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that bans on assault weapons and/or large-capacity magazines work.

This study demonstrates the utility of public health surveillance on gun violence. Surveillance informs policy on whether a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines reduces public mass shootings. As society searches for effective policies to prevent the next mass shooting, we must consider the overwhelming evidence that bans on assault weapons and/or large-capacity magazines work.Frailty and quality of life are concepts that emerged in the second half of the 20th century. Frailty can be defined as a clinical syndrome of decreased physiological reserves and resistance against stressful events conferring high risk for adverse health outcomes, including loss of independence, falls, hospitalization, institutionalization and mortality. However, it is considered that frailty can potentially be prevented or treated with specific modalities. Quality of life has various definitions because of its subjective nature. The World Health Organisation defined quality of life as "an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns". The aim of this study is to review information regarding the potential association between frailty and quality of life in the elderly, and the effects of physical activity among different parameters of these phenomena. There are few studies that investigate links between frailty, quality of life and physical activity. However, results tend to show that physical aspects of frailty syndrome are inversely proportional to the quality of life in several of its dimensions. Furthermore, community-based exercise programs involving the elderly seem to improve the quality of life. Considering that physical activity can potentially have an impact on the quality of life among frail elderly and promote healthy aging, further research will be necessary to corroborate these results.Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of human sleeping sickness. The parasites' variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) enables them to evade adaptive immunity via antigenic variation. VSG comprises 10% of total cell protein and the high stability of VSG mRNA is essential for trypanosome survival. To determine how VSG mRNA stability is maintained, we used mRNA affinity purification to identify all its associated proteins. CFB2 (cyclin F-box protein 2), an unconventional RNA-binding protein with an F-box domain, was specifically enriched with VSG mRNA. We demonstrate that CFB2 is essential for VSG mRNA stability, describe cis acting elements within the VSG 3'-untranslated region that regulate the interaction, identify trans-acting factors that are present in the VSG messenger ribonucleoprotein particle, and mechanistically explain how CFB2 stabilizes the mRNA of this key pathogenicity factor. Beyond T. Olcegepant datasheet brucei, the mRNP purification approach has the potential to supply detailed biological insight into metabolism of relatively abundant mRNAs in any eukaryote.Methionine restriction (MR) dramatically extends the healthspan of several organisms. Methionine-restricted rodents have less age-related pathology and increased longevity as compared with controls, and recent studies suggest that humans might benefit similarly. Mechanistically, it is likely that the decreased IGF-1 signaling that results from MR underlies the benefits of this regimen. Thus, we hypothesized that interventions that decrease IGF-1 signaling would also produce MR-like healthspan benefits. Selenium supplementation inhibits IGF-1 signaling in rats and has been studied for its putative healthspan benefits. Indeed, we show that feeding mice a diet supplemented with sodium selenite results in an MR-like phenotype, marked by protection against diet-induced obesity, as well as altered plasma levels of IGF-1, FGF-21, adiponectin, and leptin. Selenomethionine supplementation results in a similar, albeit less robust response, and also extends budding yeast lifespan. Our results indicate that selenium supplementation is sufficient to produce MR-like healthspan benefits for yeast and mammals.The causes of Sahul's megafauna extinctions remain uncertain, although several interacting factors were likely responsible. To examine the relative support for hypotheses regarding plausible ecological mechanisms underlying these extinctions, we constructed the first stochastic, age-structured models for 13 extinct megafauna species from five functional/taxonomic groups, as well as 8 extant species within these groups for comparison. Perturbing specific demographic rates individually, we tested which species were more demographically susceptible to extinction, and then compared these relative sensitivities to the fossil-derived extinction chronology. Our models show that the macropodiformes were the least demographically susceptible to extinction, followed by carnivores, monotremes, vombatiform herbivores, and large birds. Five of the eight extant species were as or more susceptible than the extinct species. There was no clear relationship between extinction susceptibility and the extinction chronology for any perturbation scenario, while body mass and generation length explained much of the variation in relative risk. Our results reveal that the actual mechanisms leading to the observed extinction chronology were unlikely related to variation in demographic susceptibility per se, but were possibly driven instead by finer-scale variation in climate change and/or human prey choice and relative hunting success.Phytochromes are photoreceptors regulating growth and development in plants. Using the model plant Arabidopsis, we identified a novel signalling pathway downstream of the far-red light-sensing phytochrome, phyA, that depends on the highly conserved CCR4-NOT complex. CCR4-NOT is integral to RNA metabolism in yeast and animals, but its function in plants is largely unknown. NOT9B, an Arabidopsis homologue of human CNOT9, is a component of the CCR4-NOT complex, and acts as negative regulator of phyA-specific light signalling when bound to NOT1, the scaffold protein of the complex. Light-activated phyA interacts with and displaces NOT9B from NOT1, suggesting a potential mechanism for light signalling through CCR4-NOT. ARGONAUTE 1 and proteins involved in splicing associate with NOT9B and we show that NOT9B is required for specific phyA-dependent alternative splicing events. Furthermore, association with nuclear localised ARGONAUTE 1 raises the possibility that NOT9B and CCR4-NOT are involved in phyA-modulated gene expression.Voltage-gated calcium channels control key functions of excitable cells, like synaptic transmission in neurons and the contraction of heart and skeletal muscles. To accomplish such diverse functions, different calcium channels activate at different voltages and with distinct kinetics. To identify the molecular mechanisms governing specific voltage sensing properties, we combined structure modeling, mutagenesis, and electrophysiology to analyze the structures, free energy, and transition kinetics of the activated and resting states of two functionally distinct voltage sensing domains (VSDs) of the eukaryotic calcium channel CaV1.1. Both VSDs displayed the typical features of the sliding helix model; however, they greatly differed in ion-pair formation of the outer gating charges. Specifically, stabilization of the activated state enhanced the voltage dependence of activation, while stabilization of resting states slowed the kinetics. This mechanism provides a mechanistic model explaining how specific ion-pair formation in separate VSDs can realize the characteristic gating properties of voltage-gated cation channels.Dorsoventral pattering relies on Toll and BMP signalling in all insects studied so far, with variations in the relative contributions of both pathways. Drosophila and the beetle Tribolium share extensive dependence on Toll, while representatives of more distantly related lineages like the wasp Nasonia and bug Oncopeltus rely more strongly on BMP signalling. Here, we show that in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, an evolutionarily distant outgroup, Toll has, like in Drosophila, a direct patterning role for the ventral half of the embryo. In addition, Toll polarises BMP signalling, although this does not involve the conserved BMP inhibitor Sog/Chordin. Finally, Toll activation relies on ovarian patterning mechanisms with striking similarity to Drosophila. Our data suggest two surprising hypotheses (1) that Toll's patterning function in Gryllus and Drosophila is the result of convergent evolution or (2) a Drosophila-like system arose early in insect evolution and was extensively altered in multiple independent lineages.Glucocorticoids are widely used as an ophthalmic medication. A common, sight-threatening adverse event of glucocorticoid usage is ocular hypertension, caused by dysfunction of the conventional outflow pathway. We report that netarsudil, a rho-kinase inhibitor, decreased glucocorticoid-induced ocular hypertension in patients whose intraocular pressures were poorly controlled by standard medications. Mechanistic studies in our established mouse model of glucocorticoid-induced ocular hypertension show that netarsudil both prevented and reduced intraocular pressure elevation. Further, netarsudil attenuated characteristic steroid-induced pathologies as assessed by quantification of outflow function and tissue stiffness, and morphological and immunohistochemical indicators of tissue fibrosis. Thus, rho-kinase inhibitors act directly on conventional outflow cells to prevent or attenuate fibrotic disease processes in glucocorticoid-induced ocular hypertension in an immune-privileged environment. Moreover, these data motivate the need for a randomized prospective clinical study to determine whether netarsudil is indeed superior to first-line anti-glaucoma drugs in lowering steroid-induced ocular hypertension.Talin and vinculin are mechanosensitive proteins that are recruited early to integrin-based nascent adhesions (NAs). In two epithelial cell systems with well-delineated NA formation, we find these molecules concurrently recruited to the subclass of NAs maturing to focal adhesions. After the initial recruitment under minimal load, vinculin accumulates in maturing NAs at a ~ fivefold higher rate than in non-maturing NAs, and is accompanied by a faster traction force increase. We identify the R8 domain in talin, which exposes a vinculin-binding-site (VBS) in the absence of load, as required for NA maturation. Disruption of R8 domain function reduces load-free vinculin binding to talin, and reduces the rate of additional vinculin recruitment. Taken together, these data show that the concurrent recruitment of talin and vinculin prior to mechanical engagement with integrins is essential for the traction-mediated unfolding of talin, exposure of additional VBSs, further recruitment of vinculin, and ultimately, NA maturation.Obesity is a growing societal scourge. Recent studies have uncovered that paternal excessive weight induced by an unbalanced diet affects the metabolic health of offspring. These reports mainly employed single-generation male exposure. However, the consequences of multigenerational unbalanced diet feeding on the metabolic health of progeny remain largely unknown. Here, we show that maintaining paternal Western diet feeding for five consecutive generations in mice induces an enhancement in fat mass and related metabolic diseases over generations. Strikingly, chow-diet-fed progenies from these multigenerational Western-diet-fed males develop a 'healthy' overweight phenotype characterized by normal glucose metabolism and without fatty liver that persists for four subsequent generations. Mechanistically, sperm RNA microinjection experiments into zygotes suggest that sperm RNAs are sufficient for establishment but not for long-term maintenance of epigenetic inheritance of metabolic pathologies. Progressive and permanent metabolic deregulation induced by successive paternal Western-diet-fed generations may contribute to the worldwide epidemic of metabolic diseases.

Autoři článku: Porterfieldrandolph9294 (Singleton Osborne)