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GW441756 in vivo (PMA) and the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (iDMI) are investigated in as grown and 300 °C annealed Co-based ultrathin systems. For this, Co films of various thicknesses (0.8 nm ⩽ t Co ⩽ 5.7 nm) were deposited by magnetron sputtering on thermally oxidized Si substrates using Pt, W, Ir, Ti, Ru and MgO buffer or/and capping layers. X-ray diffraction was used to investigate their structural properties and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) was used to determine the magnetic dead layer thickness and the magnetization at saturation (M s). VSM revealed that the M s for the Pt and the Ir buffered and capped films is the largest. Microstrip line ferromagnetic resonance (MS-FMR), used to extract the gyromagnetic ratio of the thicker Co films, revealed the existence of a second order PMA term, which is thickness dependent. Brillouin light scattering (BLS) in the Damon-Eshbach configuration was used to investigate the thickness dependence of the iDMI effective constant from the spin wave vector dependence of the frequency difference between Stokes and anti-Stokes lines. BLS and MS-FMR techniques were combined to measure the spin wave frequency variation as a function of the in-plane applied magnetic field (where the second order PMA contribution vanishes). The thickness dependence of the effective magnetization was then deduced and used to investigate PMA. For all the systems, PMA results from interface and volume contributions that we determined. The largest interface PMA constants were obtained for Pt- and Ir-based systems due to the electron hybridization of Co with these heavy metals having high spin orbit coupling. Annealing at 300 °C increases both the interface PMA and iDMI for the Pt/Co/MgO most probably due to de-mixing of interpenetrating oxygen atoms from the Co layer and the formation of a sharp Co/O interface.The role of finite size effects on magnetic order has been investigated in samarium nanoparticles prepared by physical vapor deposition. A dense layer composed of distinct nanoparticles with a mean particle diameter of 26 nm was deposited on a diamagnetic substrate. M(T) measurements identify the expected pair of antiferromagnetic ordering temperatures in the bulk Sm precursor, at 113 K and 14 K, where the magnetic unit cell for the lower ordering temperature is 10.36 nm along the c-axis. The high temperature ordering of the hexagonal sites in the Sm nanocrystals is slightly decreased with respect to that of bulk Sm, while the low temperature transition associated with the cubic sites is significantly suppressed. The observed changes are attributed to finite size effects, with ordering suppressed as the particle radius approaches the length of the magnetic unit cell, and surface moments become more prominent.We analyse the morphological, structural and luminescence properties of self-assembled ZnO nanowires grown by chemical vapour transport on Si(001). The examination of nanowire ensembles by scanning electron microscopy reveals that a non-negligible fraction of nanowires merge together forming coalesced aggregates during growth. We show that the coalescence degree can be unambiguously quantified by a statistical analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the nanowires. #link# The examination of the structural properties by x-ray diffraction evidences that the nanowires crystallize in the wurtzite phase, elongate along the c-axis, and are randomly oriented in plane. The luminescence of the ZnO nanowires, investigated by photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, is characterized by two bands, the near-band-edge emission and the characteristic defect-related green luminescence of ZnO. The cross-correlation of scanning electron micrographs and monochromatic cathodoluminescence intensity maps reveals that (i) coalescence joints act as a source of non-radiative recombination, and (ii) the luminescence of ZnO nanowires is inhomogeneously distributed at the single nanowire level. Specifically, the near-band-edge emission arises from the nanowire cores, while the defect-related green luminescence originates from the volume close to the nanowire sidewalls. Two-dimensional simulations of the optical guided modes supported by ZnO nanowires allow us to exclude waveguiding effects as the underlying reason for the luminescence inhomogeneities. We thus attribute this observation to the formation of a core-shell structure in which the shell is characterized by a high concentration of green-emitting radiative point defects as compared to the core.Smart chromic elastomers exhibiting multistimuli responsiveness are of interest with regard to the development of sensors, optical data storage, and smart wearable devices. We report a new design of Cu nanoclusters (Cu NCs) containing polymeric elastomer film, showing reversible fluorescence ON/OFF when subjected to organic solvents (e.g. ethanol, methanol and tetrahydrofuran), and heating/cooling cycles at temperatures lower than 80 °C. Different from the solvato-responsiveness of Cu NCs in solution state, organic solvents increase nonradiative decay and quench fluorescence emission in the solid polymer matrix. It is deduced that lower temperatures (80 °C) trigger an irreversible change of the aggregation state of Cu NCs in the elastomer film. A strong oxidizer (e.g. H2O2) irreversibly quenches the fluorescence emission and changes its color (under sunlight) from light green to blue, by oxidizing Cu NCs to Cu2+ ions. This Cu NC-containing elastomer film illustrates a new pathway to the fabrication of multi-responsive smart optical materials, particularly for potential applications in optical data storage (e.g. thermo-printing), and multistimuli-responsive elastomeric sensors integrated into wearable devices.Polycrystalline Nd2CoIrO6 double perovskite crystallizes in monoclinic crystal structure with P21/n space group. The average grain size of powder sample is 400-500 nm. The dielectric, impedance and ac conductivity of the sample were studied in the temperature range 5-300 K and in the frequency range 20 Hz-2 MHz. link2 Dielectric constant reveals a step like increase from low temperature value of ∼5 to colossal value of ∼104 at high temperature. High value of dielectric constant is associated with Maxwell-Wagner polarization due to large grain boundary capacitance. Cations (Co2+ and Ir4+) disorder leads to variable range hopping conduction of electrons in grain and grain boundary regions. Distribution of grain size induces distribution of relaxation time as confirmed from depressed semicircles in Nyquist plots. Frequency dependent conductivity follows universal power law behavior.The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of GdRh2Si2 is examined in detail via the electron spin resonance (ESR) of its well-localised Gd3+ moments. Below T N = 107 K, long range magnetic order sets in with ferromagnetic layers in the (aa)-plane stacked antiferromagnetically along the c-axis of the tetragonal structure. link3 Interestingly, the easy-plane anisotropy allows for the observation of antiferromagnetic resonance at X- and Q-band microwave frequencies. In addition to the easy-plane anisotropy we have also quantified the weaker fourfold anisotropy within the easy plane. The obtained resonance fields are modelled in terms of eigenoscillations of the two antiferromagnetically coupled sublattices. Conversely, this model provides plots of the eigenfrequencies as a function of field and the specific anisotropy constants. Such calculations have rarely been done. Therefore our analysis is prototypical for other systems with fourfold in-plane anisotropy. It is demonstrated that the experimental in-plane ESR data may be crucial for a precise knowledge of the out-of-plane anisotropy.Based on first-principles calculations, the binding energy of hydrogen atom to Y2O3 and Y2O3|bcc Fe interface (relative to bcc Fe side) with cube-on-cube orientation is at least 0.45 eV, if hydrogen substitutional is considered, or at least 0.26 eV if only hydrogen interstitial is considered. The calculated binding energies do not have a unique fixed value, because they are dependent on the interface structure, the Fermi level of Y2O3 near the interface and the chemical potential of Y/O. Hydrogen substitutional is more stable than hydrogen interstitial near the interface for Fermi level around calculated Schottky barrier height (SBH) at equilibrium. The Y2O3 particle interior can be an effective trapping site for hydrogen. Hydrogen interstitial, hydrogen substitutional and Y/O vacancy have a much lower energy near the interface than within the Y2O3 particle, presumably due to image charge interaction related to their non-zero charge state. For neutral impurities or defects, the energy near interface and that far away from the interface are similar (⩽0.1 eV difference) for a perfect coherent interface. The Y2O3|bcc Fe interface should provide effective trapping sites for hydrogen atoms in oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels.The exact direction of the surface energy characterized functional groups of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) is proposed for achieving enhanced electrical stability of indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) semiconductor thin film transistors (TFTs). The SAM treatment, particularly with the SAM functional group having lower surface energy, makes it difficult to adsorb oxygen molecules difficult onto IGZO. Such an effect greatly improves the positive bias stability (PBS) and clockwise hysteresis stability. For NH2 and CF3 functional groups, SAMs with surface energies of 49.4 mJ m-2 and 23.5 mJ m-2, respectively, improved the IGZO TFT PBS from 2.47 V to 0.32 V after the SAM treatment and the IGZO TFT clockwise hysteresis was also enhanced from 0.23 V to 0.11 V without any deterioration of TFT characteristics. Employing lower surface energy functional groups to the SAM, of the same head and body groups, passivates and protects the IGZO backchannel region from oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Consequently, the enhanced electrical stability of IGZO TFTs can be achieved by the simple and economic SAM treatment.We consider the three-dimensional Hamiltonian for Bi2Se3, a second-generation topological insulator, under the effect of a periodic drive for both in-plane and out-of-plane fields. As it will be shown by means of high-frequency expansions up to second order in the Floquet Hamiltonian, the driving induces anisotropies in the Dirac cone and opens up a quasienergy gap for in-plane elliptically polarized fields. Analytic expressions are obtained for the renormalized velocities and the quasienergy gap. These expressions are then compared to numerical calculations performed by discretizing the Hamiltonian in a one-dimensional lattice and following a staggered fermion approach, achieving a remarkable agreement. We believe our work may have an impact on the transport properties of topological insulators.In this work a comparison of dielectric and mechanical data is presented based on experiments within the linear response limit and beyond that limit. The linear dynamic and shear-mechanical response is discussed in terms of the molecular supercooled liquid tetramethyl-tetraphenyl-trisiloxane. As the dynamics measured by the two methods depict the same temperature-dependence, the underlying cause for the observed responses is assumed to be identical for both methods, namely structural relaxation. The comparison of dielectric and mechanical measurements under high excitation amplitudes reveals that this cannot be assumed for the nonlinear response Mechanical experiments on metallic glasses suggest that involved energies are clearly beyond k B T, with observed nonlinear effects based on the activation of microstructural plastic rearrangements. In contrast, nonlinear dielectric measurements on another molecular glass-former involve energies clearly below k B T, so that nonlinear dielectric effects occur due to energy uptake from the electric field or entropy-based changes in the dynamics, but are very unlikely connected to the triggering of plastic rearrangements by the applied electric field.

Autoři článku: Mcbrideploug5418 (McElroy Fagan)