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rforming only biopsy of a suspicious target, without concurrent systematic biopsy, be considered clinically appropriate.Cotton Verticillium Wilt (CVW) is a serious soil-borne disease caused by the pathogen Verticillium dahliae and has a great impact on cotton production. Previous studies found that the biocontrol agent Chaetomium globosum CEF-082 and its metabolic filtrate could reduce the incidence of CVW, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. In this study, CEF-082 inhibited not only the growth of V. dahliae but also that of Sclerotium rolfsii. The metabolic crude extract of CEF-082 increased the sensitivity of V. dahliae to stress, degraded the cell wall of V. dahliae and increased the emergence and plant height of cotton. Through the separation and purification of the metabolic crude extract of CEF-082, chaetoviridin A was identified and found to be highly active against V. dahliae. The compound caused cell necrosis and mycelial deformation, increased the production of ROS and NO, and inhibited the germination of microsclerotia of V. dahliae, enhancing the cotton plant defence response. In addition, CEF-082 also colonized cotton plants.Rhizoctonia solani is an important soil-borne fungal pathogen that causes serious diseases on multiple agricultural crops and vegetables. Here, we report a complete genome assembly of R. solani AG4 (Assembly 45.47 Mb; contig N50 1.56 Mb), using a combination of Illumina pare-end and Pacbio long-read sequencing data. A total of 267 non-coding RNAs and 11,592 genes were predicted which contained 109 genes associated carbohydrate-active enzymes and 2,488 genes involved host-pathogen interactions. The complete genome lays a valuable foundation for studying the interactions between host plants and pathogenic fungus and for searching potential` antimicrobial targets.The ease with which the pH is routinely determined for aqueous solutions masks the fact that the cationic product of Arrhenius acid dissolution, the hydrated proton, or H+(aq), is a remarkably complex species. Here, we review how results obtained over the past 30 years in the study of H+⋅(H2O) n cluster ions isolated in the gas phase shed light on the chemical nature of H+(aq). This effort has also revealed molecular-level aspects of the Grotthuss relay mechanism for positive-charge translocation in water. Recently developed methods involving cryogenic cooling in radiofrequency ion traps and the application of two-color, infrared-infrared (IR-IR) double-resonance spectroscopy have established a clear picture of how local hydrogen-bond topology drives the diverse spectral signatures of the excess proton. This information now enables a new generation of cluster studies designed to unravel the microscopic mechanics underlying the ultrafast relaxation dynamics displayed by H+(aq).Purpose Liquids are among the last sounds to be acquired by English-speaking children. The current study considers their acquisition from an articulatory timing perspective by investigating anticipatory posturing for /l/ versus /ɹ/ in child and adult speech. Method In Experiment 1, twelve 5-year-old, twelve 8-year-old, and 11 college-aged speakers produced carrier phrases with penultimate stress on monosyllabic words that had /l/, /ɹ/, or /d/ (control) as singleton onsets and /æ/ or /u/ as the vowel. Short-domain anticipatory effects were acoustically investigated based on schwa formant values extracted from the preceding determiner (= the) and dynamic formant values across the /ə#LV/ sequence. In Experiment 2, long-domain effects were perceptually indexed using a previously validated forward-gated audiovisual speech prediction task. Results Experiment 1 results indicated that all speakers distinguished /l/ from /ɹ/ along F3. Adults distinguished /l/ from /ɹ/ with a lower F2. Older children produced subtler versions of the adult pattern; their anticipatory posturing was also more influenced by the following vowel. Younger children did not distinguish /l/ from /ɹ/ along F2, but both liquids were distinguished from /d/ in the domains investigated. Experiment 2 results indicated that /ɹ/ was identified earlier than /l/ in gated adult speech; both liquids were identified equally early in 5-year-olds' speech. Conclusions The results are interpreted to suggest a pattern of early tongue-body retraction for liquids in /ə#LV/ sequences in children's speech. More generally, it is suggested that children must learn to inhibit the influence of vowels on liquid articulation to achieve an adultlike contrast between /l/ and /ɹ/ in running speech.Directed evolution is a form of artificial selection that has been used for decades to find biomolecules and organisms with new or enhanced functional traits. Directed evolution can be conceptualized as a guided exploration of the genotype-phenotype map, where genetic variants with desirable phenotypes are first selected and then mutagenized to search the genotype space for an even better mutant. In recent years, the idea of applying artificial selection to microbial communities has gained momentum. In this article, we review the main limitations of artificial selection when applied to large and diverse collectives of asexually dividing microbes and discuss how the tools of directed evolution may be deployed to engineer communities from the top down. We conceptualize directed evolution of microbial communities as a guided exploration of an ecological structure-function landscape and propose practical guidelines for navigating these ecological landscapes.Single-molecule technologies have expanded our ability to detect biological events individually, in contrast to ensemble biophysical technologies, where the result provides averaged information. Recent developments in atomic force microscopy have not only enabled us to distinguish the heterogeneous phenomena of individual molecules, but also allowed us to view up to the resolution of a single covalent bond. Similarly, optical tweezers, due to their versatility and precision, have emerged as a potent technique to dissect a diverse range of complex biological processes, from the nanomechanics of ClpXP protease-dependent degradation to force-dependent processivity of motor proteins. Despite the advantages of optical tweezers, the time scales used in this technology were inconsistent with physiological scenarios, which led to the development of magnetic tweezers, where proteins are covalently linked with the glass surface, which in turn increases the observation window of a single biomolecule from minutes to weeks. Unlike optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers use magnetic fields to impose torque, which makes them convenient for studying DNA topology and topoisomerase functioning. Using modified magnetic tweezers, researchers were able to discover the mechanical role of chaperones, which support their substrate proteinsby pulling them during translocation and assist their native folding as a mechanical foldase. In this article, we provide a focused review of many of these new roles of single-molecule technologies, ranging from single bond breaking to complex chaperone machinery, along with the potential to design mechanomedicine, which would be a breakthrough in pharmacological interventions against many diseases.DNA origami enables the bottom-up construction of chemically addressable, nanoscale objects with user-defined shapes and tailored functionalities. As such, not only can DNA origami objects be used to improve existing experimental methods in biophysics, but they also open up completely new avenues of exploration. In this review, we discuss basic biophysical concepts that are relevant for prospective DNA origami users. We summarize biochemical strategies for interfacing DNA origami with biomolecules of interest. We describe various applications of DNA origami, emphasizing the added value or new biophysical insights that can be generated rulers and positioning devices, force measurement and force application devices, alignment supports for structural analysis for biomolecules in cryogenic electron microscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance, probes for manipulating and interacting with lipid membranes, and programmable nanopores. We conclude with some thoughts on so-far little explored opportunities for using DNA origami in more complex environments such as the cell or even organisms.Weight-based victimization (WBV) is a common and consequential experience for adolescents with overweight and obesity. The current study examined the relative contributions of different school-based sources of WBV (i.e., peers, friends, teachers, coaches) on academic grades, as well as the role of teachers in mitigating the academic consequences of WBV among a sample of 148 adolescents with high body weight (Mage = 15.97, SDage = 1.25; 50% female). Regression analyses revealed that the link between school-based WBV and lower grades among adolescents was due primarily to mistreatment from peers. However, this association was weakened when students perceived their teachers to be more helpful in preventing future WBV, but not as a function of how frequently students reported incidents of WBV to their teachers. These findings underscore the importance of teacher intervention in supporting the academic success of adolescents experiencing WBV from their peers in the school setting. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).To advance cross-country understanding of parental perceptions of school climate, this study examined the psychometric properties of the Delaware School Climate Survey-Home version (DSCS-H) and also compared the parental perception of school climate among Chinese (n = 999) and American (n = 1,251) parents. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the DSCS-H was best supported by a second-order factor model in both samples and full measurement invariance across countries was evident. Comparison of overall school climate latent means revealed that American parents from elementary schools perceived a more positive overall school climate than did Chinese parents. Conversely, Chinese parents of students in high school perceived a more positive overall school climate than the American parents. The latent-mean difference of parental perception of the overall school climate in middle schools across the United States and China was not significantly different. Finally, the latent mean differences in school climate subfactors varied across grade levels. selleck Implications for using the DSCS-H for assessing and understanding the perception of school climate among parents from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).School Psychology is an outlet for research on children, youth, educators, and families that has scientific, practice, and policy implications for education and educational systems. In this editorial, the new leadership team is introduced and the vision for the journal over the next 4 years is articulated. Current and future journal operations, special topics, and opportunities for article dissemination are provided. Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the editorial process is described along with considerations of the open science movement within School Psychology. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).

Autoři článku: Perrytruelsen2901 (Bennett Mcpherson)