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The interaction of an ultra-intense laser with a solid state target allows the production of multi-MeV proton and ion beams. This process is explained by the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) model, predicting the creation of an electric field on the target rear side, due to an unbalanced positive charge. This process is related to the emission of relativistic ultrafast electrons, occurring at an earlier time. In this work, we highlight the correlations between the ultrafast electron component and the protons by their simultaneous detection by means of an electro-optical sampling and a time-of-flight diagnostics, respectively, supported by numerical simulations showing an excellent agreement.In this Letter, a 1×3 polarization-insensitive optical power splitter based on cascaded tapered silicon waveguides is proposed and experimentally demonstrated on a silicon-on-insulator platform. By utilizing the particle swarm optimization algorithm and the finite difference time domain method, the structural parameters of the coupling regions are carefully designed to achieve polarization-insensitive property, compact size, low insertion loss, high uniformity, and broad bandwidth. The coupling length can be as short as 7.3 µm. Our measurement results show that, at 1550 nm, the insertion losses of the fabricated device operating in transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) polarizations are, respectively, 0.068 dB and 0.62 dB. Within a bandwidth from 1525 to 1575 nm, the insertion loss is lower than 0.82 dB and the uniformity is less than 1 dB for the fabricated device operating in TE polarization, while the fabricated device operating in TM polarization can have an insertion loss smaller than 1.50 dB and a uniformity lower than 1 dB from 1528 to 1582 nm.This publisher's note contains corrections to Opt. Lett.45, 5136 (2020)OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.394137.Direct 2D spatial-coherence measurements are increasingly gaining importance at synchrotron beamlines, especially due to present and future upgrades of synchrotron facilities to diffraction-limited storage rings. We present a method to determine the 2D spatial coherence of synchrotron radiation in a direct and particularly simple way by using the Fourier-analysis method in conjunction with curved gratings. selleck chemical Direct photon-beam monitoring provided by a curved grating circumvents the otherwise necessary separate determination of the illuminating intensity distribution required for the Fourier-analysis method. Hence, combining these two methods allows for time-resolved spatial-coherence measurements. As a consequence, spatial-coherence degradation effects caused by beamline optics vibrations, which is one of the key issues of state-of-the-art X-ray imaging and scattering beamlines, can be identified and analyzed.This Letter demonstrates a method to simultaneously measure the quantitative-phase signal (QPS) of the observed specimen and the refractive index of its surrounding medium (n m ) in a time-resolved manner using a micro-structured coverslip. Such coverslips, easily integrated into perfused live-cell imaging chambers, allow to use various quantitative-phase imaging techniques to achieve this dual measurement. Since QPS is crucially dependent on n m , the measurement of the latter paves the way for its manipulation in a controlled manner leading to a QPS contrast modulation for appealing applications, including visualizing the interior of cells.This Letter discusses the generation of 3D-printed micro-optics to obtain the desired beam profile from a multimode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) with a significantly reduced divergence angle via the usage of high-resolution two-photon polymerization. Due to the low cost and compact packaging, the VCSEL array is a novel light source for structured-light projection. link2 Particularly for long-distance 3D sensing applications, a greatly reduced divergence angle ensures that a good signal with a sufficiently large number of photons can be recorded, and the projected illumination spots do not overlap. Therefore, exact laser beam characterization and appropriate physical modeling are required in accurate production of an optimal collimator lens. link3 Furthermore, elliptical beam profiles with different orientations can solve the correspondence problem and improve the post-processing speed and robustness in structured light. To generate this special type of beam profile and verify the optical design process, this Letter describes thoroughly the optical prototyping process starting from the beam characterization, the optical design to the production of the two-photon polymerized optics, and its validation. The test of the beam profile and divergence confirm a good match of the produced optics with the physical optical simulation in Zemax. The collimator transforms the input laser beam divergence angle of 324 mrad to an output angle of 20 mrad only.This Letter targets the assessment of the well-known Tenti S6 model for predicting the Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering (RBS) spectra of select gas-phase hydrocarbon fuels (CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C3H8, and C4H10) over a temperature range of 300 to 700 K. The Tenti S6 model is evaluated by comparing filtered Rayleigh scattering (FRS) measurements to synthetic FRS signals generated from the combination of the Tenti S6 output and an accurate iodine absorption filter model. The experimental and synthetic FRS results agree very well ( less then 3% difference) over the full temperature range for CH4, C2H2, and C2H4, indicating accurate calculation of the RBS spectra. For C3H8 and C4H10, there are some large differences between the experimental and synthetic FRS results which cannot be resolved through tuning of bulk viscosity, internal heat capacity, or inclusion of vibrational degrees of freedom, suggesting the need for detailed measurements of the Rayleigh-Brillouin spectra.In this Letter, we report a chip-based photonic radio-frequency (RF) mixer with a maximum conversion gain of -9dB and image rejection ratio of 50 dB for 3.2 GHz to 13.2 GHz RF frequency range. This is achieved by the combined use of optical carrier suppression modulation and on-chip stimulated Brillouin scattering. These results will stimulate future implementations of integrated photonic RF mixers in complicated electromagnetic environments.We report a line-scanning imaging modality of compressive Raman technology with a single-pixel detector. The spatial information along the illumination line is encoded onto one axis of a digital micromirror device, while spectral coding masks are applied along the orthogonal direction. We demonstrate imaging and classification of three different chemical species.This publisher's note contains corrections to Opt. Lett.45, 5262 (2020)OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.402371.A diode-pumped neodymium-doped gadolinium vanadate (NdGdVO4) laser is developed as a compact efficient yellow light at 578 nm by means of intracavity stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in a potassium gadolinium tungstate (KGW) crystal and the second-harmonic generation in a lithium triborate crystal. The SRS process with a shift of 768cm-1 is achieved by setting the polarization of the fundamental wave along the Ng axis of the KGW crystal. The self-Raman effect arising from the NdGdVO4 crystal is systematically explored by employing two kinds of coating specification for the output coupler. With a specific coating on the output coupler to suppress the self-Raman effect, the maximum output power at 578 nm can reach 3.1 W at a pump power of 32 W. Moreover, two different lengths for the NdGdVO4 crystal are individually used to verify the influence of the self-Raman effect on the lasing efficiency.A new laser system has been developed to generate coherent deep ultraviolet (DUV) radiation at 272 nm. The DUV lasers were produced via intra-cavity frequency doubling of the Tb3+LiYF4 lasers emitting fundamentally at 544 nm. Continuous-wave (cw) and Q-switched operations were performed with a type I phase-matched β-BaB2O4 nonlinear crystal. The cw operation produces 127 mW of averaged DUV output power. Passive Q-switched operation was realized by using Co2+MgAl2O4 saturable absorbers. At an initial transmittance (excluding Fresnel reflections) of 99% at 544 nm, stable pulsed output at 272 nm with maximum single-pulse energy of 7.6 µJ and peak power of 6.1 W was obtained. Furthermore, by employing a smaller initial transmittance of 94.7%, we achieved maximum averaged DUV output power of 277 mW. The statistically averaged single-pulse DUV energy and peak power were estimated to be around 100 µJ and 320 W, respectively, which indicates great potential for this DUV laser system toward high energy and peak power.Few-layered graphdiyne (GDY) was successfully fabricated and applied as a saturable absorber to generate a watt-level ultrafast solid-state bulk laser. The maximum output power of up to 1.27 W was obtained with a pulse width of 23 ps and a repetition rate of 92.9 MHz, using NdYVO4 crystal as a gain medium. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of GDY as a mode locker in all-solid-state bulk lasers. These results indicate the promising potential of GDY for producing high-power ultrafast lasers.We investigate nonlinear transmission regimes of a polarization-multiplexed 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (PDM-16-QAM) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexed (OFDM) signal in a long-haul optical link. We study the dependence between the strength of nonlinear distortion and statistical properties of a PDM-OFDM signal. We also consider the constellation shaping-based solutions that allow to significantly reduce the bit error rate (up to three to 12 times at the cost of 5%-20% signal redundancy) and propose a method to analytically optimize the symbol distribution for higher-order modulation formats using only the initial signal.This Letter shows that the parametric processes of spontaneous three-photon down-conversion is accompanied by phase tristability of the sub-harmonic signal. The oscillations of the signal in a resonant cavity are modeled through an analytically solvable second-order nonlinear oscillator. Self-sustained oscillations of the signal at a finite amplitude are found to be equally probable in three states with uniform phase contrasts. The onset of oscillations is a case of bifurcation from infinity. The stability of the ternary states is proven through an energy landscape function that identifies the attractor basins of the three states. An analogy is drawn between the oscillation threshold of a three-photon down-conversion oscillator and a first-order phase transition. The investigated phase-tristable oscillator can serve as a classical ternary bit for unconventional computing applications.Cladding-pumped Tm-doped fiber lasers operating below 1950 nm have difficulty matching the high-efficiency, power-scalable output that can be achieved at longer wavelengths. This challenge arises due to the strong three-level behavior at short wavelengths and strong competition from higher-gain long wavelength emission. In this Letter, we demonstrate a nested-ring fiber design in which a highly doped Tm ring is embedded within a larger undoped core. The fiber is specifically tailored for highly efficient and high power short-wavelength operation ( less then 1950nm). The nested-ring Tm fiber laser has generated 62 W of single-mode 1907 nm output with up to 65% (70%) slope efficiency with respect to launched (absorbed) pump power.

Autoři článku: Mejerbolton2101 (Abdi Williams)