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Sialoendoscope was used as a dacryoendoscope, high- definition images of the lacrimal drainage system (LDS) were captured and its performance in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) is reported.

Nasal endoscopy was done as the first in all the cases using a 0°, 2.7 mm nasal endoscope (Karl Stroz Tutlingan Germany). This was followed by Dacryoendoscopy (DEN) of the lacrimal drainage system from puncta till the valve of Hasner. DEN was performed under general anaesthesia in 26 children (including 17 primary and 9 failed probing cases). All cases were examined using 0.8 mm sialoendoscope (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) with fibreoptic light transmission with a side port for irrigation.

We were able to obtain high-definition images of canaliculi, lacrimal sac, sac duct junction, proximal, mid and distal segments of nasolacrimal duct in all the children with CNLDO.In 17 primary cases 16 had distal membranous obstruction and I case had proximal canalicular obstruction. In nine children with history of failed probing, five had membranous obstruction, two had dacryoliths, two had NLD malformation at different levels. An overall success rate of 88.4% was achieved.

Sialoendoscope can be used as high-definition dacryoendoscope for diagnostic and therapeutic use in CNLDO. Useful information can be obtained on dacryoendoscopy in complex CNLDO cases.

Sialoendoscope can be used as high-definition dacryoendoscope for diagnostic and therapeutic use in CNLDO. Useful information can be obtained on dacryoendoscopy in complex CNLDO cases.

To demonstrate the underlying genetic defect that contribute to inherited cataract in a northern Chinese pedigree.

The study recruited a family pedigree with a diagnosis of bilateral coronary cataract with blue punctate opacities. Fourteen family members and 100 healthy volunteers were enrolled. DNA sample of the proband in this family were analyzed by high-throughput sequencing, which was then demonstrated by Sanger sequencing in the remained people in the family and 100 controls. The functional effect of mutant genes was investigated via bioinformatics analysis, including Polymorphism Phenotyping version2 (PolyPhen-2), Protein Variation Effect Analyzer (PROVEAN v1.1.3) Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), and Mutation Taster.

In this three-generation family, a novel heterozygous mutation was found in the kinase domain of CRYBA1 gene (c.340C > T, p.R114C), which was only detected in patients in the family with inherited cataract and were not detected in the remained people in the family nor in normal people. The pathogenic effect of the mutation was verified via bioinformatics analysis.

Our study presented the molecular experiments to confirm that a novel missense mutation of c.340 C > T located in exon 4 of CRYBA1 gene results in a bilateral coronary cataract with blue punctate opacities, which enriches the mutation spectrum of CRYBA1 gene in inherited cataract and deepens the understanding of the pathogenesis of inherited cataract.

 T located in exon 4 of CRYBA1 gene results in a bilateral coronary cataract with blue punctate opacities, which enriches the mutation spectrum of CRYBA1 gene in inherited cataract and deepens the understanding of the pathogenesis of inherited cataract.

Exposure to nature or to green space has positive mental health benefits. Closing of parks and green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced options for mental health and well-being benefits and could have a greater impact on vulnerable populations, especially the elderly. The present study, therefore, explores the physiopsychological impacts of indirect contact with nature, using forest imagery, on the brain activity and autonomic nervous systems of elderly people.

A within-subject design experiment was used.

Thirty-four participants aged 82.9 ± 0.78 years were asked to look at bamboo and urban images for 2 min. During the visual stimulation, α relative waves were measured using electroencephalography as an indicator of brain activity. Heart rate variability and skin conductance (SC) responses were utilized as indicators of arousal. Afterward, psychological responses were evaluated using the semantic differential and the Profile of Mood States questionnaires.

Visual stimulation with bamboo image induced a significant increase in α relative waves and parasympathetic nervous activity and a significant decrease in SC. In addition, a significant increase in perceptions of "comfortable," "relaxed," "cheerful," and "vigorous" feelings was observed.

Indirect contact with nature enhances the physiological and psychological conditions of the elderly. Findings can be used to guide the new design, renewal, and modification of the living environments of the elderly and those who are unable to get outside.

Indirect contact with nature enhances the physiological and psychological conditions of the elderly. Findings can be used to guide the new design, renewal, and modification of the living environments of the elderly and those who are unable to get outside.

Tunneled central venous catheter (tCVC) placement plays an important role in the management of pediatric patients. We adopted a real-time ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular approach to brachiocephalic vein cannulation. We evaluated the outcomes of tCVC placement via a US-guided supraclavicular approach.

A retrospective study was performed for patients who underwent US-guided central venous catheterization of the internal jugular vein (IJV group) and brachiocephalic vein (BCV group) in our institution. The background information and outcomes were reviewed using medical records.

We evaluated 85 tCVC placements (IJV group

 = 59, BCV group

 = 26). Postoperative complications were recognized in 19 patients in the IJV group (catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI),

 = 14 (1.53 per 1000 catheter days); occlusion,

 = 1 (1.7%, 1.09 per 1000 catheter days); accidental removal,

 = 3 (5.2%, 0.33 per 1000 catheter days); and other,

 = 1 (1.7%, 1.09 per 1000 catheter days)) and five patients in the BCV group (CRBSI,

 = 2 (0.33 per 1000 catheter days); catheter damage,

 = 1 (3.8%, 1.67 per 1000 catheter days); and accidental removal,

 = 2 (7.7%, 0.33 per 1000 catheter days)). In the BCV group, despite that, the incidence of postoperative complications was lower (

 = 0.205) and the period of placement was significantly longer in comparison to the IJV group (

 = 0.024).

US-guided placement of tunneled CVC though the BCV results in a low rate of postoperative complications despite longer CVC indwelling times compared to IJV insertion. Our results suggest that BCV insertion of tunneled CVC in children may offer advantages in terms of device performance and patient safety.

US-guided placement of tunneled CVC though the BCV results in a low rate of postoperative complications despite longer CVC indwelling times compared to IJV insertion. Our results suggest that BCV insertion of tunneled CVC in children may offer advantages in terms of device performance and patient safety.Umbilical arterial catheters are often placed at birth in critical ill neonates. Advantages of umbilical arterial catheterization include continuous blood pressure monitoring, accurate blood gas and frequent blood samplings. We described the off-label use of a third generation polyurethane power injectable 3 Fr single lumen peripheral inserted central catheter as umbilical arterial catheter. This clinical case series opens new scenarios about the off-label use of power PICC in newborns. Prospective studies are needed to evaluate the safety and advantages of PICCs as umbilical catheters over the conventional old generation polyurethane neonatal catheters.

Allergy skin test reliability depends on the reagents and controls selected. Histamine is used at 1 mg/ml and 6 mg/ml concentration but few studies address the rationale for selecting one versus the other and how this may impact diagnostic accuracy.

To determine the rate of false negative allergen skin tests responses between UniTest PC (using the 1 mg/mL histamine) and Quintip devices (using 6 mg/mL) for 4 common aeroallergens.

Subjects aged 18-65 with symptoms of allergy to cat and/or ragweed received skin testing with 4 aeroallergens (dust mite mix, timothy grass, ragweed, cat), histamine and control diluent. Those individuals who tested positive to cat or ragweed with one skin prick test (SPT) device but not the other then proceeded to nasal allergen challenge (NAC). AD80 The primary outcomes were the aeroallergen false negative rates and sensitivities of the skin test devices followed by nasal allergen (NAC).

Twenty-five individuals were recruited and underwent a total of 300 SPTs. SPT to allergens (ragweed, dust mite, cat, and timothy grass) resulted in a statistically significant difference in wheal size among the two skin testing devices (

value <0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0006, and 0.0053 respectively). Six NAC procedures were performed to cat/ragweed and 5 of 6 (83% were positive). The overall allergen sensitivity rate for UniTest and Quintip were 97% and 78% respectively with most false negatives due to the use of 6 mg/ml histamine control reagent.

Our study shows that 6 mg/ml concentration of histamine control reagent may contribute to a false interpretation of aeroallergen skin prick test results.

Our study shows that 6 mg/ml concentration of histamine control reagent may contribute to a false interpretation of aeroallergen skin prick test results.We investigated whether the systemic immune inflammation index (SII) on admission is an independent risk factor that predicts the development of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). A total of 429 patients with NSTEMI were enrolled in the study. Contrast-induced nephropathy was defined as an increase in serum creatinine level of ≥0.5 mg/dL or ≥25% above baseline within 72 hour after the procedure. Patients were divided into 2 groups with and without CIN. Demographics, clinical risk factors, angiographic and laboratory parameters, CIN incidence, and SII score were compared between the 2 groups. Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients, who developed CIN, had higher glucose levels (P = .009), neutrophil counts (P less then .001), platelet counts (P less then .001), neutrophil-lymphocyte ratios (P less then .001), high sensitivity C-reactive protein levels (P = .009), and SII levels (P less then .001) than those who did not develop CIN. The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that at a cutoff of 933.2, the value of SII exhibited 77.6% sensitivity and 69.2% specificity for detecting CIN. Our study showed that the SII levels on admission were independently associated with CIN development after PCI in patients with NSTEMI.

Autistic children who speak few or no words or who have an intellectual disability are the most in need of new understandings and treatments, but the most often left out of the research that can bring these benefits. Researchers perceive difficulties around compliance with instructions, testing, challenging behaviours and family stress. Although research with these children can indeed be difficult, their continuing exclusion is unethical and unacceptable. Drawing on our experiences testing a possible treatment for children with profound autism, we provide 10 practical guidelines related to (1) interacting physically, (2) combining play and testing, (3) responding to challenging behaviour, (4) finding suitable tests, (5) relationships with parents, (6) relationships with siblings, (7) involving stakeholders, (8) planning the testing times, (9) the role of the clinical supervisor and (10) recruiting and retaining participants. We hope that these guidelines will prepare and embolden other research teams to work with profoundly autistic children, ending their historical exclusion from research.

Autoři článku: Mcgrathforbes1284 (Hinton Tierney)