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We report on a new technique of silicon surface nanostructuring in liquid with a pair of Gaussian-shaped femtosecond laser pulses. The bubble, generated in liquid near the molten silicon surface by the first pulse, serves as a dynamic microscale obstacle for spatial modulation of the intensity profile of the second pulse following at a certain delay via scattering processes. As a result, the circular ripple patterns with anomalously high surface-relief modulation, undersurface annular nanocavities, and interfacial smoothness are produced at the surface. The possibility of the control over the specific pattern through the laser intensity variation is shown.A common technique to realize the gradient electric field profile that is required in liquid crystal tunable lenses is the use of a weakly conductive layer. Thanks to this layer, an applied voltage with a certain frequency allows us to obtain a refractive index profile that is required for the lens operation. Due to the limited degrees of freedom, however, it is not possible to avoid aberrations in a weakly conductive layer-based tunable lens for a continuously tunable focal length. In this work, we discuss the use of additional higher frequency components in the voltage signal to reduce the lens aberrations drastically.Mid-infrared femtosecond vortex beams generated by optical parametric oscillators (OPO) are reported for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Order-tunable femtosecond Hermite-Gauss beams from the first to sixth order are produced from a synchronously pumped OPO and then converted into the corresponding first through sixth-order femtosecond vortex beams by a cylindrical lens mode converter. By slightly tuning the cavity length, the wavelength of the vortex beam can be continuously tunable in the range from 2323 to 2382 nm, and the pulse duration can be changeable from $\sim400\;\rm fs$∼400fs to $\sim1.1\;\rm ps$∼1.1ps. The work provides a flexible and reliable way to generate mid-infrared femtosecond vortex beams, and is of special significance for expanding the wavelength range of femtosecond vortex beams and their application fields.We demonstrate a plasmonic fiber tip for relative humidity (RH) detection by integrating a gold nanomembrane onto the end-face of a multimode optical fiber via a flexible and high-efficiency transfer method. Fast water condensation/evaporation is responsible for the high performance of the fiber tip in response to RH. A high sensitivity of 279 pm/%RH is obtained in the range of $ 11\% \sim 92\% \rm RH $11%∼92%RH. Taking advantage of the fast dynamics (response and recovery times of 156 ms and 277 ms), the plasmonic fiber tip offers an excellent detection capability to human breaths at varied frequencies and depths. The compact, easy-fabrication, and fast-dynamics plasmonic platform has versatile potential for practical applications, including environmental and healthcare monitoring, as well as biochemical sensing.We present a dispersive imaging method for trapped quantum gases based on digital off-axis holography. Both phase delay and intensity of the probe field are determined from the same image. Due to the heterodyne gain inherent to the holographic method, it is possible to retrieve the phase delay induced by the atoms at probe beam doses two orders of magnitude lower than phase-contrast imaging methods. Using the full field of the probe beam, we numerically correct for image defocusing.This publisher's note contains corrections to Opt. Lett.45, 13 (2020).OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.45.000013.It is difficult to maintain high transverse resolution over an increased depth range using miniature probes for optical coherence tomography (OCT) due to the rapid divergence of light and the space limitation. To solve this problem, we introduce a fiber-based filter in the proposed probe to manipulate its output beam. Significant mode interference (MI) is exploited to enhance the depth of focus (DOF), and the mode phase difference is tuned to achieve a uniform axial intensity within the DOF. The magnified MI field instead of the diffracted one is adopted as the final pupil filter in the probe to increase its working distance (WD). The probe is fabricated with a diameter of 125 µm and a total length of 2.6 mm for its distal fiber optics. Compared to the conventional probe with similar minimal lateral resolution of better than 4.4 µm, the proposed probe achieves two times that of the DOF gain and 1.7 times that of the WD. Improvements in performance of the probe are demonstrated by OCT imaging using a fresh lemon and human skin. With merits of enhanced imaging quality and easy fabrication, the proposed probe poses great potential for important applications, especially for endoscopic imaging of human internal organs in vivo.In this Letter, we report on an algorithm and its implementation to reconstruct the wavefront as a continuous function from a bitmap image of the Hartmann-Shack pattern. The approach works with arbitrary raster geometry and does not require explicit spot definition and phase unwrapping. The system matrix, defining the coefficients of wavefront decomposition in the system of basis functions, is obtained as a result of a series of convolutions and thresholding operations on the reference and sample images.The spectrum overlapping of the radiative power between magnetic and electric dipole moments in nanoparticles can be used to realize unidirectional light scattering, which is promising for various kinds of applications. Nevertheless, it is still challenging to achieve such overlapping in a broadband manner. Herein, we propose that the combination of a genetic algorithm, Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic multipole expansion can be used to design a nanoparticle that supports resonant broadband forward light scattering. Microwave experiments are performed to demonstrate our numerical results. The proposed method is quite general, and it can be straightforwardly generalized to design functional unidirectional scatters.High-speed three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging by structured-light profilometry is currently driven by numerous applications. However, the limited speeds in fringe pattern projection, image acquisition, and data transmission have strained the existing methods from reaching kilohertz-level acquisition, processing, and display of 3D information during the occurrence of dynamic events (i.e., in real time). To overcome these limitations, we have developed band-limited illumination profilometry (BLIP) with a CoaXPress interface (CI), which enables real-time high-speed 3D surface imaging. We have demonstrated the system's performance by imaging various static and fast-moving 3D objects in real time. We have also applied this system in fluid mechanics by imaging dynamics of a flag, which allowed observation of the wave propagation, gravity-induced phase mismatch, and asymmetric flapping motion. find more We expect CI-BLIP to find diverse scientific and industrial applications.Controlling coherence and interference of quantum states is one of the central goals in quantum science. Different from energetically discrete quantum states, however, it remains a demanding task to visualize coherent properties of degenerate states (e.g., magnetic sublevels). It becomes further inaccessible in the absence of an external perturbation (e.g., Zeeman effect). Here, we present a theoretical analysis of all-optical control of degenerate magnetic states in the molecular hydrogen ion, $ \rm H_2^ + $H2+, by using two time-delayed co- and counterrotating circularly polarized attosecond extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulses. We perform accurate simulations to examine this model by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation. A counterintuitive phenomenon of quantum interference between degenerate magnetic sublevels appears in the time-dependent electronic probability density, which is observable by using x-ray-induced transient angular and energy-resolved photoelectron spectra. This work provides an insight into quantum interference of electron dynamics inside molecules at the quantum degeneracy level.We present a versatile ultrafast holmium-doped fiber laser with an intracavity Martinez compressor. The compressor enables continuous dispersion control, spectral filtering, and dual-color operation of the laser. Mode locking is supported for net cavity dispersion values ranging from highly anomalous (-1.42ps2) to net normal (0.3ps2), and wavelength tuning of the optical solitons is obtained in a 2021-2096 nm span. Dual-color pulsed operation of the laser is reached by implementing a mechanical bandstop filter within the compressor. The repetition rate offset of the two emitted frequency combs can be tuned in a 3-8 kHz range by adjusting the net cavity dispersion, or by changing the beam block diameter. We show that a relatively simple fiber resonator integrated with a Martinez compressor can serve as a highly tunable laser source.To overcome the resolution limits in laser processing technologies, it is highly attractive to translate concepts used in advanced optical microscopy. In this prospect, the nonlinear nature of absorption in dielectrics with femtosecond lasers is recurrently taken as a direct advantage in an analogous way to excitation in multiphoton microscopy. However, we establish that no direct benefit in resolution can be expected when laser ablation is observed. We explore widely different nonlinear regimes using ultrashort pulses at different wavelengths (1550 and 515 nm) and target materials of various bandgaps (3.8-8.8 eV). We find in the experiments that the shapes of all ablation features correspond to a one-to-one mapping of the beam contours at a strict threshold intensity. The nonlinearity-independent response shows that the incorporation of extreme UV should provide a direct route to the nanoscale resolutions routinely achieved in lithography.A theoretical formalism is presented to describe coupling of an electromagnetic field into the modes of a planar waveguide, where the electromagnetic field has a non-uniform transverse profile and is incident at an arbitrary angle. The theoretical approach is used to investigate coupling of a Gaussian electromagnetic field into a $\rm LiNbO_3$LiNbO3 planar waveguide, where the calculations are shown to be in excellent agreement with finite-different time-domain simulations. This formalism is essential to phase-matched frequency-conversion waveguides based on nonlinear optical phenomena, which can rely on coupling the excitation field into selective higher-order waveguide modes of either even or odd parity.This publisher's note contains corrections to Opt. Lett.45, 758 (2020)OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.384168.The length variation associated with standard cleaving of III-V optoelectronic chips is a major source of loss in the integration with the micron-scale silicon-on-insulator waveguides. To this end, a new, to the best of our knowledge, approach for precise definition of the III-V chip length is reported. The method employs lithography and wet etching of cleave marks outside the active III-V waveguides. The marks follow a specific crystallographic orientation and are used to initiate and guide the cleaving process. Besides minimizing the air gap between the butt-coupled III-V and Si waveguides and hence minimizing the coupling losses, the use of precisely defined length significantly improves the integration yield owing to the increased length uniformity. We apply this technique to defining the lengths of GaAs-based semiconductor optical amplifiers and demonstrate length control with an accuracy better than 250 nm per facet. This variation is more than 1 order of magnitude smaller than with the traditional cleaving methods, resulting in improvement of coupling by several dBs.

Autoři článku: Mcleangissel7148 (Cline Niebuhr)