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Nobel metal nanohole arrays have been used extensively in chemical and biological systems because of their fascinating optical properties. Gold nanohole arrays (Au NHAs) were prepared as surface plasmon polariton (SPP) generators for the surface-enhanced sum-frequency generation (SFG) detection of 4-Mercaptobenzonitrile (4-MBN). The angle-resolved reflectance spectra revealed that the Au NHAs have three angle-dependent SPP modes and two non-dispersive localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) modes under different structural orientation angles (sample surface orientation). An enhancement factor of ~30 was achieved when the SPP and LSPR modes of the Au NHAs were tuned to match the incident visible (VIS) and output SFG, respectively. This multi-mode matching strategy provided flexible controls and selective spectral windows for surface-enhanced measurements, and was especially useful in nonlinear spectroscopy where more than one light beam was involved. The structural orientation- and power-dependent performance demonstrated the potential of plasmonic NHAs in SFG and other nonlinear sensing applications, and provided a promising surface molecular analysis development platform.Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a waterborne pathogen of public health importance. In South Africa (SA), unique HAV subgenotype IB strains have been detected in surface and wastewater samples, as well as on fresh produce at the point of retail. However, due to the use of molecular-based assays, the infectivity of the detected strains was unknown. Considering the potential shift of HAV endemicity from high to intermediate, which could increase the risk of severe symptomatic disease, this study investigated the identity of HAV strains detected before and after viability treatment of selected wastewater discharge samples. For one year, 118 samples consisting of sewage, treated wastewater discharge and downstream dam water were collected from five wastewater treatment plants (WWTP 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Unique HAV IB strains were detected in samples from all five WWTPs, with 11 of these strains carrying amino acid mutations at the immunodominant and neutralisation epitopes. PLX5622 research buy A quasispecies dynamic of HAV has also been detected in sewage samples. The subsequent application of viability PCR revealed that potentially infectious HAV strains were discharged from WWTP 1, 2, 4 and 5 into the dam. Therefore, there is a potential risk of HAV exposure to communities using water sources downstream the WWTPs.Among various types of membrane proteins that are regulated by cytoskeleton, the T cell receptor (TCR) greatly benefits from these cellular machineries for its function. The T cell is activated by the ligation of TCR to its target agonist peptide. However, the binding affinity of the two is not very strong, while the T cell needs to discriminate agonist from many nonagonist peptides. Moreover, the strength and duration of the activation signaling need to be tuned for immunological functions. Many years of investigations revealed that dynamic acto-myosin cytoskeletons and plasma membranes in T cells facilitate such regulations by modulating the spatiotemporal distributions of proteins in plasma membranes and by applying mechanical loads on proteins. In these processes, protein dynamics in multiple scales are involved, ranging from collective molecular motions and macroscopic molecular organizations at the cell-cell interface to microscopic changes in distances between receptor and ligand molecules. In this review, details of how cytoskeletons and membranes regulate these processes are discussed, with the emphasis on how all these processes are coordinated to occur within a single cell system.The expansion of nanotechnology for drug delivery applications has raised questions regarding the safety of nanoparticles (NPs) due to their potential for interacting at molecular and cellular levels. Although polymeric NPs for drug delivery are formulated using FDA-approved polymers such as lactide- and glycolide-based polymers, their interactions with blood constituents, remain to be identified. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of size-selected Poly-lactide-co-glycolide-polyethylene glycol (PLGA-PEG) NPs on platelet activity. The NPs of 113, 321, and 585 nm sizes, were formulated and their effects at concentrations of 0-2.2 mg/mL on the activation and aggregation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were investigated. The results showed that NPs of 113 nm did not affect adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation at any NP concentration studied. The NPs of 321 and 585 nm, at concentrations ≥0.25 mg/mL, reduced ADP-activated platelet aggregation. The platelet activation profile remained unchanged in the presence of investigated NPs. Confocal microscopy revealed that NPs were attached to or internalised by platelets in both resting and activated states, with no influence on platelet reactivity. The results indicate minimal risks of interference with platelet function for PLGA-PEG NPs and that these NPs can be explored as nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery to platelets.Prenatal exposure to Zika virus (ZIKV) is associated with congenital anomalies of the brain and the eye and neurodevelopmental sequelae. The spectrum of disease outcomes may relate to timing of infection as well as genetic and environmental factors. Congenital infections occurring in twin pregnancies can inform the clinical spectrum of these conditions and provide unique information regarding timing of infection and in utero environment with disease pathophysiology. Herein, we report a monozygotic dichorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancy with probable prenatal ZIKV exposure identified through the Colombian ZIKV disease surveillance system. Multidisciplinary clinical evaluations were provided to the twins during their first three years of life through a national program for children with in utero ZIKV exposure. Laboratory evidence of congenital infection as well as microcephaly, brain, eye, and neurodevelopmental compromise related to prenatal ZIKV infection were identified in only one infant of the twin pregnancy.

Autoři článku: Mcknightparrott5713 (Strauss Santos)