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The treatment of choice for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is complete surgical excision. Incomplete excision of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma has an increased risk of local recurrence, deep subclinical progression, and metastasis. This study aimed to investigate the proportion and risk factors of incomplete excised cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. A systematic review of the literature was performed. Incomplete excision rates for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma ranged from 0.4% to 35.7%. The pooled incomplete excision risk estimate was 13% (95% confidence interval 9-17%). Risk factors noted in more than one study for incomplete excision included tumor depth and size, type of operator, head and neck localization, and former incomplete excision. We found an overall incomplete excision rate of 13% for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Risk factors should be taken into account in the management of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma surgical treatment.Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides is a variant of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma characterized as having a folliculocentric infiltrate of malignant T-cells along with a worse prognosis in comparison to the epidermotropic variants. Patients with advanced forms of folliculotropic mycosis fungoides are often poorly responsive to both skin-directed as well as to systemic therapies. We report here a high response rate using a novel therapeutic regimen combining interferon gamma, isotretinoin in low dose and topical carmustine, and in some cases concomitant skin-directed therapies, among 6 consecutive patients with refractory folliculotropic mycosis fungoides with stages IB through IIIB who had previously failed both topical and systemic therapies. The potential mechanisms of this multimodality approach are discussed.NBOMes are N-benzylmethoxy derivatives of the 2C family compounds with N-2-methoxy-benzyl moiety substituted by the methoxy group at the 2- and 5- position and the halogen group at the 4- position of the phenyl ring. These substances are a new class of potent serotonin 5-HT2A receptor agonist hallucinogens with potential harmful effects. The substitution with halogen of the already psychoactive phenethylamine produces a derivative (2C-I) with increased hallucinogenic effects. C646 nmr This class of hallucinogens have chemical structures very similar to natural hallucinogenic alkaloid mescaline and are sold mainly via internet as a 'legal' alternative to other hallucinogenic drug- lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). 25I-NBOMe is the first synthesized and one of the most common compound from NBOMes. Knowledge of pharmacological properties of 25I-NBOMe is very limited so far. There are only a few in vivo and in vitro so far published studies. The behavioural experiments are mainly related with the hallucinogenic effect of 25I-NBOMe while the in vitro studies concerning mainly the affinity for 5-HT2A receptors. The 25I-NBOMe Critical Review 2016 reported 51 non-fatal intoxications and 21 deaths associated with 25I-NBOMe across Europe. Case reports describe various toxic effects of 25I-NBOMe usage including tachycardia, hypertension, hallucinations, rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury and death. The growing number of fatal and non-fatal intoxication cases indicates that 25I-NBOMe should be considered as a serious danger to public health. This review aims to present the current state of knowledge on pharmacological effects and chemical properties of 25I-NBOMe, and to describe reported clinical cases and analytical methods available for identification of this agent in biological material. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email journals.permissions@oup.com.An athlete challenged the result from an in-competition doping test which returned with an adverse analytical finding for stanozolol, claiming it was due to supplement contamination. Her lawyer asked the laboratory to analyze several hair specimens simultaneously collected from 5 different anatomical regions, head, arm, leg, pubic and armpit, to document the pattern of drug exposure. A specific UPLC-MS/MS method was developed. After decontamination with dichloromethane, stanozolol was extracted from hair in presence of stanozolol-D3 used as internal standard, under alkaline conditions, with diethyl ether. Linearity was observed for concentrations ranging from 5 pg/mg to 10 ng/mg. The method has been validated according linearity, precision and matrix effect. Concentrations of stanozolol in head hair, pubic hair, arm hair, leg hair and axillary hair were 73, 454, 238, 244 and 7100 pg/mg, respectively. The concentration of stanozolol in head hair is in accordance with data published in the literature. When comparing the concentrations, body hair concentrations were higher than the concentration found in head hair. These results are consistent with a better incorporation rate of stanozolol in body hair when compared to head hair. The simultaneous positive concentrations in different hair types confirm the adverse analytical finding in urine of the top athlete, as the measured concentrations do not support the theory of contamination. For the first time, an anabolic agent was simultaneously tested in hair collected from 5 different anatomical regions from the same subject, with a large distribution of concentrations, due to anatomical variations and these findings will help interpretation in further doping cases when documented with hair. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email journals.permissions@oup.com.Estrogen is a key hormone involved in the development and homeostasis of several tissue types in both males and females. By binding Estrogen Receptors (ER), estrogen regulates essential functions of gene expression, metabolism, cell growth and proliferation by acting through cytoplasmic signaling pathways or activating transcription in the nucleus. However, disruption or dysregulation of estrogen activity has been shown to play a key role in the pathogenesis and progression of many diseases. This review will expatiate on some of the unconventional roles of estrogen in homeostasis and disease. © Endocrine Society 2020. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail journals.permissions@oup.com.

Autoři článku: Oakleybekker4175 (McLeod Ernst)