand the protective effect of albumin and the toxicity mechanism of Aβ, the need of albumin uptake for neurons protection as well as the possible influence of Aβ on albumin endocytosis were investigated. With this aim the influence of lectin from soybeans (LEC), which prevents albumin endocytosis, on the effects of Aβ 25-35 on cellular morphology and viability, ROS generation and Aβ uptake with and without albumin in neurons in primary culture was investigated. Influence of Aβ on albumin endocytosis was studied using FITC-labelled albumin. LEC did not modify Aβ effects with or without albumin on neuronal morphology, but increased cell viability. LEC increased ROS generation with and without Aβ in the same magnitude. Diminished Aβ internalization observed with albumin was not affected by LEC. In presence of Aβ albumin is internalized, but endosomes did not deliver their cargo to the lysosomes for degradation. It is concluded that formation of Aβ-albumin complex does not require of albumin internalization, thus is extracellular. Aβ affects albumin endocytosis preventing late endosomes and lysosomes degradation, probably caused by changes in albumin structure or deregulation in vesicular transport. Considering the consequences such as its osmotic effects, the inability to exert its antioxidant properties, its effects on neuronal plasticity and excitability albumin affected endocytosis induced by Aβ is proposed as a new physiopathology mechanism in AD. It is hypothesized that there is critical intraneuronal level above which albumin becomes toxic.Based on advances in cerebellum research as to its cognitive, social, and language contributions to working memory, the purpose of this article is to describe new support for the prominent involvement of cerebellar internal models in the adaptive selection of language. Within this context it has been proposed that (1) cerebellar internal models of inner speech during stone-tool making accelerated the adaptive evolution of new cause-and-effect sequences of precision stone-tool knapping requirements, and (2) that these evolving cerebellar internal models coded (i.e., learned in corticonuclear microcomplexes) such cause-and-effect sequences as phonological counterparts and, these, when sent to the cerebral cortex, became new phonological working memory. link3 This article describes newer supportive research findings on (1) the cerebellum's role in silent speech in working memory, and (2) recent findings on genetic aspects (FOXP2) of the role of silent speech in language evolution. It is concluded that within overall cerebro-cerebellar evolution, without the evolution of cerebellar coding of stone-tool making sequences of primitive working memory (beginning approximately 1.7 million years ago) language would not have evolved in the subsequent evolution of Homo sapiens.Catatonia commonly refers to a cluster of movement abnormalities, behaviour, volition and speech that has long been associated with psychiatric disorders in adults. Recent evidence suggests increasing prevalence in adolescents and older children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), but its occurrence in younger children is rare. Here we describe a 6-year-old boy presenting with catatonic autism, highlighting the diagnostic challenge and demonstrating the importance of timely assessment and management.Cognitive neuroscience research has traditionally focused on understanding the brain mechanisms that enable cognition by means of experimental laboratory tasks. With a budding literature, there is growing interest in the application of the related methods and findings to real-world settings. In this opinion paper we explore the potential and promise of employing current cognitive neuroscience methodologies in the field of design. We review recent evidence from preliminary studies that have employed such methods toward identifying the neural bases of design thinking and discuss their impact and limitations. Further, we highlight the importance of pairing neuroscience methods with well-established behavioral paradigms during ecologically-valid, real-world design tasks. Experimental investigations that meet these requirements can generate powerful datasets of neurocognitive measures that can offer new insights into the complex cognitive and brain systems enabling design thinking. We argue that this new knowledge can lead to the development and implementation of new techniques toward cultivating and improving design thinking in design education and professional practice.

Computed Tomography (CT) is an invaluable imaging tool in the diagnostic workup of patients presenting with head trauma, stroke, brain tumour and epilepsy. The objective of this study was to document the common intracranial pathologies as revealed by CT in our setting and also determine if the indications for CT scan are justified so that patients are not exposed to radiation unnecessarily.

This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Hansa Clinic Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria. Demographic data and brain CT radiological reports with imaging findings and clinical indications for patients referred to this study centre from January, 2017 to January 2019 were retrieved from the CT reports' archives and reviewed retrospectively. Relevant information such age, gender, radiological CT findings and clinical indications were collected using structured proforma.

A total of 300 patients' brain CT radiological reports were included in this study. The mean age of the patients was 41.25 ± 16.5 years with majority be are normal despite, myriads of complaints necessitating the investigations. The study also revealed significant association between clinical indications and CT findings.The spatial and temporal regulation of gene expression in neurons is an important step in creating functional and structural neuronal networks. The complexity of neurons require differential expression of various proteins in different compartments. Highly polarised cells, such as neurons, respond rapidly to different external stimuli by changing their local protein abundance and composition. Selleckchem Raltitrexed can have extensions up to a meter away from their cell body in humans, so it is easy to envisage why they need to manage the synthesis of new proteins locally and on-demand. Recent research has demonstrated that neurons can control the expression of different proteins by localising translationally silent mRNAs, followed by subsequent translation. Neurons use mRNA localization and local translation to achieve different purposes during their life cycle. While developing neurons rely on mRNA localization for axon guidance and synaptogenesis, mature neurons can use mRNA localization for maintenance of essential physiological processes. mRNA localization also plays a role in response to neuron injury to regenerate and restore neuronal connections. Recent microscopic imaging techniques such as live imaging of fluorescently tagged molecules combined with genetic and biochemical studies in neurons have illustrated evolutionarily conserved mechanisms for targeting mRNAs into their correct compartments. This review provides an overview of mRNA localization and local translation in vertebrate and invertebrate neurons and discusses the mechanism by which mRNAs are trafficked into axons. Furthermore, the role of mRNA localization in synaptic activation, as well as axonal injury is explored.Are the grid cells discovered in rodents relevant to human cognition? Following up on two seminal studies by others, we aimed to check whether an approximate 6-fold, grid-like symmetry shows up in the cortical activity of humans who "navigate" between vowels, given that vowel space can be approximated with a continuous trapezoidal 2D manifold, spanned by the first and second formant frequencies. We created 30 vowel trajectories in the assumedly flat central portion of the trapezoid. Each of these trajectories had a duration of 240 milliseconds, with a steady start and end point on the perimeter of a "wheel". We hypothesized that if the neural representation of this "box" is similar to that of rodent grid units, there should be an at least partial hexagonal (6-fold) symmetry in the EEG response of participants who navigate it. We have not found any dominant n-fold symmetry, however, but instead, using PCAs, we find indications that the vowel representation may reflect phonetic features, as positioned on the vowel manifold. The suggestion, therefore, is that vowels are encoded in relation to their salient sensory-perceptual variables, and are not assigned to arbitrary grid-like abstract maps. Finally, we explored the relationship between the first PCA eigenvector and putative vowel attractors for native Italian speakers, who served as the subjects in our study.The current paper provides an explanation of neurophysiological pain processing based the Dimensional Systems Model (DSM), a theory of higher cortical functions in which the cortical column is considered the binary digit for all cortical functions. Within the discussion, novel views on the roles of the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and cingulate cortex are presented. Additionally, an applied Clinical Biopsychological Model (CBM) based on the DSM will be discussed as related to psychological treatment with chronic pain patients. Three specific areas that have not been adequately addressed in the psychological treatment of chronic pain patients will be discussed based on the CBM. The treatment approaches have been effectively used in a clinical setting. Conclusions focus on a call for researchers and clinicians to fully evaluate the value of both the DSM and CBM.Cancer therapy utilizing adoptive transfer of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells has demonstrated remarkable clinical outcomes in hematologic malignancies. However, CAR T cell application to solid tumors has had limited success, partly due to the lack of tumor-specific antigens and an immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. From the tumor tissues of gastric cancer patients, we found that intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression is significantly associated with advanced stage and shorter survival. In this study, we report a proof-of-concept study using ICAM-1-targeting CAR T cells against gastric cancer. The efficacy of ICAM-1 CAR T cells showed a significant correlation with the level of ICAM-1 expression in target cells in vitro. In animal models of human gastric cancer, ICAM-1-targeting CAR T cells potently eliminated tumors that developed in the lungs, while their efficacy was more limited against the tumors in the peritoneum. To augment CAR T cell activity against intraperitoneal tumors, combinations with paclitaxel or CAR activation-dependent interleukin (IL)-12 release were explored and found to significantly increase anti-tumor activity and survival benefit.

Autoři článku: Pottsklein1583 (Somerville Boykin)