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Methodological knowledge and guidelines are provided for improved assessment of physical activity using accelerometers in clinical research.

Methodological variation and limitations in the assessment of physical activity largely explain the divergent results and the inability to establish differences in physical activity between children with CHD of different severity and compared to healthy controls. Methodological knowledge and guidelines are provided for improved assessment of physical activity using accelerometers in clinical research.

We sought to provide the first point prevalence estimates of muscle dysmorphia (MD), a form of body dysmorphic disorder characterized by a preoccupation with perceived insufficient muscularity, in adolescents.

Data were taken from a survey of 3618 Australian adolescents (11.172-19.76 years; 49.3% girls). Measures captured demographic characteristics, symptoms of MD and eating disorders, psychological distress and functional impairment. Diagnostic criteria for MD developed by Pope et al. (1997, Psychosomatics, 38(6), 548-557) were applied, entailing preoccupation with insufficient muscularity causing significant levels of distress or disability that cannot be better accounted for by an eating disorder.

The point prevalence of MD was 2.2% [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.6-3.0%] among boys and 1.4% (95% CI 0.9-2.0%) among girls. Selleck Adezmapimod Prevalence was not associated with gender (V = 0.031) or socioeconomic status (SES) (partial η2< 0.001), but was marginally associated with older age (partial η2 = 0.001). Boys ndings provide a platform for future, analytical research designed to inform clinical and public health interventions.The looking-while-listening (LWL) paradigm is frequently used to measure toddlers' lexical processing efficiency (LPE). link2 Children's LPE is associated with vocabulary size, yet other linguistic, cognitive, or social skills contributing to LPE are not well understood. It also remains unclear whether LPE measures from two types of LWL trials (target-initial versus distractor-initial trials) are differentially associated with the abovementioned potential correlates of LPE. We tested 18- to 24-month-olds and found that children's word learning on a fast-mapping task was associated with LPE measures from all trials and distractor-initial trials but not target-initial trials. Children's vocabulary and pragmatic skills were both associated with their fast-mapping performance. Executive functions and pragmatic skills were associated with LPE measures from distractor-initial but not target-initial trials. Hence, LPE as measured by the LWL paradigm may reflect a constellation of skills important to language development. Methodological implications for future studies using the LWL paradigm are discussed.

To examine the associations of home cooking with caregiver-child interaction and child mental health in Japan.

Cross-sectional data collected in 2018. Frequency of home cooking was assessed by questionnaire among 4,126 caregivers and classified as high (almost every day), medium (4-5 days/week), or low (≤ 3 days/week). Caregiver-child interaction was evaluated by assessing frequency of talking and playing together (per week). Behavior problems and prosocial behavior were assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, and resilience was assessed using the Children's Resilient Coping Scale.


Children aged 9 to 10 years and their caregivers in Adachi, Tokyo, Japan.

Low and middle frequency of home cooking was associated with lower frequencies of talking about school life, talking about news with the child, talking about television shows with the child, and helping with the child's homework. Children with low and/or middle frequency of home cooking had more behavior problems (low frequency; β=3.95, 95% CI 1.30 to 6.59 and medium frequency; β=3.38, 95% CI 2.07 to 4.70), lower prosocial behavior (low frequency; β = -5.85, 95% CI -10.04 to -1.66), and lower resilience (low frequency; β=-6.56, 95% CI -9.77 to -3.35 and medium frequency; β=-4.11, 95% CI -5.71 to -2.51), compared with children with high frequency of home cooking after adjusting covariates including socio-economic status. These associations were mediated by child's eating behaviors and/or caregiver-child interaction.

Creating an environment that encourages caregivers to cook at home may be important for children's mental health.

Creating an environment that encourages caregivers to cook at home may be important for children's mental health.

Males have a lower prevalence of depression than females and testosterone may be a contributing factor. A comparison of opposite-sex and same-sex twins can be used indirectly to establish the role of prenatal testosterone exposure and the risk of depression. We therefore aimed to explore differences in depression risk using opposite-sex and same-sex twins.

We included 126 087 opposite-sex and same-sex twins from the Danish Twin Registry followed in nationwide Danish registers. We compared sex-specific incidences of depression diagnosis and prescriptions of antidepressants between opposite-sex and same-sex twins using Cox proportional hazard regression.

During follow-up, 2664 (2.1%) twins were diagnosed with depression and 19 514 (15.5%) twins had purchased at least one prescription of antidepressants. First, in male twins, we found that the opposite-sex male twins had the same risk of depression compared to the same-sex male twins hazard ratio (HR) = 1.01 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.88-1.17)]. Revealing the risk of use of antidepressants, the opposite-sex male twins had a slightly higher risk of 4% (HR = 1.04 (95% CI 1.00-1.11)) compared with the same-sex male twins. Second, in the female opposite-sex twins, we revealed a slightly higher, however, not statistically significant risk of depression (HR = 1.08 (95% CI 0.97-1.29)) or purchase of antidepressants (HR = 1.01 (95% CI 0.96-1.05)) when compared to the same-sex female twins.

We found limited support for the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to testosterone was associated with the risk of depression later in life.

We found limited support for the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to testosterone was associated with the risk of depression later in life.The molecular epidemiology of the virus and mapping helps understand the epidemics' evolution and apply quick control measures. This study provides genomic evidence of multiple severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) introductions into Sri Lanka and virus evolution during circulation. link3 Whole-genome sequences of four SARS-CoV-2 strains obtained from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive patients reported in Sri Lanka during March 2020 were compared with sequences from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North America. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the sequence of the sample of the first local patient collected on 10 March, who contacted tourists from Italy, was clustered with SARS-CoV-2 strains collected from Italy, Germany, France and Mexico. Subsequently, the sequence of the isolate obtained on 19 March also clustered in the same group with the samples collected in March and April from Belgium, France, India and South Africa. The other two strains of SARS-CoV-2 were segregated from the main cluster, and the sample collected from 16 March clustered with England and the sample collected on 30 March showed the highest genetic divergence to the isolate of Wuhan, China. Here we report the first molecular epidemiological study conducted on circulating SARS-CoV-2 in Sri Lanka. The finding provides the robustness of molecular epidemiological tools and their application in tracing possible exposure in disease transmission during the pandemic.

Impulsivity is a central symptom of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and its neural basis may be instantiated in a frontoparietal network involved in response inhibition. However, research has yet to determine whether neural activation differences in BPD associated with response inhibition are attributed to attentional saliency, which is subserved by a partially overlapping network of brain regions.

Patients with BPD (n = 45) and 29 healthy controls (HCs; n = 29) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while completing a novel go/no-go task with infrequent odd-ball trials to control for attentional saliency. Contrasts reflecting a combination of response inhibition and attentional saliency (no-go > go), saliency processing alone (oddball > go), and response inhibition controlling for attentional saliency (no-go > oddball) were compared between BPD and HC.

Compared to HC, BPD showed less activation in the combined no-go > go contrast in the right posterior inferior and middle-frocy or saliency alone, but no specific response inhibition neural activation difference when attentional saliency is controlled. The findings suggest a neural dysfunction in BPD underlying attention to salient or infrequent stimuli, which is supported by a negative correlation with self-rated impulsiveness.To identify sources of phenotypic heterogeneity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) accounting for diversity in developmental/ pathogenic pathways, we examined, in a large sample of youth (N = 354), (a) associations between observed temperamental emotionality at age 3, an electrocortical index (i.e., reward positivity [RewP]) of initial responsiveness to reward at age 9, and ADHD symptoms at age 12, and (b) whether the association between emotionality and ADHD symptoms is mediated by initial responsiveness to reward. Bivariate analyses indicated greater positive emotionality (PE) was associated with enhanced RewP, lower age-9ADHD and lower age-12 inattention (IA). Negative emotionality (NE) was not associated with RewP or ADHD. Mediation analyses revealed the association between PE and hyperactivity/impulsivity (H/I) was mediated by RewP; enhanced RewP was associated with greater H/I. Greater PE was associated with enhanced RewP at a trend level. These effects held accounting for age-9 ADHD, age-12 IA and age-12 oppositional defiant and conduct disorder symptoms. As such, preschool emotionality is associated with adolescent ADHD-H/I symptoms through late childhood initial responsiveness to reward. These relations indicate that individual differences in emotionality and reward responsiveness may be informative for personalizing ADHD interventions.Quantitative parameters for a two-state cooperative transition in duplex DNAs were finally obtained during the last 5 years. After a brief discussion of observations pertaining to the existence of the two-state equilibrium per se, the lengths, torsion, and bending elastic constants of the two states involved and the cooperativity parameter of the model are simply stated. Experimental tests of model predictions for the responses of DNA to small applied stretching, twisting, and bending stresses, and changes in temperature, ionic conditions, and sequence are described. The mechanism and significance of the large cooperativity, which enables significant DNA responses to such small perturbations, are also noted. The capacity of the model to resolve a number of long-standing and sometimes interconnected puzzles in the extant literature, including the origin of the broad pre-melting transition studied by numerous workers in the 1960s and 1970s, is demonstrated. Under certain conditions, the model predicts significant long-range attractive or repulsive interactions between hypothetical proteins with strong preferences for one or the other state that are bound to well-separated sites on the same DNA.

Autoři článku: Munkboyette9262 (Pierce Gardner)