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Both RIPK3 and GSDMD signaling collaborated to amplify necroinflammation and tissue factor release in macrophages and endothelial cells, which led to tissue injury. Furthermore, cell death induced by inflammatory cytokines and high-mobility group box 1 could be prevented by double ablation of Ripk3/Gsdmd or Mlkl/Gsdmd, suggesting that a positive feedback loop interconnecting RIPK3/MLKL and GSDMD machinery and inflammation facilitated sepsis progression. Collectively, our findings demonstrated that RIPK3-mediated necroptosis and GSDMD-mediated pyroptosis collaborated to amply inflammatory signaling and enhance tissue injury in the process of sepsis, which may shed new light on two potential targets of combined therapeutic interventions for this highly lethal disorder.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Gangliosides are structurally and functionally polymorphic sialic acid containing glycosphingolipids that are widely distributed in the human body. They play important roles in protecting us against immune attacks, yet they can become targets for autoimmunity and act as receptors for microbes, like the influenza viruses, and toxins, such as the cholera toxin. The expression patterns of gangliosides vary in different tissues, during different life periods, as well as in different animals. Antibodies against gangliosides (AGA) can target immune attack e.g., against neuronal cells and neutralize their complement inhibitory activity. AGAs are important especially in acquired demyelinating immune-mediated neuropathies, like Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and its variant, the Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS). They can emerge in response to different microbial agents and immunological insults. Thereby, they can be involved in a variety of diseases. In addition, antibodies against GM3 were found in the sera of patients vaccinated with Pandemrix®, who developed secondary narcolepsy, strongly supporting the autoimmune etiology of the disease.Allergic asthma that is caused by inhalation of house dust mites (HDMs) is mainly mediated by Th2 cells. Recently, the roles of Sox (SRY-related high-mobility-group (HMG)-box) family members in various immune responses have been investigated. However, the roles of Sox12, a member of the SoxC group, in Th2 cell differentiation and allergic airway inflammation, remain unknown. We showed that Sox12 mRNA was significantly increased during Th2 cell differentiation. In vivo, HDM-induced eosinophil infiltration into the lung and Th2 cell differentiation were exacerbated in Sox12-/- mice compared with those in control Sox12+/- mice. In vitro, Sox12-/- CD4+ T cells that were cultured under Th2 conditions had increased production of Th2 cytokines and GATA3 protein compared with those of control Sox12+/- CD4+ T cells. Importantly, forced expression of Sox12 decreased the protein levels of GATA3 in CD4+ T cells under Th2 conditions without affecting mRNA expression. Furthermore, Sox12 induced degradation of GATA3 through the proteasome pathway in CD4+ T cells. Consistently, Sox12 enhanced ubiquitination of GATA3, which was mediated by the E3 ligase Fbw7. Finally, we found that Fbw7 knockdown partly abrogated Sox12-mediated GATA3 suppression in CD4+ T cells. Taken together, these results suggest that Sox12 suppresses Th2 cell differentiation by accelerating Fbw7-mediated GATA3 degradation, and attenuates HDM-induced allergic inflammation.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Solute carriers (SLCs) are the largest family of transmembrane transporters in humans and are major determinants of cellular metabolism. Several SLCs have been shown to be required for the uptake of chemical compounds into cellular systems, but systematic surveys of transporter-drug relationships in human cells are currently lacking. We performed a series of genetic screens in a haploid human cell line against 60 cytotoxic compounds representative of the chemical space populated by approved drugs. By using an SLC-focused CRISPR-Cas9 library, we identified transporters whose absence induced resistance to the drugs tested. This included dependencies involving the transporters SLC11A2/SLC16A1 for artemisinin derivatives and SLC35A2/SLC38A5 for cisplatin. The functional dependence on SLCs observed for a significant proportion of the screened compounds suggests a widespread role for SLCs in the uptake and cellular activity of cytotoxic drugs and provides an experimentally validated set of SLC-drug associations for a number of clinically relevant compounds.Defining the biologically active structures of proteins in their cellular environments remains challenging for proteins with multiple conformations and functions, where only a minor conformer might be associated with a given function. Here, we use deep mutational scanning to probe the structure and dynamics of α-synuclein, a protein known to adopt disordered, helical and amyloid conformations. We examined the effects of 2,600 single-residue substitutions on the ability of intracellularly expressed α-synuclein to slow the growth of yeast. Computational analysis of the data showed that the conformation responsible for this phenotype is a long, uninterrupted, amphiphilic helix with increasing dynamics toward the C terminus. Deep mutational scanning can therefore determine biologically active conformations in cellular environments, even for a highly dynamic multi-conformational protein.Nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3) produces the gasotransmitter nitric oxide (NO), which drives critical cellular signaling pathways by S-nitrosylating target proteins. Endogenous NOS3 resides at two distinct subcellular locations the plasma membrane and the trans-Golgi network (TGN). However, NO generation arising from the activities of both these pools of NOS3 and its relative contribution to physiology or disease is not yet resolvable. We describe a fluorescent DNA-based probe technology, NOckout, that can be targeted either to the plasma membrane or the TGN, where it can quantitatively map the activities of endogenous NOS3 at these locations in live cells. We found that, although NOS3 at the Golgi is tenfold less active than at the plasma membrane, its activity is essential for the structural integrity of the Golgi. The newfound ability to spatially map NOS3 activity provides a platform to discover selective regulators of the distinct pools of NOS3.Gene expression in mammalian cells results from coordinated protein-driven processes guided by diverse mechanisms of regulation, including protein-protein interactions, protein localization, DNA modifications and chromatin rearrangement. Regulation of gene expression is particularly important in stress-response pathways. To address the need to monitor chromosomal gene expression generating a readily detectable signal output that recapitulates gene expression dynamics, we developed a gene signal amplifier platform that links transcriptional and post-translational regulation of a fluorescent output to the expression of a chromosomal target gene. We generated a multiplex reporter system for monitoring markers of the unfolded protein response, a complex signal transduction pathway that remodels gene expression in response to proteotoxic stress in the endoplasmic reticulum. By recapitulating the transcriptional and translational control mechanisms underlying the expression of a target gene with high sensitivity, this platform provides a technology for monitoring gene expression with superior sensitivity and dynamic resolution.Lipopolysaccharide O-antigen is an attractive candidate for immunotherapeutic strategies targeting antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Several K. pneumoniae O-serotypes are based on a shared O2a-antigen backbone repeating unit (→ 3)-α-Galp-(1 → 3)-β-Galf-(1 →). O2a antigen is synthesized on undecaprenol diphosphate in a pathway involving the O2a polymerase, WbbM, before its export by an ATP-binding cassette transporter. This dual domain polymerase possesses a C-terminal galactopyranosyltransferase resembling known GT8 family enzymes, and an N-terminal DUF4422 domain identified here as a galactofuranosyltransferase defining a previously unrecognized family (GT111). Functional assignment of DUF4422 explains how galactofuranose is incorporated into various polysaccharides of importance in vaccine production and the food industry. In the 2.1-Å resolution structure, three WbbM protomers associate to form a flattened triangular prism connected to a central stalk that orients the active sites toward the membrane. The biochemical, structural and topological properties of WbbM offer broader insight into the mechanisms of assembly of bacterial cell-surface glycans.Combination antiretroviral therapy has transformed HIV-1 infection, once a fatal illness, into a manageable chronic condition. Drug resistance, severe side effects and treatment noncompliance bring challenges to combination antiretroviral therapy implementation in clinical settings and indicate the need for additional molecular targets. Here, we have identified several small-molecule fusion inhibitors, guided by a neutralizing antibody, against an extensively studied vaccine target-the membrane proximal external region (MPER) of the HIV-1 envelope spike. These compounds specifically inhibit the HIV-1 envelope-mediated membrane fusion by blocking CD4-induced conformational changes. An NMR structure of one compound complexed with a trimeric MPER construct reveals that the compound partially inserts into a hydrophobic pocket formed exclusively by the MPER residues, thereby stabilizing its prefusion conformation. CID-1067700 ic50 These results suggest that the MPER is a potential therapeutic target for developing fusion inhibitors and that strategies employing an antibody-guided search for novel therapeutics may be applied to other human diseases.The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a ubiquitin ligase that initiates anaphase and mitotic exit. APC/C is activated by Cdc20 and inhibited by the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which delays mitotic exit when the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is activated. We previously identified apcin as a small molecule ligand of Cdc20 that inhibits APC/CCdc20 and prolongs mitosis. Here we find that apcin paradoxically shortens mitosis when SAC activity is high. These opposing effects of apcin arise from targeting of a common binding site in Cdc20 required for both substrate ubiquitination and MCC-dependent APC/C inhibition. Furthermore, we found that apcin cooperates with p31comet to relieve MCC-dependent inhibition of APC/C. Apcin therefore causes either net APC/C inhibition, prolonging mitosis when SAC activity is low, or net APC/C activation, shortening mitosis when SAC activity is high, demonstrating that a small molecule can produce opposing biological effects depending on regulatory context.The α2 adrenergic receptors (α2ARs) are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that respond to adrenaline and noradrenaline and couple to the Gi/o family of G proteins. α2ARs play important roles in regulating the sympathetic nervous system. Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective α2AR agonist used in post-operative patients as an anxiety-reducing, sedative medicine that decreases the requirement for opioids. As is typical for selective αAR agonists, dexmedetomidine consists of an imidazole ring and a substituted benzene moiety lacking polar groups, which is in contrast to βAR-selective agonists, which share an ethanolamine group and an aromatic system with polar, hydrogen-bonding substituents. To better understand the structural basis for the selectivity and efficacy of adrenergic agonists, we determined the structure of the α2BAR in complex with dexmedetomidine and Go at a resolution of 2.9 Å by single-particle cryo-EM. The structure reveals the mechanism of α2AR-selective activation and provides insights into Gi/o coupling specificity.

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