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The non-mechanical beam steering system is composed of multiple liquid crystal polarization gratings (LCPGs) cascaded by binary or ternary technologies. However, cascading multiple LCPGs cause the beam from one LCPG to obliquely enter the subsequent LCPGs, changing their diffraction efficiency and working voltage at different steering angles. This paper uses the elastic continuum theory of liquid crystals to simulate the tilt angle of liquid crystal molecules under different voltages. The transmission process of the beam in the system at oblique incidence is described with an extended Jones matrix, and the highest diffraction efficiency and working voltage of each LCPG at different steering angles are calculated using vector diffraction theory. It is convenient to calibrate the LCPGs' working voltage and analyze the system's diffraction characteristics. In addition, we used an improved binary cascade technology to design a LCPG non-mechanical beam steering system with a steering angle of ±10° and an angular resolution of 0.67°. Compared with binary cascade, this technology can effectively reduce the number of cascaded devices and increase the system throughput under the same maximum beam steering angle and angular resolution.A versatile system for the fabrication of surface microstructures is demonstrated by combining the photomechanical response of supramolecular azopolymers with structured polarized illumination from a high resolution spatial light modulator. Surface relief structures with periods 900 nm - 16.5 µm and amplitudes up to 1.0 µm can be fabricated with a single 5 sec exposure at 488 nm. Sinusoidal, circular, and chirped surface profiles can be fabricated via direct programming of the spatial light modulator, with no optomechanical realignment required. Surface microstructures can be combined into macroscopic areas by mechanical translation followed by exposure. The surface structures grow immediately in response to illumination, can be visually observed in real time, and require no post-exposure processing.Metasurfaces with the capability of spectrum manipulation at subwavelength can generate structural colors. However, their practical applications in dynamic displays are limited because their optical performance is immutable after the fabrication of the metasurfaces. In this study, we demonstrate a color-tunable metasurface using numerical analysis. Moreover, we select a low-refractive-index dielectric material, Si3N4, which leaks the electric field to its surroundings. We investigate the potencial of these metasurfaces by simulations to achieve color-tuneable devices with encrypted watermarks. This modulation of colors can be applied to encrypted watermarks, anti-counterfeiting, and dynamic displays.Characterizing the nonlinear optical properties of numerous materials plays a prerequisite role in nonlinear imaging and quantum sensing. Here, we present the evaluation of the nonlinear optical properties of Rb vapor by the Gaussian-Bessel beam assisted z-scan method. Owed to the concentrated energy in the central waist spot and the constant intensity of the beam distribution, the Gaussian-Bessel beam enables enhanced sensitivity for nonlinear refractive index measurement. The nonlinear self-focusing and self-defocusing effects of the Rb vapor are illustrated in the case of blue and red frequency detunings from 5S1/2 - 5P3/2 transition, respectively. The complete images of the evolution of nonlinear optical properties with laser power and frequency detuning are acquired. Furthermore, the nonlinear refractive index n2 with a large scale of 10-6 cm2/W is determined from the measured transmittance peak-to-valley difference of z-scan curves, which is enhanced by a factor of ∼ 1.73 compared to the result of a equivalent Gaussian beam. Our research provides an effective method for measuring nonlinear refractive index, which will considerably enrich the application range of nonlinear material.A novel scheme is proposed in this paper to model the complex scattering pattern of radar target with a small training data set. By employing the ideal equivalent scattering center as transfer function, the frequency domain response can be represented by series of parameters so that the aspect and frequency domain dependency can be decoupled, and modeled, independently. In specific, neural network is employed to model the aspect dependency considering the complexity. To maintain the continuity of transformed parameters, a parameter extraction algorithm based on the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit is designed. With the same amount of training set, the proposed scheme exhibits a much better performance than the existing representative modeling techniques such as Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD)-based model, the polynomial scattering center model and so on. At the same time, the training speed of the proposed model is also faster than those techniques.Increasing data traffic and bandwidth-hungry applications require electro-optic modulators with ultra-wide modulation bandwidth for cost-efficient optical networks. Thus far, integrated solutions have emerged to provide high bandwidth and low energy consumption in compact sizes. Here, we review the design guidelines and delicate structures for higher bandwidth, applying them to lumped-element and traveling-wave electrodes. Additionally, we focus on candidate material platforms with the potential for ultra-wideband optical systems. By comparing the superiority and mechanism limitations of different integrated modulators, we design a future roadmap based on the recent advances.We present a fast and efficient simulation method of structured light free space optics (FSO) channel effects from propagation through a turbulent atmosphere. In a system that makes use of multiple higher order modes (structured light), turbulence causes crosstalk between modes. This crosstalk can be described by a channel matrix, which usually requires a complete physical simulation or an experiment. Current simulation techniques based on the phase-screen approximation method are very computationally intensive and are limited by the accuracy of the underlying models. In this work, we propose to circumvent these limitations by using a data-driven approach for the decomposition matrix simulation with a conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) synthetic simulator.We demonstrate power-efficient, thermo-optic, silicon nitride waveguide phase shifters for blue, green, and yellow wavelengths. The phase shifters operated with low power consumption due to a suspended structure and multi-pass waveguide design. The devices were fabricated on 200-mm silicon wafers using deep ultraviolet lithography as part of an active visible-light integrated photonics platform. The measured power consumption to achieve a π phase shift (averaged over multiple devices) was 0.78, 0.93, 1.09, and 1.20 mW at wavelengths of 445, 488, 532, and 561 nm, respectively. The phase shifters were integrated into Mach-Zehnder interferometer switches, and 10 - 90% rise(fall) times of about 570(590) μs were measured.We introduce numerical modeling of two different methods for the deterministic randomization of two-dimensional aperiodic photonic lattices based on Mathieu beams, optically induced in a photorefractive media. For both methods we compare light transport and localization in such lattices along the propagation, for various disorder strengths. A disorder-enhanced light transport is observed for all disorder strengths. With increasing disorder strength light transport becomes diffusive-like and with further increase of disorder strength the Anderson localization is observed. This trend is more noticeable for longer propagation distances. The influence of input lattice intensity on the localization effects is studied. The difference in light transport between two randomization methods is attributed to various levels of input lattice intensity. We observe more pronounced localization for one of the methods. Localization lengths differ along different directions, due to the crystal and lattice anisotropy. We analyze localization effects comparing uniform and on-site probe beam excitation positions and different probe beam widths.A novel reconstruction method for compressive spectral imaging is designed by assuming that the spectral image of interest is sufficiently smooth on a collection of graphs. Since the graphs are not known in advance, we propose to infer them from a panchromatic image using a state-of-the-art graph learning method. Our approach leads to solutions with closed-form that can be found efficiently by solving multiple sparse systems of linear equations in parallel. Extensive simulations and an experimental demonstration show the merits of our method in comparison with traditional methods based on sparsity and total variation and more recent methods based on low-rank minimization and deep-based plug-and-play priors. Selleck Galunisertib Our approach may be instrumental in designing efficient methods based on deep neural networks and covariance estimation.Correlations of broadband speckle have important implications for passive, non-line-of-sight imaging. We examine the spectral and spatial correlations of broadband, around-the-corner speckle and reveal a set of equations that locate the spatial maximum of the paraxial spatial-spectral correlation function. We confirm the validity of the spatial-spectral correlation framework through experiment, theory and simulation.Optical nonlinearity depends on symmetry and symmetries vanish in the presence of defects. Vacancy defects in centrosymmetric crystals and thin films are a well-known source of even-order optical nonlinearity, e.g. causing second harmonic generation. The emerging ability to manipulate defects in two-dimensional materials and nanoparticles provides an opportunity for engineering of optical nonlinearity. Here, we demonstrate the effect of defects on the nonlinear optical response of two-dimensional dielectric nanoparticles. Using a toy model, where bound optical electrons of linear atoms are coupled by nonlinear Coulomb interactions, we model defect-induced nonlinearity. We find that defects at particle edges contribute strongly to even-order optical nonlinearity and that unique nonlinear signatures of different defect states could provide the smallest conceivable QR-codes and extremely high density optical data storage, in principle approaching 1 bit per atom.A novel high-resolution and large-range autocollimator measurement system for roll angle is proposed. The system retains the basic internal structure of the traditional autocollimator (AC), which only uses a novel non-standard cylindrical cube-corner reflector (CCCR) instead of the planar reflector. In the article, the mathematical relationship between the structure of this special reflector and the spatial coordinate vector change of the reflected beam is deduced, and the measurement formula of the roll angle autocollimator (RAC) measurement system is established based on this mathematical relationship. The effectiveness of the measurement system and method is verified by experiments. Experimental results show that this method can effectively enhance the range to ±20°, and the whole measurement accuracy is 6.1", the measuring resolution is 1".

Autoři článku: Navarrobjerre2943 (Shapiro Fitzgerald)