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In this article, the use of sport as a coping strategy by South Sudanese youth who have suffered the trauma of forced migration is examined. This article explores the relationship that has emerged between the young people and sport, in particular basketball, and how they use their participation in basketball and sports to cope with the stressors of their lives. The research intended to explore to what degree sport can play in improving mental health and what mental health interventions, in general, were being sought by this marginalized demographic. This qualitative study was underpinned by the psychosocial conceptual framework. We undertook semi-structured interviews with 23 South Sudanese youth aged 14-21 years, we also conducted focus groups of 11 South Sudanese elders and parents. Selleck SB203580 The results of this research were feed back to the wider South Sudanese community through two forums. The data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results of the study identified sport as an important coping strategy for the participants, both as a diversion from drug and alcohol misuse, potential criminal activity and as a way to self-manage the symptoms of anxiety and depression they were experiencing, and a mechanism to enhance self-worth. The study also indicated there was a lack of mental health interventions for these young people and that they had shown a great deal of resilience to develop their own ways to deal with the trauma they had experienced. The research reported positive associations of wellbeing and participation in sport, however more research needs to be conducted to ascertain the extent to which sport impacts mental health and how this can be incorporated into interventions for Sudanese youth and young people from similar forced migration and resettlement backgrounds. This study suggested that sport can be a driving force of good for many of the young people's lives, worthy of further research.Responses to prolonged winter chilling are universal in temperate plants which use seasonal temperature cues in the seed, vegetative and reproductive phases to align development with the earth's orbit. Climate change is driving a decline in reliable winter chill and affecting the sub-tropical extent of cultivation for temperate over-wintering crops. Here we explore molecular aspects of plant responses to winter chill including seasonal bud break and flowering, and how variation in the intensity of winter chilling or de-vernalisation can lead to effects on post-chilling plant development, including that of structures necessary for crop yields.Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) synthesis is triggered in plants in response to external stimuli and can migrate to distal tissues and neighbouring receivers. Although grapevine VOCs responsible for wine aroma and plant-insect communications are well characterised, functional properties of VOCs produced in responses to phytopathogens, beneficial microorganisms, resistance inducers and abiotic factors are less studied. In this review, we focused on the emission patterns and potential biological functions of VOCs produced by grapevines in response to biotic and abiotic stimuli. Specific grapevine VOCs are emitted in response to the exogenous stimulus, suggesting their precise involvement in plant defence response. VOCs with inhibitory activities against pathogens and responsible for plant resistance induction are reported and some of them can also be used as biomarkers of grapevine resistance. Likewise, VOCs produced in response to beneficial microorganisms and environmental factors are possible mediators of grapevine-microbe communications and abiotic stress tolerance. Although further functional studies may improve our knowledge, the existing literature suggest that VOCs have an underestimated potential application as pathogen inhibitors, resistance inducers against biotic or abiotic stresses, signalling molecules, membrane stabilisers and modulators of reactive oxygen species. VOC patterns could also be used to screen for resistant traits or to monitor the plant physiological status.Current clinical phenomenological diagnosis in psychiatry neither captures biologically homologous disease entities nor allows for individualized treatment prescriptions based on neurobiology. In this report, we studied two large samples of cases with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and bipolar I disorder with psychosis, presentations with clinical features of hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, affective, or negative symptoms. A biomarker approach to subtyping psychosis cases (called psychosis Biotypes) captured neurobiological homology that was missed by conventional clinical diagnoses. Two samples (called "B-SNIP1" with 711 psychosis and 274 healthy persons, and the "replication sample" with 717 psychosis and 198 healthy persons) showed that 44 individual biomarkers, drawn from general cognition (BACS), motor inhibitory (stop signal), saccadic system (pro- and anti-saccades), and auditory EEG/ERP (paired-stimuli and oddball) tasks of psychosis-relevant brain functions were replicable (r's from .96-.99) and temporally stable (r's from .76-.95). Using numerical taxonomy (k-means clustering) with nine groups of integrated biomarker characteristics (called bio-factors) yielded three Biotypes that were virtually identical between the two samples and showed highly similar case assignments to subgroups based on cross-validations (88.5%-89%). Biotypes-1 and -2 shared poor cognition. Biotype-1 was further characterized by low neural response magnitudes, while Biotype-2 was further characterized by overactive neural responses and poor sensory motor inhibition. Biotype-3 was nearly normal on all bio-factors. Construct validation of Biotype EEG/ERP neurophysiology using measures of intrinsic neural activity and auditory steady state stimulation highlighted the robustness of these outcomes. Psychosis Biotypes may yield meaningful neurobiological targets for treatments and etiological investigations.Light-sheet or selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) is ideally suited for in toto imaging of living specimens at high temporal-spatial resolution. In SPIM, the light scattering that occurs during imaging of opaque specimens brings about limitations in terms of resolution and the imaging field of view. To ameliorate this shortcoming, the illumination beam can be engineered into a highly confined light sheet over a large field of view and multi-view imaging can be performed by applying multiple lenses combined with mechanical rotation of the sample. Here, we present a Multiview tiling SPIM (MT-SPIM) that combines the Multi-view SPIM (M-SPIM) with a confined, multi-tiled light sheet. link2 The MT-SPIM provides high-resolution, robust and rotation-free imaging of living specimens. We applied the MT-SPIM to image nuclei and Myosin II from the cellular to subcellular spatial scale in early Drosophila embryogenesis. We show that the MT-SPIM improves the axial-resolution relative to the conventional M-SPIM by a factor of two. We further demonstrate that this axial resolution enhancement improves the automated segmentation of Myosin II distribution and of nuclear volumes and shapes.Variability in functional traits (FT) is increasingly used to understand the mechanisms behind tree species interactions and ecosystem functioning. In order to explore how FT differ due to interactions between tree species and its influence on stand productivity and other ecological processes, we examined the effects of tree species composition on the intra-specific variability of four widely measured FT specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (NC), leaf angle (AL), and stomatal conductance (gs) response to vapor pressure deficit. This study focused on three major central European tree species European beech (F. sylvatica L.), Sessile oak (Q. petraea Liebl.), and Norway spruce (P. abies Karst.). Each species was examined in monoculture and 2-species mixtures in the 13-year-old tree biodiversity experiment BIOTREE-Kaltenborn. Trait distributions and linear mixed models were used to analyze the effect of species mixing, tree size and stand variables on the intra-specific FT variability. A significant efess-based forest growth models and our understanding of ecosystem functioning.The successful investigation of photosensitive and dynamic biological events, such as those in a proliferating tissue or a dividing cell, requires non-intervening high-speed imaging techniques. Electrically tunable lenses (ETLs) are liquid lenses possessing shape-changing capabilities that enable rapid axial shifts of the focal plane, in turn achieving acquisition speeds within the millisecond regime. These human-eye-inspired liquid lenses can enable fast focusing and have been applied in a variety of cell biology studies. Here, we review the history, opportunities and challenges underpinning the use of cost-effective high-speed ETLs. Although other, more expensive solutions for three-dimensional imaging in the millisecond regime are available, ETLs continue to be a powerful, yet inexpensive, contender for live-cell microscopy.

In August 2020, in the context of COVID-19 pandemics, an autochthonous dengue outbreak was identified for the first time in Italy.

Following the reporting of the index case of autochthonous dengue, epidemiological investigation, vector control, and substances of human origin safety measures were immediately activated, according to the national arbovirus surveillance plan. Dengue cases were followed-up with weekly visits and laboratory tests until recovery and clearance of viral RNA from blood.

The primary dengue case was identified in a young woman, who developed fever after returning from Indonesia to northern Italy, on July 27, 2020. She spent the mandatory quarantine for COVID-19 at home with relatives, six of whom developed dengue within two weeks. Epidemiological investigation identified further five autochthonous dengue cases among people who lived or stayed near the residence of the primary case. The last case of the outbreak developed fever on September 29, 2020. Dengue cases had a mild febrile viviruses, like WNV, might pose problems in the laboratory diagnosis.Dormancy is important for overwintering insects to resist and adapt to adverse conditions. link3 Dormancy generally contains quiescence and diapause. Eucryptorrhynchus brandti Harold (Coleoptera Curculionidae), tree-of-heaven trunk weevil (TTW), is a destructive pest and highly host-specific to Ailanthus altissima in China. TTW has one generation per year and overwinters as both larvae and adults. In this study, to examined dormancy type of adults and find a method to store overwintering adults, we collected adults from 20 October 2018 to 13 March 2019. We studied the behavior and reproductive development of adults under field cold conditions for 0 and 10 d and laboratory warm conditions for 5 and 10 d. We recorded developing eggs in females, and the clarity of the testis edge, the yellow point in the testis lobe, the ratio of the inner content in the accessory gland, and the accessory gland color in males. Adults transferred from the field to the laboratory had resumed reproductive development directly. Results indicated that the dormancy type of TTW adults was quiescence.

Autoři článku: Mosedodson7315 (Bak Johnston)