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The problem of dietary deficiency of several essential elements among different stages of life is still observed. The consumption of whole grains (among others unprocessed rice) is recommended as a part of a healthy diet. This research aimed to determine the content of selected macro- and microelements in rice and rice products to verify whether the tested products could be regarded as a source of selected minerals in the diet of the adult European population.

A total of 99 samples from 12 groups of rice products (basmati, black, brown, parboiled, red, wild, white rice and expanded rice, rice flakes, flour, pasta, and waffles) were obtained. The atomic absorption spectrometry method (AAS) was used to determine the content of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se and Zn in the study material.

The average measured contents of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se and Zn were as follows 226.3 ± 160.6 mg/kg, 3.6 ± 2.8 mg/kg, 9.4 ± 7.0 mg/kg, 618.0 ± 498.4 mg/kg, 16.7 ± 10.0 mg/kg, 242.9 ± 140.4 µg/kg and 19.5 ± 15.0 mg/kg, respectively. Statistical analyses confirmed the differences in the levels of the studied elements between the subgroups of processed and unprocessed products. Considering the tolerable upper intake level of studied elements, the tested products could be regarded as safe to consume.

All tested products can be recommended as a source of Cu, Mn, and Se, while a majority of studied products can be considered a source of Mg and Zn in the diet of the adult European population.

All tested products can be recommended as a source of Cu, Mn, and Se, while a majority of studied products can be considered a source of Mg and Zn in the diet of the adult European population.The segregation of trophectoderm (TE) and inner cell mass in early embryos is driven primarily by the transcription factor CDX2. The signals that trigger CDX2 activation are, however, less clear. In mouse embryos, the Hippo-YAP signaling pathway is important for the activation of CDX2 expression; it is less clear whether this relationship is conserved in other mammals. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has been reported to increase YAP levels by inhibiting its degradation. In this study, we cultured bovine embryos in the presence of LPA and examined changes in gene and protein expression. LPA was found to accelerate the onset of blastocyst formation on days 5 and 6, without changing the TE/inner cell mass ratio. We further observed that the expression of TAZ and TEAD4 was up-regulated, and YAP was overexpressed, in LPA-treated day 6 embryos. However, LPA-induced up-regulation of CDX2 expression was only evident in day 8 embryos. Overall, our data suggest that the Hippo signaling pathway is involved in the initiation of bovine blastocyst formation, but does not affect the cell lineage constitution of blastocysts.Reconstructing three-dimensional (3D) chromosomal structures based on single-cell Hi-C data is a challenging scientific problem due to the extreme sparseness of the single-cell Hi-C data. In this research, we used the Lennard-Jones potential to reconstruct both 500 kb and high-resolution 50 kb chromosomal structures based on single-cell Hi-C data. A chromosome was represented by a string of 500 kb or 50 kb DNA beads and put into a 3D cubic lattice for simulations. A 2D Gaussian function was used to impute the sparse single-cell Hi-C contact matrices. We designed a novel loss function based on the Lennard-Jones potential, in which the ε value, i.e., the well depth, was used to indicate how stable the binding of every pair of beads is. For the bead pairs that have single-cell Hi-C contacts and their neighboring bead pairs, the loss function assigns them stronger binding stability. The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm was used to try different locations for the DNA beads, and simulated annealing was used to optimize the loss function. We proved the correctness and validness of the reconstructed 3D structures by evaluating the models according to multiple criteria and comparing the models with 3D-FISH data.In a previous study, a metatranscriptomics survey of RNA viruses in several important lower vertebrate host groups revealed huge viral diversity, transforming the understanding of the evolution of vertebrate-associated RNA virus groups. However, the diversity of the DNA and retro-transcribing viruses in these host groups was left uncharacterized. Given that RNA sequencing is capable of revealing viruses undergoing active transcription and replication, we collected previously generated datasets associated with lower vertebrate hosts, and searched them for DNA and retro-transcribing viruses. Our results revealed the complete genome, or "core gene sets", of 18 vertebrate-associated DNA and retro-transcribing viruses in cartilaginous fishes, ray-finned fishes, and amphibians, many of which had high abundance levels, and some of which showed systemic infections in multiple organs, suggesting active transcription or acute infection within the host. Furthermore, these new findings recharacterized the evolutionary history in the families Hepadnaviridae, Papillomaviridae, and Alloherpesviridae, confirming long-term virus-host codivergence relationships for these virus groups. Collectively, our results revealed reliable and sufficient information within metatranscriptomics sequencing to characterize not only RNA viruses, but also DNA and retro-transcribing viruses, and therefore established a key methodology that will help us to understand the composition and evolution of the total "infectome" within a diverse range of vertebrate hosts.This study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary LY or LY combined with ZnO supplementation on performance and gut health in nursery pigs. 192 Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire piglets (weaned on d 32 of the age with 9.2 ± 1.7 kg BW) were allocated into four treatments with eight replicate pens, six piglets per pen. The treatments included a basal diet as control (CTR), an antibiotic plus ZnO diet (CTC-ZnO, basal diet + 75 mg/kg of chlortetracycline + ZnO (2000 mg/kg from d 1 to 14, 160 mg/kg from d 15 to 28)), a LY diet (LY, basal diet + 2 g/kg LY), and a LY plus ZnO diet (LY-ZnO, basal diet + 1 g/kg LY + ZnO). The results showed that pigs fed LY or LY-ZnO had increased (p less then 0.05) average daily gain, serum IgA, IgG, superoxide dismutase, fecal butyric acid, and total volatile fatty acid concentrations, as well as decreased (p less then 0.05) feed conversion ratio and diarrhea rate compared with CTR. In conclusion, pigs fed diets with LY or LY combined with ZnO had similar improvement to the use of antibiotics and ZnO in performance, antioxidant status, immunoglobulins, and gut health in nursery pigs.In addition to the increase in fungal infections that has been observed in the last few decades, it has been reported that severe clinical COVID-19 can increase the risk of invasive fungal infections. check details The main objective of this study was to evaluate if there had been an increase in candidaemia and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) cases since the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Data were retrospectively collected from April 2019 to March 2021, from patients admitted to Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (Spain). A total of 152 candidaemia cases (56 of which were due to Candida auris) and 108 possible IPA cases were detected. A great increase in candidaemia cases was produced during the first and the third epidemic waves of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (June 2020, and January 2021, respectively), while an increase in IPA cases was produced during the third wave. The 28-day mortality rates in patients affected by candidaemia and IPA increased in 2020 and 2021. C. auris has displaced the other Candida species, becoming the most isolated Candida species in blood cultures since the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Antifungal consumption increased in 2020 when compared to 2019, especially echinocandins, voriconazole and isavuconazole.This prospective and longitudinal study aimed to identify spontaneous post-orchiectomy pain behaviors in horses regardless of the effects of anesthesia, analgesia, and recording time of day. Twenty-four horses divided into four groups were submitted to inhalation anesthesia only (GA), or combined with previous analgesia (GAA), or orchiectomy under pre (GCA), or postoperative (GC) analgesia. The data obtained from the subtraction of frequency and/or duration of 34 behaviors recorded during seven 60-min time-points in the 24 h after the anesthesia from those recorded in the mirrored time-points in the 24 h before the anesthesia (delta) were compared over time and among groups by Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis tests, respectively (p less then 0.05). Time of day influenced the behaviors of walk, look out the window, rest the pelvic limb, and rest standing still. The only pain-related behaviors were decreased mirrored proportional differences in time spent drinking, and eating, and increased mirrored proportional differences in the frequency or duration of look at the wound, retract the pelvic limb, expose the penis, and look at the back of the stall. In conclusion, confounding factors rather than pain may influence several suggestive pain-related behaviors documented in the literature.Landslides are one of the major geohazards threatening human society. The objective of this study was to conduct a landslide hazard susceptibility assessment for Ruijin, Jiangxi, China, and to provide technical support to the local government for implementing disaster reduction and prevention measures. Machine learning approaches, e.g., random forests (RFs) and support vector machines (SVMs) were employed and multiple geo-environmental factors such as land cover, NDVI, landform, rainfall, lithology, and proximity to faults, roads, and rivers, etc., were utilized to achieve our purposes. For categorical factors, three processing approaches were proposed simple numerical labeling (SNL), weight assignment (WA)-based and frequency ratio (FR)-based. Then 19 geo-environmental factors were respectively converted into raster to constitute three 19-band datasets, i.e., DS1, DS2, and DS3 from three different processes. Then, 155 observed landslides that occurred in the past decades were vectorized, among which 70% were much better than the three models obtained by SVM algorithm with OA of 81.79%, 82.86%, and 83%, and KC of 0.6337, 0.655, and 0.660. New case verification with the recent 26 landslide events of 2017-2020 revealed that the landslide susceptibility map from WA-based RF modeling was able to properly identify the high and very high susceptibility zones where 23 new landslides had occurred, and performed better than the SNL-based and FR-based RF modeling, though the latter has a slightly higher OA and KC. Hence, we concluded that all three RF models achieve reasonable risk prediction, but WA-based and FR-based RF modeling deserves a recommendation for application elsewhere. The results of this study may serve as reference for the local authorities in prevention and early warning of landslide hazards.Ceramics are non-metallic inorganic materials fabricated from natural or high-purity raw materials through heating and cooling processes. Urethane is a three-dimensional plastic with both elasticity and chemical resistance; moreover, it is used as a rubber substitute. The use of both materials in various applications is gradually increasing. However, as ceramics and urethane have distinctly different properties, this prompted questions regarding the properties of a material that is fabricated using both materials. Therefore, we studied the characteristics of a composite material fabricated through physical foaming using a batch process. The process was conducted with gas saturation, foaming, cooling, and curing. When a specimen of 2 mm thickness was saturated in 5 MPa of CO2 for 2 h, the solubility was 6.43%; when foaming was carried out at a temperature of 150 °C in boiled glycerin, the foaming ratio, cell size, cell density, and void fraction were found to be 43.62%, 24.40 µm, 9.1 × 10⁷ cells/cm2, and 22.11%, respectively.

Autoři článku: Northboye7466 (Hurley Kumar)