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High-throughput atomistic simulations reveal the unique effect of solute atoms on twin variant selection in Mg-Al alloys. Twin embryo growth first undergoes a stochastic incubation stage when embryos choose which twin variant to adopt, and then a deterministic growth stage when embryos expand without changing the selected twin variant. An increase in Al composition promotes the stochastic incubation behavior on the atomic level due to nucleation and pinning of interfacial disconnections. At compositions above a critical value, disconnection pinning results in multiple twin variant selection.For building a scalable quantum processor with superconducting qubits, ZZ interaction is of great concern because its residual has a crucial impact to two-qubit gate fidelity. Two-qubit gates with fidelity meeting the criterion of fault-tolerant quantum computation have been demonstrated using ZZ interaction. However, as the performance of quantum processors improves, the residual static ZZ can become a performance-limiting factor for quantum gate operation and quantum error correction. Here, we introduce a superconducting architecture using qubits with opposite-sign anharmonicity, a transmon qubit, and a C-shunt flux qubit, to address this issue. We theoretically demonstrate that by coupling the two types of qubits, the high-contrast ZZ interaction can be realized. Thus, we can control the interaction with a high on-off ratio to implement two-qubit controlled-Z gates, or suppress it during two-qubit gate operation using XY interaction (e.g., an iSWAP gate). The proposed architecture can also be scaled up to multiqubit cases. In a fixed coupled system, ZZ crosstalk related to neighboring spectator qubits could also be heavily suppressed.Subwavelength channels filled with near-zero-index (NZI) media can realize extraordinary optical functionalities, for example, tunneling electromagnetic wave without reflections, but usually confined in a narrow wavelength band due to the material singularity (refractive index n≈0), which seriously limits the practical potentials. In this Letter, we show this limit can be fundamentally overcome by an alternative, named near-zero-index-featured (NZIF) structure, with the singularity transmuted via a controlled optical conformal mapping, enabling the device implementation with nonmagnetic normal dielectrics (i.e., relative permittivity >1). Their equivalence is strictly examined through a subwavelength tunneling waveguide. Classic wave tunneling features in a broad frequency range are revealed in various confined geometries. These properties are robust against the disturbance of several kinds of structural defects benefited from the infinite effective local wavelength. The broadband and lossless NZIF medium proposed here provides a promising way to pursue the fascinating light controlling functionalities as initially enabled by singular NZI materials.We propose a method for detecting bipartite entanglement in a many-body mixed state based on estimating moments of the partially transposed density matrix. The estimates are obtained by performing local random measurements on the state, followed by postprocessing using the classical shadows framework. Our method can be applied to any quantum system with single-qubit control. We provide a detailed analysis of the required number of experimental runs, and demonstrate the protocol using existing experimental data [Brydges et al., Science 364, 260 (2019)SCIEAS0036-807510.1126/science.aau4963].Gravity-driven flows of granular matter are involved in a wide variety of situations, ranging from industrial processes to geophysical phenomena, such as avalanches or landslides. These flows are characterized by the coexistence of solid and fluid phases, whose stability is directly related to the erosion and sedimentation occurring at the solid-fluid interface. To describe these mechanisms, we build a microscopic model involving friction, geometry, and a nonlocal cooperativity emerging from the propagation of collisions. This new picture enables us to obtain a detailed description of the exchanges between the fluid and solid phases. The model predicts a phase diagram including the limits of erosion and sedimentation, in quantitative agreement with experiments and discrete-element-method simulations.Colloidal gels may experience syneresis, an increase in volume fraction through expulsion of the continuous phase. This poroelastic process occurs when adhesion to the container is weak compared to endogenous stresses which develop during gelation. In this work, we measure the magnitude of syneresis, ΔV/V_0, for gels composed of solid, rubber, and liquid particles. Surprisingly, despite a constant thermoresponsive interparticle potential, gels composed of liquid and elastic particles synerese to a far greater extent. We conclude that this magnitude difference arises from contrasting modes of stress relaxation within the colloidal gel during syneresis either by bending or stretching of interparticle bonds.The electronic structure of a molecular quantum ring (stacks of 40-unit cyclic porphyrin polymers) is characterized via scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Our measurements access the energetic and spatial distribution of the electronic states and, utilizing a combination of density functional theory and tight-binding calculations, we interpret the experimentally obtained electronic structure in terms of coherent quantum states confined around the circumference of the π-conjugated macrocycle. These findings demonstrate that large (53 nm circumference) cyclic porphyrin polymers have the potential to act as molecular quantum rings.We consider microscopic models of active particles whose velocities, rotational diffusivities, and tumbling rates depend on the gradient of a local field that is either externally imposed or depends on all particle positions. Despite the fundamental differences between active and passive dynamics at the microscopic scale, we show that a large class of such tactic active systems admit fluctuating hydrodynamics equivalent to those of interacting Brownian colloids in equilibrium. We exploit this mapping to show how taxis may lead to the lamellar and micellar phases observed for soft repulsive colloids. In the context of chemotaxis, we show how the competition between chemoattractant and chemorepellent may lead to a bona fide equilibrium liquid-gas phase separation in which a loss of thermodynamic stability of the fluid signals the onset of a chemotactic collapse.We report on the first measurement of flux-integrated single differential cross sections for charged-current (CC) muon neutrino (ν_μ) scattering on argon with a muon and a proton in the final state, ^40Ar (ν_μ,μp)X. The measurement was carried out using the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber detector with an exposure of 4.59×10^19 protons on target. Events are selected to enhance the contribution of CC quasielastic (CCQE) interactions. The data are reported in terms of a total cross section as well as single differential cross sections in final state muon and proton kinematics. We measure the integrated per-nucleus CCQE-like cross section (i.e., for interactions leading to a muon, one proton, and no pions above detection threshold) of (4.93±0.76_stat±1.29_sys)×10^-38  cm^2, in good agreement with theoretical calculations. The single differential cross sections are also in overall good agreement with theoretical predictions, except at very forward muon scattering angles that correspond to low-momentum-transfer events.Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been used to successfully predict molecular properties calculated based on the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT). Although this prediction is fast and accurate, we believe that a DNN model for KS-DFT must not only predict the properties but also provide the electron density of a molecule. This Letter presents the quantum deep field (QDF), which provides the electron density with an unsupervised but end-to-end physics-informed modeling by learning the atomization energy on a large-scale dataset. QDF performed well at atomization energy prediction, generated valid electron density, and demonstrated extrapolation.Recent research has considered the stochastic thermodynamics of multiple interacting systems, representing the overall system as a Bayes net. I derive fluctuation theorems governing the entropy production (EP) of arbitrary sets of the systems in such a Bayes net. I also derive "conditional" fluctuation theorems, governing the distribution of EP in one set of systems conditioned on the EP of a different set of systems. I then derive thermodynamic uncertainty relations relating the EP of the overall system to the precisions of probability currents within the individual systems.Piezoelectrics are critical functional components of many practical applications such as sensors, ultrasonic transducers, actuators, medical imaging, and telecommunications. So far, the best performing piezoelectrics are ferroelectric ceramics, many of which are toxic, heavy, hard, and cost-ineffective. Recently, a groundbreaking discovery of extraordinarily large piezoelectric coefficients in the family of organic-inorganic perovskites gave a hope for a cheaper, environmentally friendly, inexpensive, lightweight, and flexible alternative. Entinostat However, the origin of such a response in organic-inorganic ferroelectrics whose spontaneous polarization is an order of magnitude smaller than for inorganic counterparts remains unclear. In our study, we employ first-principles simulations to predict that the mechanism associated with large piezoelectric constants is of extrinsic origin and associated with switching between the stable phase and a previously overlooked energetically competitive metastable phase that can be stabilized by the external stress. The phase switching changes the polarization direction and therefore produces a large piezoelectric response similar to PbZr_1-xTi_xO_3 near the morphotropic phase boundary. The existence of such metastable phases is likely to manifest as the dynamical molecular disorder above the Curie temperature and therefore could be intrinsic to the entire family of organic-inorganic ferroelectrics with such disorder.We report the results of a new search for long-range spin-dependent interactions using a Rb-^21Ne atomic comagnetometer and a rotatable electron spin source based on a SmCo_5 magnet with an iron flux return. By looking for signal correlations with the orientation of the spin source we set new constraints on the product of the pseudoscalar electron and neutron couplings g_p^eg_p^n/ℏc less then 1.7×10^-14 and on the product of their axial couplings g_A^eg_A^n/ℏc less then 5×10^-42 to a new particle with a mass of less than about 1  μeV. Our measurements improve by about 2 orders of magnitude previous constraints on such spin-dependent interactions.Thanks to recent measurements of tidal deformability and radius, the nuclear equation of state and structure of neutron stars are now better understood. Here, we show that through resonant tidal excitations in a binary inspiral, the neutron crust generically undergoes elastic-to-plastic transition, which leads to crust heating and eventually meltdown. This process could induce ∼O(0.1) phase shift in the gravitational waveform. Detecting the timing and induced phase shift of this crust meltdown will shed light on the crust structure, such as the core-crust transition density, which previous measurements are insensitive to. A direct search using GW170817 data has not found this signal, possibly due to limited signal-to-noise ratio. We predict that such a signal may be observable with Advanced LIGO Plus and more likely with third-generation gravitational-wave detectors such as the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer.

Autoři článku: Meinckemccurdy6886 (McElroy Bork)